Danganronpa: Despair's Fallen...

Por Fayklore1

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A fanfiction of the game and anime Danganronpa, the story takes place some years after The Tragedy that took... Más

Chapter 2 - Welcome To Your Prison
Chapter 3 - A New Place To Call Hell
Chapter 4 - Unmasking the Events
Chapter 5 - Closing the Curtains
Chapter 6 - Ascending Further
Chapter 7 - Unexpected Development
Chapter 8 - Bound
Chapter 9 - The Villain
Chapter 10 - Blowing Away The Dust
Chapter 11 - The Track to Death
Chapter 12 - Sorrow and Silence
Chapter 13 - Transmission Received
Chapter 14 - Flesh to Bone
Chapter 15 - Survival of the Fittest
Chapter 16 - Uncovered Truth
Chapter 17 - No Stops Along The Way
Chapter 18 - The Trial To End All Trials
Chapter 19 - The Mastermind
Chapter 20 - The Start of Chaos
Epilogue - It's Never Over

Chapter 1 - Despair's Front Door

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Por Fayklore1


Adam's hands slowly clenched up tight as his fingers felt the cold floor below him. The floorboards felt clean, but the cold temperature made his skin rise. Adams eyes opened slowly as he looked ahead, towards the rows of tables in front of him.

"Where am I?" he said to himself.

Adam held his hands out to the nearest table in front of him and used it to lift him to his feet. He felt wobbly and weak, his legs almost gave up on him but Adam used all his strength to keep himself up while he looked around. The room had a large black chalkboard at the front with a long wooden desk in front of it. The desk was accompanied by a tall comfortable chair on four legs. Above the desk, connected to the roof, was a projector facing at the windowless wall to the left of the chalkboard. Adam looked towards the four rows of chairs, each row including 4 tables each. Each table was exactly the same with their wooden top and wooden chairs with padding in top to make them comfortable. Behind the tables sat two tall bookcases. The right bookcase held lots of different coloured books on the shelves, whereas the left bookcase had transparent tubs with what looked like rulers, sharpeners and Protractors.

"Is this a maths room?" Adam said to himself, but as his focus returned he pushed his right hand into his black jackets pocket.

As his hand pulled out, along came a picture containing two adults, one female and the other male, as well as Adam in between them. The man had a white shirt and a tie around his neck, while the woman was wearing a long pink dress showing her arms and neck.

"Thank god it's here."

He put the picture against the his chest but as he heard the door to the room open behind him the picture was pushed back into his jacket while Adam spun around.

The big brown doors opened wide, a golden hair boy just like Adams hair walked inside wearing a white sweatband around his forehead and a tight yellow shirt over him along with bike shorts and jogging shoes.

"Oh thank god someone else is here!" the boy said in exhaustion.

Adam's head tilted in confusion, "Who are you?"

"I'm Samuel, is what's your Ultimate title?" the boy asked.

Adam straightened himself up as his hands went into his pocket and his head lowered.

"Ultimate Luckster" Adam said in a sigh of depression.

He saw the title as nothing but a huge disappointment in his life. The title got him into the school that guaranteed succeed, but the title itself was nothing but for show. How could anyone be good at being lucky?

"Oh, you're the Luckster then, awesome!" Samuel said proudly.

He stepped up to Adam and stretched out his hand which Adam hesitantly shook in a greeting.

"Are you the only person here?" Adam asked.

"This is the only room I've checked, what is this room anyway?"

Adam took another brief look around before answering, "I think it's for teaching maths."

"Gosh, can we get out then?"

Adam let out a slight smile and nodded as he walked out of the room with Samuel closing the doors after them.

The hallway outside was long with dark blue walls and lights spreading red lights over those same walls. The path went down for 20 metres and seemed to turned to the left, but the other side of the corridor stopped at a wall with two large metal doors on the wall to the left of the end wall.

"Have you checked that door?" Adam asked.

Samuel shook his head, "I awoke outside of your room and checked it first.

Adam walked up to the big metal doors but they immediately moved to their individual sides automatically as he came close enough. The inside revealed a large and clear room with freshly cleaned brown floorboards as well as a tall stage to the left, some stairs leading up to it. To the right was a tall brown set of doors overlooking the room, but what caught Adam's attention were the three bodies laid out on the floor.

Without a word to each other, Adam and Samuel rushed to the three on the floor and proceeded to try and shake them awake.

Adam was above a boy with long black hair and a dark blue shirt with no sleeves. His eyes barely had glasses protecting them and his bottom half had tight blue jeans with black sandals protecting his feet.

The girl Samuel was trying to wake up had short brown hair, an oversized white shirt with black shorts, and white tall boots over her feet.

Lastly, the middle person with his large grey lab coat covering half his body had his short brown hair showing real clear, white shoes over his feet that seemed to be dirty but not a single rip or sign of age, and his legs were covered in black slacks covering his skin completely.

"Hey, wake up!" Samuel said as he shook the girl around.

Adam repeated the words to the boy he was shaking, but the person who opened his eyes was the man in the lab coat. He slowly pulled himself up and rubbed his eyes before turning to Samuel and Adam

"Who are you guys?" he asked.

"Well I'm Adam and this is Samuel."

The man slowly stood and dusted off his lab coat with his hands.

"I'm Frankie."

"What's your talent?" Samuel asked.

Adam looked over to Samuel in confusion, "Is it necessary to make that your first question every time?" asked Adam.

"Of course, this is Hopes Peak right? Meaning everyone here should be Ultimates. Also I find it weird five of us so far are unconscious, so someone without a title is going to be suspicious in my eyes."

Adam sighed to himself as Frankie answered non-hesitantly, "The Ultimate Engineer , nice to meet you all."

Soon enough the other boy, who called himself the Ultimate Multimedia Artist, Joseph, and the girl who was the Ultimate cook, Lexi, were up on their feets introducing themselves.

"There are still more rooms to explore, are you three alright here?" Adam asked.

Lexi nodded gently as she held her knees against her chest, her eyes looking around the room as she tried checking her surroundings.

"I think we'll be fine" Joseph said.

"Well good, there's still other rooms to check is all, we'll be back. If you need us we'll be close" Samuel said, and proceeded to leave the room while Adam stayed in his place for a while.

"You alright, Adam?" Samuel sad.

"Um, yeah. I'll join you soon ok?"

Samuel shrugged his shoulders and left the room while Adam looked over at the three people in front of him.

"Are you sure you three are ok?" Adam said.

"Why do you ask?" Frankie said.

"Just a curious inspection, you three were passed out when we found you so it's better to know."

"I-I'm fine" Lexi said in a soft voice as she stood to her feet, "I just want to know where we are."

She walked over to the wooden doors of the big room, but as she pulled on their handles the doors didn't even move.

"Wait, they won't open. Why?" Lexi said as she tried hitting the doors.

"Calm down, girl. We'll get out, anger won't help now" Frankie said.

Lexi turned to them with a face of sadness, "I know, I'm sorry."

Adam sighed gently, "I'll go check up on Samuel, stay together if possible alright?"

"I'm not leaving this room anytime soon, if that's what you're wondering" Joseph explained as she had his legs straightened out and his arms behind his head.

"Alright then."

Adam turned towards the door and walked out.

The next room down the hall was opposite the maths room Adam had awoken in. The doors were already open and when Adam walked in he found Samuel three other people in what seemed to be an argument.

"Hey, calm down mate!"

Samuels voice echoed through the room as Adam noticed a muscular, short white hair man in a white Karate get-up using both his hands to keep a boy with brown hair, wearing a large fluffy black jumper and blue shorts, and a girl with pink hair, wearing a button up brown shirt and a skirt that reached her knees, apart.

"What's going on in here?" Adam asked.

"L-Let me go you bastard! I only wished to make myself introduced to miss lovely" the boy in the fluffy jacket explained.

"Y-you better keep him away from me or I'll kill you both!" the girl said with obvious anger in her voice.

"Adam, help me out here!" Samuel said upon hearing Adam.

He was trying to grab the fluffy jacket boy and pull him away but all that happened was his feet being squashed.

Adam rushed towards the fluffy jacket boy and landed his arm around the mans chest as he pulled the man down to the ground as Marco let the girl go.

"Thank god, thank you" the girl said in a whisper as she closed her eyes with a sigh of relief.

"Um, no worries."

Adam took a look around the room. It was the same layout as the maths room before but the shelves at the back seemed to have books on the left bookcase instead of tubs of different math equipment.

"Did you three just wake up as well?" Adam said as he held the boy down below him who was struggling to get up.

"G-get off me punk! This is abuse!"

The girl leant forward to the boy with a face full of anger, "You are the one who was going to abuse me!"

Ignoring the argument mong them, the muscular man answered Adam, "No, we were awake for a while now. But I've been trying to keep these two from killing the other til your friend walked in. I'm Marco by the time."

"Adam" Adam said, "And my friend is Samuel. Though we did only just meet ourselves."

Samuel looked over to Marco, "Do you have a title?"

"As in my title for joining Hopes Peak, I'm the Ultimate Dojo Master. And you?"

"The Ultimate Speedster" Samuel said back.

"I'm Stacey, the Ultimate Make-Up Artist, since we are introducing ourselves" the girl said.

The boy below Adam rose his hand, "Benedict, Ultimate Card Trader! Fancy meeting you all!"

"I don't think we care, creep!" Stacey said.

Benedict lowered his hand with a slight grunt as Adam pulled himself off Benedict.

"Marco, if you can, do anything you have to if Benedict tries being like that again" Adam said.

Marco nodded, "I will, I very doubt he'll be able to get past me either way so I dare him to try!"

Adam let out a small giggle as Marco punched his right fist into his left open hand, then turned to Samuel.

"I'm going to go on ahead and search the other rooms."

"I'll join, don't want to be in this mess again" Samuel said back and rushed to Adam's side as they waved goodbye.

The next room had a large pair of pink doors which Adam pushed open, to find three girls inside.

Around the area was a line of three hospital bed with a case on the back wall containing different kinds of medicines over the shelves.

Two of the girls were sitting on top of comfortable chairs, one of them with hair containing mixed colour of pink and blue dye

The other girl sitting in a separate chair had blue dyed hair reaching past their shoulders.

The third girl with purple hair was in front of the blue haired girl while checking her pulse with her fingers but proceeded to turn around at the door opening.

"W-who are you people?" she said in a shaky tone.

"Calm down, I'm Adam" Adam proceeded to say, "did you wake up in this room as well?" Adam asked.

"No" the girl said, "I woke up in the hallway around the corner outside, I walked into this room first and found these two unconscious on the floor.

"So you're checking if they are ok?" Samuel asked.

"Exactly" the girl said and looked over to the multi-coloured hair girl who's eyes were slowly opening.

"U-Uh, why is it so cold?" the girl started to say as Adam and Samuel moved closer.

"Relax, you are alright. Do you feel ok?" the purple hair girl asked as she crouched down to look into the wakening girls eyes.

"I-I think so, what's going on?"

Adam leant forward gently, "You're in some kind of infirmary, can you stand?"

The girl held onto the chair and tried getting up to feets, successfully holding herself up on her feet.

"Good, now for this girl" Joy said and stood back up to feet while heading towards the blue hair girl.

"Are you awake too, give me a sign please!?" the girl said.

No response.

"Leave her for now, we're in no rush" Adam said, "Can we ask for your names?"

The question was directed mainly at the girl who was caring for the other two girls, but both of the girls who were awake answered.

"I'm Lisa, I-I'm the Ultimate Net Idol" the girl with the multi-coloured hair said.

"And I'm Joy, the Ultimate Animal Tamer, nice to meet you two" the purple hair girl said.

"Oh, the net idol!" Samuel said in surprise as he stared at Lisa.

"Y-yes, w-why are you looking a-at me like that?" Lisa said to Samuel in a little fear as she tripped back onto the chair.

"Your videos are so cute! I watch them every day after my run, and I have your songs on CD which I've synced to my phone to listen when running!"

Lisa blushed immediately, "I-I, thank you."

"Samuel, back off alright, you are scaring her" Adam explained.

Samuel rubbed his eyes and looked at the frightened net idol with her face blushing dark red, "I-I'm sorry. You are great though."

Joy sighed and hit her palm on her forehead, "Gosh."

With Joy's words there was a slight moan from behind her, the other girl waking up. Joy quickly turned around and held the girls shoulders while looking into the girls eyes.

"Are you ok? Can you hear me?"

The girl opened her eyes and met with Joy's eyes as she gasps and pushed Joy lightly off of her.

"W-what? Where am I?" she said in a scared tone.

"Don't worry, you're safe. I'm Joy, can you tell me your name?"

The girl gently straightened herself up and looked around the room before responding, "A-Abby."

"Ah, nice to meet you Abby, I'm Joy" Joy said with a smile as she crouched down to Abby, "Are you feeling alright?"

Abby nodded gently and rubbed her ears where earrings in the shape of dolphins were hanging.

"And your title is?" Samuel asked trying to be as nice as he could.

"Um, the Ultimate Aqua Marine" Abby explained.

"Fantastic" Adam said, and began stepping towards the door, "There are still two more rooms. Samuel, can you check on the other two groups of people? Just to see if they are ok, I'll check on the last two doors alright?"

Samuel nodded hesitantly, "Um sure, care to meet in the big room we first checked?"

"Sound good, I'll be there in around 20 minutes then."

Adam exited to the hallway and turned the corner towards the second area of the corridor. There were only two rooms here on the right side of the wall, the first one hard big wooden doors, and the second had a similar pair of doors but coloured light blue.

Adam opened the wooden doors first, it lead into a similar classroom as the math classroom and the classroom after that, but this room had four different people inside.

There were three guys and one girl. The girl had red hair reaching til the start of her neck, and was dressed in a hippie skirt, high heel boots and a shirt which was all red. She was obviously trying to stand out in the flashy colour.

One of the guys had short black hair, and was dressed in a vest with black and white stripes down it. A white shirt was underneath his vest, with baggy brown shorts and tall black boots on his under half.

Both the red hair girl and the black hair guy were sitting down at one of the tables with their heads laid down but they were clearly awake as they noticed Adam walk inside.

At the back of the room stood the two other guys. One of them had a blue set of overalls on with a bright orange fluorescent jacket underneath. His head was covered in a beanie and his feet were covered by large gum boots.

The last guy was reading through one of the books on the shelves, he had short silver hair and wore a basic white shirt with a tie around his neck. His legs were covered in tight black pants reaching just past his knees and his feet were covered with black sneakers, while his hands had black gloves covering his entire hands.

"S-someone else is here!" the beanie wearing man gasped as he ran through the row of tables and towards Adam, hugging him tightly with his gum boots squeaking a little with each step but barely noticeable.

"Whoa, hang on there. Is something wrong? Besides the obvious that is" Adam said in surprise.

The man let go and laughed, "Besides finding ourselves in this room for no particular reason, not really!"

"Are there others here?" asked the guy sitting at one of the tables as he lifted his head.

"Yeah, 10 other people so far. There's one other room we haven't checked though, who are you guys by the way? I'm Adam, my title is the Luckster."

The man in front of Adam took Adam's hand and shook away, "I'm Carlos, the Ultimate Fisherman."

The guy at the table waved softly, "Simon, the Ultimate Director, nice to meet you."

The girl next to him smiled, her skin seeming so unreal and her emotion almost like it had no fear for the random situation they were in, "I'm Rachel, the Ultimate Actress of course. Can't you tell by my pretty face, or have you been living under a rock?"

Adam let out a slight cough and looked over to the man reading the book, so he moved through the row of tables towards him while Rachel let out a little puff of annoyance at being ignored.

"Um, and you?" Adam asked.

The man reading the book simply smiled and closed the book, "These books are meaningless. History events of some kind of mechanical bear fighting evil across the world, how fake can you get."

He pushed the book back on the shelf and looked over at Adam, "I'm Marcus, the Examiner. On that note, why the hell is your title so useless?"

"Excuse me?" Adam asked.

He knew how useless the title itself sounded, but hearing it from someone else was totally different.

"You know what I said, it's nothing but luck correct? What's the point in that?"

Adam grunted a little but simply ignored the man and walked back to the door.

"It's not my choice to say if it has a purpose or not, because I don 't know. But if you want to be useful, head to the large room at the opposite end of this corridor, everyone should be there soon."

And without waiting for a response, Adam had closed the door so he could head to the last door.

He held his hands on the bright blue doors, and proceeded to push them ajar but as they opened he felt a soft breeze go by his face. His body instantly leant a bit to the right on its own as he noticed a small object go by him and hit the wall, halting its process. Adam looked into the room; it had chairs stacked on chairs which were balanced to the sides of the rooms, there were curtains at the far back on the a metal rail on the roof, and lastly there was a big round stage at the far back with several different instruments on top.

As Adam looked closer, he noticed a figure sitting on the front of the stage with his eyes looking forward.

"Oh, so you dodged that" the boy said as he stood to his feet, "that was lucky, even an 8 sided die has the chance to make a deep enough of wound at a high enough velocity that can lead to death when it hits the right point of the human body."

"Y-you threw something like that at me?!" Adam said in anger as he noticed it was an actual 8 sided die on the ground below him.

"Calm down, gosh. You wake up in a room all by yourself and someone besides you opens the door, what was I expecting?!"

The boy stood up and walked towards Adam, but instead of stopping he just walked past him and picked up his die, sliding it into his black vests pocket.

The boys hair was dark brown, reaching his shoulders, and Adam noticed a blue shirt under the vest, as well as long black pants that looked extremely tight on his legs.

"Forgive me if I'm mistaken, but are you the luckster?" the boy asked as he stood back up.

Almost taken off guard, Adam nodded his head, "Y-yeah. Was it how lucky I was to dodge your throw that gave it away?"

"Very perspective of you, as the Ultimate Strategist I have a very precise angle in alot of things, especially my aiming."

"The Ultimate Strategist, I think I've heard that before, what's your name then, I'm Adam."

"Jacob, and if you've heard my title then it's from police records, since I'm the one who saved their asses by solving a tonne of cold cases faster than they marked them cold cases."

"Oh that's your! Fantastic work" Adam said in surprise.

"Eh, child play. I was simply on holiday from my university classes" Jacob explained, "I assume there are other people here correct? I heard others talking in the adjacent room to mine."

"Yeah, I haven't seen them left but we are meant to be meeting in the large room on the other side of this hallway."

It was at those words where there was a sound like static coming from some kind of speakers. Adam looked around and noticed part of the walls flip inwards to reveal a TV on each side of the corridors walls which was turning on. As the picture appeared, it showed a white room and a black chair but no one was sitting on it.

"Are you all hearing me? Hello, hello?"

The sound was so out of this world, so strange and care free, it was neither high or low so it was hard to figure out a gender but something told Adam it was not human.

"I'll just guess you are all listening, this is a school announcement! Now that you all have met each other, it's about time I welcomed you to Hopes Academy. You are our prized students and we will give you a wonderful life here, so we hope you enjoy it, but now if you will join me in the music room which is the room with the bright blue doors, I have something to discuss in person!"

Adam and Jacob looked into the music room where they didn't see anyone inside.

"I'll be awaiting!" the voice said and as it disappeared it left an ominous laugh.

"This room is the only bright blue door room right?" Jacob said.

"Yeah, I've checked the others, there is no other type."

From the history classroom came Simon and Rachel, followed by Marcus and finally Carlos who were looking a little confused except from Marcus who simply walked past the two and into the music room quietly.

"Still a prick I see" Adam said with a sigh.

With a little wait, Adam heard the other ten people come towards the music room so he decided to finally step inside himself.


"So many instruments" Joseph said in excitement as his eyes noticed the instruments on the stage.

Being a Multimedia lover, Adam guessed he had probably heard a lot of different instruments, so of course this would strike his curiosity.

"We don't have time to sight see" Simon said as he guided the group to the stage.

"We know, but the maker of that voice is not here, what do we do?" Rachel said as he rubbed his hair with disappointment.

"We could always just keep close together til they appear" Ben said with a giggle as he kept trying to move closer to Stacey, but he was instantly punched in the cheek which sent him into the stack of chairs beside him.

Adam looked towards the stage, then the speakers returned with the same static noise as before, the voice they'd heard from the TV earlier returning which chilled everyone's spine again.

"You could be patient, not everyone has long legs!"

The voice turned to a growl, but with the end of its words grew laughter which sent chills through everyone's spine. From behind the students shot a white and black bear that flew through the air as if it had been shot from a rocket. Its arms were spread out while it landed on the front of the page and with its landed its paws shot out different kinds of rockets which exploded in small fireworks over the students, the dust falling down causing a lot of coughing in the room.

The bears left side was all white with a small black eye, but its right side was totally black, its eye red and in the shape of a lightning bolt, while its right side of the mouth was spread out in an evil grin.

"A teddy bear...?" Carlos said out loud as if he couldn't understand the situation.

"No!" the bear cried out, turning its body to the right so the black half of its body was seen more than the left, "My names Monokuma! Remember it!"

"Monokuma?" Adam said to himself in confusion as he tried pronouncing the word over and over.

"Yes, and you kids will be addressing me as your mentor! The father of this class!"

"Mentor? This has got to be a joke right, you're remote controlled" Joseph said as he walked up to the stage but he stopped as Monokuma's right eye glowed brighter and from the roof dropped an oversized drill directly above Joseph who didn't seem to notice while the drill stopped inches from his hair.

Most of the students screamed. and as Joseph looked up, his sight noticing the drill immediately, he fell backwards in fright before moving backwards to the other students.

"H-he did that?" Abby said to herself in a whisper.

"The technology inside him is simply advanced, he is still a machine so don't worry" Frankie said in hope to calm the frightened students.

Adam, along with Marcus and Jacob, seemed to be the only ones who weren't shaking in fear, and even with the drill in front of the still, Jacob was moving closer to Monokuma though.

"What are you made of, you lovely piece of machinery?"

Monokuma's right eye glowed with red again as if he was angry, "You want something kid?"

Jacob seemed to ignore the words as he went to poke Monokuma's right eye, but his ears immediately picked up on the sound of some kind of whistling, so he forced his body to the right as Monokuma's left half was sliced open by an arrow shooting out the wall which missed Jacob by an inch and ended up hitting Lisa in the thigh causing her to fall screaming in pain while Joy quickly went to her aid.

Monokuma's body fell to the ground as everyone except Lisa and Joy stared at the lifeless bear but within a second the white half of Monokuma seemed to blink back into existence as if it had repaired itself and Monokuma jumped to its feet proudly.

"No touching the headmaster, do you hear me kid?!" Monokuma said directly at Jacob.

"W-what, you tried killing me!"

"No, hurting, the headmaster or even touching him! You kids will be sure to keep that in mind understand?!"

Adam knelt down to Lisa who was in Joy's arms. Joy had taken her jacket off to tie it around Lisa's thigh to protect the wound, but the arrow was still lodged inside.

"I'll take care of that girl later, gosh the idiot!" Monokuma said.

Monokuma walked freely across the stage, taking big steps at a time as he pranced around, then jumped onto the seat next to the harp. He stretched out his fingerless paws and started playing on the strings but it ended up being played deafening for the students, the sound so messed up for their ears and out of tune they covered their ears.

"These instruments are human-use-only, not bear-use, it makes me sad" Monokuma said with a sigh as he let his paws down from the harp and lowered his head in sadness, but he quickly jumped to the seat for the drums as he picked up the drumsticks.

"But these!"

He started banging against the drums, except for the foot press at the bottom since his feet couldn't reach.

"This is beary possible, I like it!"

"Beary?" Rachel thought.

Jacob, having been leaning against the back wall after dodging that arrow before, was getting a slight headache so he made a cough as loud as he could and clapped his hands so Monokuma would notice.

"What?!" Monokuma said and jumped from the drum set back to the front of the stage.

Jacob sighed and stepped forward again, looking at the group of the other 15 in front of the stage before looking down at Monokuma.

"Don't act stupid, bear, we're all thinking it, what are we doing here, who are you, where are we?"

"It's Monokuma!"

Monokuma let his anger down quickly as he focused on the main question

"Anyway, that doesn't matter and it never will. Now what matters, and what you should focus on from now on, is what happens from now on in this School Life Confinement!"

"School Life Confinement?" everyone thought to themselves, but Adam chose to further the question.

"Do you mean we're trapped here, is that why the exit is locked?"

Monokuma let out a dark laugh as its right paw covered the right half of its mouth, "You see, Hopes Peak Academy has had a plan to keep 16 chosen students and their mentor, or to be specific one chosen class, to stay inside this enclosed academy as an experiment to see how they would cope and how they would react to the environment, you can probably guess who was the chosen class."

Monokuma let out another laugh as his right eye glowed again.

"W-we are... the chosen c-class...?" Lisa the Net Idol said as she screamed in pain again.

"It would seem so, but there is something I don't understand" Marcus said

Monokuma raised his head in curiosity, "What would that be Examiner?"

"Wouldn't we have been told of this, asked if we wanted to, I don't remember anything, nothing like that, it would be illegal to just force us in here."


The teddy bear laughed again then spread its arms out as it bowed forward with its head raised.

"Of course, there's a slight twist to this little entertainment" Monokuma said, "after all, you are right, it's illegal to keep you in here, so you are free to leave, under one condition of course."

"Condition?" Adam said.

Monokuma stepped back and his smile almost seemed like it grew, "Kill!"

The students heartbeats stopped for a second as they were stuck on those words, most likely he had started with that word to mess with them, and it had worked.

"You want to get out of here? Kill someone, in any way you wish; stabbing, smashing, cutting, hanging, poison, that ability hasn't been unlocked sadly, but the choices are all yours!"

Our blood went cold as he continued, Adam pulled on his shirts collar to breathe easier as he took a deep breath and looked at all the other distraught faces around him, but soon enough they all tried to calm down and took deep breaths, Marcus returning to his average sadistic smile like he was in his own happy world.

"We have to..." Marco said

"Kill someone..." Carlos continued.

"To survive?" Benedict finished.

"Now, now don't be so stupid looking, it's just death. Think of it as growing old early. Of course I'm a bear so what do I know, but fuck that! This is your only chance to get out of here so you can either stay here or you can get out, after all it's obvious which decision is better right?"

"How long are we staying here for though...?" Abby said, regretting the question.

"For life!"

The words were not hesitation, they were let out like he'd expected the question to arise, and the answer hit us like a bullet.

"Life... I-Impossible!" Samuel said in shock.

The Net Idol covered her mouth in a large gasp as she held back a scream from the arrow.

Benedict and Frankie were both red in panic, with Stacy looking like she'll fall over but Abby trying to help her stay straight while also keeping herself from falling.

For life, that was a long time, and more importantly the only way to get out was the worst case scenario.

This was a frustrating dilemma to choose between, except then again if this was happening wouldn't the police find out and try to find out what's happening, connecting to a rescue?

There was the chance of that, so there was a little bit of hope. Adam had to hold onto that thought. He was just as confused as the rest of the people here, but just because someone says jump doesn't mean they will jump, right?

No one would be like that right?

It was at that thought Monokuma sat down on his ass and waved, "Well, til next time, the dormitories are outside of the school! Feel free to check out your room, and the cafeteria is there for all of you."

Monokuma's body instantly launched into the air as its ass seemed to fire like a rocket blasting into space, and his body launched over the students. He landed in the corridor outside and his tiny legs ran out of sight. Everyone followed him quickly once out of their trance, but as they entered the corridor and checked around the corner they had lost Monokuma completely.

"H-his gone" Lisa said as she was being carried in Joy's arms.

"But he mentioned the outside right?" Rachel said.

"H-He's got to be joking, right, I thought we were trapped" Marco said.

Immediately they all ran back to the large Entrance Hall room where they found the doors leading outside wide open for all to see, and so they ran right for them only to stop in their tracks.

"What is this...?" Marcus said in disbelief.

"Y-you're kidding me" Adam said in a mutter.

What they saw, was a large glass wall, on the outside perimeter of the school, like a snow globes dome, surrounding the entire school.


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