Criminal Claws [UnitedWarrior...

By UnitedWarriors

11.1K 752 1.5K

" The truth is neither black nor white . " Graystar's clan is being tormented from the inside -- warriors hav... More

Introduction to the Game
Submit Your Character [CLOSED]
First Exile
Day 2
Second Exile
Day 3
Third Exile
Day 4
Consider this
Fourth Exile
Day 5
Fifth Exile
Day 6
Sixth Exile
Christmas Special Chapter
Day 7
Seventh Exile
Day 8
Eighth Exile
Day 9
Ninth Exile
‡‡ Important Notice ‡‡

Day 1

561 32 105
By UnitedWarriors

Graystar stood balancing on top of the Highrock, gazing down at the assembled cats below. Nearly everyone knew about Mallowheart's murder by now, but it was the leader's job to announce it anyways - and to react properly.

"As most of you know," Graystar began in a loud voice that she had to concentrate on keeping steady, "Mallowheart's body was found earlier today in the north woods. She was brutally murdered -- and by a cat." Graystar paused to blink away tears. The death of her grandmother was a hard blow, even though Mallowheart had been an elder. "Our investigations found no strange scents, meaning that Mallowheart was killed by one of our clanmates."

Murmurs of shock and protest arose from the gathered felines as the leader's words sunk in. She could see some cats already glancing fearfully around at their neighbours, suspicious of who among them was a traitor.

"What's more," Graystar meowed loudly, as the cats were not quieting down, "the fact that we could not find conclusive evidence about the attacker's identity leads me to believe that there may be more than one of them. I hope I am wrong."

More outbursts sounded from the warriors and apprentices, but Graystar cut them off quickly. "Mallowheart's death will not go unpunished. The traitor will be found and banished from our clan, never to return. I ask any cat who may have seen anything even a little bit suspicious to come speak to me." The fluffy gray she-cat leapt down from her perch, signalling the end of the meeting, as chatter broke out all around her.

Warriors and apprentices alike immediately broke away from the main clearing, clumping in smaller groups near the edges of camp to discuss the recent events. When no one came right up to Graystar - either to relay their suspicions or to confess their own actions - she decided to make her way around camp, watching and listening.

Laurelgaze and Palefern were sitting together, but they weren't talking to each other; Laurelgaze was watching the camp, her intelligent golden eyes flicking from cat to cat as she studied her clanmates reactions. Palefern, meanwhile, was staring at the ground, looking grumpy. Graystar nodded to both of them, then moved on, but as she padded away she heard Palefern mutter, "great, now the leader's going to be riding everyone's tails until she finds out who killed Mallowheart."

Graystar flicked her ears, but said nothing, and just kept walking.

Cascadefall was boasting in front of Whisperdrizzle and Smallcloud, evidently trying to reassure them. "Don't worry, I'll find those fox-hearted traitors, and then everyone will be safe," he meowed bravely. Whisperdrizzle was quiet, his white tail-tip flicking, but the look in his eyes gave the impression that he was already trying to devise a strategy to discover the killers even as he listened to Cascadefall. Smallcloud was looking up at the bigger tom with timid blue eyes, and Graystar wondered idly if the clingy warrior would ever leave Cascadefall's side again.

A loud call drew Graystar's attention from that group, and she looked over to see Echoleaf standing at the camp entrance, looking ready for action. "I'm leading a patrol to go see if we can find any more clues," the blue-gray she-cat announced to the clan. "Who's coming with me?"

"I'll go," Honeyrose volunteered, stepping up.

"So will I," Tigersplash rumbled. His copper eyes gleamed as he joined the patrol, and knowing his ambitious personality, Graystar figured that he probably wanted to be the one to discover the traitors.

Crowtail slipped into the group without saying anything, and then without any further ado the four warriors turned and made their way out of camp, heading into the forest.

Basilwisp and Leafsky were in a remote corner of the camp, sitting together with their tails twined, murmuring quietly to each other. Graystar's ears perked, but she couldn't hear what the two mates were saying, so she padded closer.

The two looked up and fell silent as Graystar approached.

"Basilwisp, Leafsky," the leader greeted. "Do you have any ideas about who could have done this?"

"None," Basilwisp answered, shaking his head.

"It definitely wasn't us, if that's what you're thinking, Graystar," Leafsky meowed, not looking offended in the slightest. "But really, if I were a traitor, I would kill someone other than Mallowheart. What threat could that poor elder possibly have been?" She shook her head as if disappointed. "Poor Mallowheart. She really was such a kind old cat," she continued sweetly. "I know you were close with her, Graystar."

Graystar dipped her head. "Thank you, Leafsky. Be safe," she advised both of them as she turned away with that troubling conversation in her mind.

She saw Rainsong choosing a mouse from the fresh-kill pile, looking nervous, and not far off Runningstream was sitting alone watching her silently.

Ratflame, Echolight, Featherwing, and Lightdream were grouped together, talking excitedly.

"I bet it was Longclaw," Ratflame meowed loudly, his tail lashing. "Have you seen her claws? She could do some major damage with those things. And Mallowheart was practically torn to shreds!" There was a hint of awe in his voice, almost as if he found that to be inspiring.

"What?" Echolight gasped. "No, I don't believe it. Longclaw is loyal," she insisted.

"I trust her," Lightdream said confidently, his head held high. "I fought off a fox with her once. She's a great fighter."

"She is a little fierce," Featherwing added thoughtfully, "but she's never struck me as a traitor."

"I don't care, I think it's her," Ratflame huffed, his ears angled backwards. "In fact, I'm going to go tell Graystar that!" He leaped to his paws and whirled around, only to jump back in surprise when he realized that Graystar was standing right there, listening to them. "Oh- Graystar-" he stammered, then regained his composure. "Well, you heard me, right? She's definitely your killer," he spat.

"Yes, I heard you," Graystar replied stiffly. She didn't think that the length of someone's claws was enough to accuse them of anything, however. "Thank you for your suspicions. I'll keep it in mind."

Ratflame huffed again and sat back down. "Good."

Graystar turned away only to see Longclaw herself sitting nearby, also listening, her chin lifted. "I am loyal," she told Graystar when their eyes met, and Graystar nodded.

Rosepool and Snowstrike were walking together over to the prey heap, chatting loudly. "Suuuure," Snowstrike said sarcastically in response to what must have been a witty remark from Rosepool, and then the small white she-cat went on talking even as she sniffed the fresh-kill pile, choosing what she wanted to eat. "I wonder how Mallowheart's murder will affect training?"

"Oh, I hope my apprentice is okay," Rosepool said with a frown, her sea-green eyes filled with worry. "Maybe I should go check on her."

"They're probably all freaking out in the apprentice den," Snowstrike guessed, picking up a vole. Graystar hummed and swished her tail, deciding to go check on Snowstrike's claim.

Most of the apprentices were indeed in their den, all except Dewpaw. They seemed to be arguing, and didn't notice Graystar come in.

"But if we just kept watch--" Redpaw was saying, but he was cut off almost immediately by Echopaw.

"No way, that's a job for the warriors," Echopaw said bossily. "We have to stay here, act normally, and not give anyone reason to accuse us of anything!"

"We're apprentices. No one would believe that we could be killers," Tinypaw muttered angrily, "even if we wanted to."

Blackpaw swept his tail as he spoke. "I still think we should try and find out who the traitors are. We could hide just outside the entrance-"

"-And die the same second the traitor did come out," Viperpaw retorted. "You really think you're good enough to take on a bunch of murderous warriors? Yeah right," she sneered.

Graystar cleared her throat meaningfully.

Almost all the apprentices jumped. "Graystar!" Echopaw exclaimed. "Thank StarClan you're here. You need to tell these mouse-brains that they can't go looking for the traitors on their own tonight." She glared over at Redpaw and Blackpaw.

Graystar's breath caught. If the apprentices did try to sneak out at night to investigate, and were caught by the traitors... She felt awful just thinking about such young cats dying in such a horrible way.

"None of you are to leave this den once night falls," Graystar commanded sternly. "And you are certainly not to go looking for traitors on your own. Do you understand me?"

Redpaw and Blackpaw bowed their heads. Echopaw looked smug.

"Not like anyone would miss them," Viperpaw sniffed, turning away.

"That's RUDE!" Blackpaw yelled, his fur bristling.

"Enough," Graystar snapped. "Where's Dewpaw?"

"She went out training with her mentor," Echopaw answered immediately.

"I guess a cat dying doesn't change their day," Viperpaw muttered.

"I wish my mentor would take me out training," Tinypaw grumbled. "But no, I'm stuck here with the lot of you. Actually, wait, no I'm not. I'm a free cat." And with that she stalked out of the den.

"It's not one of her good days," Redpaw said with a sigh, watching her leave.

Graystar sighed too. Dealing with apprentices was such a chore. "Did any of you see anything last night? Anything out of the ordinary, or anyone behaving strangely?"

"Not us, Graystar," Blackpaw replied. "None of the apprentices left the den last night."

"Well, I mean, I was asleep. I could have missed something," Redpaw ventured.

"I dreamed about a rabbit last night," Echopaw offered. "That's out of the ordinary. Usually I dream about mice."

"Are those mice living in your brain?" Viperpaw asked with false innocence.

Echopaw swished her tail. "Your remarks don't bother me, Viperpaw. I know you love me," she purred, causing Viperpaw to roll her eyes.

"If that's all, I'm leaving now," Graystar announced before anything else could be said. "And don't forget that you are all to stay in your den tonight!" she warned, before exiting the den. Calls of "bye, Graystar!" echoed behind her.

Back in the camp clearing, Shademask was sprawled out in a patch of sunshine, fast asleep. Troutstripe was nearby, sitting alone, grooming the fur between his claws.

Pinestep seemed to be taking it upon himself to interrogate the other warriors. He was facing Icespark and Smokeflash, demanding what they knew.

"I'm not telling you anything," Smokeflash was saying stubbornly. "It's the leader and deputy's job to interrogate cats, not yours," he hissed.

"That's a really suspicious answer, you know," Pinestep growled.

"It wasn't either of us, so why don't you go accuse someone else?" Icespark meowed, rising on the defensive.

"Yeah, and even if I were a traitor, I wouldn't tell you anything. You're going about it the wrong way," Smokeflash advised. "If you go around accusing anyone, you won't believe them no matter what they say."

Icespark agreed. "That's true. Try actually observing cats, instead of just baring your teeth at random clanmates."

Pinestep seemed about to make a sharp retort, but then his shoulders relaxed. "No, you're right. Sorry guys. I guess this whole... Mallowheart business is bringing out the worst in me." He grimaced, then shook his head. "But when I find those traitors, StarClan knows they won't stand a chance against me," he claimed.

Graystar turned away. She didn't think she would learn anything else from them.

Not far away, Snowsong was comforting a very fretful Featherpath.

"Don't worry, Featherpath, Graystar will exile the traitor, and then you'll be safe," Snowsong purred.

"B-but what if she doesn't?" Featherpath stuttered. "What if I'm n-next?" Her gaze flicked around the clearing, jumping from cat to cat, as though she was expecting someone to jump in her right then and there, claws reaching for her throat.

"There, there, you'll be alright," Snowsong soothed, giving her friend a quick lick on the top of her head. But there was a glimmer of worry in Snowsong's green eyes as well.

Finally, the only other cats in camp were Kestrelberry and Smokefern.

"I can't believe Iriswhisper took Dewpaw out training," Kestrelberry was saying. "If I had an apprentice, I would be keeping them out of the forest... Mallowheart just died there!" He shook his head in disbelief. "I loved that elder. She was always so kind. I don't think anything could ever make her mad."

Smokefern nodded agreement. "I know what you mean..." he murmured quietly. "It seems almost disrespectful to go out training. Today's a day for mourning."

"Maybe she just wants Dewpaw to be prepared in case she gets attacked. Imagine if an apprentice were killed." Kestrelberry shivered. "I can't think about it anymore."

Graystar was about to go talk to them, and offer a few words of comfort, but at that moment Dawnpetal, the medicine cat, approached her shyly.

"Graystar... I have Mallowheart's body ready for burial. I think..." she hesitated, as if uncertain how Graystar would react. "I think you should exile the traitor first. As a requital in her memory. I don't think she would want this to go unpunished."

"No, she wouldn't," Graystar agreed, and a pang of sadness struck her at the thought of Mallowheart's murder. Graystar didn't want her grandmother's death to go unpunished either.

...if only she knew who the traitor was.

There were so many suspicious words and actions she had to go on, and yet there was nothing conclusive. But someone had to be exiled. For Mallowheart, and for the safety of the Clan.

~★~★~ Comment your vote down below who you think is a traitor! The cat with the most votes will be exiled in the next chapter! ~★~★~

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