Fantasy or Reality (Life is S...

By Nikida-San

113 0 0

Today was the day she was going to be moving out of her comfort zone, Blackwell Academy the prestige art scho... More

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9

Episode 10 (End)

13 0 0
By Nikida-San

Flora was in and out of consciousness, as Chloe sped back to the school, after finding Rachel's body. She tried telling Chloe that they should've gone to the police but Chloe wasn't having it she was going to confront Nathan, alone. When the trio arrived at the school, Flora stayed in the back of the truck, she was still feeling incredibly weak and she still couldn't shake the horrible feeling of paranoia.

Flora stayed in the truck for a bit before getting out and slowly walking to the boy's dorms, she needed to see Nathan, if she needed to talk to him and find out why he was doing this. When she got to his dorm room the door was opened slightly and the locked was broken. Flora opened the door and frowned when she saw the destroyed room.

It looked like there was a struggle, between two people, and Nathan sure didn't win, he wouldn't have left his wallet behind. Flora walked out of the dorm and ran into someone, she stumbled back but caught herself. She looked up and smiled when she saw a very intoxicated Warren. "Flora, hey the teachers were looking for you yesterday. I guess your mom came by to check on you but no one could find you," Flora perked up at the sound of her mother.

If her mother was here she could expose Mark and Nathan, she thought going through her pockets. Of course, she doesn't have a phone, she thanked Warren before making her way to back to her dorm. Right as she went to open the door to the dorm she felt someone grab her. A cloth was put over her face and Flora frowned at the poisonous smell of chloroform as she passed out.

Savannah frowned as she waited in her daughter's empty dorm room, she felt in her heart that something happened to her daughter and when she didn't answer her phone a few days back she used her savings money to book a flight next day to see her daughter. Of course, now she was missing and everyone seemed so nonchalant about it.

She looked at the sketchbook on her desk and opened it looking through some of the beautifully drawn pictures. Many were of one girl who she came to know as Maxine Caufield, Flora often spoke of her and she wondered if their relationship was more than just a friendship.

Savannah continued looking through the sketchbook until she noticed one that made her stomach turn. Mark Jefferson, he was shirtless, and obviously, this scene didn't take place in a school setting. Savannah ripped the picture out of the sketchbook before making her way out of the dorm room. On her way out she stumbled over a large frame leaning against the wall.

She moved the large frame and looked over the large beautifully mysterious photo of her daughter. Every fiber in her body burned when she saw the name at the bottom of the photo, Mark Jefferson.

First thing in the morning she was going to figure out why her daughter was drawing shirtless pictures of her photography teacher and why he was taking nighttime photos of her daughter. Savannah left the dorm and got into her rental car, before frowning and leaning back in her seat.

"I should've just did what your father said and taken her far away from here, I don't know why I thought bringing you back here was a good idea," Savannah said to herself as she took off down the street, there was only one person she could think of that could help her with the whole situation. It had been more than a decade since she'd seen him, she was hoping that she never saw him again but here she was driving to his home.

When Savannah arrived at the large house she sighed and took a few breaths before getting out of the car and knocking on the door. Within minutes, a middle-aged woman opened the door with a smiled until her eyes fell on Savannah. "What a surprise, I thought I told you never to show up on my doorstep," Savannah looked down and sighed again.

"I know I'm the last person you want to see but, I need your husbands help, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't important, trust me," The older woman opened the door wider inviting Savannah into the decorated home. "James your old whore is here," Savannah made a face at the bitter housewife before walking into the living area.

She smiled looking at the family photos, her eyes stopped on one photo of the family's daughter. "Savannah, what are you doing here?" Savannah turned to her former lover and father of her daughter before frowning. "Hello James, I know I've kind of been banished from your home by your wife but we have a problem. It's Flora, she's missing and I think Mark Jefferson has something to do with it," James looked over his former lover and sighed.

First, he lost Rachel, and now Flora was missing, he only met Flora once when she was about two years old and it was uncanny how much she looked like Rachel. Once he was caught by his wife he broke all communication with her. He promised to send Savannah a check every month as long as she stayed away from his family.

"If she's anything like Rachel she will show up, that's how kids get at this age, they start to get adventurous and go out and come back when they realize they don't know anything," Savannah shook her head and ran back out to her car and pulled out the folded up sketch before running back into the house. "Look, why would Flora draw this unless she saw him? I know you probably think I'm overreacting but I know my daughter better than she knows herself James, and I know she wouldn't just disappear without her phone or money, or any clothes. She always has her phone on her, and she calls me every day, every single day and I can feel it. I know something happened to her and you should be just as concerned because she's your daughter too,"

James cursed and looked over at his wife, who besides being upset that Savannah was in the home understood her pain. "I'll do what I can call the police and I'll head down to the office tomorrow morning, did anyone see her with anyone or who her friends are?" Savannah pulled her phone out and went through a couple text messages. "David Madsen said eyewitnesses last spotted her with a boy named Nathan Prescott I guess they left campus for breakfast and she never came back, Nathan Prescott was seen on campus but Flora wasn't there," James nodded going through the messages.

Savannah went into her purse and pulled out a photo of her daughter and handed it to James, his wife took the photo and gasped as a few tears fell down her face. "She looks so much like Rachel, oh my god. I do hate you but I'm going to do what I can to help you Savannah, we're going to find your daughter," Savannah thanked her before calling the police. She was getting to the bottom of the huge mystery no matter what.


Flora woke up groggy and cold, she mental screamed when she realized she was back in the room. She moved and looked around but stopped when she saw Max passed out and tied to a chair. This time there was no getting out she was tied with strong rope and her hands were cuffed together.

"Max, can you hear me?" Flora said quietly, she tried getting up but it was incredibly hard since she was tied up so tightly. She heard Max start to struggle in her restraints until her eyes met Flora's. "Oh my gosh, I thought you left, he got you again?" Flora nodded and as Max went back to struggling to get out of the restraints. She pulled until her foot came undone, she smiled to herself before looking back down at Flora who looked defeated.

"Flora promise me you won't give up, we're going to get out of here no matter what alright?" Flora nodded at her friend but relaxed she wasn't going to waste the little energy she had to try and get out of these impossible restraints. The door opened and both Max and Flora looked up to see Mark walking into the room.

"Both of you are up, wonderful, maybe I could get some shots of the two of you before I get rid of you. I would love to keep you alive Max however you know too much. Flora, I did a lot of thinking before I realized you needed to go, your mother is here and killing you will get her off my case. Everyone knows you and Nathan are a thing, you wanted to break things off with him and he wasn't having it. So he killed you before killing himself. It's a real shame, love is a powerful thing," Flora frowned at Mark as he leaned down and pulled her up.

"Don't touch her, leave her alone," Mark pushed Flora down on the couch before walking over to the desk, and picking up a needle. "It's such a shame your mother had to weasel her way into this, because of it I have to destroy my favorite subject. Such is life," Flora started struggling to get out of the bindings when she noticed Mark walking towards her.

"It's alright, it will be over quick. Just like fall asleep, you won't feel a thing," Mark grabbed Flora and hushed her as he pushed the needle in her neck. Flora cried and her vision started to go blurry, everything just seemed to get quieter as her body relaxed. She smiled when she thought of her half-sister, she would finally be able to meet her.


Savannah was beyond pissed, the search was called off when the weather conditions started to get harsh. She didn't care she wanted every cop on duty to be outside searching high and low for her only child. According to Principle Wells, no one could get in touch with Mark Jefferson, he wasn't home and it made him even more guilty.

Nathan Prescott had also disappeared, no one had seen or heard from him, since yesterday afternoon. Everything just seemed so shady in Arcadia Bay to Savannah. "Miss. Lewis, we might've found something. While going through Nathan Prescott's room we found a few notes, one of them is from your daughter,"

Savannah took the note from the cop and read it over quickly before giving it back to him, she shook her hair and frowned. "That's not how she writes and that is definitely not her handwriting. That is a fake note, why can't you just find Mark Jefferson and have him arrested for touching my daughter. She's underage that right there is a crime in itself," The cop shook his head before walking away.Savannah looked down at her phone when she realized it was ringing, David Madsen?

"Hello," She heard David sigh and clear his throat before speaking. "Savannah, I found Mark Jefferson and I found your daughter along with Max Caufield," Savannah's heart fluttered when she heard David say her daughter was found, all she needed was to go get her and leave this horrible town. "Where are you? I'll pick her up, or do you have to bring her here? It doesn't matter I just need to see my baby," Savannah started to panic when David didn't answer right away.

What was taking him so long to answer her? "David where are you I'm coming to pick up my daughter?" She heard him sigh again and tears started falling down her face. Before she could say anything again James took the phone from her and walked away. "Is she alive?" James asked. "No," James ended the call and gave the phone back to Savannah before grabbing his things.

"What did he say? Where are you going?" Savannah asked, she could feel it in her heart but she had to hear it, she had to make sure the feeling was just a feeling and not reality. "She's dead Savannah, we were too late. She's dead and she's not coming back so I'm going home," Everyone in the police department got quiet when they heard James yell, they looked between the two and Savannah broke. This was the same feeling she got when she first brought Flora here, it was all her fault. She should've just turned around and taken Flora as soon as that nauseating feeling hit her when she first arrived.

Savannah felt someone's hand on her shoulder as she balled on the floor, she didn't have to turn around to know that it was Mrs. Amber. No one knew this feeling more than her, and her daughter was still missing. Rose Amber, knew this pain very well, it was the one that plagued her every night since the disappearance of her daughter. She had given up the search for her daughter not because she didn't care but because she knew deep in her heart that her daughter was dead.


Max had gone back in time for the last time, all she knew was she and Chloe were safe as for Flora, she couldn't say the same. When she had come back to reality both her and Chloe were standing by the lighthouse as the tornado made its way here. She really messed up time, this was all her fault. The storm, this was her storm and there was only one way to get rid of it, but she didn't want to sacrifice her best friend.

She was stuck choosing Arcadia or Chloe if she chose Chloe Arcadia would turn into rubble and everyone would potentially be dead. Max wasn't sure if she would be able to live with herself knowing that it was her fault that she killed everyone. However that meant losing her best friend, and as horrible as it sounds she was willing to sacrifice her friend to save the rest of the town.

She would never forget about Chloe, and she would always be there to take care of Flora like she promised Chloe. Looked at the butterfly picture that Chloe handed her and focus on the photo time jumping back to the moment she destroyed the future, things would go the way they were supposed to and there was nothing she would do about it.

When Max came back to reality she was standing on the cliff looking out at the clear blue sky, there was no tornado and no Chloe. "Max, let's go," Max turned quickly at the sound of Flora's melodic voice. She didn't even realize she was crying until Flora wiped the tears from her cheeks.

"I'm so happy you're alright, I'm so sorry Flora. I'm so sorry he put you through all of that crazy bullshit," Flora was a little shocked when Max pulled her into a tight hug and was talking a bunch of nonsense. This week had been a little crazy, with Nathan killing Chloe, and Mr. Jefferson being arrested and the police finding Rachel's body. There was one great thing that came out of this horrible week and it was her relationship with Max. "It's going to be alright, let's go before we miss the funeral," Flora said grabbing Max's hand. Max looked at Flora and smiled when she saw the blue feathered earring that matched Rachel's in her ear.

Max nodded following Flora back into town, they arrived at the funeral right before it began, the both of them were all cried out from crying so much from the previous days so they stood and watched. A bright blue butterfly caught both of their attention, as it landed on Chloe's decorated casket before flying off. Max smiled and looked over at Flora who was also smiling. It was in that moment that they both knew everything was going to be alright.

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