Roses for his love #Wattys2018

By everyhearthasahero18

3.8K 1.3K 363

#finished A vampire king is searching for his soulmate, he's 2000 years old, he's look like a 17 year old in... More

Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Ch. 19
Ch. 20

Ch. 16

114 68 7
By everyhearthasahero18

Oliver's pov...

After the meeting got over anyone who chose to do the ritual have the time right now to go hide, this is supposed to at least take an hour. The female beta mate is doing this as well, her mate name is Calvin, these humans forget that us werewolves can find them by their scent. Once it came the time to go look for our mate. The Gamma, and Beta are looking everywhere in the forest. No human has ever win the ritual, since we started this whole thing. I looked up in the trees and saw no sign of my mate.

I look over at the beta and she found Calvin in a tree. I smirk seeing him disappointed in himself. Leah found my mate's friend, in the water. This made me wonder where my mate could be hiding, I keep looking for her, hoping that I find her soon.

An hour later

I walk back to the farm and everyone was in shocked seeing me coming back without my mate. I can't believe that my mate is still hiding. Everyone hears the horn go off saying that it's over. I wait around to see my mate come in the farm grounds, I hear gasps coming from behind me I turn around and see my mate coming outside from a building. I can't believe that I didn't look around the farm, though no human has ever done that before. I look down in sadness and clap my hands congratulating her for her victory.

"Well done, you won the ritual, we're allowing you to bring someone with you, but be careful who you chose, our werewolf council will be here in the morning to talk to all of you who did the ritual" the formal Alpha says to my mate and everyone else.

I go over to stand on the stage, to make an announcement. Everyone looked up at me and didn't show their respect if their a wolf. My eyes turn black when I try to find the words. "Everyone has two hours to get ready for the ball, for any human who didn't win the ritual you are recommended to spend time with your mate at the ball and walk in with them" I say to everyone. Jackson looks at me and smiles knowing I can take control of this situation.

Leah look for Gail and drags him to her tent is where she's sleeping while we're at the farm. My beta did the same thing with Calvin. Oh boy were they mad. I know that if any mate doesn't do as their mate tells them who are human, they get three chances then they get collard until they learn their place.

Two hours later

After two hours gone by. It was time for the ball. I got in a suit and helped the little ones get ready. I would make a great dad I love kids. Alpha Jackson came in the room and smiled at me.

"You look great Oliver, I hope your mate can change her mind" Jackson says to me.

"Yes, I know Jackson" I tell him, I walk outside and head to the hall ballroom.

My mate is dressed up and is sitting down with her friends, Leah isn't to happy because of Gail not talking to her. I feel bad for her, I told the DJ what songs to play. I look over at Maddie and she's beautiful in her dress, all the elders are sitting down next to me.

"Alpha Gomez, it's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Alpha Fein from the Silver Moon Pack" Fein says to me, I shake his hand and tell one of the humans get a chair for Alpha Fein.

"I've heard that a human has actually won the ritual after it only being a thing for a few years now" one of the elders say to me.

"That human happens to be my mate" I growl at him.

"Sorry Alpha Gomez" the elder says to me bowing in respect.

"It's fine" I say to him.

Music starts to play, a lot of people decided to eat first and dance later. I look over to my right and see Maddie and Calvin talking to each other. I order four guards to keep an eye on them for me and the female beta since their our mates.


James's pov...

I thought it would be nice if I let Natalie and Jen go to the ball that's on one of the farms tonight. Their friends are going and I knew this would be perfect for them to find their soul mate. I missed Danny and Marie a lot. The only thing I got of Marie left is our two daughters.

"King James, we got news from Natalie she has found her soul mate, he's human and his name is Justin" a servant tells me standing by the door.

"That's great news, anything on Jen" I ask him.

"No sir, she hasnt found her soul mate, but I'll keep you updated" he tells me bowing and leaving my office.

There's files in my desk, and pull them out I look up this Justin boy and see what he's all about.

Name: Justin Ryan Fernando

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Height: 6'3'

Looking through his file and I can see that he's a nice man. Most of males that are human don't make it far in life, vampires are dying off, if this man can at least become one of us then everything can go back to normal hopefully.

The next day

Maddie's pov...

After last night, I couldn't believe I can still walk on my feet. Today the werewolf council is coming and I have to go to it with Gail, Calvin and anyone else who did the ritual. I'm the first human ever to win the ritual. I felt bad for Justin he has A soul mate and can't do the ritual since it had happened that day already. The three of us walk into the meeting room together and my so called mate, Calvin mate and Gail mate is in the room.

"Thank you for coming in today, great job winning for the ritual" the man says to me shaking my hand.

The three of us sit down. "Thank you, and what's this all about" I ask them.

"As you know you as the winner of the ritual get to choose someone to go with you to the to the city" the man says to me.

"I choose to bring Calvin with me" I tell him.

Yes I know I promise I would bring one of my friends, but we talked about it last night and agreed to visit and let us choose who to bring with.

'Freedom is great'

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