Pixeled Reality ((Herobrine x...

By InaJSendie

53.1K 1.9K 1K

If you can go to a different reality. I bet you would go to it. But would you want to stay forever. The gamer... More

Ch.2-Life is terrifying
Ch.3-The blocky world
Ch.5-Calm before the storm
Ch.7-Where the heck am I?
Ch.11-Magic~ *•'.*•.*•.'• ((idk))
Ch.13-Gone mining
Ch.15-Famous players
Ch.16-((I dun know anymore :I))
Ch.17-A small butler
Ch.19-Part of the story
Ch.22- Purpuranpurpururaine
Ch.23-June 1st
Ch.26-Border between us
Ch.27-100 years
Ch.28-A choice
(A/N) ((again...))
Ch.Leave prt.1
Ch.leave prt.2
Fun facts/Easter eggs and translations
Probably the best thing you'll ever read
Requests closed. BUT... (about the sequel)
Article 13
Article 13 #2
Late 10 year
In loving memory
Let me just...
Rise and Fall
Help needed
New cover-art
I cannot belive it


1.1K 45 27
By InaJSendie

"(Y/N)?" I heard Bethra, knocking on my door. "Yes?" I asked. She opened the door. "(Y/N), I... Are you okay?" She asked, seeing me curled up on my side on the bed. "No, I'm not. I wish this wouldn't be a thing here" I answered. "Oh... Oh I see. It's that time huh?" she said. "...yeaah" I answered. "I'll get you something to sooth the pain. And there should be some pads in the cupboard in the bathroom, feel free to take what you need" she said, and left to her room again. I thanked her, and got up to make sure this mess doesn't get any worse.

A few minutes later, Bethra stepped into my room again with another potion. "I know that your world, you have pills. But here we have to take other measures" she said, handing me the lavender potion. "I've tried my best to make it as appetizing as possible, so I flavored it with some cocoa" she said. I drained the bottle. "Hmm, tastes like molten chocolate" I said. "It should kick in, in about 5 to 10 minutes" she said. I thanked her, handing the empty bottle. There was another knock on my door. "It's open" I answered. The door opened, and Emanuel stepped in with a cup of tea. "Here's your Chorus tea. Also, master wanted to see you" he said, handing me the cup. "Thanks, tell him I'll be there when I finish the tea" I said, already knowing where I should go. "Of course" he answered, and left. I sat down by my desk, and Bethra sat down on the desk. "You know, even if this is literal paradise for me. I could go without the bleeding" I said. "Feel you" she answered.

I finished my tea, and let Bethra finish her story about some explorer she's seen. Laughing when she said she terrified them. "Whelp, I should get going. I wouldn't want Him to wait" I said. "Yeah, that's a good idea. I'll see you" she said, and left to her room, while I used the other door to get out to the hallway. I went around the hallways to get to the other side. "Evening Zatho" I said as I passed him. "(Y/N)! I've been meaning to ask you" he said, following me. "What is it?" I asked. "I've found a few new spells, and I need your help" he said. "You know what happens if you try to hurt me" I answered. "These aren't attacks. They're for defense, like healing and... defense" he answered. "I guess I could help you, but why can't you use them on yourself?" I asked. "They're supportive. Meaning that I can only use them on other people, also I'm somewhat dead already so..." he said. "And you just have to choose me" I said. "You are the most mortal here" He said. "I'm the only human here" I answered. "True" he said. I didn't notice that I had reached my destination, until I heard "Took you long enough" from Hero. "I hope you're not planning anything Zatho" he said, with a light glare at the wither skeleton. "Don't worry, he won't hurt me. And if he does, I won't stop you from hurting him" I answered. "Good" he said. Not sure if he answered to not hurting me, or me allowing Him to hurt him. Oh well. "You needed something?" I asked. "If you want to, I can take you to the overworld" he said. "Wait. Like. Just like that? Or is there something you need?" I asked. "I just thought it'd be nice to spend some time where it's not raining" he said, looking out the window. Why won't you look at that. It's storming. "I guess we could, I just need to do something about these cramps. The potion did take away the worst of it" I said. "Oh come on. it's not that bad, now is it?" I asked. "I mean I-" he started. "You wanna know how it FEELS?!" I continued. He sighed. "(Y/N) please-" he said, with his face in his hand. "WELL THIS IS WHAT IT FEELS LIKE!" I said. He looked back up, seeing me with 7 swords, 3 in each of my hands, and one in my mouth. I lunged forward, pointing all the swords at his stomach at once. He dodged it. "Okay I'm sorry!" he said, putting his hands up. "Don't ever mention it again" I said, pointing a sword at his face. "Let's just get going" he said.

Bethra POV.

I was looking around for (Y/N). I want her to know that I put a couple more potions in her room. "Hey Zatho" I said, as I passed him reading a spell book. He looked up. "Hey, Beth" he answered. "Seen (Y/N) anywhere? I can't find her" I told him. "Didn't Herobrine take her to the overworld?" He answered. "Wait like... just like that? Or does he need anything?" I asked. "He said it would be nice to spend some time outside of the rain" he answered. "Oh... oh I see" I said, smirking. Knowing what's happening.

Your POV.

We've gotten to the overworld. "I get that you'd want to have some fun today. But why the lenses?" I asked. "You'll see" he answered. We were wandering the streets of Acynia. A much smaller City than Altera. I was looking around, the buildings being mostly of quartz and light blue glass. I was snapped out of my train of thought, when it suddenly went dark. "What the heck, Hero?!" I asked, when I realized that he had blindfolded me. "Don't worry" he said, taking my hand, and leading me somewhere. After a few minutes of walking, I could hear the faintest screaming, and music. We have been silent the entire time. I'm trying to focus on my steps since I can't see anything, but I wonder what He's thinking of. We stopped for a moment, but then continued to walk. We went up a flight of stairs, and we stopped again. "Now can I take this of?" I asked. He didn't answer, but the light was back. I had to squint my eyes, and wait for them to get used to the sudden light. When I got them open, I could see shops, rides, games. We were on a wooden platform on a hill, over-looking the whole park. "So, this is where you wanted to take me?" I asked, sounding more like a statement. "Obviously" he said. "It opened yesterday, so I thought, why not?" he added. "It's brand new? Then let's go before the lines get too long!" I said, pulling him with me, down the staircase again. I pulled him along through the crowd. I don't know if you should call this a crowd, since there isn't that many people, and I can easily maneuver past the few people who are in the way. I stopped by a rollercoaster, and pulled him along to it, not letting go of his hand.

---Time skip---

Steve POV.

Me and Alex have been at this new Amusement park for a while now. She's had mild panic attacks, but nothing too serious. She's gotta be out of her mind by this point. When would HE have the reason to come to a place like this? We were walking by the coast, listening as the salt water hits the walls of the platforms. This seems to be the place where most games are kept. Alex was having another small panic attack, ranting. I looked over at an archery game, seeing a (H/C) girl, with a while shirt and a skirt reaching her mid thighs. How can (Y/N) be here. Not long after, someone walked up to her as she won the top prize on the list. I guess I should eat my words. Alex had stopped dead in her tracks, as she noticed Him too. Even with a pair of lenses, there is no mistaking it. I know that mischievous glint anywhere. No wonder people were asking why I kept on switching girls. There have been two of us. I was held back by Alex as I tried to approach them. "Maybe we shouldn't disturb them, they seem to have fun" she said. "Even enemies, can show respect" she added, putting a hand on my shoulder. "I still wouldn't say that we shouldn't be attentive to what he does" I said. "I didn't say we shouldn't. Maybe just not get too close?" she said, I nodded in agreement.

Your POV.

The sun was setting, and we decided to slow down a little, and relax. I have to say, I am really impressed with the Redstone of the Ferris wheel. It's actually moving really smooth. Not as smooth as it should be, but for being Minecraft, it's not bad. Or maybe it's just our perspective. We boarded, and sat down on opposite sides. Hero seems frustrated about something. The doors closed, and we started moving. It's a bit bumpy, but as I said, it's not perfect. "Is anything wrong?" I asked Him. "They're here" he answered looking out the window. "You mean-" I started, and he nodded before I could finish my sentence. "I'm sure they're here for the same reason as us. Don't worry about it too much, alright?" I said. "Unless it comes to the point where they try to steal me away, then you should worry" I joked. He stayed in the same spot. "Hey, lighten up" I said, switching side. "I'm sure they won't be doing anything against us" I said. He turned towards me, not saying anything. "If something happens, I won't hesitate. Think I still have the 7 swords on me" I said, making him chuckle. "I would like to see that" he answered. The carriage came to a sudden stop, making me fall onto the floor, which made him laugh. "Oh, ha ha, really funny" I said sarcastically, getting up rubbing my nose. I sat back down beside him, playfully hitting his shoulder. I faced my back to him, looking out the window towards the ocean. The sunset coloring the sky with beautiful orange and pink shades. I'm a bit tired from all that's happened today. I put my head against the wall. "Hey. I know I may not be a sunset. But at least you know what I am" He suddenly said. "Even if you're not. You're still my glowstone. You do literally light up every dark room" I answered. We both burst with laughter, realizing how cliché it sounds. "But still. You really are the only human who's accepted me" he said. "How many times have you told me that now? 3? 4?" I said jokingly. "I just don't judge a book by its cover, or what is said about it" I added. "And you know how much I like reading" I said. "You did read all the books in a bookshelf in like a week" he said. "And there's still so many, calling for me to be read" I said. We continued laughing. "Anyway, thank you for taking me here. It's been nice" I said. I took out the pendant from under my shirt. Holding it my hands, tilting the blue gemstone in different ways, making it glimmer from the sun's light. "You know that you have to choose if you want to stay or not" he said. "Of course, I want to stay. I've been think through it, and I know my answer" I answered. "Why the sudden question?" I asked. "It's just. Your soul would fuse to this world, and your body in your world would die, if you get too close to anyone. I... just wanted to know, if you're 100 percent sure" he answered. "I really am. It would make it much better for my mother too. She's been struggling to get food on her own plate ever since dad left. She's been trying to cover it, saying that he'll return. But I know he won't. Mom does whatever it takes to make me happy, even if it means she'd have to starve. And I am left alone most of the time anyway, so... there's that" I said, sighing. "If it's for just one thing to stay for, it would be for my mother's well-being. She's probably wasting money on hospital bills, as my real body probably is in a coma" I added. "It may sound stupid, but... I just can't live with those conditions. Besides, I've gotten a much better life here, in a matter of days. Sure I'll miss home, and I'll leave behind my few friends, who never really wants to see me at weekends, or... ever. It's just school. No one really cares for me, except for mom" I said, looking down. "They think I'm a spoiled kid, having all the new consoles as the come out. But it is just my mom who insists on getting them for me, to make me happy. All I want is to live comfortably, with no worries" I continued. "Here, I don't have any concerns. Just to not get killed by anything that is" I added. I sighed, fighting back tears. "I just... I can't believe she would do that for me. So, no matter what. I want to stay" I finished. "But, if I have to leave. Promise... promise me to bring me back, when my body dies" I asked, leaning my head on his shoulder. "I promise" he answered, putting his head on mine.

I lost my balance when the carriage started moving again. I didn't hit the floor, but I hit the back of my head on the wall behind me. "Owie..." I said, holding the back of my head. "You know, this was supposed to be a fun day, and now we've talked about you staying or not" Hero said. "Yeah, talk about a U-turn" I agreed, sitting straight. The carriage came to a stop, and the doors opened. Hero helped me up, and we walked hand in hand, back to the entrance of the park. Once there, I noticed my friends standing there. Steve with his arms crossed. We got up to them. Alex kept her distance, while the guys were glaring at each other. "Seriously, are you going to fight over me again?" I asked. "No. I haven't planned to attack. Today" Hero said. "I wouldn't think you would be here. And for someone you'd call a mortal" Steve said with crossed arms. "And what the heck is this?!" he added, motioning to our hands. "Oh, this?" I asked, raising them. "A friendly gesture, and a way to keep people away. It's also practical when moving through crowds" I answered. "Why would you want a guy like HIM?! HE'S A MONSTER!" Steve said. "You know what. I've been trying to keep this in, but you've been crossing the line too many times, sooo..." I started, holding my hands behind my back. I waited for a moment, then surprised him by slapping him. Making his cheek go red where I hit him. "You may not trust him, but I do. I don't judge someone from what others say. I give everyone a chance to show me what they got, and I know there's good in everyone. You may have to dig deep to find it, but it is THERE!" I started, getting closer to him, making him back into a wall. "So if YOU can't see it, then let others. You know how long I have been waiting, you KNOW that I've been fascinated about the legends. And now that I practically LIVE WITH HIM, I can see that he's nothing like they say!" I continued. "And as for YOU!" I snapped my head around to face Alex. I want up to her, she took a step back, scared of what I'd do. "You're cool. At least you know me, and can tell that he wouldn't hurt me. So, thanks, Al" I said, lightly hitting her shoulder. "Oh, I thought you were going to shout at me too" she said. "Nah. Don't worry about it" I answered. "But keep an eye on HIM" I growled and looked back at Steve. "For me, will you?" I asked, turning back to Alex. "Of course, I've been trying to for the past months" she answered. I thanked her, and gave her a quick hug. With that, me and Hero were on our way back to the outside.

"I gotta say, I'm impressed. You even had me off guard" He said, as we walked down the empty streets. "I guess I've always had it in me, but haven't really had a reason to burst, I guess" I said. "Anyway, I should get these out" he said, taking out the lenses he had on, putting them in a case. "There's the light I'm used to" I said, lightening the mood. "You better be, 'cause you won't get away from it anytime soon" he said, chuckling. "If only we can have one day here in the overworld, without getting into a fight with those two" he continued. "Well it is mostly Steve. Alex just gets panicked" I answered. "I know the reason why he does it, but he seriously needs to let go. Once you're in the friendzone, there is no easy way out" I added. "Unless you manage to force them to like you. But it still wouldn't be real" I finished. We continued walking the streets under the stars. "This may seem a bit sudden, but, you wouldn't hurt me, right?" I asked. "Unless I have a reason, then no" he answered. "I'm glad, because I wouldn't want to be hurt by the people I trust" I said, almost a whisper. "If you trust me so much, then you wouldn't mind if I drag you in on something outrageous?" he asked. "Unless it's going to kill me, then no. You know that I like a good adventure" I said. He suddenly teleported us, to the dry beach right beside the border. "Then you wouldn't mind closing your eyes?" he asked. "Um, okay?" I said, and closed my eyes. I stood there, wondering what he's doing. I heard him sigh, and a couple moments after, felt something press against my lips. I opened my eyes to see him holding the back of two fingers against them, smirking at me. "Oh, I see your game" I said, pushing his hand down from my face. I didn't have time to react before he picked me up, and we were back in the outside.

((It feels like this chapter isn't as good as the others. Sorry if it is))

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