One shots(slow update)

By Frost101

17.1K 119 46

I'm going to use different female characters from different series. More

The Clown & The Assassin
One night in Skellige

Love and Hate

5.2K 47 4
By Frost101

Tatsumaki (One Punch Man) X Male Reader
3rd P.O.V

Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock, Ti-

The clock that was just above a door suddenly started to break, a light green light covered it and slowly started to be crushed. The clock formed into a ball with sharp edges after it was completely destroyed the green light faded and left it dangling from the wire that came from inside the wall.

Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock.


The clock was covered up by the green light again and ripped off the way before throwing the doors at the sound of speed leaving a hole in the metal doors. It went through all the rooms and doors in the direction it was thrown in until it finally got outside and just slowly went downland on the dirt ground. Small and slender hands slammed down onto a table, it caused images and information to accidentally popped up since it was like a computer. It enraged the person more.

The person who was angry is Tatsumaki AKA Tornado of Terror. The second strongest Hero of the Hero Association.

She banged her fists onto the computer like the table using her telekinetic powers to smash the top of breaking the screen making all the popup to disappear. Her face was completely red and was puffing in and out air staring straight forward at the door.

"What the hell!?"

She looked to the side of the room to the two staff members of the Association, both cowering against the wall. One is a male and the other is a female, both wearing the usual black suit. The girl who has a youthful look since she is in her early 20's, her hair is brown which is the same color of her eyes except they are a little darker. The man she is hiding behind looked much older with wrinkles on his face, in his late 50's, his hair is grey and his eyes a light shade of brown. Both were told to wait in the room so they could watch over the debriefing that was supposed to happen. Were. The debriefing was supposed to happen in less than an hour and a half ago.

Which is why Tatsumaki is very angry. She doesn't exactly enjoy wasting her time waiting for a meeting that was supposed to happen way earlier.

"What's taking so long!? I could be out there taking care of monsters that are causing damage and terror! But instead, I'M IN HERE WAITING FOR A MEETING THAT IS WAISTING MY TIME!"

The old man gulped and stepped forward trying his best not to shake in front of Tatsumaki "M-Ms.Tornado, I'm sure someone is coming t-" she slammed her hands down again "you don't even know who's coming!?" he stepped back again. He was thinking of just running out of the room and leaving the poor girl who is hiding behind to deal with the Tornado of Terror herself. Although even he chose to run out of the room he couldn't move, the aura that Tatsumaki was emitting froze them in place because they could feel her anger build up.

The doors to the room slid open with another member of the Association and just like the other ones he worked in the office. He is a young man with hazel eyes and hair. He looked exhausted and out of breath he stepped forward to the table where Tatsumaki is seated at and pulled out a chair that was across from her. He put down files he was holding in his arms and pushed up his glasses dangled at the bridge of his nose threatening to fall off.

The sudden threatening aura Tatsumaki was emitting disappeared when the doors opened but obviously only for a certain amount of time. Her patience is becoming thin by the second already.

He sucked in as much air one last time before he spoke "I apologize for keeping you waiting for some…... something important just came up, it is related to this meeting you have been called too" she sat down on the chair and crossed her arms "so? What is it?" he cleared his throat before opening the paper files he carried in "recently in the remaking of the Hero Association HQ, Metal Knight decided to make a...ahem, a satellite to study your energy signatures when you're out and about fighting monsters," he said.

she didn't take to kindly to that "WHAT!?" she didn't find that pleasing for her own reasons, much like finding a way to somehow to give someone powers like her and replace her "just in case you think we're trying to replace you after the recordings we get don't worry about them, we're not" he said grabbing a chart graph out of the file "energy signatures isn't enough to find a way to give someone else strong esper powers like yours and also a bad idea some of the scientists said it would be dangerous if we did" he hoped it helped calm her down but the look on her face didn't exactly show she is "you mean you were gonna try to?" she asked.

He chuckled nervously "anyways after you flew over City-Z, the satellite notice the same energy signatures there but we thought it just left overpower you had after moving a heavy object but it was….different" this is something that actually peaked her interest. She used her telekinesis to grab the paper in his hand and brought it over to her.

The image was kinda like heat signatures over the map but the colored areas that were green were the energy she left behind as she flew by in the sky, her power would leak out since she used her telekinesis to levitate but would disappear after a few seconds.

"we took a closer look and saw it was different than yours"

She looked closely and noticed a different color in the photo, bright blue color. It seemed she flew over the place where it was coming from "the energy is like yours but a little different" he explained. She picked up the rest of the papers from the file that is still laid opened. The rest of it was basically information, such as energy readings from Tatsumaki and the mysterious one, and pictures of areas where it came. An apartment complex.

"we want you to go and see what it is if it's another esper than it would a great addition to the Hero Association"

"What? Are you trying to replace me?" her eyes glowed brightly as everything in the room lit up "n-no, of course not," he said hoping to prevent her to cause any more damage. She huffed and calmed down, again. She stayed quiet through the rest of the time listening to him, the only left was the exact location she needs to go to. A picture isn't enough for her to know where it is and plus she doesn't want to waste an entire day looking for a single building. Especially since it's an apartment.

"Don't worry the search will be easy, they're only three people occupying the apartment building, the entire city has been turned into a ghost town after the levels rose of monster activities"

"Hm, ok fine I'll go and look for the esper….. tomorrow"

"B-But we want you to look now! Please, Ms.Tornado!"

She just ignored his yelling and just floated over him and out of the room after the doors slide open. She had her own reasons to just abruptly leave which is because of how long she had to wait in that room. She had plans for today and hoped that the debriefing would take only half an hour. Now she's gonna be late for her appointment, as she would call it.


Rubble floated around in the air, all was covered in light blue energy. It was like when Tatsumaki power when uses her telekinesis. It all slowly floated towards an area of the road that was completely wrecked with cement pointed out of the ground which showed something heavy landed hard in that spat, the rest was small holes in the ground and major cracks.

"Jesus Saitama, how come you didn't try to suppress the amount of destruction the monster was causing?"

"Sorry, I was thinking of what to make tonight"

The man Saitama just spoke to shake his head as he repaired the road with his unnatural power "that's no excuse man" this was getting tiring of Saitama asking him multiple times a day to help repair destroyed public property. Saitama found out a while ago that the reason he got little pay from Hero Association is mainly that the destruction that's left behind his battles with the monsters. Luckily he came across the guy that is helping him repair the roads with his cool esper powers, (Y/N) (L/N), the story of how they've met is very typical and common actually. They were old friends back in middle school and although high school, until they went their separate ways when Saitama settled with his high school degree and (Y/N), continued and gone to a university.

They actually bumped in when (Y/N) was moving into a house a block away and Saitama came across him when he came back from his patrol/grocery sell shopping.

(Y/N) walked with Saitama to his home and saw how most of the property was destroyed, he took that moment to show Saitama his new tricks. In an instant, everything that was destroyed was fixed almost like it was just made. Automatically Saitama grabbed (Y/N) shoulders and asked loudly if he could help fix any damage that will be left over from their fights. It sounded like a fun idea for (Y/N) since he barely uses his esper abilities.

It was fun for a couple weeks, but now it was downright boring.

"Tch, why the hell do these monsters always end up here? At your home!?"

"I don't know! Do you think if knew I would've already done something about it!?"

(Y/N) took a moment of silence and took a few deep breaths "fine, at least let me join you and your disciple for dinner" the bald hero calmed down and agreed to allow him to come so it wouldn't start a fight. Saitama brought out his phone to text Genos to get more ingredients for tonight and (Y/N) just decided to head home but waited until Saitama was done texting so he could tell him when to come.

Above them, a floating figure flew over to the top of the building landing on the top floor to visit the first suspect. Tatsumaki knocked on the door and then stood a good distance away from the door waiting for the owner to open it. It took a couple minutes until someone came to open the door but only a crack, just one minute later and she would've knocked it down. The person who opened it didn't exactly have a welcoming look on their face, it was a man that was dressed in baggy pants and a jersey shirt. If someone would to try to define his body the words would be a behemoth big.

He took one step back recognizing her in a second "s-shit! An S-class hero!" Tatsumaki heard things moving around in his apartment. He pulled the door all the way open "no way in hell I'm going to jail, prepare to be beaten kid" he cracked his fists stepping out of his apartment. Tatsumaki tilted her head to the side to see what was going on in his home and boy she was surprised to see what he was doing.

She saw four other people in his apartment all wearing the same kind of style of clothing he was wearing. Two of them are trying to hide all of the drugs they made and the tools they use to make it, the other two were doing the exact same thing except with guns.

Tatsumaki looked back up to the brute in front of her "I'm just going to make this quick, are you an esper?" she asked. He snickered "why kind of question is that? I'm no freak of nature like you!" he just sealed his fate with that insult he threw at her. She didn't even bother to go and ask the others that were in his home, she couldn't even feel any power from them. She just realized she just could've focused and see if he had the same flow of power she had but sadly none of them did. But she did feel something, not on the top floor but at the bottom of the building.

"Guess that should be him, well better make this quick so I don't lose track of him" she lifted up one hand in front of her towards the behemoth and smirked devilishly "you're gonna feel a world of pain, for what you said of course," she said.

Saitama flipping his phone shut and looked up to (Y/N) "Ok, we're having some good steak sandwiches co-" Saitama words were canceled out as a large explosion happened above them. They both look up at the building starting at the smoke that is flowing out of the apartment. The smoke cleared out quickly without warning, the strangest part for them in the incident that is happening before them is when 5 limp figures floated out into the open and quickly brought down to the ground.

Saitama was about to move and check to see if they were at least alive and call an ambulance to come and help them. But he stopped when (Y/N) stuck his arm out in from of Saitama signaling him to not move. He trusted his instinct from his friend and stood in place. Saitama learned that (Y/N) has a lot of tricks up his sleeve, one of those tricks is life detection. Since he stopped him Saitama took it as a signal as they were fine.

He is right.

(Y/N) flinched feeling a strong force coming down towards them. The small figure floated into their sight, both of them couldn't even see who it was that was coming down. The light shine upon the person casting a complete shadow over them so you could only see their figure, which resembles a child.

(Y/N) took some safety precautions and covered himself in an invisible shield. When the figure was finally only two meters away they could make their appearance or her appearance.

(Y/N) automatically knew who it was, Tatsumaki, the S-Class hero of the Hero Association. He doesn't know her because of her Hero background but because of her esper power which similar to his. From what he could tell about her abilities they were very basic in his point of view, impressive but basic. The moment feels very intense and dangerous the feeling only came from one place or one person.

Tatsumaki had her eyes on one person and that person is (Y/N). She ignored the man standing right by him. She lowered herself close down to them "so……..your the esper, am I right?" he used his telekinesis to hold him down to the ground just in case she decided to attack "guess there's no point in lying, I am" she frowned at his answer. She felt like he had too much confidence in him and should be taught a lesson before she takes him to HQ. She looked to his side "hey, you baldy leave now" she lifted up her hand towards (Y/N) "because me and him gonna have a fight" Saitama looked to (Y/N) "don't worry I'm fine, might as well test out the full strength of my power with the Hero Association strongest esper" Saitama nodded and left without a second thought it hesitation.

Saitama grabbed the unconscious people and took them to a safe distance away. Tatsumaki smiled happily since now she could go all out with her powers against him with no regrets.

She tries to force him and throw him through the buildings behind him but he didn't seem to budge from his spot. She tried again with more force and power but again to no avail he didn't budge. She decided to change her way of attack, and use the things around she threw her hands up in the air ripping pieces out of the cement ground and metal signs from the sidewalks. She ripped out medium balls of the cement and ripped them apart into the sizes of baseballs. She had a million of them floating above her head hovering in place. When she felt like she had enough of them she threw her arms down sending all of them towards him.

He had enough time to build up his defense with his telekinetic energy. When she sent down her small projectiles he was covered in bright blue energy around himself. The projectiles broke the sound barrier when she launched them. When they hit dust started to be made around him from the impact, the dust grow with each hit.

When she used the last one she quickly used her power and cleared the smoke that was made. A devious smile spread across her face from just thinking about how his body looked. Bloody? Broken? She can't wait to see it. When the dust cleared her face turned red with confusion and anger "what?!" not a single one had hit him or even scratched him.

The blue aura around is still intact and seemed to not have changed, he stood tall without any injuries with holes surrounding him in the ground. He could tell she was very frustrated with him not from just the look on her face but how everything around them started to shake. All the buildings and grounds were starting to crack and cars start to get crushed. She's allowing her power to lose control and allow it to destroy everything around them without a care in the world "I am going to destroy you!!!" She throws her arms in the air again and ripped pieces out the buildings around them and picked up cars.

(Y/N) knew his next move against her which is going to be his first and finishing move. He didn't mind this was gonna be a short fight, he hated fights. Plus she was causing to much damage and he had to put a stop to that. He didn't want everything to be destroyed because he refused to fight or go down. He didn't take time to devise a plan that can lead to both of them not getting hurt. She was already throwing more and more projectiles larger than before and much larger too. He used his powers and use his plicated parts of his powers. He first used the basics and started to levitate so he could get closer to her which was hard since he doesn't do this often and also because she was still launching objects at him.

She used even more of her power and increased the range of resources for her attacks. She added a little more weight on gravitational forces around the area trying to make him stay down on the ground which almost worked but he adapted to it. He was getting closer and closer to her which made her begin to panic.

'why won't he just go down'

He managed to finally get close to her and she didn't exactly have a plan to deal with him since he's up and close. On impulse, she let go of everything she was picking up and ripping apart and let them fell down and just use her full power focusing on telekinetic attacks. (Y/N) is gonna do the same thing with her by adding a little more push with his oncoming hits. He sucker punched her in the stomach making her lose breath he then threw himself forward grabbing her waist flying down to the ground holding her in front of him.

He focused on Tatsumaki flow of power that's coming from within her. In an instant with ease, he weakened that flow by messing with its source. (Y/N) couldn't really explain how he did it but in the end, it still got it done. He crashed down with her breaking his fall, Tatsumaki easily was knocked out on impact.

She didn't exactly have any fatal or critical injuries although she would have a terrible headache when she wakes up. She'll live and that was what he wanted in the end even though there was still a lot of bad damage that happened, the damage he had to deal with. He stood up with no problem or felt any pain anywhere 'guess my shield was great' he had a little celebration in his but stopped when he heard a groan coming from the women he just knocked out. He immediately went over to her making she didn't have any serious or deadly injuries(I knew I stated that in the beginning of the paragraph but I thought it would be needed since (Y/N) didn't know that, you know what I mean?) he didn't completely shut down her powers but weakened it to weakened her shield.

Just enough to get very hard attacks through, but left enough so she wouldn't have any shattered bones or piercings from the impact. It seemed the worst case scenario he expected has to be a killer headache but just in case he heals each part of her body.

He is a very skilled esper.

He stood up after checking her and looked around him and from what he saw was not the best. This one little, irresponsible esper from the Hero Association caused so much damage just to kill one person. All of the surroundings would remind a person of nothing but a war zone, buildings were ripped apart, massive craters in the ground, it got worse because Tatsumaki dropped many things around the area. He's got a lot to fix since most of this is partially his fault…...somehow.

He sighed then looked back down at Tatsumaki. He'll call the Association when he's finished fixing everything he walked towards the worst area.

"I've got a lot of work to do"


A week passed since that fight between the Esper's and the whole story about the battle had spread like wildfire across every city and hero about the Hero Association strongest Esper defeated in one move. There was no person around during the fight but there were video cameras installed around the area days before the battle, around the time they found the new energy signatures. To get the identity of the newly found esper and they officially succeeded in doing so.

The Hero Association went to meet the man, the day after the battle they visited his house to ask him to join them on his doorstep. The first time he just said 'no' and slammed the door in their face and locked the door…….then telekinetically reinforced his home so they couldn't easily break in or destroy it. He wasn't gonna take it since their own S-Class Hero attacked him for no reason. The next day he tried to leave his home to go and meet up with Saitama and Genos for some fishing but when he opened his door he was bombarded by many people from the media. Men and women in suits holding microphones, tape recorder, cameras, he was easily blinded from flashes of the cameras and he felt himself go deaf from every person yelling asking him questions. Again, he slammed the door shut on them rubbing his eyes and questioned how they got past the gate.

The whole week was the most annoying one in his entire life since he couldn't go outside since the media waited outside for him, most of them stayed 24/7 camping outside his home and the Hero Association sending over things trying to convince him to join them.

They were really desperate to get another esper on their side, in their own point of view for business they seem him as a great opportunity and a boost. If he joins them then more rich investors will come and support the Hero Association and also increase their strength and heroes in S-CLASS. So they're not gonna give up even if it takes them a decade and will pull no expense.

The things they sent him started off as fruit baskets for the first two days but then they've sent things that he thought was bizarre. They've sent expensive things such as flat screen TV and handheld electronics. Just like everyone in the world they always had limits and (Y/N) is certainly at his. His home is cluttered with random expensive objects, he'd have a tough time moving around his home and is getting more and more tired of staying in the same environment all the time.

People from the media still waited for him outside of his home, some left but there was still a handful camping out there. He wished he could just use his esper powers to just send them away but knew he couldn't since they could make him out to be a violent person in all forms of news.

So he finally decided to just join the Hero Association but made a few demands before he fully signs on. First one was getting the media off his own property and away from his home, the second one was taken back the stuff they gave him(except for the muffin baskets) he doesn't really enjoy getting stuff for free. Feels so much better to get it on his own. The third and last one is tied to Tatsumaki and her way of doing things in fighting monsters, one which will bite him in the ass later down the road.

They were quick to do what he asked, they've sent over C-CLASS Heroes with trucks to come and pick up the things and also sent over some of their highest A-CLASS to move all the media away from his home.

Forcefully of course.

It was really weird with the heroes coming in and out grabbing the things the Hero Association. The worst part wasn't having strangers in costume in his home but was the way they acted around him. A bit too respectful for his taste and was kinda strange too but then again they know that he's joining the Hero Association as an S-CLASS Hero and they don't want to tick him off since he could pummel them in a second but he definitely wouldn't do that.

Just after the last thing was taken out one of them walked up to (Y/N) and gave him a piece of paper saying that it was when the Hero Association wanted him to come to their newly made HQ.

'in three days? well at least they let me have some time to relax, I think I'll eat out tonight'

3 Days Later…….

It was 4:00 pm and everyone is wide and awake in the Hero Association especially two people in particular. One was a nervous staff member who was appointed to show (Y/N) around the HQ, he waited up on the roof for the new S-CLASS Hero to arrive. The second one was Tatsumaki who was sitting in her apartment room which resides somewhere in the HQ, she is sitting her living room sitting on a comfy dark couch holding a tablet that is showing a live camera feed on the roof. She felt herself get anxious to see this new Hero come to the Association.

When she woke up, she immediately knew that she had lost for the very first time. The first thing she had done was fly out of the hospital room forcefully breaking down the door without a second thought to go back to HQ to ask what had happened after they found her. She had a little hope that no one had her about her defeat but of course, they did and everyone knew it in just one night. She learned that when she finally got to one of the higher-ups and randomly just barbered him with questions about the entire situation in her last mission.

He was at the meeting about the whole mission that she went on and knew that he had to tell her everything so it could be done and over with. The person she was talking to didn't show any kind of fear from her, not because he was a cocky idiot but simply because he was someone important in the Association.

He did not hold back in telling her everything about her mission and the real reason why she was sent, how they wanted to find the new esper that's been hiding under their noses, how she was nothing more but bait to lure him or her out and how they found him and asked him to join the Heroes Association. She was happy to hear he said no but got angry that they're not gonna give up on trying to convince him to join, she nearly tore everything apart in the hall they were standing in.

She calmed herself down which proved difficult, she was shaking with the need to destroy something but she'll do that in a few minutes. She asked calmly if he………..did join that he would inform her about it. He said yes since she was in S-CLASS and was a core member.

He messaged her on her phone the day he agreed to join the Association and told her he'll be here in three days.

Funny thing is she had forgotten all about him, she didn't bother in going to his home for a rematch but instead used the HQ training facility. She practiced her telekinesis by lifting heavy objects and moved them around the room in top speed, conjured up psychic shields to test their durability and how long it would last with heavy objects hitting it non-stop, then physically work out… wasn't as satisfying as the others since she barely had any muscles and stamina. Then there was her time with patrolling around all the cities eliminating monsters that were too tough to for the others so she dealt with it.

She really didn't have the energy or motivation to do something to plan something for payback, she decided to just watch his movements for now and see if he would do anything that'll affect her.

Just like everything else in her career as a Hero it was completely pointless. He arrived on the roof with a little trouble landing safely, he introduced himself to the man who was waiting for. After that, he was shown around the Hero Association HQ, being shown the personal training rooms, living spaces(if he wanted to move), cafeteria and then shown the communications center and told him how everything gets done here and what they do in certain situations. After that, he leads (Y/N) down hallways to a room that was set for him so he could sign on officially.

She would've kept watching but was brought away when a message randomly popped up on her tablet. It was a director telling her that she needed to attend a meeting regarding issues that involve her. She clicked her tongue and threw the tablet to her side and floated off the couch and towards the door opening the door telepathically and then closed it heading down the hall towards the room she was told to go to.

(Y/N) was still skeptical about this whole thing with him joining the Hero Association. Call him paranoid but he believes every big corporation has some terrible and dark secrets. Plus he feels that they give some Heroes too much freedom when it comes to dealing with monsters, specifically Tatsumaki.

He wishes he could back out of joining them but he made a promise to join them if they followed his requests. They kept their end of the bargain and now he has too. No matter how much he hates it.

This whole tour was really great and would've been perfect if his tour guide didn't sweat like he was in a sauna and stammered every time he speaks 'guess he thinks I'm like Tatsumaki…... ruthless' he listened to the guide. He was telling him that they're coming to the end of the tour and that he'll be dropping (Y/N) off to a room where he'll sign documents making him an official Hero of the Hero Association. He stopped abruptly and turned around to face (Y/N) and gesture to his left side "this i-is where it'll t-t-take place, t-thank you!" he turned back around and left in quick walking speed.

(Y/N) waved saying 'thanks' but he wasn't heard since the guide was already a good distance away from earshot. He huffed and turned towards the metal door, he just took one step closer to the door and immediately slid open "Hello, Mr.(L/N)" a robotic feminine voice said.

"Ok, that's pretty cool" (Y/N) said having a goofy smile on his face.

"Good" (Y/N) looked forward into the room seeing a well-known face of the Hero community, Sweet Mask. He had to admit. He was surprised to see him here since he was on traveling around doing concerts. He…….heard that from a friend.

"Please, take a seat"

(Y/N) finally moved into the room and towards the table where Sweet Mask currently is sitting at with two men in suits sitting right by him.

One man had grey hair and a big nose and the other had brown hair and glasses "Thank you for coming, Mr.(L/N)" the man with the grey hair spoke up. (Y/N) kept his mouth shut trying his best to not respond rudely to the old man words "y-yeah, that door was kinda a highlight for my tour here" Sweet Mask leaned head on his hand with his elbow resting on the table surface "oh? Well sorry to say but that was a one-time thing since you were here, wanted to impress so you can a 'positive' attitude" he said.

The two men in suits gave the man a sharp glare but Sweet Mask didn't really respond and only made his smile grow "anyways" the man with glasses finally spoke up. His right arm went down grabbed onto something and pulled up bring it onto a table a suitcase. He popped it opened brought out stacks of papers and then place it onto the table then slid it across him "this...will officialise you being a hero of the Hero Association, the main points are basically how long this will last, how much you'll be paid and what benefits you'll earn" (Y/N) grabbed the papers from the middle of table and brought it close to him looking at the papers flipping them over reading them.

He heard a 'click' from and knew the man who gave him the papers held a pen meant for him to use to sign the papers. (Y/N) used his powers and grabbed the pen with his telekinesis and brought it forward towards to just sign the papers.

When he did he pushed the papers forward towards the men who took it and placed it back in his case "there...Sweet Mask, told you it would've gone through safely" the man with the glasses says. He chuckled shaking his head "I'm here to see the face of Tatsumaki when you tell her the news…" he said.

"What news?"

The grey-haired man began to sweat "w-well, the third request you've made was a difficult one since not a single person in the Association that can keep up with her except possibly you" now (Y/N) was sweating "you are assigned as the Tatsumaki watcher, your job is to make sure she does not cause too much damage and if there is then you are too fix it" he finished.


(Y/N) turned his head towards the door and saw Tatsumaki just coming into the room. She was in a full-blown rage, she pointing directly at (Y/N) leaning forward at the three men looking at the one in the middle.



Like last time the news of the esper that beat the Association strongest esper teamed up with the Tornado of Terror. Everyone seemed more interested in this news than any other issue from the Hero Association.

Everyone who had heard about this team up was happy knowing that two strong espers are working together fighting monsters and saving people. For them it felt like another ray of hope is shining upon them.

From their point of view of course, but from the two esper's point of view, it wasn't such a great thing, well for one them actually. (Y/N) didn't like it at first since he'll be around a too prideful brat almost everyday but like everyone, he adapted being around her. Ignore her hurtful comments and try his best to talk to her nicely and form some sort of friendship that'll come lead to a better company.

It backfired.

Tatsumaki disliked him following her around 24/7 when she does her routines and missions like some kind of lost little dog. She tried her best to convince them(threat them actually) allow her to do her work by herself like usual but they ignored her request saying the reasons why it was a good idea and why it wasn't gonna change. She hated him, he was nothing but a constant reminder that she had been finally defeated for the first time in her life and now he's acting like a pervert.

Saying he was just trying to make some kind of a 'friendship' relationship. She doesn't believe him.

These feelings she has in her right now wouldn't be absolutely permanent. The emotions of hatred and shame would be soon replaced with nervousness and uncertainty when she is around him.

It took about three weeks until Tatsumaki started to open up her mind and listen to him. She honestly got tired of zoning him out. He gleamed happily when she finally responded, he started off by starting the games of 20 questions which she retorted by calling him a child. He snickered at her insult making her yell 'WHAT!?' at him.

He did manage to get some ground with her. She did show some change when she is around him although the only thing that did change was her throwing fewer insults and began attempts to start a conversation when they're flying around from mission to mission or back to HQ. Tatsumaki didn't notice and felt a little weirded out by that, never had she ever done this before except for her sister. She felt her hatred slip away from both her heart and mind 'how is that happening? Once my enemy! Always my enemy!' she thought. But sadly, that truly wasn't enough to convince her especially since the memory of when she first met him keep flashing before her eyes.

Now when she looks at it, she feels guilty and stupid for doing something that…harsh to him.

'harshly is enough to describe it right?'

She felt like something just wrapped around her brain and grip tightly causing her pain.

Now at the moment, she was laying on her bed just thinking about this whole situation that seems to be coming up. She grunted and slammed her fists down onto her bed, her psychic powers threatening to lash out on everything around her "why am I acting like this!? I'm overreacting that's all, yep that's all" she said to herself "oh my god" she shot up from the bed and looked at the doorway leading out into the living room hallway.

Fubuki, Tatsumaki younger sister, stood there with a shocked look. Tatsumaki was confused for a second until she noticed that her room is completely destroyed except for her bed. Walls were torn down, pictures laid broken on the floor or embedded in the wall, glass littered on the floor and her TV just looked like someone hit it with a bat.

"What the hell happened?" Fubuki asked stepping forward into her room stepping over objects that laid across the floor. She saw her sister lash out before but never with her psychic power especially like this. She's thinking of what got her big sister to act like this but no scenarios have come to mind since Tatsumaki show only force.

"I uh…….I felt like destroying my room so I could get it remodeled, yeah I'm going to remodel my room!" Tatsumaki yelled pointing her finger at Fubuki. She did not believe the lie her sister just told her "come on, that is hardly believable can you just please tell me" Tatsumaki looked away and crossed her arms "no, I don't-" she went quiet for a moment to think about her sister's offer. Apart didn't want to tell her sister in fear of looking pathetic and weak in front of her but another side wanted to tell her so she wouldn't destroy things around her by accident.

'I guess it'll be better to deal with it now than later especially if (Y/N) around'

She took a deep breath before speaking "it's m-my partner" Fubuki looked shocked "you're dating!" Tatsumaki cheeks went completely red from her sister sudden assumption "no! I meant the partner the Hero Association assigned me too! You know (Y/N)?" Fubuki mouthed formed an 'O' then chuckled a bit after that "oh, make sense I mean you're not that great in the dating game" that damaged her pride a bit. She was gonna report back but stopped since Fubuki was right, she never dated before.

"What's the problem with Blue?" Tatsumaki laughed at her sister's joke.

Now, she started feeling uncomfortable and started questioning if it was a good idea to tell her "I started opening up to him I-I mean only a small bit b-b-but still, that's more than I ever had especially with a boy" she said. Fubuki covered her mouth stifling a chuckle that was coming up her throat "a boy?" the chuckled was now turning into little bits of laughter "seriously?" Tatsumaki faced was now fuming red "s-sh-shut up! It doesn't mean anything serious!" her sister shook her head wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes "I apologize sister I didn't mean for that to happen it was all just so unexpected" Tatsumaki puffed her cheeks and crossed her arms like a child.

"Anyways" she started again "I've been freaking out about it, I mean it's the first time it happened and I'm not gonna lie I enjoy it" she turned away so that her sister didn't see her smile "and I think I want more like…..aaaaaahhhhhhhhh!" she let loose her powers again and ended up destroying more than her room. This time it took out most of her apartment, her bathroom was destroyed and the walls were knocked down and debris littered the kitchen and living room floor.

"Guess I'm gonna remodel my whole apartment"

Fubuki wiggled a bit from that sudden outburst she was glad that she was gifted with psychic powers so she could make a psychic shield. Even if it still wasn't enough to protect her it helped sustain less damage "I'm so sorry!" Tatsumaki yelled floating over to her. She telekinetically moved away debris to make room for Fubuki to rest "it's fine, it's fine, I just need to rest for a bit…...but I think there's an obvious solution to your situation" she propped herself up "why not just ask him out? Go on a small date and see what happens, how you feel it would work wouldn't it?" she asked.

Tatsumaki floated back thinking about her younger sister idea and smile 'it would probably work and plus I can finally have my first date! Two birds with one stone!' Tatsumaki put her hands on her small hips "ok, it sounds like a good idea" her sister smiled "perfect we can talk more about this after…..after you take me to the emergency medical wing" Tatsumaki nodded in agreement to take to the emergency room first to make sure she lives. She used her telekinesis to pick her up carefully and take her to the emergency room.

Just like earlier two parts of her were thinking two different things, one wondered if her sister took terrible damage and the other part wondered if (Y/N) would reject her offer to go out.

'if he does I'll destroy his home every day for the rest of his life'


The sun was high up in the sky and there were no clouds in the sky it allowed everyone to see the beautiful blue sky. It brightens up everyone's mood giving them the sheer hope of a good day, (Y/N) felt that for sure. He was messaged just yesterday by Tatsumaki (which was strange at first because he'd never have her his number) that she would like to hang out with him so they'd bond more as teammates. He messaged back asking if they should ask for the other S-CLASS Heroes to join them.

She immediately declined that idea.

He was sitting at a small table outside a restaurant waiting for Tatsumaki to show up. She messaged him this morning of a meeting spot which he liked quite quickly.

It wasn't that the restaurant was small and has friendly employees that have great personalities. But it was the place it was at, a plaza. The atmosphere was just perfect for him since it was basically a marketplace where stands can be set up by seller's to show off their own products and sell them. He didn't really pay attention to see how many stands there are but boy is the plaza packed. The pathways were crowded with people all walking around talking, browsing and buying items from the stalls.

He was playing on his phone to pass the time until Tatsumaki has shown up. He picked up the cup of tea he ordered and took a small sip and hummed happily tasting the flavor. (Y/N) was so focused on his game again hoping to beat the level he's been stuck on. He was so zoned in the game that he didn't pay attention to his surroundings and the people around him.

A person walked through the crowd trying their best to push through as fast as they could but sadly it was still difficult. Due to their small body structure and strength.

When they finally got through the crowd to their destination. The person laughed a little in at the victory since they had finally made through the crowded paths which they hated. They looked around the small restaurant to find the person they hoped is here. They instantly saw him sitting at a table playing on his phone smiling stupidly 'is he playing a game?' The person walked over to the table and pulled a pull a chair opened and pushed forward. They waited a bit expecting a response from the (E/C) eyed moron to notice them but as they expected he didn't respond.

It only took 5 minutes until they reached their limit and decided to get his attention in their own way by slamming their small hands down onto the table and yelling "HEY JACKASS!" just by their hands slamming down startled him.

(Y/N) jumped in his seat and lost his grip on his phone dropping onto the table and looked up shocked and a little mad. He saw a small girl sitting right across him in the chair that was meant for only Tatsumaki. Her appearance reminded him of Tatsumaki but there was a difference, her hair color is dark brown in a ponytail along with her bangs pulled back behind her ear and her eyes are a bright shade of blue and the clothes she is wearing is a brown and a white shirt with a brown jacket with knee-high socks and brown shoes.

The similarity was that she had the same build as Tatsumaki and the same youthful look along with the same annoyed look she would get all the time.

It finally dawned on him as to who was sitting in front of him "Tatsumaki?" he said for reassurance. She immediately leaned forward and held a finger to her indicating for him to be quiet. It was a good call since some people from the crowd and the restaurant looked their way when they had heard the name of the famous S-CLASS Hero.

"What are you doing?" his tone was much more quiet so that he didn't get the attention of the people around them "I wanted a nice meal with you (Y/N) and I can't have that when everyone hounding to give them an autograph or take a picture with them" "oh" he said realizing she was right. It wouldn't be a nice date if people were watching them the entire time and taking pictures with bright flashing cameras but there was a con to do this. He was worried people would think he's a pedophile since she has a child-like appearance.

He ignored that for now since no one is watching them "you know, you actually look a lot cuter in that disguise" he commented starting up a conversation. She immediately looked uncomfortable but at the same time happy "w-w-weirdo! You can't say stuff like that out of the blue!" (Y/N) laughed at her reaction throwing his arms up in defense "I'm sorry but it's true I really like this outfit more than the other one, to be honest, the other one seems kinda slutty" Tatsumaki mind was at war with trying to respond to what he just said, should she insult him for basically calling her slut(which she kinda gets once she thinks about it)? Or thank him for complimenting her on her choice of clothing.

She clicked her tongue and grabbed a menu from the center of the table "let's just ordered our meals" she said. He didn't want to push his luck and make Tatsumaki lash out at him because of his flirting. (Y/N) picked out (Favorite Food) with a (Favorite Drink) and Tatsumaki choose a small slice of green tea cake with water. (Y/N) didn't want any silence between them and he also didn't want to anger Tatsumaki so he thought about his comment before saying it.

He started flirting with her and she stiffened up immediately but calm down thanking him for his compliment. She did the same thinking about what to do and remember the talk she and Fubuki had when she had visited when she had her breakdown. She tried her best to flirt with him by saying how beautiful his eyes and how it distracts people from his ugly features.

She felt like she was gonna have another breakdown. She realized how terrible she is at flirting 'is he gonna get mad?' she thought "hehe, I'm guessing that was your first time flirting it's alright if you want I could help you get better," he said reaching his hand out and gently grabbing hers. Tatsumaki laughed nervously from his touch when he grabbed her hand she felt all her nerves in her hands go crazy "o-ok" she looked to the side towards the stands whispering 'idiot'.

The food came after that. Silence came after the waitress sat down their plates and said she'll be back with refreshments. Tatsumaki tried her best to think of a subject to speak of while they ate but nothing came to mind that'll he'll like. She stared down at her slice of cake taking smile bites not bothering to look up not even when the waitress came to give them their drinks. Everything seemed to slow down for her now since an important thought came across her mind, admitting her questioning feelings to him.

But she was afraid of him rejecting her 'what? Me? Why am so scared of being rejected by some guy I only know this guy for less than a month so why am I getting scared?' she looked up to (Y/N) opening her mouth to speak but stopped when he randomly smiled at her. Her heartbeat quickened and her cheeks went a little red "is there something you'd like to talk about?" he asked.

She wanted to tell him but her anxiety just went up and looked back down. Many things around them started to bother her even though it didn't a second ago, one of the biggest reasons was the people around her. She felt all them stop in their tracks and turned their heads in their direction. It's almost like they're waiting for her to answer (Y/N) and even if she does they'll still stand there watching. She felt herself almost lose and just lash out with her immense psychic power.

She inhaled and exhaled calming herself "(Y/N)" she looked back up and found out he didn't take his eyes off her, they had a look of worry and concern. She felt flattered "you wouldn't mind having a little race would you?" her voice sounded right. Full of confidence.

(Y/N) knew what she meant, using their psychic abilities to fly around in the air. He enjoyed that a lot made feel free and excited no matter how long he was flying "where's the finishing line?" he asked bringing out his wallet to pay for the meal 'what a gentleman' Tatsumaki thought.

"The Hero Association HQ roof"

He smirked looking up "when do w-" he felt the strong wind blowing in front of him. He covered his eyes with his arms until it was gone and when he removed his arms the seat across him was empty "oh! That's so not cool!" he was about to launch up into the air but someone grabbed him roughly and pulled him towards the café. The person who was holding him was the maid and she didn't look really happy "where's your payment?" she asked in a happy-go-lucky tone. He looked down at the table and saw that the money he put down was blown away.


Tatsumaki flew through the air in supersonic speed heading towards the Hero Association HQ. She felt her confidence fully regained when she used her psychic power and flew straight up into the air and head towards HQ.

'guess this would help with this little confession'

"Hey! What the hell?!"

She looked over her shoulder and saw (Y/N) gaining on her tail quickly. She wasn't sure why he yelled at her, she would stop and asked what she did. But having him chase her made her feel excited "see ya loser!" she yelled and increased her speed.

(Y/N) grinned his teeth and boost his speed attempting to get close to her. They are going to the sound of speed, they made birds freak out as they passed by, shattered building windows without being near them and scared every person on the ground. They got closer and closer to HQ, he manages to get right behind her but sadly he wasn't thinking and looked up Tatsumaki skirt. He lost all thought and so lost his concentration on his psychic power. His blue aura had disappeared and he began his descent down without Tatsumaki knowledge.

It would've probably ended like that but Tatsumaki wanted to get a small glimpse of (Y/N) attempting to just get by her but instead, she saw him nowhere near her. She stopped and turned around fully looking around to see where he is, she started to get scared again just like when they were at the café. She felt relief when she looked down seeing him falling to the earth, but sadly that relief was gone because…...well, he's falling to his doom.

She immediately moved down towards him in his descent. She went a bit too fast but did manage to catch him in her skinny arms but almost hit a building window since she wasn't thinking straight and went in at her top speed.

She realized how heavy he was and how weak was her arms so she used her telekinesis to pick him up and float him carefully to the roof of the building she was about to crash in. She followed suit obviously and laid him on the ground, she moved closer to him and just hovered looking around his body seeing if he took a powerful hit from something.

She moved his body around and lift up articles of clothing to see if he got a bruise or cut the only thing that made her worry was a stream of blood out of his nose. She gently wiped the blood away with her thumb, she now realizes how close she was to (Y/N).

She was still hovering in the air but her body was still hovering in the air but she was a few inches away from laying her body on his. Something that she actually may want, it'll be her first time having actual physical contact with the opposite sex.

Luckily she has a strong will so she didn't give in. She floated to his side and dropped onto the ground propping herself on her knees. She felt like she should wait for him to wake up but she didn't have the patience. Plus it was getting cold.

So she slapped him across his face with a little psychic force behind it.

He didn't exactly jump up but he hitched his breath and opened his eyes "wh-what the?!" he looked around seeing the changes of scenery and Tatsumaki sitting by him. He has pushed himself up putting on his cheek hissing at his pain, a small red hand mark was already forming.

He looked at Tatsumaki with confusion in his eyes "what happened?" he asked while messaging his cheek hoping the pain will fade away "you tell me, you're the one that started falling to the ground" she said with attitude holding her head high. He just woke up from his blackout and he already felt annoyed "why was I falling out the sky?" he mumbled to himself. He automatically remembered the reason of his falling and started to bleed a little out his nose.

"S-sorry but I honestly can't remember"

She closed her eyes and shook her head in disappointment and turned away whispering 'idiot' she felt complete relief now. He seemed completely fine, he shows no signs of pain although he may have some internal brain damage or a popped blood vessel "we will stay here for a bit so you can rest" he didn't complain. If he had to guess that decision wasn't up for debate and plus he doesn't want her to pry in.

He laid back down on the ground closing his eyes for rest, even if it was uncomfortable. When he closed his eyes Tatsumaki secretly kept one eye him taking a glance every few seconds.

She still felt confident in herself. She was thinking that this moment was possibly the best that she could get out of her life. Her life is filled with drama and monster attacks so there really be a much better time than this. She didn't call out to him immediately but waited since she had just told him to rest. She waited about 30 minutes giving him enough time to rest and was enough for her to think of the right words to say to him. She turned back to him and looked back down at his form "(Y/N)" she called out. He lazily looked towards her and opened his eyes "what?" he was wondering what she wanted to talk about, possibly about continuing their small little esper race? No, it was something he wouldn't expect.

"I need to talk to you about certain things that started coming up, something unexpected," she said.

Her cheeks started to turn a little red and she felt her confidence slip away again 'damn it' she thought. (Y/N) pushed himself up into a sitting position "and what's that?" Tatsumaki kept up the of confidence "I'm been having some…... difficult feelings that started coming up, It's been rather bothersome it would always cause me to overthink things and always make me lose control, those feelings are being caused by you" she said.

She turned her head away from him "I-I thought of just ignoring it or just convincing the inner council to do things on my own, but I started to think what I will happen if I choose one of those decisions it would still bother me no matter what, so…... I was thinking that maybe… and you could try and get together in a more intimate way that is unique to a few people…" halfway she completely turned around only allowing (Y/N) to see her back.

She tries to avoid him her face since it was as red as a tomato, she felt herself get lost halfway through her sentence. She forgot the original words she was gonna say and just said what had come to mind. She completely embarrassed believing this is the worst moment coming right by her first defeat as the Tornado of Terror. She didn't know what to do, should she just fly away? Should she just laugh and call it out as an impractical joke? Or should she just take this opportunity and kill him so no one knows of this? She didn't need to consider these decisions when she heard (Y/N) calm voice.

"That…...I don't mind" he said sounding a little confused about his decision but yet understand "I mean I can't guarantee that it'll be all romance, never been great in that department, but we could try being….a couple? It would seem to mean if I were to refuse when you had so much trouble telling me" he said getting up and smiling down at her "shall I kiss you now?" he said winking with a big smirk.

She felt overjoyed 'he didn't reject me! He didn't reject me!' she contained her happiness and now she has filled with confidence again even after what (Y/N) just said. She jumped up in the air and started float with a green aura surrounding her entire body "Ok, but only because it'll probably be the very first kiss you ever had" Tatsumaki said with a smug look on her face.

I'm sorry it took longer than it usually did but I do hope you enjoy this.

I'm thinking of remaking the one shot that involved Harley Quinn and Lady Shiva from DC comics. Not sure yet, probably gonna make a part two that involves the DC REBIRTH event.

As usual please comment/review and Favorite/Vote!

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