Shattered & Broken

By frickyeahmgc

16.5K 158 42

Due to a dark secret from her past, Trin is severely depressed and suicidal. And it doesnt help when her fami... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 7

617 4 1
By frickyeahmgc

I wake up with jacks arms around me. Im wearing one of his tshirts and a pair of his boxers as shorts.

"Hey" i say turning around and seeing Jack.

"Hi" he smiles. Then he carefully glides his fingertips on my swollen eye.

"Does it hurt?" He asks.

"A little bit" i reply.

Then my phone starts to ring.

"Hello?" I answer.


"Why whats wrong?" I ask.

"YOUR MOMS SHOT" she says and tears pour out of me as my stomach sinks.

I drop my phone and cry.

"Are you okay?" Jack asks.

I shake my head.

"Can you drive me to the hospital?" I ask.

"Yeah sure, here i have some clothes" he says grabbing a pair of small skinny jeans and one of his hoodies.

I go in the bathroom and put the clothes on.

I come back out and we go in the car.

"My biological family got murdered too, right in front of my eyes. I was only 6" i say, staring out the window.

"Oh my god im so sorry" he says to me.

"My sister was only 3" i say.

"Is that why you cut?" He asks and i nod.

"Why does it have to happen to everyone i love" i say starting to breakdown.

Jack parks the car.

"Trin, your moms gonna be fine, she'll be alright" jack says comforting me.

"Thats what the said about my family!" I cry.

"Cmon babe" he says helping me out of the car.

He puts his arm around me and pulls me in as we walk.

"Jones?" He asks.

"Down the hall and two the left" she says.

We walk down the hall and i see my mom crying and Sam trying to comfort her.

"Is she okay?!" I ask.

"We dont know yet" Sam says.

"Trin baby, what happened to your eye?" My mom asks, trying to stop crying.

"I just fell and hit my eye, clumsy me" i say.

"Your a horrible liar. He didnt fucking do this to you did he?!" Sam asks aggresively.

"She got in a fight with a couple of girls but i came in before there was any broken bones" Jack says.

"My hero" i say rolling my eyes.

"You guys have been spending alot of time together im surprised your not pregnant by now" Sam says.

"God no! Sam! Were just friends!" I say.

I look over at Jack and he seems a bit disappointed.

"Im just gonna go walk around" he says already walking away

"Jack! Jack wait" i say chasing after him and down one of the hallways.

"Are you embarrased of me?" He asks.

"No! Of course not! Its just i dont want them to know about us yet" i say grabbing his hand.

"Why not?" He asks me.

"Because my moms are so over protective! They wont even let us be together except for school!" I say.

"Okay, you dont have to tell him" he says and i hug him.

"I love you" he says and i feel a sensation through my body. Is this what its like to be in love?

"I love you too" i say to him and we walk back by the room.

We finally get to go inside and i see her lying on the bed.

I let my mom and brother sit down and Jack and I stand.

My mom talks to her and i smile. Ive never seen a couple so in love as much as my moms. But then theres a farmiliar noise.

A nonstop beep.

I stare at the monitor, tears forming in my eyes.

"Trin, im sorry" jack says hugging me. My grip on him tightens as i cry in his shoulder.

"Its all my fault" i whisper.

"Its not, trin dont say that" he says.

I lean in but he stops me. I then remember why.

I walk over to my mom amd hug her.

"Im sorry" i cry hugging her.

Then the nurse comes in.

"Im sorry, visiting hours are over" she says in a sad, quiet voice.

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