The Doodler Origins

By robinkingsly1418

253 19 25

Is this thing on? Pixel, are you sure it's on? ITS REC-- hi. My name is --#the doodler--PIXEL! No thats- ok f... More

The beginning
Don't get in the car. I beg of you, Sam.
the second kill
The Man who pushed the money to the reaper
Family Reunion
Halloween special
Cut the smile.
Lets spar
Dear sister
A game of cat and mouse
Valentines day special

Digital tears

4 1 1
By robinkingsly1418

Quick note: I do not own Pixel. She is a character that my friend made that I, advanced on. Back to your already in progress story.

Pixel. You want to share your backstory here, or should I say what you said to me that night?
(#im creatively dead right now. #you tell.)
Ok then.
Pixel started into a story, and I kinda spaced the beginning part, because it was all about how tortured her life has been, so in other words, whining. She hadn't gotten to the actual story. All I could think was, bitch, do you know how much torture I've lived through? You cannot talk like you went through the worst of it. And, dear god, please let her drop the hashtags for this story, if she starts every sentence with hashtag for that long, I will lose my mind.
"#are you even listening?" She said, arms in the air.
Honestly is the best policy.
"Nope. I zoned out because you were complaining. You were in there for what, a couple of days? A week? I must say though, quick work on Ada's part. You are a complete cyborg. I was in my uncles basement for 5 years. I think I win here."
Pixel glared at me. And said,
"#you don't have to be a jerk about it doodley."
If she says it again, I will cut her.
I stare her down, and she rolls her eyes.
"#I'll recap, due to your arrogance."
She said, shooting me a look. I can't help but think how weird her eyes look, what with looking like a broken computer screen.
"#I was at school. #My friend and I were just talking about how we all had to go to another stupid assembly about how phones are bad." It took all of my power to keep myself from laughing at the irony.
She is part phone now, so... hehehe.
"#I saw my family walking into the auditorium. #I had no idea what was going to happen. #I saw Ada and thought if she didn't go to the assembly she get in trouble. I ran after her. And then it blew up. I was knocked to the ground explosion. I looked and saw Ada, she had something in her hand. With  big red button. She did it. She blew it up. She blew everyone, To ashes. My family. My friend Ruby. And I was the only one who survived. I screamed at Ada, why did she do it why did she feel the need to... the need to.." I stared at her. To me, Ada had been nothing but a rude older sister that heard a voice in her head. But to pixel... she was the destroyer of her life, and her loved ones. Pixel started to sob. But no tears came.
"#Ada looked at me... she said 'oh well.' Like it was nothing! Like my family was nothing! And then she took the tiny robots I have now, to digitize people, and made me who I am... she drilled into my face, and all I could do was scream while I was strapped to a table. I still remember her blue eyes, boring into me with delight at my pain. She put circuitry in my ears, so I could hear people's conversations on the phone from yards away, but they broke. And now they just leave a terrible screeching noise, that is like no other, that hurts so bad and if I hear it for too long with out other noises disrupting it, it will make me feel as though she is drilling a hole in my face again!" Pixel said, getting up angrily. I couldn't believe it. In just a few weeks that pixel had been in with my sister, she had so much pain burned onto her. I may have been in with Tim for 5 years, but the worst he would do was cut into my stomach put salt in the flesh and then sew it back up. That hurt a lot. She had her identity taken from her. I got up from the floor next to the bed and said, "pixel, I promise you. Ada will have hell to pay. She will regret the moment she ever touched you." I said, and I rubbed her back.
"#Samantha, I can't even cry. #she put computer screens on my eyes. #so I could see things there. #she took away my ability to cry." She said.
"#when the screens broke, I felt like there were ants in my eyes, and I wanted more then anything to cry.
But I couldn't."
I stared at her. All I could do was feel sympathy. We were alike. We had both been tortured. Both of our lives taken from us. But we both stayed strong. And we both. Seek vengeance.
Pixel.... you ok there?
(#im ok.)
You sure?
(#yeah. I just... wish I could at least remember their faces. #the faces of my family. #I only remember snippets from what my life was like before her hell. #and their faces is something I want more then ever to remember.)

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