An Unexpected Miracle

بواسطة MalecFanfictions

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The life of Alec and Magnus will never be the same after something nearly impossible happens. [I love this st... المزيد

Chapter 1:Comfort
Chapter 2:Misunderstanding
Chapter 3:No Matter What
Chapter 4:Visiting
Chapter 6:Stupid Cat and Screwy Magic
Chapter 7: Crazy Aunt
Chapter 8:Disappearances
Chapter 9:The Royal Bad Word
Chapter 10:The Real Magnus Bane
Chapter 11: Releases and Revelations
Chapter 12: Deja Vu
Chapter 13: Charlie
Chapter 14: Their Unexpected Miracle

Chapter 5:Confessing

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بواسطة MalecFanfictions

Alec tried his hardest, but he couldn't quite work up the courage to tell his family about Magnus's pregnancy. He went on for almost two weeks avoiding the subject, but one day Magnus sat down with him and refused to let him change the subject.

"Alec, you need to tell them." He said calmly.

"Magnus I will it's just...I...I'm scared to." Magnus pulled him against his chest and kissed the top of his head.

"I know darling, but you have to. Soon it will be impossible to hide it and then they will find out."

"Magnus, you aren't even showing yet." Magnus pushed Alec away slightly and lifted up the bottom of his shirt. Alec gasped and then glanced back up at Magnus. Magnus's once flat abdomen was slightly larger and formed a small, yet noticeable, bump.

"I'm almost two months, Alec, I only have four more left if Buddy is right. If you wait any longer they will notice." Alec nodded and snuggled up against the warlock again, running his hand over the tan surface of Magnus's stomach.

"I know Magnus. How about we tell Izzy and Jace and then we can think of a way to tell Mom and Dad." Magus smiled and kissed him lightly.

"Today?" He asked.

Alec sighed and nodded, "Today." He confirmed.

"Also we may need to talk to them about moving in with me. I know you practically live here, but I want to make it official." Alec nodded and got up off the couch, pulling Magnus with him. "Where are you going?" Magnus asked as Alec headed for the door.

"To the Institute, aren't you coming?"

"You're going to tell them now?" Magnus asked, surprised by Alec's sudden eagerness.

"I think I should...before I lose my nerve." Magnus shrugged and followed him out.

They arrived at the institute a few minutes later, and Alec lead his boyfriend in. When they were inside they were greeted by Church who hissed at Magnus before taking off.

"I hate that cat." Magnus muttered.

"What was that, honey?" Alec asked, grinning.

"Oh nothing." He returned the smile, and they made their way down the hall. There was a joke between the two about how much Magnus hated Church because usually cats loved Magnus, but Church despised the warlock.

"Alec, is that you?" They both stopped when they heard Isabelle's voice from the living room. Alec gripped Magnus's hand and Magnus gave him a comforting peck on the cheek.

"Yeah...It's me." They made their way into the living room and saw Isabelle there painting her nails. Magnus knew that Alec must be really nervous when his boyfriend didn't even comment on the fact that she had open bottles of nail polish on their white couch.

"What's up with you two?" She asked, noticing the tension in the room.

"Umm...we need to talk to you, and Jace. Is he here?" Isabelle looked him over, obviously puzzled, but nodded to answer his question.

"Jace! Get in here!" Isabelle called in the direction of the kitchen. A moment later a smiling Jace entered hand-in-hand with Clary.

"What's up Izz?" He asked, glancing briefly at the nervous couple standing before them.

"Do not," Isabelle hissed, "Call me 'Izz'."

"Aren't we grumpy this morning." Jace said, and received a slap on the arm from Clary.

"Please shut up and sit down." Magnus said, knowing that Alec was, as he had said before, 'losing his nerve'.

"Both of you-" The look that Jace received from Isabelle stopped him in the middle of his teasing.

Clary noticed the tension in the room and spoke up. "What's going on? Why are you two here?"

Alec gritted his teeth, trying to think calming thoughts to stop from punching Clary in the face. Her voice always set him on edge. When she wasn't whining, she was talking about Jace, and when she wasn't talking about Jace, she was sucking up to someone, and when she wasn't sucking up to someone, she was telling them about how she had always felt different or about how she could draw runes. To sum it up, she was an annoying brat.

"We have something to tell you." Magnus said, giving his boyfriend an expectant look.

"What is it?" Clary asked, and Alec counted to ten in his mind. "If this is about what I-" Alec's control shattered.

"Not everything is about you, Clary!" He said, surprising everyone. After a moment of silence, he continued. "Sorry, Clary, I didn't mean to be harsh," Ha, what a lie,he thought. "I am just really nervous right now." He stopped, looking to Magnus.

"Tell them." Magnus coaxed gently.

"Magnus is pregnant." He said quickly.

The room was quiet only to be broken by Jace, who broke out in a fit of laughter, clutching his sides and rolling around on the couch. Alec was pretty sure that was called an extreme over-reaction.

"Blondie. Shut the hell up." Jace stopped laughing and looked around at everyone's expression. Isabelle and Alec looked at him with raised eyebrows, and Magnus glared at him. Clary was staring at him with that crazy, obsessive fan-girl look that she often gave him. He was pretty sure that she had stopped paying attention to Alec when he had yelled at her. That was when he realized that no one else was laughing. Oops.

"Wait, you're serious?...But...You're a dude...aren't you?" Magnus sighed, and sat down on the couch opposite the group of Shadowhunters.

"Yes, I am a dude. It is kind of a long story, but long story short, my powers made it possible for me to get pregnant because I love Alec." Isabelle screamed in delight and hugged her brother, and then hugged Magnus.

"Oh my Angel! I'm going to be an aunt! Is it a boy or girl? How far along are you? Have you guys-"

"Isabelle! One question at a time." Alec interrupted, but Magnus could tell that Alec was pleasantly surprised by his sister's reaction. While Alec filled Isabelle in on the details, Magnus studied the other two Shadowhunters. Jace was just looking confused, and slightly frustrated, and Clary was staring at Jace with glazed eyes...but that was normal in any circumstance.

Magnus got up and went over to sit beside Jace, asking him if he was alright. Jace was shocked, to say the least. It wasn't that they hated each other, just that they were almost complete opposites, so they argued and teased one another. Now Magnus came over and asked him if he was alright, and he honestly didn't know how to answer. Alec was his brother, his best friend, he should be happy like Isabelle, but he was just...confused.

"So...You found a spell that could make you pregnant? I didn't even know you guys wanted a kid..." Magnus shook his head.

"We didn't, and there is no such spell. It was an accident, completely unexpected. A had no control over my powers when they did this, I still don't understand it fully." Magnus studied the Shadowhunter, and then glanced at Alec, who was deep in conversation with his sister. "It would mean the world to him if you supported us." Magnus said before standing and joining the Lightwood siblings.

Jace watched him go and couldn't keep a small smile from creeping onto his face. He was going to be the coolest uncle ever.

To be continued...

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