why don't we university ✔

By cherryhighs

2.4K 80 46

i wrote this so long ago this is terrible. "what I'm trying to say is, I...I love you." or ; a story about a... More

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89 4 4
By cherryhighs


My heart stopped. "bye." Jack hugged me. It was brief, yet sweet. Blood rushed through my veins. My pulse quickened as I looked up. "uhh bye, Jack" I said as quick as i could and i rushed out the door. Once that door closed my knees stopped working and i just slid down on the floor, my back against the wall. I held my wrist and checked my pulse. one... two.. three... i counted. 150 beats in one minute. It was getting worse. I pulled my precious diary out of my backpack, which I kept in there all the time. I wrote down the date, time, and my heart rate. Ever since my mom passed away and my dad started drinking, I've had these little panic attacks. No matter what it was, big or small, I got them. No one knew but myself, not even Christine. I knew that one day if my heart rate was too fast, I could be in critical condition. 

"Dad, what are you doing?" I was twelve years old. My dad was on the floor. The living room reeked of alcohol. His face covered in dried tears. "a....are y...you hungry?" I asked him. "I can make you mom's famous pasta dish" she taught me before she got cancer. It was my dad's absolute favorite. "no." he said, almost shouting. "It's not the same.." he slumped back down on the floor. "I'm going outside dad." before he could reply, i was already out the door. I climbed up to my treehouse, my only safe haven and began to cry. My heart was beating faster and faster. I picked up an empty notebook and wrote down my feelings. what was happening to me, my father. I wrote down my heart rate. 90 bpm, not too normal for a twelve year old. I fell asleep.


I heard a knock on the door. "Hermione's back guys!" I said as Sophie opened the door. "Hi guys!" Hermione smiled. "I brought all my stuff." she started talking to Mia and Sophie as Hannah was picking a Netflix show. We ended up watching Friends and The Flash. As we all laughed, I could tell Hermione was being kind of distant. Ever since we were twelve years old, she would sometimes run into a bathroom and come out five minutes later faking a smile. I always guessed that she was just sick or something but its been pretty consistent that year. I chose to ignore it, as I didn't think it was a big deal. 

We ended up falling asleep on the couch to one direction music and face masks on. The next morning, I woke up to Hannah and Mia gone, Sophie eating Frosted Flakes, and Hermione asleep on my shoulder. "Good Morning Sophie" I yawned and shook hermione off my shoulder. "Where are Hannah and Mia?" "They had morning classes." She said. "Mine don't start until twelve. "twelve.." i blinked, trying to stay awake. I looked at the clock. "OMG ITS 10:07 OUR CLASS STARTED SEVEN MINUTES AGO!" I ran towards the couch and shoved Hermione."wake up! we are so late!" I said as I ran into the bathroom to brush my teeth. "huh?" Hermione said, half asleep. She looked at the clock. "OH MY GOD WE ARE SO BUSTED." she said when she saw the time. By then I had put in my contacts and my hair into a messy top knot. "Let's go, let's go!" I shouted as i slipped on my white vans. I decided to stay in my sweatpants and the dye shirt. It would have to do. I was late to my first class after all. I ran into the kitchen and Grabbed two granola bars and my textbooks for this class. Hermione ran in shortly afterward with her hair in a crooked ponytail. She was wearing her Lanier Middle School sweatshirt and some gym shorts. "nice outfit" i smirked. That was our middle school back in Houston. Sophie interrupted "I made you girls coffee!" she came in holding two to-go cups. "Oh Sophie you are an angel" Hermione said as we squished her in a hug. "Awe I know, I know. Now get to class!" By now it was 10:15. We ran out the door and out of the dorm building. It was a two minute sprint up the hill to the Carnegie Hall. we burst into the lecture room. "therefore, you should use i.e. instead of e.g." the professor pushed his glasses up his nose. "well, it looks like there's a tardy party going on here." he looked at his roster. "Miss Christine Marie and Hermione Rose. you are LATE." he stared us right down. I felt like he was drilling his frosty green eyes into my soul. "uh..uhmmm sorry sir.." Hermione whispered out as we scurried into two empty seats. "OH!" i gasped as i crashed into someone. My books were all over the floor. "Oh my God I'm so sorry." i heard a familiar voice. It was...

(A/N: hey guys! I'm really craving fries right now... anyways heres a random question! are you a Jake Pauler or a Logangster/Maverick ? I'm honestly neither but I do like watching Logan's vlogs with why don't we. I love help me help you and the fall of Jake Paul though. I'm not a huge fan of team ten but i have a respect for Jake and I used to be crazy for the Martinez twins. It's weird, I know every word to It's everyday bro and OFC tho hahaha. anyways LIMELIGHTS FOREVER lmao. don't forget to comment and vote! I love you guys! peace.

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