Hamilton Academy: He's Always...

By Ella_Quinn204

180K 2.5K 868

This is not just a story about a killer. It's a story about one's love, and the lengths they will go to prove... More

Part One ~ Chapter One
Part One ~ Chapter Two
Part One ~ Chapter Three
Part One ~ Chapter Four
Part One ~ Chapter Five
Part One ~ Chapter Six
Part One ~ Chapter Seven
Part One ~ Chapter Eight
Part One ~ Chapter Nine
Part One ~ Chapter Ten
Part One ~ Chapter Eleven
Part One ~ Chapter Twelve
Part One ~ Chapter Thirteen
Part One ~ Chapter Fourteen
Part One ~ Chapter Fifteen
Part One ~ Chapter Sixteen
Part One ~ Chapter Seventeen
Part One ~ Chapter Eighteen
Part One ~ Chapter Nineteen
Part One ~ Chapter Twenty
Part One ~ Chapter Twenty-One
Part One ~ Chapter Twenty-Two
Part Two ~ Chapter One
Part Two ~ Chapter Two
Part Two ~ Chapter Three
Part Two ~ Chapter Four
Part Two ~ Chapter Five
Part Two ~ Chapter Seven
Part Two ~ Chapter Eight
Part Two ~ Chapter Nine
Part Two ~ Chapter Ten
Part Two ~ Chapter Eleven
Part Two ~ Chapter Twelve
Part Two ~ Chapter Thirteen
Part Two ~ Chapter Fourteen
Part Two ~ Chapter Fifteen
Part Two ~ Chapter Sixteen
Part Two ~ Chapter Seventeen
Part Two ~ Chapter Eighteen
Part Two ~ Chapter Nineteen
Part Two ~ Chapter Twenty
Part Two ~ Chapter Twenty-One
Part Two ~ Chapter Twenty-Two
Part Three ~ Chapter One
Part Three ~ Chapter Two
Part Three ~ Chapter Three
Part Three ~ Chapter Four
Part Three ~ Chapter Five
Part Three ~ Chapter Six
Part Three ~ Chapter Seven
Part Three ~ Chapter Eight
Part Three ~ Chapter Nine
Part Three ~ Chapter Ten
Part Three ~ Chapter Eleven
Part Three ~ Chapter Twelve
Part Three ~ Chapter Thirteen
Part Three ~ Chapter Fourteen
Part Three ~ Chapter Fifteen
Part Three ~ Chapter Sixteen
Part Three- Chapter Seventeen
Part Three ~ Chapter Eighteen
Part Three ~ Chapter Nineteen
Part Three ~ Chapter Twenty
Part Three~Chapter Twenty One
Part Three ~ Chapter Twenty-Two
PLEASE READ- Author's note

Part Two ~ Chapter Six

2K 24 10
By Ella_Quinn204




Sprinkling pink glitter onto a sign for the dance, I slowly lifted my head up to send another death glare across the table at Charlotte. The annoying girl said she wouldn't make any posters unless I made at least three. That's three too many in my opinion.

Charlotte smirked at me, and I clenched the container of glitter a little too tightly. The plastic cracked and pink exploded all over the table. Shit!

"What the hell? Come on Matt! That's the glitter for the posters!" Charlotte had jumped up and was pointing her finger at me accusingly. "I need that glitter! Jeez, take your anger out on something like a punching bag next time." She went on and on, grumbling about everything under the sun.

"Chill Charlotte. It isn't like you have to go around with pink glitter all over you for the rest of the day. That would be me." I tried to brush the glitter off of my pants but only ended up turning my hands pink. This was just great. The guys on the team would have a field day if they saw this.

"Maybe you should have thought of that before crushing that container. You get to clean this. It is so not my problem."

"Does glitter wash out in the rain?" I wondered, mumbling slightly under my breath. I stared hopefully out the window, watching the numerous raindrops pound continuously against the quickly forming puddles. Survival class would be great fun in the mud. I'm sure Mr. Ehway will decide to not show up or something, leaving us to fend for ourselves in the thick brown mess that would have already formed where we have class. Maybe they would decide to hold classes inside a building.

"Get over yourself Matt. I am leaving. The weather outside isn't pretty, and I'm not going to hang out in the lounge waiting for it to get worse. Have fun, and make sure you get all these sparkles off of the table. Mrs. Glady can be a bitch when it comes to clean-up," Charlotte said, referring to the lounge monitor. It was true, that lady could spot a speck of dirt from a mile away.

"Bye Charlotte," I tried to say, but she was already out the door. She seemed like she always had a better place to be, or at least wished she did.

I looked down at my clothes, trying to convince myself that pink could be a very manly color, but I failed. When Alex showed up to practice with stickers covering his helmet, courtesy of his younger sister, he didn't hear the end of it for a long time. Some of the guys still bring it up at times, suggesting he use it to distract the other players. It's an ongoing joke now if you mention Hannah Montana, because she was the main subject of many of the stickers.

Staring at the layer of sparkles on the table, I contemplated how to go about cleaning it. I pulled out a plastic bag that held some markers and dusted the mess into it. Deciding it was good enough, I tossed the bag in the trash.

"Hey! Mr. Elias! Halt!" I stiffened at the sound of Mrs. Glady's voice. Why did she have to be such a neat freak. This is what I have to put up with for dating Charlotte. I could picture us breaking up in the future, we're both only in it for a physical attraction, otherwise I can't stand more than a minute of her.

"Yes ma'am?" I flashed an innocent smile at her as a loud clap of thunder rang out through the air. I thought of Ethan and hoped he was safe in his cabin.

"Cut that out. I am not going to be falling for your charm like all those other girls." Mrs. Glady was old, and I didn't really expect her to be one that would swoon over my good looks, but one could hope.

"I don't see what you mean Mrs. Glady. Attractiveness never hurt anyone, just look at you." I motioned towards her sweater and bright orange pants combination  that would cause Charlotte to faint on the spot, had she been here. Mrs. Glady barely blinked though, her mind was still focused on the mess.

"You will take a nice hour out of your Saturday and spend it cleaning here. Messes are not appreciated, nor are thy tolerated. Come right after lunch." Damn. I hope something comes up on Saturday that I am required to participate in. That would be nice.

"I'm sure I can make time for you, Mrs. Glady." I smiled brightly at her yet again, matching the lightning that kept flashing outside.

"Matthew, I do hope you realize I am married, and therefore I find your actions quite disturbing." ;):&;)Good,):$:: I thought. I found them disturbing also, but I had been hoping they might get me out of trouble. Some of the younger teachers ate this stuff up. It was sick really. If it was someone around my age, like the girls in this school, I enjoyed it, but once they left a certain age range it was disgusting to even think about.

"Have a good day!" I called, and quickly ran from the dust-finding lady. Sitting down in a chair on the other side of the room, I pulled out my phone. Tyler had sent me a text asking me if I wanted to eat with him and some other guys on the team at dinner in town, instead of at school. Apparently there was a great burger place a bunch of them went out to sometimes, and nobody at the school ever noticed. It sounded alright, but I wasn't going to leave Ethan here at night, especially during a storm like this.

I quickly sent him a response saying I couldn't, and was shocked by all the messages that suddenly flooded my phone. Just about everyone on the team had sent me a text. I opened one up and skimmed it quickly, but then immediately went back to reread it slowly. There was something big going on, but nobody knew what. Only that it was bad.

I hoped that nobody was hurt.

My worries were confirmed when the sound of sirens filled my ears. It got increasingly louder as my worry started to bubble over, and I shoved my phone in my pocket and jumped up. Practically knocking over the chair in my rush to get outside, I blindly shoved aside everything in my way. If it had anything to do with Mr. Grey I would never forgive myself.

Another crack of lightning lit the sky but it barely registered in my mind as my concerns escalated. Wind whipped about, flapping canopies up and down. The rain was dripping down my face and into my eyes, making it harder to see. I swiped my hand over my face, momentarily clearing the water off of it before I was drenched all over again.

As I neared Center Circle, my sneakers fully coated with mud, I surveyed the scene around me. Police cars were packed slanted, as if they pulled up in a haste. Men and women were rushing about, calling things out to each other, but their voices were getting swept away by the wind. I noticed caution tape holding the mass of students back as everyone pushed and shoved, trying to get closer. I recognized teachers and counselors scurrying about like mice, calming the younger students with soothing words as they lead the away.

In my haste to find everyone, I almost didn't notice the ambulance. Once I did though, I couldn't stop staring. This meant it was something really bad.

As my eyes darted from face to face, I tried to find someone I knew. I noticed Amy, head in her hands and shoulders slumped as if crying.

This was not good.

Not good.

It must have been Julia, why else would Amy get so worked up?

I took a deep breath, trying but failing to calm myself at the idea of Julia being hurt. Was it Mr. Grey's fault? Why did I ever go to make posters? I should have stayed to keep watch over everyone. I needed to protect them that was my role.

How could I have let this happen? Amy shoulder shuddered when another sob wracked her body and my stomach clenched and twisted into knots. We might not have been the best of friends at the moment, but I know deep down we still cared for each other just as much as usual. A little distance between us meant nothing once one of us was hurt or in pain; mental or physical.

I rushed through the throngs of people until I was by Amy's side, and gently laid a hand on her shoulder. She cried out loudly, startled by my presence. Once she noticed it was neat so she made a strangled sob and clenched her hand onto my arm. She opened her mouth, but her attempt to talk only came out as a hiccup.

"Ames," I whispered, calling her by the nickname I rarely used. Her group on my arm got tighter than I thought possible, and I knew there would be a bruise later. A loud clap of thunder rang out,  and Amy dipped her head back, back whispering words to the angry sky.

As lightning flashed, her head smash back to face me, and suddenly all emotion was wiped from it. Her mouth started moving like it was drugs, at speeds I didn't know possible. I couldn't get any of them, though, the storm made sure of that.

"Amy," I shook her with one hand.

"We're next!" She wailed the words with such force I would have been less startled if a bird came and ate at that very moment.

"Where's Julia?" My voice shook with such fear it was almost hard to recognize. I have no clue what Amy's words meant but I was sure they did not imply something pleasant. My mind was flipping through ideas of what must have happened to her, and the dread in me grew rapidly.

Amy lifted and shaky hand and my body completely sagged in relief. Her finger was pointed in the opposite direction of the ambulance. Julia wasn't hurt. I found her in the crowd in my relief was once again replaced by fear because she was in just as bad as state as Amy was. As the two of us walked eyes, Julia made her way over to us. She had a face wet with tears in rain, both blending together as one.

"Everyone! May I have your attention? Please listen not up!" Mr. Higgins' voice called out across the crowd, silencing all the frantic voices.

Julia slid in beside Amy, and Amy's grip on my arm loosened. She slipped her hand into Julia's and they squeezed each other’s hands in reassure.

"Could you all please be calm? Nothing is wrong that you should worry yourself with." Any and Julia exchanged an odd look, and I clenched my jaw. What Mr. Higgins just said it was most certainly a lie.

"Liar," Amy hissed at Mr. Higgins.

"Thank you for your cooperation." Mr. Hagan step back and rushed off to talk to a police officer. His words may have been an attempt to calm us all, but he had been unable to stop the worry from seeping into his voice. He done the opposite of what he intended.

"What is he doing?" Julia and Amy whisper back and forth quickly about something I was unable to follow. I didn't get to contemplate the meaning long though, because my brother finally showed up.

"Matt! I have something to tell you guys!" Johnny and Kyle were behind him, and Amy quickly wrapped an arm around her brother. "Where's Andrew?" Ethan's eyes took a use one of us, I just just realizing we were one person short.

"Right here.  I came after hearing who was. I still don't know how it happened, but I figured you might." Andrew, who had somehow popped up behind me, looked between Amy and Julia.

"What do you mean?" I shot a confused look at Amy before turning back to my brother. "And what is it?"

"I know who helped me that night." His voice became a whisper on 'that night' and my eyes widened. Did he mean with Mr. Grey? Everyone's faces matched mine, with the exception of Johnny and Kyle. Why didn't even tell me this first? He acts like I'm always annoying him, but I just want protect him. I should be the first person he goes to on stuff like this.

"You guys might not believe me, but trust me, it was definitely her." My eyebrows furrowed as my mind started going through possibilities of who could've been the one to save him that night in the woods.

"Who was it? You're making me nervous." Julia was fiddling with her wet hair.

"Kathryn." Ethan stated simply, and lightning when of the sky at the same moment. Julia suddenly looked as if she was about to faint, and Amy followed suit. There now paler faces looked at each other anymore and I was even more confused.

"We are definitely next," Julia whispered, her voice hard to hear over the wind. Andrew opened his mouth as if to say something, but quickly shut it.

"What is going on?" I cried out, throwing my hands up in the air. "I think I'm missing something here!"

"It was Kathryn," Amy said.

"I know, that's what Ethan just said," I did not follow Amy's words.

"No. I mean that it was Kathryn. That's why this place is crazy. Kathryn's on that stretcher now. She was killed. I know it, me and Julia saw her bloody body!" I took a step back as the words hit me. she was dead? No. She couldn't be.

"It was gruesome. She was definitely dead." Julia's voice was one I barely recognized, any strength from it was gone, and she looked completely distraught. I have never seen something so awful. I just couldn't...nothing...she was so..."Julia stumbled over her words, as if still trying to make sense of what had happened.

"She's really dead?" I whispered. "Murdered?" Julia and Amy nodded slowly, somberly. "The Kathryn that was your counselor, Ethan's savior, is dead? I don't get it."

"Don't you see? It must be Mr. Grey! We are next! For certain." Andrew quickly put a hand over Julia's mouth to silence her.

"Shhh! Don't talk like that here. Everything is alright at the moment."

"Are you crazy? Everything is most definitely not alright! Kathryn was murdered!" Amy's grip on her brother tightened as she hissed the words. Johnny nudged her to get her to loosen her grip, but she was not budging. I slowly pried her fingers off of him so he could breathe, and Amy glared at me.

"Attention! Please give me your attention once more!" Mr. Higgins was calling us all once again, and so we all looked up. I wondered what he would say about all of this.

"Thank you," He said when everyone had quieted. "I am sad to inform you that somebody has died. A counselor names Kathryn has died from internal injuries. Please stay calm and report back to your cabins. This is nothing to worry over, she had some things not working properly in her body, and it escalated to an unsafe level. More information will follow tomorrow, so do not worry. Anyone not in their cabin within ten minutes is in trouble, this weather is in no way safe for you all to be out here in." Mr. Higgins cleared his throat and stepped away as the words sunk in. 

"He's lying!" Julia cried out quietly. "She was murdered, and it didn't have anything to do with internal issues or crap like that!" I didn't understand. I definitely believed Julia and Amy over Mr. Higgins right now.

Why did it seem like Mr. Higgins was trying to cover something up? What was going on at this school?


Hellooooo peoples! So yes, it was Kathryn. Some of you guessed correctly XD 

Wanna hear a little story behind this? If not, just skip this. Soooo... I have an evil teacher this year, whose name I will not mention. (No, it's not Kathryn. Is it similiar? Hehehe...) Anywhoo, I absolutely HATE my teacher. She can't teach and just doesn't care about her students all. I made Kathryn sort of as a way to rant about this teacher I hated... Put all of her bad things into a story. But then came the time that someone rescued Ethan. And I'm here like "hey, it could be Kathryn!" (You'll find out why she does this later.) But now I'm feeling all guilty, because Kathryn saved Ethan's life, and I only killed her off because she was based after a teacher I hated and her fate was always to be killed in part two. Guilty. So yeah, that's my story. The end.

Moving on, I would like to dedicate this chapter to marissa1754, because her comments make smile each time. They just make my day<3 Thank you so much! 

Other things... hmm... Oh! Uh next upload (its sorta a filler chappy) will be uploaded tomorrow. After that, I'm leaving for vacation. Now I have the chapters written, but I have no promises on when I'll be able to upload. So yes, after tomorrow I WILL still upload for the week, but it won't be as frequent. 

Questions: ....errr.... Why? Why would Kathryn help Ethan, if she knew it would get her killed?

Until next time, peace out.



Comment, vote, fan<3

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