Centre Stage ~ 'Destined Love...

By ShanLeighMansonMIW

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Cara Smith doesn’t like the word ‘normal’. What’s normal for one person is obscene to another, this we reject... More

Those Lips, Those Eyes...
The Right Place
Rock Show
Blatantly Obvious
Never Give In

Your Choice

238 13 2
By ShanLeighMansonMIW

Chapter 4 – Your Choice

{Pogo POV}

I grinned as Cara ran off stage and into my waiting arms, hugging me fiercely and laughing excitedly. I chuckled lightly. “You guys did amazing out there!”

“Thanks…” she smiled, blushing as she stepped out of the hug. “When are you guys on? I’d love to see you play…you know…again.”

I laughed and rubbed the back of my neck. “Um…tonight…seven I think…tent eight…” I frowned into the middle distance as I thought. “I’ll check for you.”

“That’d be great…um…when do you have to get ready?” she asked, biting her bottom lip adorably.

I smirked. “Not for a while…we can hang for a bit.”

“Awesome.” She beamed at me as Tal, her band’s drummer, walked past.

“Cara and Pogo, sitting in a tree!” he chanted as he went past, making her blush harder and flip him off.

I chuckled. “Remind me to never piss you off.”

“Yeah, it’s not pretty.” She laughed with me.

“So…it’s hot as hell…” I began, trying to look innocent and she smirked at me. “And our bus has air-conditioning…”

“Oh, really?” her smirk grew smug as she slipped her hand in mine. “I think I’d like to see that.”

“Then see it,” I said dramatically, making her laugh again. “Is what you’ll see…”


{Later that evening…}

The guy and I pretty much destroyed the stage as we left it, sauntering off to our tent for a signing, feeling fucking invincible…which we are anyway, but it’s a good feeling, so I thought I’d share. Not thirty seconds after we’d sat down I heard a wonderfully familiar voice.

“Excuse me,” I heard Cara say sarcastically and I turned in my seat to smirk at her. “But could you sign this for me?” She held out an item of clothing.

“Hi,” I grinned and took the red fabric from her, only realising halfway through signing the fabric that I was holding a rather nice pair of knickers. I gave her a cheeky smile as I handed them back to her and watched her pull them on up under her skirt again. I laughed. “Nice.”

“You’re not the only one who can be bad, you know!” she smiled back at me, but I could see the hint of a blush in her cheeks and smell a hint of something more about her.

“Oh, I know.” I smiled wickedly at her, stepping in close and pulling her hard against me, nipping at her earlobe as I whispered to her. “Bad girl…” I felt her shudder and heard her breathe in sharply as I began trailing light kisses down her neck. “What am I going to do with you, you naughty girl.”

“A-anything you w-want…” she replied shakily as I sucked gently at a sensitive place just under her ear.

“Mmm…” I chuckled darkly as I pulled back, giving her a seductive smile. “I’ll hold you to that.”

She blushed a little more as she looked up at me, a coy smile tugging at her lips as she murmured, “I hope you do.” She looked behind me and her expression became innocent. “But, for now, fans!” she turned me and pushed me back towards the signing table. “See you after!”

As I turned away from her, I felt a predatory smile light my features. “Oh, you can count on that.”


{Cara POV}

I smiled as Pogo made his way over to me; but he seemed concerned about something.

“Hey,” I said sweetly as he reached me and the guys.

“Hey,” he replied and kissed my cheek, waving at the guys. “Hey Tal, Mike, Jessie…you guys doing okay?”

“We love it here!” Jessie all but yelled.

“You’re drunk.” I laughed and shoved him playfully.

“Yup.” Jessie smiled back at me before looking at Pogo. “did you want to steal her for a bit?”

“Ah, yeah actually…that okay?” he asked, his smile tight.

“Yeah, go for it.” Mike replied, shooing us away. “Just come back to the bus before we leave…would hate to leave our vocalist behind.”

I made an honour symbol with my hand. “Scouts honour.” I smiled at Pogo as we turned and began walking off. “So, what’s up? Something on your mind?”

“Actually…I need to tell you something…before things…go further…” he made a face at the ground as we rounded a corner…now completely alone.

“Okay…” I frowned. “Are you a dad?”

He smiled a small smile and shook his head. “No.”

“Married secretly?” I smirked and he shook his head again. “Okay, nothing else can shock me…go ahead.”

“Remember when I asked if you’d be afraid if I was a vampire?” he asked worriedly and I nodded. “well…that was an important question.”

I felt my stomach tighten. “Why?” I asked, but I could feel the answer he was going to give.

“Cara…the guys and I…” he looked at me seriously, his eyes so dark they were almost black. “We’re vampires.”

I stared at him blankly for a moment, deciding if he was joking or not. Deciding he was deadly serious, I took a half step back. “You’re…not joking…” I looked closer and shrugged. “You are deathly pale…”

“You’re taking this a lot better than I anticipated…” Pogo frowned, rubbing the back of his neck as he thought.

“Oh, yeah, of course…are you fucking insane?!” I screamed. “Of course I’m not okay! That’s a huge bombshell to drop on me!” he gave me a look and I glared at him. “I know what I said…but that’s when that wasn’t really a logical option…you know what? It’s still not a logical option. There’s no such things as-”

“Forgive me, my dear, but…there are.” I saw a man walk around the corner Pogo and I had come around. “You’re looking at two right now.

“Prove it.” I narrowed my eyes at them both and they elongated their fangs in front of me. I took two steps back. “Okay, okay! You’re real…”

“Yes…and you just so happen to be the soul mate of Stephen here.” The new-comer replied calmly, detracting his fangs.

“And you are?” I asked with a frown.

“Doctor Felton, at your service.” He smiled and tipped his hat at me. “I have a gift that allows me to find my kinds mates…or life partners if you prefer?” he asked with a smug smile.

“And I’m his?” I pointed at Pogo, my eyebrows shooting up when Doctor Felton nodded. “Holy shit…”

“It is rather incredible, yes.” Doctor Felton nodded, cleaning his glasses. “But, for this to work properly… you need to be with him right up until the change…” he paused, looking at me curiously. “He’s been waiting nearly two hundred years for you, my dear…and he will change you into one of us…” he smirked again. “We’re selfish creatures by nature.”

“Ah, no thanks…I like being alive.” I said, my voice getting higher with each word. “So, no offence, and I do really care about you…but…fuck that…”

“You need to go with him…it’ll hurt the both of you if you don’t…” Doctor Felton continued firmly. “And it’d work in your best interests to stay close to him…you bond quicker and you’ll feel safer…trust me…I know.” I looked around, calculating how far I could get if I bolted now… “Look, you can either walk onto that tour bus…or I’ll drag you on there myself.” Doctor Felton shrugged. “Your choice.”

I didn’t like this. I admit I’m falling for Pogo…but I don’t like this. Love isn’t meant to be…forced… “I don’t-”

“Please,” I stopped when Pogo spoke up. “I know this is a lot to take in…and it can be frightening… but now I’ve found you I sure as hell don’t want to lose you…” he trailed off, running a hand through his hair and looking at me with pleading eyes. “Please…”

“The guys…” I trailed off, pointing back the way we’d come to remind them of my band mates.

“I already talked to them, they understand that you want to travel on his bus,” Doctor Felton smiled proudly. “And Manson just hired you to open his shows for the rest of his tour…so you’ll all be together.”

All sewn together nice and tight, I had nowhere to go. I looked at Pogo now and all I saw was lust… I literally had no choice in this…


I’d kept to myself the whole bus ride to the next venue, occasionally sneaking glances at the man…vampire, I found myself desiring. What was this? Advanced Stockholm Syndrome? I’ve fallen for a vampire… ‘Whoa there Cara,’ I thought to myself as the bus stopped. ‘What are you admitting?’

“Okay, we’ve got an hour to get you ready!” Manson clapped his hands together as he walked towards me, smiling. “Can’t have my opening front woman looking less than awesome, now can we?”

I stood, a plan formulating quietly in the back of my head as I looked up at him. “I guess not.”

I don’t know how he did it…but he made me look as much of a rock star as himself; everyone yelling encouraging comments over the screaming crowd before shoving me out onto the stage. For a moment I was blinded by the lights, but when my eyes adjusted, I grinned. A sea of people were cheering for my band.

I strode purposefully over to the microphone and gripped it tightly. “How’s it going San Antonio?!” I shouted at the crowd and they screamed back. “This one’s called Even The Fairest Rose Will Decompose…” I nodded to the guys and they struck up, our mournful tune infecting our growing audience.

“Did you ever stop to smell the roses?

Before the petals drop and it decomposes?

Did you ever stop to hear my heart break?

And the sound it makes in the dark.

Don't let me go.

You just gotta set me free.

Just kill me now.

And let the earth take me.

Did you ever stop to listen to me?

When my words are shaking out?

Did you ever stop and watch my blood run?

As I was bleeding out?

Don't let me go.

You just gotta set me free.

Just kill me now.

And let the earth take me.”

Though I was once again shocked people cheered for us, I narrowed my eyes a little and smiled. If I played along for one more song…maybe I could escape…

“Thankyou so much! As we’re the opening of the show, we’ve got just one more song before the band everyone’s been waiting all day for comes out…yes! That’s right! Marilyn Manson is here!” I shouted out across the crowd, soaking up the limelight while I had it. “They’ll join us in just a minute, but, for now, here’s one just for you San Antonio! It’s called Falling For Thorns!”

The crowd screamed again and we sang:

People say others

Have their claws in you

But you’ll never see

All the harm that you do

Words like thorns in my eyes

And knives in my heart

And yet I still love you…

Just like in the start…

I’ve fallen for the thorns

They’re dragging me deep

Into a place

Where soldiers dare weep

Cutting so deep

They tear at my heart

But if you try to help me

I’ll fall apart…

Loving you leaves me in pain

Although I’m unsure what you’ll gain

With words that cause hurt

And a tear-stained shirt

Until only your thorns remain

I’ve fallen for your thorns

Brutal love calling me to sleep

Eyes crying and forlorn

‘Cos forever me you’ll keep

With words like thorns that cut so deep

Tearing me to pieces

But with each hurtful line

Your love for me increases…

I’ve fallen for your thorns

And now…it’s you who’ll mourn.”

We dashed off the stage as the others ran on, my shoulder brushing past Pogo’s as I ran into the room beyond. As I heard the band strike up, I knew this was the moment. I had to go now. I told my band mates I was headed to the toilet and, once out of sight, piss-bolted it out of the arena and across the parking lot, not bothering with my things, they guys would just take it home for me.

I ran until it was dark and it hurt to breathe…in fact…it hurt to do anything. I saw a disused building ahead as thunder cracked loudly overhead and, as I stumbled in agony into the dark building and collapsed onto the straw laden ground, I felt my entire being scream out for the man I knew in my heart I loved…


{Pogo POV}

I felt her soul cry out for mine as soon as I left the stage, Manson and the others splitting up to help me find her. I checked everywhere close by with no luck…and then I caught her scent…white roses, lilac…and fear induced adrenaline.

I pelted through the night, ever mindful of the bellowing thunder overhead as her scent became stronger. Her scent changed slightly and my heart lurched…she was in pain.

I saw an old disused warehouse standing alone up ahead and made a beeline for it as it began to rain heavily. My eyes quickly adjusted to the dark and I saw her, curling in on herself in the far corner, clutching her chest and shivering.

I knelt beside her, grimacing when she flinched at my touch. “It’s just me, love…” I tried to calm her.

“It…it hurts…when I’m away…” she sobbed into my chest as I held her gently. “It hurts…”

“I know…” I murmured, tenderly running my hands through her hair.

“Make it stop…please?” she pleaded softly, clutching at me desperately.

The animal inside me awoke, fierce…and hungry… “Come here…” I commanded, my voice low and gravelly, making her shiver lightly.

I lifted her to her feet and pulled her to me, kissing her ravenously and loving the sound of her wanton moan as I deepened the kiss and shoved her back against the wall. My hands trailed down her luscious body, memorising every dip and curve; cupping her ass and lifting her up, growling dominantly as she wrapped her legs about my waist.

I groaned in pleasure as I felt her buck against me as we made out mercilessly with each other; I could feel her pain ebbing and her fear fading…but this wouldn’t be enough. I broke the kiss, a low growl rumbling through my chest. “Not here…”

“B-but I… I need you…” she pleaded softly, words whispered to me as if in prayer. “Please…

‘Oh, God forgive me…’

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