Rock Show

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Chapter 3 – Rock Show

{Pogo POV}

I’d seen Cara every day since she’d appeared at our show…it had been hard to tell at first, but now I could feel the full effects of the mating pull…but it was harder to tell if Cara was feeling it yet. Sometimes it takes humans longer to feel the effects and sometimes they feel it sooner. If you’re human, and you’re not sure, look at a picture of the person you believe is a vampire you’re in love with or watch a video or listen to their voice, whatever suits you…and if you feel a tightening in the pit of your stomach, or a dull, sad ache in your chest…chances are pretty good that you’re the soul mate of the vampire you’re looking at.

But I digress. I’d suggested to the guys that we go check out a ‘Rising Talents’ gig done every year in the city we were in right now, pleased when they’d agreed. I needed out of that tour bus right now. It’s nice in there…for like five days…then it gets claustrophobic. So we walked into the packed venue, some people recognised us, some didn’t, and we mingled until the show began.

There were a lot of punk bands screaming nonsensical lyrics at a drunken audience, followed by an Indie band who were actually pretty good, followed by a lone country singer who only did one song before he was booed off the stage. It was an okay show; and then the announcer called out that the next band was local and that was why they were finishing the show.

We clapped like everyone else, but I didn’t really look up until I heard a familiar southern drawl I’d come to rather love. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I watched Cara come out on stage… with a band…her band! I felt my jaw drop as they began their set, rocking out on stage and kicking all the other performers asses!

I smiled at the way she moved on stage; smirking at the audience as she sang and thrummed away at her guitar…but that smile quickly vanished when I remembered I’d have to leave her here. There was no way she’d go off with five random guys she’d just met…even if we were her favourite band. What was I going to do?

I felt, rather than saw, someone come and stand beside me. I turned to look and saw Doctor Felton come up to me , a sympathetic look on his face as he leant in to say, “You’re worried about leaving her…” he smiled and continued. “Don’t worry, I’ll sort it all out…just continue with the tour…it’ll all work out splendidly.”

And then he vanished off into the crowd, leaving me to wonder how on this Earth he’d be able to sort out this mess.


{Cara POV}

The band and I had had a really great run at the ‘Rising Talents’ gig this year, our set had been good and no fails on anyone’s parts. But this was the last song, it had to hit home…

“You guys had a good time?” I yelled into the mic and the crowd cheered. I smiled. “We have too…but this is the last song unfortunately. This one goes out to my friend Cecelia who couldn’t be here tonight…coz she’s on her honeymoon,” I grinned as people cheered. “It’s called Perfect Crime…” I nodded to Mike, our bassist, and we began to play our last song.

Over the song’s intro, I heard a familiar voice shout, “Go Cara!”

I looked towards the back and saw Pogo and Manson holding lighters in the air and swaying. I chuckled quietly…and began to sing:

Let’s commit the perfect crime

I’ll steal your heart

And you steal mine

One ring to say we’ll never part

Hearts entwined in works of art…”

I watched Pogo watching us perform, a look of pride, awe, and sadness etched across his face as I closed my eyes and continued.

Centre Stage ~ 'Destined Lovers' Book 3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora