Colors of the Wind A Mindless...

By TheFemaleKing

113K 1.2K 103

When the savage life meets modern day mindlessness........ More

The Spirits Make Rain
Black Wild
The Real him
All Eyes on the Worthless Savage!
My fathers spirt
On my List..
Thugs and bugs
Rated R
Rain or Rainbow?
I'm in the HOV lane!
If you are what you say you are. A Superstar.
Times have changed.
Just loose it.
Doors. Just Open One.
Thanks Ray.
The Lie of Life
I almost lost you. I will do all I can to keep you
Now or Never.
Colors of The Wind
Thank you all for reading!
Every time you see a Rainbow....

The Truth will set you free.

3.4K 36 3
By TheFemaleKing

''Hello I'm Belle Sanders live from Hip Hop Mag. Many rumors have been spread not by only out studio, but others as well. KayKay is here with the full story. She is joined by long time friend RayRay.'' She started out. I took deep breaths. No turning back. 

''How do you to know eachother?'' She asked. ''Well'' Ray started, but I beat him to an answer. ''We went to the same school. I moved there in the 10th grade year. I was bullied by everyone, he didn't even say a word to my until our 12th grade year.'' I spoke

''Ok, Did you every have sexual relations.'' She asked. '' No'' I said tears forming in my eyes. ''Never''.

'' Its best if you just tell us the whole story, about Spiker, Ray, everyone. Go ahead clear your name'' She said putting her cards down. 

'' I went on tour'' I started Ray got up from the couch. This was my time to talk, my time only. '' Beyonce, Rihanna, and Nicki Minaj tour. They loved me. After the tour, I tried to get signed.  This dude, my ex boyfriend, Spiker had came to my shows. He really like me, so I thought. I began to live with him and had my mail sent to his house. Many record labels wanted to sign me. Young Money, Disturbing the Peace, Bling Squad, they all had high bids to. Spiker riped  them all up right infront of me. He forced me to get signed to his label. I did. The worst mistake ever.  After that, many of my fans though I went Emo. I'm not Emo nor Punk rock. most of my cloths are really high colors like yellow, pink, and my favorite color, purple. Yea, I did get a tattoo, but I wanted it. It was the Japaneese sign for Warrior. I always wanted that, and I got it. I cut my hear because it went past my knee. That was to much so I cut it. Its already grew from my middle back to my but. But enough on my look and style, I'm hear to clear my name.'' I looked into the camera Tears formed in my eyes.

'' Kai Meda. That was going to be the Indian name of my child. My child is now dead. It was taken from me by her own father. Dispite the way she was conseived I was still going to love her. After all, it would not have been her fault that Spiker tied me down and raped me!'' I broke down in tears. 

'' When I told him I was pregnant, he forced me to get an abortion, at gun point. After I got it, he vowed never to rape me again. Instead, he did something far worse. We began to tie my to seats and chairs and make me watch him have sex with other women. Often using my money to pay them! One night, he ran out of money, so he tried to rape me again. I didn't settele for it. I got my already packed bags and drove all the way to L.A . I couldn't do it.'' I closed my eyes.

'' He lied on my. He wanted to get back at me for running away and he needed money. I bet the sold that lie for millions even. And yall asses believed it. I can't even walk out my fucking front door because of yall!''' I stood up and yelled getting in every camera and cursing. 

'' How the FUCK would you feel if when you walk out your door you see people with some damn SIGN saying I SHOULD DIE! How would yall feel if BEYONCE hated you?! How the Fuck you yall feel Hip Hop Mag? How The fuck would you feel.?'' 

I began to cry and throw stuff. Every one was to damn scared to stop me. The freaking body garuds just stoof there as i broke expensive lamps and shit. 

Ray ran over to me and tackled me to the ground. '' Its going to be ok alright?'' he told me.

'' No the fuck it aint the fucking world hates me all because of a damn lie!'' I screamed. 

'' Its ok'' he tried to tackle me again but I was to strong  when angry''

''How the Fuck would you feel? I've been suicidal ever since I was 8!'' I didn't get to say much, the body gaurds picked me up and carried me out while I was screaming.

'' Tragic, Ray would you like to tell us a few words?'' Belle said with tear stains on her face. 


Rays POV---------

I sat down still taking in what happened. 

'' She could have been dead'' I started while holdin back tears. '' One night, hold on LAST night, she went through twitter. She read some things that no woman should read. She tried to kill herself. She shot a fully loaded gun at herself. The 3 rapid gunshots woke me up. I asked her what happened. The gun was stoped up. She already pulled the trigger 3 times then she threw it out of anger. When she threw it, it shot 3  times.She could have been dead over a lie!'' I walked out. My vision was unclear from tears. I kept screaming over and over ''She could have been dead''.

'' I'm Belle Sanders, and this has been an indiscribale event here at Hip Hop Mag studios. Have a blessed day''. 

''CUT'' was yelled through the studio by many people. All cameras were off. I went to find Kay.

Kays POV-----------

I was walking around this huge place until I saw Spiker with his friend. I let out a loud yelp and darted off for my life. Both of them came running after me. I didn't know where to run in fear of I would run to the top of the roof, like in the movies, and I would have to fight them or jump, so I ran into the streets on L.A. The were right after me. I did many twists and turns but they were hot on my trail. I did the unthinkable.   I ran into the streets with my eyes closed. I hear a car horn, some yelled and screams and a car slamed on its brakes.

Wait, I'm still alive. Yes, I'm still running. I opened my eyes when I felt grass on my feet. I was on the other side of the side walk. I crossed two busy highways. I looked back to find someone got hit by the car. They were laying in a pool of blood.

''Spiker?'' I said. All the cars had stoped. I walked closer to the body. 

It wasn't Spiker.

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