Twice Upon a Time

By JennyWrein

21.2K 366 65

McKinnley Jacobs has been through the ringer and back in life, the love of her life is gone and she is to rai... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight

Chapter One

6K 47 4
By JennyWrein

McKinnley Jacobs had finally put to rest the last case she would do for Turner and Turner Inc. As she closed the filing cabinet she breathed a sigh of relief as that chapter in her life had come to a close. This would be her last day at the company that took her from the ground up, and she would miss it greatly. Over the years that had become like a second family and a small piece of her didn't want to leave.

It had been a rough few years since McKinnley's husband Jack had passed, she missed him with all her heart. They were high school sweethearts, he the all American football quarterback and her the vivacious cheerleader. They married young and at that point in time life couldn't have been more perfect.

However, their joy and seemingly perfect life would be shattered by the unthinkable. The one word that has plagued millions of families and loved ones, cancer. McKinnley watched as the love of her life slowly dwindled away, but she and Jack were both persistent that they were going to beat this. When McKinnley became pregnant they both thought that was a sign that everything would come out for the better.

Jack did go into remission but only for a brief period of time and when the cancer came back, it came bringing all guns a blaze. McKinnley wasn't quite prepared for the inevitable like she had thought, so when Jack had taken his final breath he took hers with him. She felt as if all meaning of life at that very moment cease to exist. Her puffy tear stained eyes wondered down to her over swollen belly as she rubbed her hand across it. The baby kicked against her hand which made her cry even harder for the loss of her loving husband and unborn child.

At that moment she had sworn a oath to herself that she would do anything and everything to do it all on her own. She would raise their daughter Ashlyn by herself and keep up with her cases at work. McKinnley ended up throwing herself into a state of numbness functionality.

Years had past as Ashlyn grew older, more active, and work had become increasingly busier. McKinnley found herself downing in her own mind. The rush of the city and the people had become all to much and she wished something would come to rescue her.

As she rushed to make dinner for her and Ashlyn the phone rang. Placing it in the crook of her neck as she stirred at pot of spaghetti and checked the oven for garlic bread. A sweet voice she hadn't heard in awhile came across the line.

"McKinnley, honey is that you it's not an answering machine is it?"

"No grandma it's me, how are you?"

"Oh honey I'm ok but the farm needs help and I thought that it would be a good idea if you were to move down here. You need a break, you work to hard and we haven't seen the baby in ages, you never know you may want to stay here for good."

"I don't know grandma, I just finished my last case and I was hoping to spend some time alone with Ashlyn. It's Jack's birthday and..." McKinnley tried to will her tears back from spilling over as she pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. Ashlyn was coloring in a coloring book at the kitchen table. She hummed a sweet tune that she learned at preschool. The sweet sound filled the kitchen a lulled McKinnley's nerves just a little.

"Oh come on honey it'll do you both some good to get out of the city and get some fresh air, change of scenery. Come on please!" she begged.

"I guess it wouldn't be so bad to come down there for a little while and give a hand and then we can come back up before kindergarten starts up."

A happy screech came from the other end of the line as her grandma tried to compose herself.  A smile crept upon McKinnley's face to hear her grandma happy to have her visit and Ashlyn will love the farm animals.

They had said their goodbyes and McKinnley finished making dinner for the two of them. Thinking of what to pack for their adventure to grandma's house.


Chase Evans wiped the sweat that rolled down the back of his neck with his blue bandanna. As he lifted off the well worn stetson cowboy hat and tried desperately to fan himself. It was the hottest day on record and he cursed to himself that it was a sin to have to work out in his type of heat. His dirty blonde hair had now matted to his head, As his white cotton t-shirt covered in dust clung to him showing off his work horse type of body, even his muscles had muscles.

Women tended to cling to him like flies on manure, not that he discourage the attention, after Megan had left him high and dry without even a goodbye. He decided he didn't want nor care to have another girlfriend anytime in the near future. Chase was just as content to share a bed with a woman and then leave early the next morning before she woke up, than you have to get his heart and head messed with again.

Mrs. O'Connell told him that he would find another great woman even better than Megan to love. He would just agree with the old woman to get her to move on to the next topic. He cared for the old woman because she reminded him of his own grandma that had passed a couple years before. He didn't like sharing his love life with anyone, but would sometimes share things with her. He wouldn't let any of the other ranch hands know that he cared this much for his boss.

Some late afternoons he would visit the old woman just to make sure she didn't need anything. She would offer him a seat on the back porch and had a glass of homemade lemonade. There were even many of times that they would sit in silence, she knitting or crocheting and he would carve at a piece of wood with his pocket knife. He had made Ms. O'connell little animal figurines and some statues that she had placed all over the house.  

During one of there get togethers she had mention at one time about McKinnley's husband being very ill. Chase felt sadden by the information and wished that Jack would be one of the lucky ones to survive this horrible disease. Chase had lost a couple of friends a family member to different cases. However, that was not ment to be in the case of McKinnley's husband.

He had seen a few childhood pictures of Mackinnley and had briefly wondered what she would look like now all grown up. She was a beauti in her cheerleader outfit and prom queen photo, but Chase pushed that thought in the back of his mind. He didn't want to even bother with the thought of becoming attracted to another female like he had with Megan.

They had been together for several years and he thought all was well. One morning he awoke to a note on the pillow next to him that was a dear John letter. Telling him that she had fallen in love with another and that she was leaving him for good.  Ever since then a wall was built up around his heart never to allow even the faintest of affection for any other.

As Chase came into the present time he gazed up towards the big house and noticed at unfamiliar vehicle parked in the driveway. Before he had another second to ponder on it, Richard called out to him to lend a extra hand. Chase placed his hat back on his head and turned back towards the barn without a second glance.

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