Just my luck

By smurf_angie

325 23 0

Hayley falls for a guy who is the best that any girl could ever be with...that is until they get more serious... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 5

14 1 0
By smurf_angie

   Today I make 6 months with Matt. I woke up extra early so that I could get ready for my day out with Matt. He said he had a few things for us planned for this special day, I couldn't just sit around and not feel excited about it at all. I got dressed and headed downstairs to watch some television while I waited for him to arrive. knock knock. I opened the door hoping it was him, but it only turned out to be Harry. "Hi Harry, c'mon in." He walked in and looked around. I'm guessing he's looking for Vanessa. "Vanessa is upstairs still sleeping," I said. He laughed and asked if it was alright to go and scare her so she could wake up. I nodded and told him to go on up. As soon as I was about to sit back down I heard another knock at the door. I went over and opened the door. It was Matt! "Hi beautiful are you ready to go?"

   "Hey wake up," he said. I looked out the window to see where we were, it was the zoo. The zoo? why would he bring me to the zoo when he knows I disliked it, ever since my parents died I could never step a foot into the zoo. We got out the car and went right in, Matt had already bought the ticket. "I feel like you aren't that excited to be here," said Matt. I faked a smile and said that I was. We kept walking around observing every animal. But when we got to the pandas I got uncomfortable and sad. My mother loved pandas, she loved them so much that she had a small tattoo on her wrist. I turned around so Matt wouldn't see a tear rolling down my cheek. "Hayley are you alright?" he said. I wiped my tears and faced him. "Yea I just...had something in my eye. can we go now?" I asked. I grabbed him and tugged on his shirt. But when I  did that he brushed me off. I was confused, had I done something wrong? I ignored it and waited till he was done. We spent a few more hours walking around until he said he needed a break. "Hayley c'mon we are going to eat." He pulled me by the arm and walked, but it was more like he was rushing. "Matt you're kind of hurting my arm and I can't walk that fast, I'm tired." He turned around and got real close to my face and said, "Stop whining and hurry up, I'm hungry." I pulled off and stood there angry. How dare he talk to me that way. "Matt what the hell is your problem?" I said. He turned around with a look in his face like as if he was annoyed. But when he took a deep breath he walked slowly towards me. "I'm sorry Hayley I don't know why I acted in that matter. Please forgive me," he said in a calm voice. I had no idea what had happened but I just wanted to get out of here, I walked slowly towards the door to the restaurant. "I will be right back, you can wait here," said Matt. A few minutes later he was back with hot dogs and French fries for the both of us. "Is this all we are doing today?" I asked. He didn't say a word, he continued eating and sat there on his phone.

   An hour later we were headed back to the car. We sat there in silence for a few minutes until I spoke. "Where are we going?" I asked. "We are going to your house duh." what is his problem today? We got home and found my sister and Harry having dinner. "Want to  join us guys?" said Harry. "I'm not hungry, thank you though," I said. I turned around and saw Matt on his phone again. It was getting annoying, so annoying that I was getting angry. "WHY WON'T YOU JUST PUT THE DAMN PHONE DOWN OR GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" I yelled. everyone got quiet and the room felt awkward to be in. Matt put the phone away and apologized. "I'm sorry it's just my coworker was trying to see if I could cover for her since she did it for me this week," he said. He grabbed me  by the waist and kissed me. I didn't want a kiss from him, I really just wanted him out of my god damn house. I grabbed him by the arm and dragged him towards the door. "Bye Matt, oh and the zoo...yea I hate it, remember why? Here's why,Dead parents." I kicked him out  and slammed the door on his face. I turned around and saw Harry and Vanessa staring at me. "Hayley, what's going on?" asked my sister. "Do you girls want me to go away?" asked Harry. I told him it was fine, he's technically family now. We all sat and talked about how today went. I even mentioned how Matt was with me. "That's odd...maybe he was just having a bad day, or his friend was just on his ass about covering for her," said Vanessa.

   It was night time and we all decided to go for a walk in the park. We played on the swings, tried the monkey bars, and even went down the slides. I walked away to sit on a bench, while Vanessa and Harry played tag like little kids. I sat there thinking...maybe I should just lie on the ground. I lied on the ground and looked up at the stars. I felt calm and peaceful. "Hayley?" said a familiar voice. I sat up and turned my head. It was Damon. "Damon, what are you doing here?" I asked. He smiled and said, " I could ask you the same thing." He extended his hand out for me to take to help me up. "Thanks. oh and I'm here with my sister and her boyfriend." I pointed over to them and we saw them kissing. "Oh. well they sure are having some fun," he said. We both laughed and sat on the bench. Vanessa heard us laugh and began to walk towards us. "Hi I'm Vanessa and this is my boyfriend, Harry." He shook her hand and introduced himself. We all talked until the boys went for some coffee for all of us. "I like this Damon guy, he does give off a friendly vibe," said Vanessa. "See didn't I tell you?" I said. A few minutes later the boys came back with coffee for everyone. We sat there talking and telling jokes for an hour, not realizing that it was almost 11pm. "Whoa, Hayley it's past your bedtime," said Damon. "Haha very funny," I said. We all got up from the ground and said goodnight to Damon.

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