By xNellaa

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Just one-shots More

Author's Note
Lust and Love
The Louder the Better
The Long Weekend
Digging Your Scene
I'm Jealous
Musical Chair
Take Me Now
A Confession
A Gift From the Heart
Sleeping Beauty
Grade A
Not Gay at All
A Wonderful Thing: An Adventure of Winnie the Pooh and 2B too
True Faith
By The Power of Winnie the Pooh
Feather Light
Fake It Until You Make It
You. Me. This.
Just with you
Bobby & Hanbin
cute cafe boys
Wicked Games
Love and Fall
Casually Being Boyfriends

Dance With Me Princess

110 2 0
By xNellaa


  hanbin's lips are soft and jiwon wants to kiss them. 


the snow keeps on falling, shimmering the reflection of the slight rays of the sun that peek amidst the darkish greyish clouds. there's the familiar scrape of metal against pale concrete as hanbin heaves an almost tired sigh, fingers gripped around the base of the shovel.

it was tiring, shovelling the dusty white snow that had accumulated from the storm just the night before. they had thought it was going to be quite an easy task, the snow only seemed like fluff from a white sheep. how wrong were they. it was like a barricade of hardened frost that took grunts and wheezes from the two of them to barely budge the surface.

jiwon wasn't even paying attention to his shovel, his eyes wandering again and again to the figure beside him. he tries to shift his attention to the sight in front of him, the gleam of the crystallised ice making him blink. it doesn't work, even when he tries to think about the fluff of a newborn duck (he definitely doesn't compare it to hanbin's hair after a shower) or the basketball court that's probably covered in snow just 'round the corner. his mind flashes to the memories when he and hanbin would spend their hot summer afternoons, wiping the sweat off their brows as they indulge in yet another game. feet aching and chests heaving as they get up to leave with wide smiles and twinkling eyes.

the train of thought snaps as a single snowflake kisses the top of jiwons nose, and he decides on a whim of frustration that maybe he should just stop the torture and steal a glance. hanbin is still working, and jiwon shifts to his side, catching the earmuffs atop of a fluffy mess of black hair, loose and curly as they reach just above hanbin's eyes. the sight seemed almost angelic, with the white frost dusting across hanbin's lashes and the way his tongue would peek out innocently from the seam of his lips, his face resembling a kitten trying to catch a ball of yarn with endearing concentration. he almost laughs at the image of a hanbin kitty, puff of white escaping through breathless soft laughter and he sees hanbin turn his head, eyebrow raised and lip jutted out in concern.

"why are you laughing?' he asks, and jiwon stops with a grin that always forms whenever he sees the other boy, it was like an involuntary muscle or something.
hanbin blinks, once, twice, thrice. he sees jiwon grin wider and his brows furrow in a cocktail of mild confusion and a spur of frustration. "tell me!" he whines and jiwon just replies with a shrug, along with "dunno, maybe it's just your face."

the older boy snickers as he sees the other prod at his cheeks, halting in his tracks once hanbin leans forward, stopping inches away."is there something on my face?" he unwarily inquires, and jiwon swallows with the proximity. he stares into his wide eyes, following the pretty slope of his nose to the plush pink of his lips, and he almost wants to blurt out 'beauty' but catches himself, shaking his head with another small laugh. how bizarre were his thoughts becoming, it was almost ridiculous.

"i was kidding!" jiwon huffs, whining like a little child.

"yeah yeah, sure. you're such an idiot sometimes" hanbin rolls his eyes and jiwon pouts.

the shovels are long abandoned, limbs too tired and air too misty. hanbin lets his head roll to the side with a sigh and jiwon feels a jab of guilt, he barely contributed to the shovelling, and he could already see the snow falling harder. it was of no use. "wanna take a break?" it was a meaningless question, they were unlikely to go back to work anyway, not when the weather is pretty and hanbin gives a tired nod.

jiwon helps the smaller boy up, slender digits wrapped around a thin wrist before jiwon is grinning again and hanbin shoots him a wary look. this grin was a distinctive one, specially reserved for hanbin, and mostly used whenever jiwon wants to shove his stupid ideas over to the boy and expect him to play long because they were best friends, and this is what best friends do together!
the slight frown that tugged at hanbin's lips momentarily made jiwon's skin itch so he started to search for something to make hanbin laugh, and feel better, and he reminisces the times where he had done very peculiar events in order to bring a smile to the both of them. like that time where they jumped into a river together, or threw water balloons at people passing by from their window.

jiwon tugs on hanbin's arm, not expecting the collision of hanbin's cheek across the smooth, cold fabric of his leather jacket. he watches the way hanbin shivers and decides to tug him closer, arm curving across his waist to keep in place. jiwon is grinning harder, and he swears he could feel his cheeks popping out, numb and possibly pink from the cold. the boy obviously notices hanbin's confusion, but he waves it off to the side before intertwining his cotton cladded fingers with hanbin's bare ones. his hand is smaller, jiwon notes and he cocks his head to the side. "y'know how to waltz?" he breathes out, warm breath mingling against pale skin. heartbeat thrumming.

"i-well, no.. i mean i never really was into those dances" hanbin sputters out, a bit embarrassed, he doesn't why though. jiwon takes a moment too long to answer, a rush of thoughts ranging from should i even be doing this, to hanbin is so cute, what the fuck.

footsteps thud upon the dusted white concrete as jiwon guides hanbin's arm to his shoulder, swaying their direction to the left. hanbin falters, stumbling forward over his own legs and letting out a small giggle (which made jiwon smile even harder, how is that possible? he doesn't know). the truth is, the older boy didn't even know to waltz properly, he only saw it in princess shows his sister would watch, and would often think it was a rather romantic thing to do (especially with hanbin) and it proved to be worthwhile as he gazes at the boy before him.

they step to the right, then back to the left before jiwon acts on a completely in moment-surge of bravery and decides to grip his arms on either side of hanbin's waist, lifting him up and swooping in a half circular movement. it would have been professional if there was a dress involved. the idea of hanbin in a dress makes jiwon want to smack himself. (seriously, what the hell are his thoughts?) hanbin stumbles once again, catching himself by using jiwons shoulder as a guide. his gaze is pointed to the ground and jiwon can see he's concentrating on the movement of their feet.

there were countless moments where jiwon would feel adoration bubbling in his gut to his heart, but moments like these were his favorite. moments where he and hanbin were alone, and smiling, and the way hanbin would always put his best into whatever act they would do, eyebrows furrowed and mind rushing to advance and converge with the other's pace.

"stop thinking too much, i can hear your brain from all the way here" jiwon scoffs from in between breaths. hanbin shoots him a half glare, hoping to look as intimidating as he feels, but jiwon thinks he's kittenesque.

hanbin catches on after a while, feet following with mostly accurate moves as his lips curve into a bright smile, shining all the way to his eyes and he's laughing harder. the awkward fumbles with their limbs and melodious laughter rolling into the white fog makes jiwon's heart soar into the grey sky. he's laughing along with the other boy, and all he could see was the blur of faded white, clinging onto their skin and hanbin's radiant bright smile curving his eyes into little crescents that could rival the prettiness of a moon. his nose is tinged pink and jiwon wants to kiss it.

they stop once hanbin slumps against the curve of jiwons neck. warm breath fanning out against the rapidly quickening pulse point, and jiwon fingertips tingle with something he can't really place his mind on. it doesn't matter when hanbin is looking so peaceful, so content. the soft flutter of his eyelashes conceal the dark glittering orbs beneath paperthin lids. hanbin sighs and jiwon holds his breath.

he doesn't know how many seconds it has been, with their heaving chests calming down and somwhere along the way hanbin pulls away just a fraction, flushed cheeks and a hazy smile gracing his lips. jiwon's hand reaches out to trace the arch of hanbin's cheekbone. he doesn't notice hanbin's cheeks reddening, but if he had he would've dismissed it as a result of the cold. his finger dips in lower, drawing out the edge of the other's bottom lip.

"your lips are cold." jiwon mutters under his breath. his heart is beating fast and his palms are warm and clammy beneath his gloves. he ignores the softness of hanbin's lips, and the reddened cheeks, and that one single strand of hair out of place at hanbin's ear.

"warm me up, then?" hanbin smiles. it's coy and challenging at the same time. just so very like him.

jiwon decides to do just that, leaning in until their lips meet. 

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