The Way I Love You

By kate241

9.6M 183K 32K

Paisley Conner has a great life. She has loving parents, caring friends, everything she needs and wants but o... More

The Way I Love You
Chapter 23


129K 3.6K 681
By kate241

*Paisley's POV*

My eyes darted across the crowded area as people continued to flow into it. Xander was standing right besides me, my hand clutched tightly in his, and we watched together as our pack mates endlessly filled up the large field.

My dad had called a pack meeting just as he said he would, as did Reed, and now about half an hour later both of our packs were filling up a large field in between our lands. It was obvious just by watching them that our pack members had grown accustom to one another because people from both packs were conversing easily, perfectly comfortable.

The large crowd became silent as mine and Xander's dads stepped up onto the raised platform in front of the crowd. Xander and I weren't in sight at the moment, instead we were standing off on the sidelines, waiting for our fathers to call us up.

"As you all already know Alpha Reeds son, Xander, and my daughter, Paisley, are mates." My father began. Head nods and smiles came from the crowd as Reed began to talk.

"Well Alpha Saxon and myself are very happy to announce that Xander and Paisley have completed the mating process and they will be taking over, and merging, our packs as soon as possible."

About five seconds after Reed finished talking the crowd erupted into applause and a few seconds after that my dad motioned for Xander and I to join him on stage. The cheering only got louder as soon as my mate and I stepped onto the stage.

We stood hand in hand in between our fathers and waited for the crowd to quiet down. A large smile was present on my face as I looked over the crowd of familiar faces, and strangers, staring back at me with joyful expressions.

My dad raised his hand up and smiled when the packs quieted down.

"Xander and Paisley are going to be taking the pack in a week from today so another meeting will be held at that time, at this place. Thank you all for coming out tonight." Dad finished with a large smile.

The packs clapped once again and started to disperse, not before congratulating Xander and I though. After everybody had disappeared and it was just Xander and I standing in the big field I couldn't help but to throw my arms around his neck and squeeze him tightly.

He chuckled quietly before wrapping his arms around my middle and hugging me back. As I breathed in his scent, our scent, I felt my body instantly relaxing. All of the built up tension and nerves drained from my body and I felt the same from Xander.

"I can't believe that this is happening. We will be the alphas of our packs in a week." I said in amazement. Xander slightly pulled away from me, but left his arms wrapped around my waist, and smiled down at me.

"I know angel. I have dreamed about this since I was a little boy." Xander admitted. A small smile lit up my face when I heard these words and I couldn't help but to laugh when a light blush began to form on Xander's smooth cheeks.

After I had recovered from laughing I looked up to see that Xander was staring at me with the look that I often see on his face when he looks at me, his eyes were soft and the corner of his mouth was tilted up, the exact same look that my dad gives my mom.

I felt my eyes soften as well and as I buried my head in his chest I knew that together we could tackle any task, even running a pack.


I stood in front of my large full body mirror inspecting my outfit one week later. Though I had decided that I am indeed ready to take over the pack that doesn't change the fact that I am nervous about it.

My white dress floated gracefully down to my knees and the thin straps at the top held it up well. My hair was down in its natural style and I wore little to no makeup. Though the look was different then what I am used to I feel confident in it and when I hear a knock at my door I put a large smile on my face and go to answer it.

As soon as the door swung open my breath got caught in my throat. Xander stood in front of me wearing a smile of his own and let me tell you one thing, he looked stunning. A white dress shirt covered his top half, while a pair of nice dress pants were on his legs and I couldn't help but to laugh when I noticed that he had a black leather jacket on over his dress shirt.

I stepped forward and straightened out the collar on his shirt before reaching up and brushing his dark hair out of his face. While I was doing this Xander was simply watching me with an amused smile on his handsome face.

When I was satisfied I looked up at him and smiled, standing on my tip toes to gently peck his cheek.

"Are you ready angel?" Xander questioned. I felt butterflies begin to fly around in my stomach but I nodded anyways. I could feel that Xander was also nervous through the bond but I didn't say anything about it and instead took Xander's large hand in my own, giving him a confident nod.

As we descended the stairs I saw our parents waiting at the bottom, smiling at us happily. I had first thought that my parents weren't happy that Xander and I are ready to take the pack but they later told me that they were over the moon about it and that they really needed a vacation anyways.

"We'll aren't you two looking nice." My mom said as she came forward to kiss me on the cheek. She patted Xander's shoulder before returning back to my fathers side.

"Alright, lets get this show on the rode!" Reed exclaimed before leading Emily to the door. My parents followed after them and then Xander and I last.

The walk to the pack meeting sight wasn't a long one, about fifteen minutes, and when we arrived I couldn't have been more surprised. The clearing had never been ugly, with beautiful flowers and towering trees, but this is incredible.

Somebody had taken the time to decorate the clearing with all kinds of white decorations. White lamps hung from the trees, casting a beautiful glow over the darkening area, and wooden wife chairs had been set up so that the pack members diff have to stand throughout the long ceremony.

Other beautiful decorations and tables holding food and drinks were scattered all over the place and I was feeling extremely grateful to whoever had arranged this.

"We thought that we would add some stuff, just to make the place more beautiful then it already is." Emily said, motioning to my mom and herself. I should have known that they had arranged this.

I smiled gratefully before untangling my hand from Xander's and giving the both of them right hugs.

"Thank you." I said as I stepped back. The two mothers smiled at me in return. I turned around just in time to see my friends coming up to us.

Lela and Perrie were quick to throw their arms around me and practically squeeze me to death in a hug. Chucking, I wrapped my arms around then and returned the hug.

"Hey guys." I greeted the happy girls and the rest of the guys, who were bro hugging Xander. Several 'hi' and 'hey's' were given and I smile when I recovered a few more hugs.

I had somehow made my way back to Xander's side as he and I talked to our friends and I noticed that Perrie had also returned to Blake. I couldn't help but to notice how Perrie seems to glow now that she found Blake and I also wondered if that is how I looked after I found Xander.

'You did.' Xander answered my thoughts and I then realized that I didn't have the mind block up. I was about to put the block up when I noticed that Xander was staring at me with puppy dog eyes, begging me not to lock him out of my mind, so with a sigh I rolled my eyes and let it drop.

Xander smiled victoriously and kissed the top of my head, making me smile. We continued to talk with our friends for another ten minutes as pack members slowly leaked into the field and found seats. When our fathers called for everyone to get settled down they spoke to us.

"You guys are going to be fine." Lela said, noticing the worried looks upon our faces.

"Yeah seriously, you guys are going to be great alphas." Cole added reassuringly. I gave them both small smiles and hugged all of my friends as they said goodbye and went to find their seats.

As Xander and I took our seats in the front row I felt hundreds of sets of eyes on me, causing my nerves to skyrocket. Xander noticed and began to soothingly rub small circles into my hand, slightly relaxing me.

Reed and my dad were standing tall in the stage, and though they looked slightly sad I could tell that they were ready to give the packs to us.

"We are all gathered here today for something very special. Alpha Reed Jackson and myself are going to be officially stepping down as alphas and handing the titles on to our children." My father began and passed as the crowd cheered. Reed then began.

"Though Alpha Conner and myself are going to miss the alpha titles we are more then happy to be handing them on to our children. We know that they are going to be great leaders and a great future is to be expected." Reed finished with a large smile.

"So I would like to now call up Xander Jackson and Paisley Conner, the alphas of our packs." My dad then motioned for Xander and I to join them on the stage.

My mate and I gracefully rose from our seats before making our way up the stage and standing next to our fathers. The crowd applauded us as we did so and as I scanned my eyes over the crowd a small smile lit my face.

"As you all know our two packs, the full moon pack and the blood moon pack, are going to be merged together now and Alpha Conner and myself have decided upon a new name for the pack that we hope you all agree on." Reed said.

I hadn't knew that they had been trying to decide in a new name for the pack, if I had I would have helped out.

"We have decided that since both former pack names included the word moon that the new name will simply be The Moon pack." My dad stated. The name wasn't crazily unique but I liked it. The pack members also liked the new name because there was happy and agreeing statements coming from them.

"Now onto the ceremony." As this was said Emily and my mother walked onto the stage holding a sharp dagger along with a large bowl of what appeared to be ashes. They set the bowl down on a stand that I hadn't noticed before and handed the dagger to my father.

My dad stepped towards the bowl and held his hand out over it, the dagger settled on his palm. I watched with furrowed eyebrows as my dad cut a slot in his plan and as the blood poured out into the ashes he spoke,

"I, Saxon Conner, am willingly stepping down from my title as alpha and handing it over to the next in line." By the time my dad was finished saying the words his cut had already healed and he had stepped back, handing the dagger to Reed.

Reed did the same exact thing that my father did and when he was done he handed the dagger to Xander. I watched as Xander walked to the bowl and held his hand above it, dagger centered on his palm. He cut a small line on his hand and I felt a tingling sensation in my own as his blood dropped into the bowl.

It was as if he knew exactly what to say because the words spilled out of Xander's mouth.

"I, Xander Jackson, am willingly taking the Alpha title from the former and I promise to always be a strong and faithful leader to the Moon Pack."

As soon as the words left Xander's mouth I watched as his body jerked forwards, as did our pack members. I was confused as to what had happened but I still stepped forward and joined Xander at his side, taking the dagger from him.

I cut the skin and as the blood dripped into the bowl my mouth open and the words spilled out.

"I, Paisley Conner, am willingly taking the title as Alpha female and Luna from the previous. I promise to be a strong and faithful leader to the moon pack."

When I finished speaking an invisible weight hit me and I felt my eyes widen as the connections were made. It was as if hundreds of invisible ties were suddenly made between me and my pack members as a mind link was opened up with every single one of them.

Pride began to completely fill me up as I looked our over the sea of people, all looking up at me and my mate with a new found respect. Xander took my hand in his and as soon as this happened the crowd broke into loud cheers, making a beautiful smile come to my face.

My eyes connected with my fathers and I saw the pride that he felt for me shining through strongly, radiating into me. My mother held the same look as my father did. And I couldn't have been happier.


For three hours after Xander and I officially became the alphas of the Moon Pack he and I had received hundreds of congratulations and had met hundreds of new people.

After meeting yet another person I had managed to slip away into the woods and find a clearing in the trees that let me look up at the moon perfectly. I sighed in happiness and jumped when I felt arms snake around my waist.

I didn't need to look to know that it was Xander who was holding me because the sparks coming from where his skin was touching mine was enough to know.

"Hey angel. What are you doing all the way out here?" Xander questioned as he kissed my neck. I shivered before turning around and wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I was getting overwhelmed, I needed a break." I said and Xander nodded in understanding.

I admired the way that the moonlight hit his face perfectly, every angle popping out more so then before, and his beautiful eyes staring into my own. And then it suddenly hit me.

Though Xander and I had a very rough start to our relationship everything worked out perfectly. Without Xander I would be nothing, I wouldn't have a reason to live and though be did put me through a lot of pain I wouldn't have had it any other way because everything that we experienced together had only made us stronger in the end.

"We did it angel." Xander whispered in my ear. I smiled.

"Yes we did." Came my quiet response. Xander then caught my lips with his own in a love filled kiss and when we broke apart, when we were both breathing heavily, Xander said the three words that I would never get tired of hearing.

"I love you." And a warmth that I would never get tired of feeling filled me.

"I love you too." Words I would never get tired of saying.

And in that moment I felt complete.


That's a wrap. I hate to say it guys but this is the last chapter of The Way I Love You. I can't even begin to thank you guys enough for all of the support that you have given me as I have written this story. I appreciate every read and every vote that I have ever gotten and I just can't thank you guys enough.

There will be an epilogue up in a few days so be looking for that but afterwards this story is over and I won't be doing another sequel.

Thank you guys again, so so much, and I hope that you have enjoyed this story. (:

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