Cherry Blossom Snow

By FerretLord

10.9K 196 19

A humorous original tale of love, courage, diplomacy, politics, furry aliens, space travel, self-discovery, t... More

Alien Abduction
Leaving Earth
Growing Up
Peace Between Worlds
A Series of Easily Avoidable Conflicts
The United Galactic Confederation
A New Beginning
A Brief Encounter
A Change of Pace
The Intergalactic Trading Corporation
New Home
Compassion and Understanding
A Long Overdue Reunion
Politics as Usual
The Stone
Power Struggles
Heist Plan
Extreme Measures
Breaking Point
No Turning Back
Moving On
Family Matters
Acting Governor
Under New Leadership
Back Home
Fall of Empires
Covert Operations
Conflict Resolution
Mirienna's Job
Parting Ways

Added Company

279 6 1
By FerretLord

It was early 1966 by Earth accounts when the ship arrived to the planet Qenjfis, which was surrounded by comprehensive orbital infrastructure and eight small, irregularly shaped natural satellites. Nathan had been to Qenjfis many times before and loved it. Ja, Io, and Ur had been there once and found it intriguing, although for disparate reasons. The others, however, knew not what to expect, and during the descent admired the natural wonders of the planet. Amid the rolling hills, jagged mountains, expansive meadows, and lush forests were numerous winding rivers and crystal-clear lakes, often lined with quaint towns and villages. Atop a vast plateau, a bustling metropolis came into view. Grand, stately buildings rose majestically, adorned with intricate carvings, elegant spires, and ornate balconies. Domed rooftops and grand archways were plentiful, as were sleek, avant-garde designs.

Nathan brought the ship to a landing near an elaborate fountain surrounded by decorative statues fashioned with meticulous detail from polished stone, gleaming metal, and luminescent glass. Nathan, Ruby, and Henry stepped out onto the cobblestone street, which was lined with floral gardens. Ornate wrought-iron benches and gazebos provided tranquil spots for contemplation and leisurely gatherings. The sky above was bathed in a soft blue hue, with fluffy white clouds drifting across the horizon. The air was crisp and invigorating, saturated with a higher concentration of oxygen than the humans were accustomed to, and filled with the melodious sounds of street musicians playing lively tunes.

Almost immediately, Nathan noticed a tall, slender, and graceful cat-like humanoid whose bright and shiny golden eyes stared so enticingly with desire. Her fur, patterned like that of a tiger, was so fine and well-groomed, but most of it was covered. She had long, flowing, black hair growing from her head and blowing gently in the wind. Her tail was long and beautifully laced with ribbons. Her body was remarkably supple and she moved fluidly with ease, confidently, and with a grace of her own. She wore a long, frilled, white dress, which she lifted slowly and seductively, first revealing her stockings, so long, so fine, and so white. Just above her stockings, a small bit of the fur on her legs was visible, and then, as she lifted her dress further, above that could be seen her long, exquisite, frilled white underwear. Her arms were mostly covered by long white gloves, although neither the gloves nor the sleeves of her dress were so long as to completely hide the fur on her arms. She gestured to Nathan to come to her. He walked across the street toward her. Ruby and Henry both followed behind.

"Change of plans," said Nathan. "You two can handle this on your own. I think you're ready. I have faith in you. I have other important business to attend to."

"But we don't know anything about the customs," said Henry.

"You'll figure it out quickly. You have a Universal Communicator™. Ask around. Most of the people here will understand if you're unfamiliar with social protocol. They're generally pretty open-minded and accepting. However, if you really need help, just ask Ur, or Ja, or even Io. But I have to go. Bye!"

"Bye-bye!" Ruby yelled to Nathan as he ran off. "Have fun!"

"Nathan's such a scumbag," said Henry. "I can't be the only one who recognizes it."

"Nope," replied Ruby. "We all do. Come on, let's go. It'll be nice without him for once."

Ruby and Henry returned to the ship to retrieve any one of Nathan's children for use as a guide. Their first choice was Ur.

"Nathan took off," said Ruby. "Please be our guide."

"Sure," said Ur. "But why me?"

"If it wasn't you, we'd have to get Ja or Io," said Henry.

"Say no more," said Ur. "I understand."

"So, what can you tell us about this planet?" asked Henry.

"Qenjfis is a thriving and prosperous world, home to the Sualget people," said Ur. "It's mostly peaceful, and has been for a long time. Personally, I rather like the fashion and theatre."

The Sualget themselves were a captivating sight, strolling gracefully through the streets. Tailored suits, flowing dresses, corsets, intricate lacework, ornamental buckles, high collars, delicate gloves, and top hats were common sights, often accented with vibrant colors and adorned with ribbons, beads, embroidery, and metallic trim, while ruffles embellished collars, cuffs, and hems. Luminescent fabrics, embedded light-emitting diodes, holographic details, mechanical trinkets, and extravagant glowing accessories created a feast for the eyes.

Upon their arrival at the planetary government building, Ruby, Henry, and Ur found that submitting their proposal meant first filling out thousands of pages of digital forms, something which Ur took care of in under a minute. After the submission was accepted, they then had to wait in a line for fourteen hours to have their proposal heard. Meanwhile, Ja and Io took Olivia and Schkalmfeld for a walk with them. They wandered around for a while before finding what they had been searching for, but they soon got bored. Ja left Io to supervise Olivia and Schkalmfeld to go his own way. Then, Io left them behind and went her own way. Olivia and Schkalmfeld were admiring the colorful auroras in the sky above when they realized they had been abandoned.

"I think they left us," said Olivia.

"Good riddance," Schkalmfeld signed.

"I understand the sentiment, since they were supposed to be watching us, but they were also the ones who knew their way around. Now we're lost."

"This is bad."

"We should try to get back to the ship. At least there we can count on someone coming back for us."

"I agree," Schkalmfeld signed. "I can't let myself be lost here. I promised my love that I would return to her."

"You don't mention her very much. Why is that?"

"The pain of being apart is intense, and it makes such discussion difficult. We both understood that I had an opportunity unlike anything our people had ever known, and I had to take it. Her place is with our people, though, a decision I respected. We intend to marry upon being reunited. No matter how long we are apart, my love for her remains as strong as ever."

"What's she like?" Olivia asked.

"She is the daughter of the leader of our people. She has the softest and thickest fur, which gives great warmth and comfort to her embrace. In addition to her unmatched drumming skill, she is the finest metalworker our people have, and she is also an excellent digger. She and I loved making tunnels through the snow to play and sneak around."

Olivia tried asking around for directions. It was rather difficult, largely due to the language barrier. After giving up on trying, Olivia realized that she had become separated from Schkalmfeld, and thus they both became even more lost. When at last Ja and Io met up again, they started to panic, realizing that they would be at fault if anything bad should happen. Ruby, Henry, and Ur, having had their request approved by the Senate, went looking around and by chance encountered Ja and Io.

"Weren't you supposed to stay on the ship?" asked Henry.

"We got bored, so we decided to go for a walk," said Ja. "We took Olivia and Schkalmfeld with us."

"Where are they now?" asked Ruby.

"Well, Io said that she would watch Olivia and Schkalmfeld if I went elsewhere, and I assumed she could handle it. Once we arrived at the Pesonkt War Memorial, I left to visit a nearby theatre where they were performing a musical about the life of Trakshmalav Zafquilyad."

"Right," said Io. "Then, I got bored, so I went somewhere else. I guess I forgot about them."

Ruby screamed. "Where the fuck is my baby?"

"Let's try to stay calm," said Henry. "Io, where did you last see them?"

"Next to the fountain in front of the opera house," said Io. "I went to the strip club across the street and I didn't see them again after that."

After four hours of asking around, the situation seemed hopeless. Ja, Io, and Ur flew around to assist in the search, but without success. Ruby and Henry were deeply distressed. Then, unexpectedly, they encountered Ixora.

"It seems we are destined to be together," Io declared. "Such a vast universe and we still keep running into each other. I think it's time you accept your fate. We belong together, my darling."

"I came here to meet my new little brother." Ixora, ignoring Io's comment, reached into the pocket of his sweater and pulled out a tiny, vaguely humanoid, red-eyed white blob wearing a black cloak. Io then tried to jump on Ixora, but he just casually pushed her away and returned his attention to the others. "Anyway, I encountered a small human not far away and figured this would be of interest to the lot of you."

"Where?" Ruby cried.

"Take us to her!" Henry commanded.

"No problem." Ixora proceeded to guide them to her.

Ruby and Henry were deeply relieved when they were reunited with their daughter. However, they then realized that Schkalmfeld was not with her. She was their responsibility, and she was lost on an alien planet. Ixora did not know where she was, but he agreed to help with the search for her. Finding Schkalmfeld was not as easy as it was expected to be. She did not stand out, as she could easily be mistaken for just a naked mutant child. When at last she was found, she was initially reluctant to leave with them. She had found some children to play with, and she was having a wonderful time, but they had to part ways. And so, Schkalmfeld left with Henry, Ruby, Olivia, Ja, Io, and Ur back to the ship while Ixora went elsewhere.

"Is everyone ready to go?" asked Ja.

"We forgot Nathan!" exclaimed Io.

"So?" asked Ruby.

"Do we really need him?" asked Henry.

"No," said Ur, "but it would still be rude to leave him behind."

"Fine," sighed Ruby. "Henry, let's go find him. Ja, Io, Ur, please watch Olivia and Schkalmfeld."

"And don't let them out of your sight," added Henry. "Let's go, Ruby."

Ruby and Henry left in search of Nathan. They found him not far away, still with the Sualget woman he had left with. She was wearing a different outfit from before, this time with more of a red color scheme with some white. Nathan noticed Ruby and Henry, so he approached them.

"I'm in trouble," whispered Nathan. "As it turns out, I've not only met her before, but also married her. Her name is Aurelia, and apparently, the last time I was here, I promised to love and cherish her as long as she lived. She actually expects compassion from me. I don't know what to do."

"Nathan!" Aurelia called out.

"Coming, darling!" Nathan called out. "These are my close friends, Ruby and Henry. I think of them like my own children."

They went over to meet Aurelia, and they briefly exchanged greetings.

"We're ready to go," Henry said to Nathan. "We're just waiting for you."

"What?" asked Aurelia. "You're not leaving without me, are you?"

"Of course not," Nathan said nervously. "I want you to come with us."

"Gladly. I just need to get all my things first."

"You go on and do that. I'll be here, waiting for you."

"How you gonna make sure he don't leave without you?" Ruby asked Aurelia, actively seeking to inconvenience Nathan.

"Good point," said Aurelia. "Nathan, you're coming with me."

Aurelia dragged Nathan away. He turned to glare at Ruby. Ruby smiled at him and stuck out her tongue, waving to him with her left hand while holding up her right middle finger. Aurelia took Nathan to her home. She then forced him to assist her in packing all of her possessions, of which, fortunately for Nathan, there were not very many, except for a fairly large quantity of clothes. After they finished, they carried her luggage to the ship. Ruby and Henry stood by and watched.

"This'll be fun," said Ruby.

"I love you, Ruby," Henry laughed.

Henry and Ruby followed Nathan and Aurelia into the ship.

"Everyone, I'd like you to meet my wife, Aurelia," announced Nathan. "She'll be coming with us."

"What?" asked Io. "Why?"

"The more, the merrier," Ja said sarcastically.

"I enjoy company," Ur stated plainly.

A course was then set for the next destination, and the ship departed from Qenjfis. Meanwhile, Ja, Io, and Ur sought to formally introduce themselves to Aurelia.

"Hello," Aurelia said to them. "Nathan has told me about you three. It's an honor to meet you."

"Greetings, Aurelia," said Ur. "My name is Ur. I feel so sorry for you. I hope you learn the error of your ways. Nathan is a terrible person. If you love him, I shall respect that, but just know that he will probably never feel the same for you."

"Hello, I'm Ja," said Ja. "Nathan didn't remember you. He went over to you because he thought you were a sex worker."

"I am," said Aurelia.

"I meant a sex worker he didn't know already," said Ja. "After finding out that he had previously married you, it was only his own pride, plus the infinitesimal shred of a conscience he has, that kept him from just leaving again."

"You made a big mistake," said Io. "Anyway, I'm Io. We really only put up with Nathan because he created us. We would be living with our mother were she not so boring."

Olivia and Schkalmfeld were asleep while Nathan introduced Aurelia, so naturally they were perplexed when they awoke. The two of them then had things explained to them in a rather cynical manner by Ruby and Henry. They were quite understanding of the situation, and were not the slightest bit surprised. Olivia and Schkalmfeld were very welcoming to Aurelia, as were Ruby and Henry. Ja, Io, and Ur, though welcoming, were initially uneasy. It took time to adjust to Aurelia's presence, but eventually everyone grew to love her like family. With time, Aurelia learned to speak English while also learning Witkili sign language. Gaining a better understanding of what the others were trying to accomplish, Aurelia became interested in partaking in diplomacy as well.

The second of six planets in its system, Norzuea was roughly five-eighths the size of Earth. Vast stretches of lush forests dominated the landscape, covering the majority of the planet's surface. Nathan brought his ship down for a landing in an open field with small streams of water flowing through it. Nathan, Ruby, Henry, and Aurelia prepared themselves for diplomatic negotiations.

"Can I go outside?" Olivia asked. "I just want something to do."

"I dunno," said Ruby. "Is it safe?"

"Good question," Henry replied. "Nathan?"

"Norzuea is a remarkably peaceful place," said Nathan. "I've been here before. She'll be fine. Ja, Io, look after Olivia and Schkalmfeld. Ur, look after your siblings."

Ruby gave Olivia a hug. "You can go look around if you want. Just be safe. And have fun."

Henry smiled as he watched Olivia and Schkalmfeld excitedly get ready to go outside. He then turned to Nathan. "What do we need to know about this place?"

"Norzuea is home to the Qundeov people," Nathan explained, "and it's where the government of the Soeaxodo Republic meets."

"Will we be visiting the other members?" asked Aurelia.

"It depends on whether anybody wants to and whether we have to."

"What other members?" asked Henry.

"The Soeaxodo Republic also consists of four other planets, known as Pesonkt, Atoszev, Eenryta, and Itavune, along with their respective colonies and outposts."

"We're not going to have to visit all of their colonies and outposts, will we?"

"No, just the main planets," Nathan replied. "Or, if Congress is in session, just here."

"I hope everything goes smoothly," said Aurelia. "Historically, Qenjfis and Pesonkt haven't had the best of relations."

"Oh, right. I forgot about that."

"What?" asked Ruby.

"Long ago," said Aurelia, "when my home planet started sending out scouts to explore the galaxy, they stumbled across this world, at the time a moderately advanced but very divided civilization. The Istneoi had never encountered alien life before the Sualget visitors arrived. The people of Pesonkt were terrified. Perceiving the visit as an invasion, they killed the scouts. So then, upon finding this out, Qenjfis sent actual warships to Pesonkt and launched an actual invasion. However, once the government of Qenjfis learned that the killing of the scouts was the result of a simple misunderstanding, the invasion was called off and the Sualget armies returned home."

"Oh. Is that all?"

"No. It didn't end there. Some time passed, and the Istneoi, united as a single global civilization, reverse-engineered Sualget technology from captured ships. They built interstellar warships, and, with the help of intelligence received from prisoners captured during the war, located Qenjfis and attacked. However, their technology was still inferior, and the invasion force was obliterated, but not before causing widespread death and destruction. Then, when the Soeaxodo Republic was established, they declared a complete prohibition on warfare, which Pesonkt accepted. Because of this, Qenjfis cut its losses and sought no further retaliation. Still, a peace agreement was never made."

"So you ain't done nothin' to them and they ain't done nothin' to you?"

"Well, not me personally. I have not been involved in any way and it has not in any way affected me."

"Great. So, come on then!"

"Fair enough. I guess you have a point."

Little attention was given to Nathan, Aurelia, Ruby, and Henry, aside from the initial passive curiosity that comes with encountering new people. Leaving the ship, Ruby stared in wonder at Norzuea's rings, composed of shimmering rock and ice, which encircled the planet like a celestial halo. They stretched across the sky, casting a soft, ethereal glow upon the land below. No matter how many worlds she visited, Ruby never lost her sense of awe at every new destination. Meanwhile, Henry took an interest in the architecture, and the relative lack thereof. Unnecessary artificial structures were few and far between, although there were some buildings considered essential, such as government offices, hospitals, libraries, and spaceports, and even those tended to be strictly utilitarian in design. The graceful Qundeov people stood out against their environment, with their fur showcasing a remarkable variety of colors. They resembled pandas with their endearing charm and gentle nature, and most did not even live in houses, instead preferring to sleep out in the open. Aurelia, Nathan, Henry, and Ruby arrived at the Soeaxodo Republic Capitol building to find that Congress was not in session.

"Slight change of plans, then," said Nathan. "We'll try the Norzuea Assembly."

"Where do they meet?" asked Henry.

"Right next door."

Nathan, Ruby, Henry, and Aurelia introduced themselves to the Norzuea Assembly as diplomats and explained their plans. The Norzuea Assembly voted to call a special session of the Soeaxodo Republic's Congress to order, and soon, representatives from Norzuea joined at the Capitol by a delegation of the rabbit-like Enruten from Atoszev and representatives of the squirrel-like Luycavin from Eenryta. Pesonkt sent delegates from the Istneoi population, including members of not only the two major varieties, the wolf-like Striglofquess and fox-like Gromdihlarx, but also several minority groups. From Itavune came the Aoolraa, a diverse group comprising various sub-species, among them the Klovdostrel, resembling ferrets, the otter-like Moglofrair, and the Troplisnek, somewhat resembling skunks. As the Congress convened, this diverse array of representatives discussed what course of action they thought would be in the best interests of the Soeaxodo Republic.

Meanwhile, Olivia carried Schkalmfeld around in search of something she could take back to Beilufa. While browsing a marketplace, Schkalmfeld suddenly found herself gasping for air. Her face began exhibiting swelling as both her mouth and nose closed up. She fell from Olivia's shoulder and convulsed on the ground.

"What's wrong?" Olivia asked, crying.

"Looks to be an allergic reaction, perhaps to something in the air," Ur stated calmly. "I believe she needs immediate medical attention."

"I'll get someone," Ja exclaimed, flying away to find someone who could assist.

Io also left in search of aid. Meanwhile, Ur used a portable scanner to conduct an analysis of Schkalmfeld's body.

"What are you doing?" Olivia cried. "How is that supposed to help?"

"No one here has ever encountered a Witkili before," said Ur. "They'll need data regarding her body's composition and functions in order to treat her. It's best that they know before beginning, as it can't be ruled out that her allergic reaction may be to the people themselves. The healthcare here is exceptional and their medical workers should be able to treat her no problem as long as they know what she's made of and how her body works."

Olivia got down on her knees and held Schkalmfeld's tiny hand. "Did you hear that? You'll be fine. You're going to get help and you'll be able to return home to your bride. Remember your promise to her. You're not allowed to die. I won't let you."

Ja and Io returned with a team of paramedics. Ur gave them the scanner, and they were then able to administer an injection to Schkalmfeld that opened her airways almost immediately. She had to endure intense coughing, crying, and sneezing, but was otherwise fine afterward. Before departing, the paramedics gave Schkalmfeld medicine and other supplies in case she needed them. Olivia picked up Schkalmfeld and hugged her.

"We're taking you back to the ship," said Olivia. "You got your souvenir, too."

Schkalmfeld giggled, coughed, and blew mucus from her nose. Ja, Io, and Ur guided Olivia and Schkalmfeld back to the ship, where they waited for the meeting with the government to conclude. After Henry, Ruby, Aurelia, and Nathan returned, they were caught up on what had happened.

"So, she had an allergic reaction to something?" Henry asked.

"It would appear so," said Olivia.

"Weird," said Ruby. "This never happened before."

"Allergies?" Nathan scoffed. "How primitive."

"Nathan, shut up!" Olivia cried.

"Seriously," said Aurelia. "We should probably be more mindful of the potential for allergic reactions, infections, or accidental poisoning in the future."

"You're absolutely right," said Henry. "We've been much too careless. It's honestly remarkable that we haven't had any major problems until now."

"Infectious diseases are the least of our worries," said Nathan. "They rarely cross between species, and between totally alien forms of biology, it almost never happens."

"Almost, you say? But what about when it does?"

"Oh, then they can easily cause mass extinctions. But we haven't killed off any of the civilizations we've encountered so far, so I'd say we're doing pretty well."

"We gotta be careful," said Ruby. "From now on."

From then on, they were indeed more careful about a great many things, and things mostly went routinely without much of particular significance disrupting them, at least for a while.

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