Eric's space adventures

By dylanrenz1993

146 12 4

What happens when a boy named Eric Get abducted by aliens and gos on a out of this world adventure. More

Part 1 Abducted
Part 2 Friends
Part 3 Training and feelings
Part 4 Danger
Part 5 Destination unknown
Part 6 Unknown Dangers
Part 7 Village of Felines
Part 8 Bandits of brittle cave
Part 9 The Prison
Part 10 Goodbye Friend
Part 11 The Desert of Burgon 3
Part 12 Arthur
Part 13 Help
Part 14 Tavoni Vs Gwen
Part 15 Bounty hunter Guild
Part 16 First day of training
Part 17 three years later
Part 18 the search begins
Part 19 the great escape
Part 20 The Final battle with Falcon
Part 21 Time to relax
Part 22 A unwelcomed surprise
Part 23 Love blossoms
Part 24 Return to Giega 12
Part 25 The things you have to do
Part 26 A new friend
Part 27 The hunt for Mr.sandiaga
Part 28 Eric's new love
Part 29 Rose's power
Part 30 Young love
Part 31 The Dream
Part 32 The Ruins
Part 33 Back To Space
Part 34 Return to the bounty hunters guild
Part 35 Tavoni's funeral
Part 36 betrayal
Part 37 lockdown
Part 38 Lord Varin
Part 39 Rescue Eric
Part 40 Eric vs Lord Varin
Part 41 Destination Earth
Part 42 Ellen's insanity
Part 43 Goodbye Ellen
Part 45 Gwen's Story
Part 46 An unexpected arrival
Part 47 goodbye Clara
Part 48 The Final Battle part 1
Part 49 The Final Battle part 2
Part 50 Aftermath

Part 44 Earth

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By dylanrenz1993

Eric looked out the window to see Earth nearing.

We're almost there everyone. Eric Said

Yeah aren't you excited ? Abby Asked Eric

Of course I am I get to see my mother again after so many years. Eric Said

Abby smiled.

That's good. Abby Said

So i'm gonna get to meet grandma today ? Rose Asked Them

Yeah you are sweety. Eric Said

Rose smiled.

I'm so excited aren't you Greg. Rose Said

Why should I be she ain't my grandma. Greg Said

Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. Rose Said

Speaking of that I've never meet your family greg who are they. Greg Said

Greg shrugged.

My parents left me at an orphanage when I was a baby so I don't know my family. Greg Said

Oh sorry to hear that. Eric Said

Rose started to cry.

That's so sad. Rose Said

It's fine It's was there lose when they left me at there and If they hadn't I wouldn't have meet you guys. Greg Said

Eric smiled.

Yeah you're right I probably wouldn't have meet on giega 12. Eric Said

Eric frowned a little. 

What's wrong ? Abby Asked Eric

Nothing just thought about Tavoni. Eric Said

Oh yeah I still miss her too. Greg Said

Was Tavoni the plant lady ? Rose Asked Eric 

Yeah that was her. Eric Said

I miss her too. Rose Said

                                                   TIMESKIP TO LANDING

The ship landed In the backyard and the door opened then Eric Abby Rose and Greg got out and looked around.

This was my house when I lived on earth. Eric Said

Let's see If your mother's home. Abby Said

Eric walked up to the door and knocked and a woman with white hair and faded green eyes opened It she looked at Eric and was shocked.

Who are you you look familiar ? Eric Asked the women

Really after all this time and you don't reganis your own mother.Clara Said

Everyone's eyes widened and there jaws dropped.

M..Mother what happened you look so old. Eric Said

Clara's glared at Eric.

Such a rude thing to say to your mother. Clara Said

I'm sorry but I've only been gone for a few year I thought. Eric Said

Well maybe It was only a few year to you but you've been gone for forty years on earth. Clara Said

Really how Is that possible. Eric Said

Clara shrugged.

I have no clue but I think I know why you're here. Clara Said

Yeah It's about my father the bastard who took one of my closest friends. Eric Said

Fine It all started back In 1995 when I just turned 18 and I was living on my own In a small apartment when I meet this nice man In a dinner his name was Varin he talked to nice to me and after dating for a few weeks we had sex and that's when you were conceived after you were born he told me he was an alien and wanted to to go to space with him I said no and he got angry and threatened to hurt or you but I stood my ground and he left and I never saw him again then when you were 16 you disappeared and the cops tried to find you but I knew better he came and took you away I've been waiting here hoping you would come back ever since. Clara Said

Everyone was shocked from It all and taking It In.

So why didn't you go with him ? Eric Asked Clara

Honey earth Is my home I wasn't about to just leave It. Clara Said

Oh well by the way this Is my girlfriend Abby that's my adopted daughter Rose and that's my best friend Greg. Eric Said well pointing to them

Hey mam like your son said I'm Abby I'm his girlfriend. Abby Said

Nice to meet you Abby. Clara Said

Rose walked up to her and hugged her.

Nice to meet you grandma. Rose Said

It's nice to meet you too sweety. Clara Said

Greg walked up and stuck his hand out for her to shack.

Nice to meet you Clara. Greg Said

Clara took his hand and shook It.

It's nice to meet you too. Clara Said

So son you said your Varin took someone you cared about away. Clara Said

Yeah her name Is Gwen she was my mentor she taught me just about everything I know he turned her against me somehow. Eric Said

Oh well don't worry maybe you can get threw to her If you see her again. Clara Said

Yeah but I don't even know If she's alive she could be dead for all I know. Eric Said

I hope she alive for your sake then. Clara Said

                                                         Meanwhile In space        

Gwen was In and escape pod going towards a planet and crashed Into It and opened It and got out and looked around and saw grass and sunny clear sky.

Where am I who am I. Gwen Said

Gwen started walking around and bumped Into another person.

Hello can you help me ? Gwen Asked the Person

The person turned around to reveal a man black hair and green eyes and a beard and mustache and looked at Gwen.

Yeah what's wrong ? The Person Asked Gwen

I can't remember who I am or where I'm from. Gwen Said

Well my name's Tony why don't you come with me maybe we can find someone to help you. Tony Said

Tony looked at her outfit and saw a name tag with Gwen on It.

Does the name Gwen sound familiar to you at all ? Tony Asked Gwen

Y...Yeah kinda but why. Gwen Said

It's on the name tag on your shirt so I'm guessing It's your name. Tony Said

Gwen looked down at her shirt and saw the name tag.

Yeah I guess It Is my name. Gwen Said

Ok well that's a start let's get you something to eat before we try to find someone who knows you. Tony Said

Ok I could eat. Gwen Said

Gwen followed Tony to a dinner and sat down Inside It.

So you have no clue where you're from or who you are other than your name huh ? Tony Asked Gwen

Gwen shook her head no.

Then you probably have amnesia then. Tony Said

What's that ? Gwen Asked Tony

This Is going to be a long day. Tony thought to himself

                                                         END OF CHAPTER

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