Kabuto's Little Imouto (A Nar...

By Noe-chan

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Nao was raised in an orphanage, without knowing who her parents are she grew close with a young boy a few yea... More

Kabuto's Little Imouto (A Naruto Fan Fiction)
Paying off Debt
The Plan
The Proposition
Meeting the Rookie 9
Unanswerable Questions
Spending a Month
She Never Knew
Momentarily Blind
Off White Bandages
Southern Hideout
Mission Complete
Time of the Week
The Pursue Team

Overprotective Brother

1.3K 58 2
By Noe-chan

Chapter Six; Overprotective Brother

Nao, Kabuto, and Misumi Tsurugi, a fellow team member whom has the peculiar ability to stretch his body, all thanks to the success of Orochimaru's lab experiments. The plan was to have someone from the team go against Uchiha Sasuke and force him into using the curse mark- a mark that the boy does not currently have... but he will...

They were all standing in front of the Forest of Death. Anko, the current proctor was explaining the rules of the next exam... something about only having five days to complete the task and that they have to collect both heaven and earth scrolls.... yadda, yadda, blah, blah, blah... Yeah, Nao could not really focus, distracted by a orange and black butterfly.

Nao glances around, recognizing Orochimaru-sensei's chakra. She spots a young woman from the grass giving her and Kabuto a meaningful look, Nao nods understanding what the look ment.


"Misumi are you sure that you want to handle this?" Nao asks hopefully.

"Yes I do, Nao-chan... I can handle myself," Misumi responds. Their whole team was up in the thick canopy of a tree, undetected from the little gennin below them.

"Aww... I kinda wanted to fight them... but if you really do want to fight... then I guess, " Nao pauses to give the other ninja puppy eyes while letting out a sad little sigh, "I guess I will let you fight..."

Misumi's eyes widen and he quickly shakes his head to and fro, "No, no, no! Nao-chan, if you really do want to fight... then I guess I will let you fight them," he says quickly.

Nao lets out a happy laugh and gives Misumi a hug and a kiss on the cheek, "Aw, you are so nice, Misumi-kun!" the unsuspecting successful lab experiment blushes and stays stock still, unsure how to react.

Nao jumps down and starts to attack the genin, all the while unaware of the situation that she has placed Misumi.

Misumi watches Nao fight with something glinting in his eyes, a hand touching the pink cheek that Nao had just kissed, a small goofy smile on his face... well that is until he caught sight of the glare that Kabuto was throwing his way.

"Misumi,  you even think about doing anything to my imouto, then I will break every single bone in your body, is that clear?" Kabuto growls out, giving the poor young ninja a heart attack.

"Am I clear," Kabuto growls out once again, only louder and more threatening than before.

Misumi furiously nods his head, backing up from the enraged Kabuto, "H-h-hai."


"Hey, mina-san! (people)" Nao yells out happily, jumping down from the tree that she was formerly in. The gennin jumps, suprised at Nao's appearance,  having not detected her.

"Huh!? How did you get there!?" A brunnet gennin exclaims loudly, holding a katana clumsily- obviously not used to the weapon. The group of genin were from the Village Hidden in the Grass.

"Just shut up, Rina!" Her teammate exclaims, giving the brunnet a huge glare... obviously there was some bad blood between the two.

"Okay, mina-san! Let's play a game, you each tell me your dreams and if I think it is worth it, then I will let you live... but if it is not~," Nao pauses letting out a dark chuckle, her whole happy personae gone replaced with a dark and blood thirsty one.

The three genin all step back, scared out of their mind. "Okay, so who wants to play first?" The genin whirl around, almost soiling themselves, Nao had moved behind them, and was too fast for an eye to see.

The brunnet gulps and takes another step back, cowering behind her teammates, Nao catches sight of her stepping back and lets a smile creep unto her face, "Well, well, well... I guess I have to do what the old saying goes, ladies first."

Nao pushes the genin against the trunk of a thick tree, her forearm against the young girl's throat, "Okay, sweety... tell me, what is your dream?"

The gennin gasps for air, clawing at Nao's arm.

"Hey! Leave Rina alone!" Yells out the same teammate who had yelled at the brunnet earlier. He launches himself at Nao, a kunai knife in hand, ready to stab her with it.

Nao quickly moves out of the way, flipping over the two gennin, laughing in delight. The last genin, the only ome who hasn't said anything attacks Nao from behind, but before he could reach her, he was suddenly jerked to a stop, his hand twisted in such a way that the kunai in his hand was pointing at his throat.

He nervously swallows, sensing that Nao was behind him, she was the one that had twisted his arms, keeping one in the back of him and the other pressing against his throat.

"So, tell me... What is your dream... tell me, is it worth fighting for?" Nao asks, tightening the grip she had of the young gennin's arm.

"M-my dream is to grow up to be the greatest shinobi t-that had ever live... and to prove to my parents that though I am not physically strong, I can be a great shinobi," He finally says, after a few moments of hesitation, not seeing anyway out of Nao's grip.

"Hmm, a good dream..." Nao says, smiling a bit, "I guess it is good enough," and with that Nao knocks the boy out cold.

"Okay, who is next?"


"We already have the scrolls, so we minus well head to the tower," Misumi says, the three of them were leaping from tree to tree... well, Kabuto and Misumi was, Nao on the other hand thought it would be fun to do some hand springs and flips, laughing in delight- out of all three of them, she was the only one whom was enjoying her time in the Forest of Death.

"No Misumi, Nao and I need to do some... some research," Kabuto says, leaping to another branch, a half smile on his face when he spots Nao whom was flipping throught the thick branches of a tree, her laugh tinkling through the air 'Little Nao-chan has been happy ever since Orochimaru has found us... we owe him him alot... but I am glad that Nao is happy, that is a good thing' Kabuto thinks.

"Okay, but we will meet on the fourth night, a day before the exam ends... by then you should be done by then with your... research," Misumi says, saying the last word with such hate that it would suprise one if it wasn't poison.

"Okay, we will see you... Misumi," Kabuto says, giving the other male a warning glare already knowing that he was jealous of how close both Kabuto and Nao is to Orochimaru... Many of Orochimaru's followers are jealous of how close the two formers spies were to their master.

"Hai," Misumi says, nodding a leaping off to another direction. Kabuto frowns a bit, it was their third day inside the forest, giving both Nao and Kabuto about a day for their research before they could meet up with Misumi...


"Are you sure we should open it?" The pink haired gennin asks- Sasuke Uchiha's teammate, "I mean... Anko-san did say that we should not open it... it was against the rules..."

"Of course we should open it!" Naruto exclaims, "When we open it then we would know what to write, that is the only way if we could actually copy it correctly!"

Nao giggles hidding her smile behind her hands, Kabuto and Nao was hiding in the trees, Kabuto proposed the idea that they would watch the genin and not interfere.

Well, Nao had other plans...

Just as Naruto was about to open the scroll, a burst of air passes right pass him, the scroll is snatched out of his grasp.

"Oh, Naruto-kun! Shame on you! Why are you trying to open up the scroll?" Nao asks, her laughter floats through the air.

"Nao-chan!? What are you doing?" Naruto exclaims in suprise.

"Oh, ya know, just nothing and stopping a baka before he fails an exam... just nothing!" Nao responds, smirking and giving the jinchuriki a knowing look. The said boy gives a nervous chuckle while scratching the back of his neck.

"Hehe, sorry!"

Nao laughs and Naruto couldn't help but laugh softly too.

"Meh, well anyway, Kabuto-nii and I are heading to the tower to meet up with our team member 'cause, ya know... we kinda.. uhmm... go separated... but the thing is-" before Nao could even finish her sentence she was tackled to the ground, a kunai against her throat.

"Who are you, and why are you here?"  a dangerous voice asks. Squeals could be heard from a certain someone's- a someone who tackled Nao, pink haired teammate who squeals something about 'how cool Sasuke-kun is'.

Before Nao could respond to the genin who had tackled her to the ground, the black haired genin feels something familiar and could against his neck- a kunai knife, "If I were you I would get off of Nao-chan and apologize, Uchiha, " a calm, but angered voice says from behind Sasuke.

Slowly Sasuke put away his kunai knife and moves slowly away from Nao, Kabuto still holding the knife to the other male's neck.

"You never, ever threaten Nao-chan again, you got that?" Kabuto asks, well more like growls, pressing the kunai knife harder against Sasuke's throat.

The genin nods slowly, muttering a low., "hai."

After their little... incident, Nao explains to Naruto and the rest of team seven that they were heading to the tower, but in exchange for protection Nao and Kabuto both agreed that they would help the other genin get their last scroll that they needed- wgich just so happened that they needed a heaven scroll.


"Kabuto-nii, Kabuto-nii! My feet hurt, can you carry me!" Nao whines already knowing that they have been stuck in a genjutsu for about the last ten minutes.

Kabuto sighs heavily, but nothingless lets his imouto climb onto his back. The said kunoichi curls up and promptly falls asleep.

"Huh, what happened?" Nao asks, she was in a weird looking room, spotting Kabuto and Orochimaru-sensei, Nao gets up from the futon that she was previously laying in.

Stretching out Nao lets out a huge yawn, alerting Kabuto and Orochimaru that she was awake.

"Aw, Nao-chan I have some knews... there is going to be a preliminary round, I have already hacked into the system and set up the matches so that you will be fighting against Sasuke-kun.... you know the plan from there... but when he has used the curse mark- or when you are given the signal then forfeit... wakarimasuka (do you under stand)?"

"Hai, Orochimaru-sensei!" Nao says,  proud that she was the one who got to fight the 'Oh so great Uchiha'.


Yay! Another chappy! And I would like to thank you guys for reading this far of my book so far! And I will like to give cookies to those who have voted and commented... the key word like... cause ya know, I am addicted to cookies and am too lazy to share them... well anyway, here is the chappy! :)

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