Sea Serpent

By JustAnAtlantisWriter

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"Oh really? How do I know you aren't POISONING HIM?" "Please. If I were poisoning him, I'd do it at the end a... More

Chapter 1- War Medic
Chapter 2- First Battle
Chapter 3- Return Of The Nightmares
Chapter 4- Final Ingredient
Chapter 5- Midnight Stroll
Chapter 6- A Friend In Need
Chapter 7- Crystals
Chapter 8- Tricksters
Chapter 9- Intruder?
Chapter 10- The Gauntlet
Chapter 11- A Lesson In Violence
Chapter 12- Cake-splosion
Chapter 13 Two Sides Of The Same Coin
Chapter 14- Prison Outbreak
Chapter 15- Memories Of The Past
Chapter 16- Closet
Chapter 17- Beach Shenaniganes
Chapter 18- Detective Skills
Chapter 19- Attack Of The Annon
Chapter 20- INVASION
Chapter 22- Aftermath
Chapter 23- Free Time
Chapter 24- Doubt In Self
Chapter 25- The Strange Doctor
Chapter 26- Heart Vs. Mind
Chapter 27- Insomnia
Chapter 28- Medicine
Chapter 29- Phone A Friend
Chapter 30- Babysitting
Chapter 31- A Day In The Life Of Darrel
Chapter 32- New Beginnings
Chapter 33- A Lesson In Kindess
Chapter 34- Strife
Chapter 35- Disappearece
Chapter 36- Homesick
Chapter 37- Luggage
Chapter 38- Birds Of The Feather
Chapter 39- The Portal
Chapter 40- Willpower
Chapter 41- Shock (APRIL FOOLS)
Chapter 41- Shock
Chapter 42- Glitched
Chapter 43- Lost
Chapter 44- King For A Day
Chapter 46- Dreams
Chapter 46- Conscience
Chapter 47- Recovery
Chapter 48- Love Is Strange
Chapter 49- Texting
Chapter 50- Trapped
Chapter 51- Trail
Chapter 52- Sticky Situation
Chapter 53- Prophetic Dreams
Chapter 54- Traitor
Chapter 55- Conflicted
Chapter 56- Out Of Hand
Chapter 57- Journal Of A Villain
Chapter 58- Rage
Chapter 59- Loss Of Control
Chapter 60- Allies
Chapter 61- Downtime
Chapter 62- Poker
Chapter 63- From The Shadows
Chapter 64- Q.C.
Chapter 65- Promptings
Chapter 66- Paranoia
Chapter 68- Torn
Chapter 69- Dangerous Illusions (Part One)
Chapter 69- Dangerous Illusions (Part 2)
Chapter 70- Ace's Interlude
Chapter 71- Larry's Big Adventure
Chapter 72- Not My Dad
Chapter 73- Weakness
Chapter 74- Where's Endy?
Chapter 75- 2 V 2
Chapter 76- Overloaded
Chapter 77- Forgotten Sins
Chapter 78- Tanith's Promise
Chapter 79- Second Chances
Chapter 80- Choices
Chapter 81- Needed
Chapter 82- Pulse Part One
Chapter 82- Pulse Part Two
Chapter 83- Ace In The Hole
Chapter 84- Training Day
Chapter 85- Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 86- Atychiphobia
Chapter 87- Monophobia
Chapter 88- Just Do It
Chapter 89- Strong Enough
Chapter 90- Final Showdown

Chapter 67- Doubt In Others

145 10 58
By JustAnAtlantisWriter

Third Person

Professor Pikalus' arm was pulled along, forcing him to walk with Cody even though his heart pounded and his senses told him to run for it.

He wasn't sure what stopped him: Cody's strong grip that would mean he'd have to fight to get out of it, which would be provoking Cody and that wasn't a good idea, or his own fear, paralyzing him. A mix of both was most likely.

So caught up in his own thoughts, Professor didn't see where they were going until they got there and Cody finally let go.

They were on the roof of the palace. If Cody wanted to go anywhere to be alone with him and still not stray too far, it would be here. For a brief moment, Professor Pikalus' heart spiked in the thought of Cody taking him up there so he could kill him, but he dismissed it seconds later. Cody might have been acting weird, but definitely not weird enough to kill him. Plus, there would still be a lot of evidence against Cody if he tried anything.

Cody's pace slowed as he approached the roof and only stopped at the edge of it. His body was motionless for longer than Pikalus expected, giving him time to compose himself of the sudden turn of events.

Finally catching his breath, he spoke out. "What are we doing here?"

Cody didn't answer his question, and instead asked one of his own. "Why are you opposing me?"

Professor was caught off guard by not only his words, but his serious tone. What was with him? One second a madman and now he's so clear it's like I can see right through him? Professor took a while to answer. "...What?"

Cody sighed deeply and turned around. He looked less crazy now, though his eyes still remained different colors. The multicolored eyes scanned him carefully before approaching steadily. "Professor, you trust me, right?"

'Do you trust me?' The most dangerous question in the world.

The scientist struggled to answer it. "Most of the time." He finally got out, not meeting his eyes.

Cody didn't respond right away. In the silence, the scientist could only hear the frantic beating of his own heart.

"Professor, I'm just trying to save Atlantis. KrakenKid is and will always be a huge threat, and unless we take him out before he kills us, we can't afford baby steps. We need this plan, and we need it now."

Professor hated so much about the situation. He hated how much sense Cody was making, and how reasonable he sounded. He hated how conflicted he was about choosing when he knew which one he should go with. Most of all, he hated how much Cody sounded like Poseidon, sparking Professor's inner loyalty to him.

It wasn't fair to compare the two of them, for multiple reasons. Poseidon was Professor's hero for as long as he could remember, and becoming his star pupil didn't help at all. Poseidon was like the father figure that he never had, and that was the worst of it. Not to mention Poseidon was practically, if not was, a god and Cody wasn't. Maybe half, Professor had never gone into it, but he was still not nearly as powerful. On top of it all, comparing two people was never a good thing to do. People are all too different, and comparing them wouldn't be fair.

Cody noticed Pikalus' hesitance and held back a low growl that wanted to leave his throat. He needed to finish this, get his vote once and for all.

Cody wasn't even sure what he was doing as the Nexus began to flood his systems, taking control, but Cody let it. He trusted the power, and that it would know what to do.

He strolled up and took his place behind Professor. His hand on his shoulder while the other extended out over his other shoulder and was held out flat. Power began to spin in his hand, then expanding and circling around them like a tornado. Professor might have panicked a little, but Cody didn't so much as flinch.

Out of the tornado stepped out two girls, both resembling. Though Professor stiffened, it took Cody a moment to fully realize who they were. His mother and sister stood there, but their bodies were giving off a glow, similar to the Nexus and they didn't blink.

Cody figured out where he should go from there. "Miss Pikalus and Nadine, both Atlantean, are they not? And you care about them, right?"

Professor Pikalus took in a shaky breath but tried to appear calm. "Of course." Pikalus whispered, unable to talk louder.

"You want to protect them, keep them safe. They're so dear to your heart, and if you ever lost them?" Cody prompted, giving Pikalus the opportunity to fill in the blank.

"...I'd break." He answered honestly.

Cody nodded slowly, the grip on his shoulder becoming tight but neither took much notice. "Wouldn't we all? And do I have to remind you of KrakenKid's extreme hatred for Atlantis? It knows no bounds."

Cody leaned more into his ear, speaking softly. "He's willing to do anything to get to us." Cody told him. His voice now sounded more like it was coming from inside of the mad scientist's head rather than being said out loud. "He's willing to use people for his own gain, and kill anyone who gets in his way." The hand not gripping Professor's shoulder curled into a tight fist and the two illusions made out of Nexus energy were shot, now earning bullet wounds in their chest.

Professor tried to move forward, to reach out to them and help them any way he could, but Cody wouldn't let him. Instead, his mother and Nadine both earned a dark spot where their heart would be and collapsed on the ground, soon shattering and turning to nothingness.

Professor stared in horror as Cody spoke, now letting go and letting the swirling energy settle. "They'll both die one way or another if we let KrakenKid strike first. I know your sister isn't in Atlantis, but KrakenKid will find her, and he will kill her when he does. Do you want that to happen?"

"No!" Professor exclaimed quickly, his heart pumping out of his chest. "Never! They're all I have left!"

Cody nodded and held out his hand. "Then let's put an end to it." Professor hesitated. "Or," Cody's eyes narrowed. "You can fail them, it's all up to you."

Now trembling under the weight of his own decisions, Pikalus' hand extended and shook Cody's, who put on a smile that send chills down his spine. "That's what I thought. Good choice, Professor."

Cody lead him back to the counselling room and immediately called for another vote. To everyone's surprise, except Rasmus and Cody, Professor raised his hand, sealing the final vote.

"Well then, Atlanteans," Cody started, leaning over the table. "We are at war."

Cody took a small break to plan out how they would go about this, and in that free time, the girls pleaded and screamed at Professor to tell them what Cody said to him. What he could have possibly done to convince him to vote for war, especially after they all agreed Cody was crazy.

Professor didn't say a word the whole time, not even looking at them. He did, however, catch Rasmus' eyes. They were understanding, and most of all, empathetic. He nodded slightly before shifting his eyes away.

Cody finally came back and started talking about plans to bring the Tide Changers down.

Cody wanted to attack without warning. He wanted to gather many moderate sized groups of soldiers and place them all over Sector Four, not telling even them what they were doing. Slowly, but surely, they would all march into the tunnels and give KrakenKid no time to prepare for them, nor any spies any time to report to him.

The main base of operations was to be the large barns already there by the farms. They would hide the troops until everyone was ready. A perfect plan in Cody's eyes.

Nobody said a word, most too afraid to speak out against him. When he finally finished, seeing as nobody had anything to say, he left confidently.

One by one, everyone else did the same until all that was left were three people: Tanith, Selena and Sam.

"This is insane." Sam said finally, standing up and narrowing her eyes at the table, as if she were accusing it of her problems. "What is wrong with him? Is he out of his mind?"

Tanith paused before an idea sparked in his mind. "He just might be." Selena and Sam both shot a shocked look at her as she begun to explain herself. "Ace affected everyone expect for Cody and KrakenKid, so what if this is what it's doing to them?"

"But we all started attacking people, remember?" Selena pointed out.

"Perhaps it's different!" Sam caught on, making her way over to the hybrid. "Maybe, because Cody is so powerful, he's been fighting it off until now!"

"Okay but what about KrakenKid?" Tanith asked. "Unless there's something we don't know about, I don't think he has that sort of power."

"Actually, I remember Blooper telling me that when Ace possessed him, he mentioned that he suspected he was having trouble with his father and not him because he's a full blown kraken and they're different or something." Selena added, approaching the rest of them.

The three of them all exchanged glances. "So, what do we do?" Tanith asked them.

The sisters paused before both perked up. "Remember the serum they used to cure us? How much do you want to bet that the lab kept some extra in case it happened again?"


Professor was having trouble finding the will to walk up the palace stairs and to Cody's presence. After their last talk, Professor wasn't sure he ever wanted to see the penguin again.

But, Cody was still Cody, no matter how he acted, so he trekked up the stairs anyways. Cody had sounded urgent over the phone, so whatever it was, it had to be important.

When he entered the throne room, the guards instantly told him that the king was waiting for him in his room, already prepared for his arrival. He murmured a thanks to them before descending down to where Cody was.

Sharko, Cody's usual guard, was nowhere to be seen, plus all the other guards were missing from the down stairs. Even the mannequin guards that normally were right outside his room were missing. Cody clearly didn't want anyone else around, which worried the scientist on what he wanted to talk about.

Surely, he hasn't done anything wrong... Right? The more he thought about it, the more anxiety he got from it.

His legs didn't move until he forced them to, trudging right into the bedroom and stopping at the top.

Cody was in the lower part, sitting on one of his couches casually. His head slowly turned to him to acknowledge that he knew he was there.

"Professor." He said simply as a greeting. Pikalus could only nod in response. Professor didn't move until Cody gestured to the couch across from him. "Come join me." He told him. From there, he slowly swam down and sat where he was told to.

Professor took in a deep breath and looked up to meet Cody's eyes. Still different colored, the blue one now seemed to flash with power. It took him a moment to find what he needed to say. "You called me down here. What's the problem?" He asked hesitantly. He had no desire to witness what he had seen before.

Cody studied him carefully, reminding Professor all too much of when he looked at an experiment. "You aren't aware of what happened?" His voice tingling with something that Professor didn't catch. Curiosity maybe?

Professor hesitated, thinking back but finally shook his head. "No. Am I supposed to? What exactly are you talking about?" He questioned lightly.

Cody chuckled, but the laugh was oddly humorless. "Believe me, if you knew, you wouldn't question it." Cody paused for a long time. "We were attacked."

Professor blinked back to the "Down with the king" written in the stone, but also of the conversation that it was likely Cody's doing. "The message by the hospital? But almost everyone knows about tha-"

"No." Cody interrupted sharply. "Of course not that, that happened ages ago and why would I care about that? I'm the one who did that in the first place." Cody said, waving it off.

However, Professor's blood ran cold. "...You did it?" He asked again, wishing to confirm it.

Cody rolled his eyes like it was obvious. "I thought you were supposed to be the logical one. Come on! An attack so conveniently happens after I try to get the council's approval for war? Life isn't that coincidental."

Professor stared in disbelief. It was one thing to think Cody was the one to do it, but to actually hear it come out of his mouth? Admitting to it fully, and even worse, with no shame? "Why?" Professor blurted out, hoping for a reasonable answer, something to get him believing in Cody again.

He didn't get one as Cody scoffed. "How else was I going to get approval? Begging? No, I needed to hit them where it would count, so I decided to give them a little," He paused, smirking softly. "Push. Just exactly what they needed to send them over the edge."

Cody laughed again, and though it was full of humor this time, it was chilling. "And look how easy it was! I barely even had to say anything when I came back, they just voted yes!" His chuckles came to a slow stop as he sighed fondly. "Like shooting fish in a barrel..."

Professor tried to say something but choked on his own words. Even if he could, what could he say?

Cody's eyes shifted over to Professor, confidence never faltering. "Don't try telling anyone." He warned.

"Why?" He asked immediately, though he wasn't sure he wanted to hear the answer.

"I've covered my tracks, there's no physical evidence proving that I could have done it, only your word against mine. And who would they believe? Their king, who they love and trust with all of their fragile little hearts? Or, the mad scientist who's too unstable and could kill them all?" Cody batted his eyes mockingly, making Professor stumble for words. "That's what I thought."

He cleared his throat and started again. "No, the Tide Changers attacked us. For real, no tricks this time."

"So?" Professor wasn't sure why, but he couldn't seem to speak much more than one word. His throat seemed to constrict, partly, he assumed, to stress.

Cody's eyes narrowed. "They attacked the barns. Every single one in Sector Four. They attacked exactly what we needed for our plan to succeed, burning every single barn we had stationed in Sector Four. The farmers are devastated of course, but there are bigger problems." His voice hardened. "I didn't tell anyone outside the council room."

Cody paused, slowly shifting his gaze to Professor, who shifted awkwardly in his seat. "You think there's a spy... Is that why-"

"No." Cody answered flatly, chuckling slightly. "I don't think it was you. I called you because of the opposite actually. You hate KrakenKid, and you're the last person that would betray me." Cody's eyes glinted. "Not after our talk."

Professor forced himself to stand strong, no matter how much Cody was scaring him. Cody held his gaze for a moment longer before moving on. "Worst part is, it could be any one of them. Rasmus, PebbleTeen, even Spartacus."

Cody got up and began to lightly pace around the room as he pondered. Professor couldn't believe what he was hearing. Cody was normally so trusting and faithful in people, what happened? Why was he doubting everyone he knew?

Professor cleared his throat, catching the penguin's gaze. "Rasmus wouldn't betray you! He's always been on your side, and his loyalty not only comes from you being king, but from being your uncle as well." Never in a million years did Professor think he'd have to defend Rasmus to Cody.

Cody pondered for a moment before agreeing. "I suppose you're right. People are always so sentimental when it comes to family, aren't they? Plus, KrakenKid did mention once that him and Rasmus weren't working together, nor had they even seen each other in a long time..."

Professor had to keep going on. "PebbleTeen is a loyal soldier and she owes KrakenKid nothing but you everything. Spartacus is the same! They're all loyal to you, Cody! Every single one of them!"

Cody huffed, crossing his arms and leaning to one side. "Then who, wise guy? I checked, there were no guards who could have heard about it. It had to have been someone in that room with motive to help KrakenKid. Selena and Sam is doubtful, they don't have the guts and Tanith seems fixated on her promises. I'd have to be something pretty strong to get her to break them."

Something pretty strong... The words echoed in Professor's head as he hesitated. He's willing to use anyone... Cody noticed and turned his suspicions to him. "What? What is it?" When Professor didn't answer right away, his eyes seemed to flash. "Niall, tell me now."

Professor gulped silently.


CannibalCrab was awoken by the sound of a bird.

Normally this would have been a nice thing, but unfortunately, instead of the pleasant chirping of a songbird, this was an alarming and irritated squawk from... Well, whatever kind of bird Darrel was. Blue jay? Blue bird? CannibalCrab didn't know, but it was a blue-something.

So instead of contemplating what kind of bird Darrel was, he sat up to his call, groaning loudly as he did. "Come on, Darrel..." He murmured, rubbing his eyes. "You know not to disturb my nap time! I need it!" He couldn't help but put a whine in his voice. Normally, that was enough to make Darrel roll his eyes and go away so he could go back to sleep.

But Darrel didn't so much as move. His eyes were deadly serious, and worry laced the inside of them, though you had to really know it to see it. Cannibal was one of the people who knew exactly what Darrel looked like when he was getting all worked up about something, so he noticed immediately. Examining him closely, only one thing could have made this expression. "What happened? What did KrakenKid do? Is he okay?"

Darrel paused before softening. "I don't know." He admitted. "But he's still acting strange. Worse even."

Cannibal's eyebrows knitted together as he threw his sheets off of him and sat on the edge of the bed, still not fully awake. "He's still set on attacking Atlantis immediately? Even though we haven't planned out... Well, anything?" Darrel nodded solemnly. "I thought you said he'd get over it in the morning after he slept!"

"I know what I said." Darrel replied sharply. "And it would normally always work. But it didn't. Something happened-I don't know what- but if anything, he's even more determined than before. He led an attack not too long ago."

"WHAT?" CannibalCrab exclaimed in surprise, now getting up. "How come he didn't tell me? I know I told him not to disturb me while I'm sleeping but-"

"He didn't just not tell you," Darrel cut in. "But he didn't tell anyone but the troops he gathered. Not you, Blooper, Gnash," Darrel's narrowed. "Or me." There was a hint of hurt in his voice, perhaps betrayal too, and Cannibal knew why. Ever since he started to work with him, KrakenKid told Darrel almost everything. They had a trust going on, but if he did something without telling him, something was definitely off.

CannibalCrab gaped before asking more. "What did he do?"

Darrel huffed. "Attacked all the barns in Sector Four. Burned them to the ground and came back. The soldiers told me that he got inside information from someone about it being key to an attack or something. I tried talking to him but..." His eyes flickered down. "He's not listening."

It took him a moment but finally, he met the general's eyes. "Talk to him. Please, he needs some common sense."

CannibalCrab gulped slightly before nodding and setting off. Darrel didn't follow him, once again staring at the ground and starting to worry about what was becoming of the kraken.

The crab found the kraken in the situation room. Before he entered, he could have sworn he was talking to somebody but as soon as he entered the room, it stopped and KrakenKid whipped around. His eyes seemed a little out of it, but otherwise, he didn't look too bad.

However, still wary of everything Darrel told him, he approached carefully. "Hey Kraken," He greeted, giving a weak smile. KrakenKid nodded back as he took in a long breath. "We need to talk."

"Okay. What about?" KrakenKid asked, blinking and held a perplexed look on his face.

The general hesitated but finally gestured to the seats in the seats in the conference room. They both took a seat across from each other before he started. "About this whole "Attacking Atlantis" thing." He started.

KrakenKid perked up, grinning now, but there was something weird about it. "Oh, that! Yes, it's going well. We're going to war and it's going to be great!"

Cannibal hesitated. "Well, yeah, attacking Atlantis is good but KrakenKid, right now?" KrakenKid nodded eagerly. "Why? We're not ready for a full scale invasion!"

"So? Neither are they! It's the perfect plan!" KrakenKid pointed out.

Cannibal shifted in his seat. "...Kraken, do you know how dangerous this is? We could die. You could die! This... This is insane!"

KrakenKid frowned, narrowing his eyes slightly. "Is it? Cannibal, when we win, we'll have everything we ever wanted! Atlantis will be ours! We'll have nothing to fear, and all of our dreams will come true!" His expression turned even more sour. "They have doomed us for too long, I need to end this now or it'll never happen! I've been dormant for too long! Atlantis needs to pay! Cody needs to pay!"

He stood up but the general mirrored him. "Kraken! You're taking this too personally!"

KrakenKid twitched violently. For a split second, his yellow eyes flashed an oddly electric blue color before switching back. "I'm taking this too PERSONALLY? Really? Are you saying I shouldn't? Cannibal, Atlantis killed my Mother, most of my species and has been trying to kill me since I was a child! And now, I'm taking this too personally?" KrakenKid threw his arms in the air. "NO! If anything, I'm not taking this personally enough!"

KrakenKid began to storm out of the room, fuming but Cannibal still lagged behind. As he turned the corner, Cannibal called out to him. "Kraken! I know! I know this is all really personal for you but just think about this! We need to plan for attacks, inform the troops! Just jumping in an improvising without talking to anyone is certain death for us all! For you!"

KrakenKid stopped and turned around, but his eyes were blazing. "I have been talking about it, and it's not insane. We're going to win, even if you have so little faith that we will." He whipped around, making Cannibal's heart drop, but he froze when he heard him add one little thing to himself. "Come on, Larsa. Let's discuss this in my room."

He marched up the stairs, and Cannibal couldn't follow. Darrel came up the stairs minutes later and stopped besides him. "So? How'd it go?"

Cannibal could only gape. "There's something very wrong with him."

"What specifically makes you say that?" Darrel rose his eyebrows.

"He's been talking to Larsa. Larsa's dead. Long dead."

Darrel's eyes widened and he was rendered speechless but CannibalCrab snapped out of it, whipping out his phone and slipping back into the situation room.

The number rang a couple times before they picked up. "Cannibal?" She asked, confused. "What's going on? I'm kinda busy so-"

"Tanith, it's KrakenKid. He needs help."

She instantly broke off and paused. "What's wrong?" She asked.

"He's out of his mind! He wants to attack Atlantis without any planning at all! He's going to lead us to our deaths!"

"And what do you want me to do about it?" She asked, concern in her tone. "I doubt I can do much! I'm not exactly his general! Have you-"

"Of course I tried talking to him!" Cannibal yelled. "He didn't listen! Use that calming magic, calm him down! Anything!"

Tanith was silent for a while but finally huffed. "I'll be over as soon as I can." She said before hanging up.


Tanith began to gather what she might need together, rushing around the house. Larry followed her the best his legs could keep up as she did, sometimes spitting something out for her.

"I'll try not to be gone for too long but it's an emergency." She told Larry as she snatched her staff from the kitchen table. "So just be good and I'll trust you won't get into trouble! If Selena and Sam come by..." She paused before quickly scribbling a note and handing it over to the mimic. "Give them this note. Hopefully they will have snuck in and got the antidote by now." She mumbled but shook it off.

Larry nodded and right before Tanith could leave through the back door, the door knocked. She turned to it, a little confused, but then it pounded angrily and she rushed to the door. Larry followed behind.

She swung open the door and nearly jumped. Cody was there, eyes glowing with fury and fists and teeth clenched. Tanith could already feel waves of energy coming off of him, energy that was way more powerful than anything she ever got from Cody, besides the time where he slipped into a coma. Behind her, Larry shrunk down and ran away, disappearing up the stairs as if he too could sense something was very wrong.

"Tanith." His voice was steady, but she could tell it was forced to be that way. Tanith opened her mouth to speak but Cody didn't give her a chance to ask questions. He pushed his way inside, going past her and slowly trudging in. "Oh, I should have known."

Tanith knitted her eyebrows together and closed the door. "Should have known about what?" She asked, generally confused.

Cody chuckled, but it had no humor in it. "We were attacked by the Tide Changers. Our barns burned to the ground."

"What?" Tanith exclaimed, but Cody only shot a glare.

"Oh, don't ask like you don't know." He scowled. "You're the one who told him! I know you did! I can't believe I thought it would be anyone else!"

Tanith was taken aback. "What? What do you-"

"You betrayed us, Tanith!" Cody said, voice rising. "You told KrakenKid our plan! You tried to stop us from winning this endless war, and I can't believe I trusted you not to!"

Tanith froze in place but immediately protested. "No I didn't! Cody, I promised I wasn't going to spy on either of you for the other and I mean it! I'm not going to break that promise! I never break a promise!"

"Oh, I thought so too." Cody huffed, keeping his eyes narrowed on her. He took small steps towards her, hands sparking with energy. "But sometimes are stronger than that. You couldn't resist it, could you? You really fell hard, and you just couldn't resist spilling everything to him."

Tanith could barely say anything, her throat closing in panic. What was going on? "Cody, what are you talking about? Why would I betray you?"

Cody's eyes glinted. He said one word that froze her completely, making her heart stop.


Tanith couldn't move. Cody scoffed, glaring even harder at her, now knowing for sure it was true. "Oh, Professor told me all about your little feelings, and I should have known. Poor naive Tanith... Couldn't help but fall in love with the villain, could you? Couldn't help but become his little puppet? Did he even have to try, or did you just fall into it yourself? I bet he didn't have to try, not very hard at least."

Tanith sputtered for words, but Cody didn't stop. "Don't you get it? He's been manipulating you! Why else would he ever get so close to an Atlantean? He hates them, so what was the perfect revenge? Getting one to fall for him, then using them to his own advantage before throwing them away like an old toy once he got was he wanted."

Tanith choked on her own words, unable to think anything other than what Cody was saying. He shook his head lightly. "I get it, you're too far gone. So that's why you won't be participating in this war."

War. Her head shot up in shock, even then. "Oh that's right." Cody said. "We're leading an attack soon, and as much as a war medic is useful to us, your heart isn't in it, and I can't afford you switching sides. So you're going to stay right here, in your home and tinker around with your magic until it's over and I've stopped his beating heart, for real this time."

Cody turned to leave but Tanith finally forced herself to move, reaching out to him and grabbing his arm. "Wait! Cody-"

Cody instantly yanked it away, eyes still glaring at her, making her shrink away. "No. That's final. To make sure you don't leave this house, I'm stationing a couple of our guards here to keep you in." His eyes only seemed to turn more hateful and challenging. "You're not stopping this war, Tanith. I will rip his heart out, and I will win this, once and for all. And after it's done, we'll talk about your little mistake."

Cody walked away, closing the door behind him.

Tanith couldn't move, her own mind collapsing on herself until she could barely even stand. She didn't even feel herself falling, or hit the ground.



A lot to talk about too! Oh boy, very long end note because this has been building up for a long time! Let me show you some things.

So, remember this line? You know, from Q.C.?:
"We aren't allowed to go to war unless everyone on the council agrees to it, so I hoped that Rasmus would stop this madness, but Poseidon got to him before I did. I don't know what he did, or what he said, but our next meeting, Rasmus agreed to it and said nothing more. I tried talking to him later but he didn't seem in the mood for talking. Now I'm scared what Poseidon did, and/or what he said."
Well, history repeats itself with Cody and Professor. What happened with Professor, happened with Rasmus, which leads me to this line!

Rasmus understanding what Professor did when he voted, looking at him empathetically. And like I said before in Lost,
"But Joe's eyes softened. Not sympathetic, but empathetic. Most people don't realize that there is a difference between the two. Sympathetic means that you feel bad for someone, but empathetic means you understand what they're going through. Often by experience, or having done it yourself."
 Also showing that Rasmus had something similar happen to him.

This chapter had HUGE foreshadowing in New Beginnings. Remember this line in the end of New Beginnings, after Cody found out about Tanith's visits with KrakenKid?
"That's a huge relief actually. I was worried that you'd freak out and not trust me and think I was in cahoots with him or something."
"I'd have to be out of my mind to think that."
Guess who's not in the right mind?

Also, since Professor found out about Tanith's love for KrakenKid, he is forced to tell Cody his suspicions that Tanith might be the one who told him. He broke his previous promise:
"Can you do me a favor? Don't say anything to anyone, especially not Cody. When I'm ready to tell him, I'll do it myself but just... Keep it to yourself, alright?"

Fun Fact: Ace's effect on Cody and KrakenKid are having oddly opposite effects. Cody doesn't hold back from manipulating everyone, something he'd never normally do, but also he fakes his emotions because he doesn't feel much, which is abnormal for Cody due to the fact that for most of his powers to work, he needs emotions, plus he leads with his heart and that's why Atlantis trusts him. KrakenKid is showing too much emotion, something that he normally refrains from because if he acts too impulsively and attacks whenever he wants without a plan, he could not only get himself caught or killed, but everyone else. Not only this, but KrakenKid isn't listening to other people, something he normally does, and is acting also double as impulsive as normal.

Another Fun Fact: Ace's effect on Cody and Tanith are similar in one major way: Manipulation. Both used the people around them to their own advantage and protection. It's this way because both are normally the people who pay attention to how others act and really listen to people. Because they know so much about many people, know of ways they could twist and get people to bend to their will, and had nothing holding them back from doing so, they do. However, the major difference is that Tanith's drive was Fear, keeping herself safe and normally just sticking to one person because too many is too risky. Cody's drive is Anger, angry at KrakenKid for everything he's done and wants him gone. He's willing to take huge risks to get what he wants, and he will tear down whoever gets in his way. How ironic that he says the same about KrakenKid...
 "He's willing to use people for his own gain, and kill anyone who gets in his way."

"-So, I pushed them off the edge and basically made it so they can't get back on."
--Ace in "Allies"
"No, I needed to hit them where it would count, so I decided to give them a little... Push. Just exactly what they needed to send them over the edge."
--Cody in this chapter.
Huh... Well isn't that interesting?

Also, in the first episode of Atlantis Endeavors, Cody asks KrakenKid if him and Rasmus were in cahoots, but KrakenKid tells him no, Rasmus hasn't seen him in a long time. A reference to Cody questioning Rasmus.

Also, Reminder that a lot of what CannibalCrab does is for KrakenKid, so a huge part of his concern is for his safety. That's why Cannibal emphasises on the part where he dies, rather than his own life.

A lot is going to happen in the next chapter, and things are about to get crazy. I can't wait ;)

I hope you liked this, sorry for the long end note but like I said, this has been planned since Doubt In Self, maybe longer! Be sure to comment thoughts, predictions, whatever you got! Goodbye!


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