Always believe (One Direction...

By WWE1Dprincess

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Chalciope has always believed that she could help her family Chalciope has always believed that she w... More

Merry Christmas 🎄🎅


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By WWE1Dprincess

Hey guys this is a reloaded of the other book that I had I decided to republish it again hope you like it

By the way a big shout-out to my bestie @1Dlplover  for the amazing cover.Read her stories they are amazing


Chalciope POV 
September 12th 2009

Right now I am backstage of the X factor and I am really excited to be honest

"Come on Chal you can do it. You have been dreaming for this day your whole life "My older brother Theseus told me

"And you did this before so come on "Dad told me as he was holding my new born twin sisters.They are 5 months old

"I know. "I told him

"Come on baby cake make us proud. "Dad sad hugging me

"You have been doing this your whole life now and you have improved so much since the last time"Theseus said and Theseus agreed

"Chalciope Mccall" Dermot O'Leary told me and I nodded. "Good to see you back "as he hugged me

"Good to be back "I told him and he smiled.

I went up the stairs but before I look at my family and they smiled

As I went out the crowed recognized me because they started yelling my name

"Well what a big crowed "Sharon Osbourne said and I smiled

"Hi Chalciope how are you "Simon Cowell said waving at me

"Hi Simon I'm doing fine thank you. I haven't seen you in a while "I told him

"It's been what, 5 years "Simon said

"5 years "I said

"How far did you get the last time." Louis Walsh told me

"Till the bootcamp" I said

"How old were you? "Sharon asked

"10"I said

"And how old are you now? "She asked me

"I am going to be 15 in November "I said

"Oh my "She said with a look of wow and I laughed while the audience cheered

"What's your name again "Nicole Scherzinger asked

"I'm Chalciope Hera Mccall and I'm from Thorne, South Yorkshire "I said in my British Accent and there were some cheers

"Your name is not common. What is it? "Sharon asked

"Well my mother was a huge fan of Greek mythology "I said and as I said 'was' the judge soften

"Oh my I am sorry "Sharon said

"It's ok she is always with me in here "I told her putting my hand on my heart and the audience clapped

"If I remember correctly Chalciope is the daughter of King Aeetes of Colchis and sister of Medea and Hera wife of Zeus right? "Nicole asked and I smiled wildly with a nod"I am into Greek myth too"

"Really cool name by the way "Louis said and I smiled "Do you have any siblings because I am curious of what they are named "and I laughed with everyone

"I have an older brother his name is Theseus and twins sisters Andromeda and Circe "I said and Louis stayed speechless

"I love the names"He said and I laughed

"So what have you been doing in these 5 years "Simon asked

"I continued studying music"I said

"What you want to be them"Nicole asked  

"A music engineer"I said and Nicole clapped proudly

"Good think you didn't give up "Nicole said

"I will never give up "I said and Sharon joined Nicole in clapping"And I am in the England national women's football team actually I started this year with the national team"

"My God"Sharon said proud and I smiled

"There you go girl"Nicole said as she cheered and I laughed

"So what bring you here again"Louis asked

"I want to be one of the greatest artists in Syco Entertainment "I said

"Good choice "Louis said and I smiled

"So what are you going to sing for us tonight Chalciope "Sharon asked

"Only girl in the world By Rihanna" I said and the crowd cheered

"The stage is all yours good luck "Simon said and I smiled

"Thank you "I said

As I finished the crowd didn't stop yelling and I had a huge smile on my face

"My God Chalciope you blowed me away like literally.I love how you went to 50s and 60s style"Nicole said really shocked and I smiled wildly"It's incredible"

"Thank you"I said

"Well Chalciope I can say that you have improved very well "Simon started and I smiled

"Thank you Simon "I told him while the audience clapped

"But I still think that there a thing to change"He said and the crowd booed

"You kidding me this what we have been waiting for the whole night"Sharon said and I couldn't believe it.

"I agree with Sharon here this girl is a goddess and her name say it all "Nicole said and I laughed happily

"Your voice is unique and you sure belong here sweetheart "Sharon said and I was about to cry

"Louis "Sharon said and they all looked at him

"3 words.... Am-az-ing" He said

"Thank you "I said again

"For a 15 year old you have a very powerful voice"Louis said and I smiled

And this is the moment of truth that I stood their serious 

"Louis"Simon said

"I say yes "Louis said and I jumped with joy and the crowd cheered

"Nicole "Simon said

"100% yes. Go girl "Nicole said and I was going to fly with joy

"Sharon "Simon said

"I am saying hell yeah" Sharon said and the crowd cheered more and I was going to explode

But now it was Simon's turn which I must say that last time he rejected me and I pass because of the other judges

"Simon "Nicole said and he stood there serious

"Well last time I rejected you because you didn't convince me "Simon started "But you still didn't convince me 100%"and tension started building "But I am going to say yes. "and as he said 

"Congratulations you got 4 yeses" Simon said while he gave me a thumbs up

"Thank you mum"I whispered while I kissed my hand and lifted it up to mum and then I started crying 

"I am sure your mother is proud of you" Simon said and I nodded

"Oh look" Nicole said all excited and I saw my twin sisters coming with dad

So I took them from dad and I kissed them while dad hugged me

"Oh how cute "Sharon said putting both of her hands on her cheeks

"Which is which "Nicole asked

"The one on my right is Andromeda and the other is Circe and they are 3 years old "I said and the crowd cheered

"Hi Andromeda, Circe "Sharon said while Nicole was squealing

"Say hi Romy, Cece" I said and they waved and then we went backstage where I was met with a big hug from Theseus and dad joined him

"Mum would have been proud of you "Dad told me while crying too

"I know that she still is "I said 

"You made it again"Dad said and I smiled

"Let's just hope that we continue "I said

"You will and I know so "Dad said

"If only mum was here with us she wouldn't stop crying "I said and I cried laughed

"Yeah last time everyone thought that someone was dying "Theseus said and I laughed again

"Let's just go home now to rest you have big days ahead of you now "Dad said and I smiled

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