Deadly 7 (BoyxBoy)

By Wolf_Lovers

131K 4.5K 1.2K

COMPLETED ~~~~~~~~~~~ Leonardo Arai, he is your average kid from the ghetto and managed to fall into the wron... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Authors Note
New Story!

Chapter 3

7.3K 271 63
By Wolf_Lovers

"Smile in the mirror. Do that every morning and you'll start to see a big difference in your life." ~Yoko Ono


Every single part of my body ached as I moved from laying on my stomach to my back. Lucifer really did a number on me.

"I'm surprised you survived that." Aristotle said coming into the room with food and another boy who looked a lot like him.

The same light brown hair, facial features like a sharp jaw line and overall nice face. But Aristotle has a nice pale green/blue eye color while the boy has light brown eyes.

"Don't make me laugh." I said with a slight laugh to not make my stomach hurt. My arms were able to slowly peel up my shirt that revealed deep bruises but none seemed to leave permanent damage.

"Damn." The stranger said with his mouth open. "How are you alive?"

I laughed even harder but groaned in pain. Aristotle walked towards me and picked my limp body up.

"Here. Cameron, can you pick up the food?" He asked easily carrying me out of the basement and up the stairs. I could feel the eyes of the gang staring at me. My eyes looked up at Aristotle as he carried me.

This is so gay.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" I asked after he laid me down on the same bed as before. He shrugged his shoulders taking the food from Cameron, I think he's suppose to be sloth but I'll have to see later.

Cameron looks a bit younger honestly.

I have to keep my walls up though, this isn't going to last long, I'm going to see my brother.

"I think we would probably of been friends in another life." He said as if he was talking about the weather.

Friends in another life? Maybe.

"My name is Leonardo." I said looking at the new boy, as he looked at me with a relaxed face. Is he stoned?

"Cameron." He said sitting down and rubbing his knees. "Ari, you know Luci is going to kill you for bring him up here and even worse, feeding him."

"Well, I wasn't going to leave him down there and starve." Ari said looking over at me with a smile.

I heard yelling and things being thrown around from downstairs and then somebody stomping their way upstairs.

My heart beat quickened and I thought of a way to hide. In an instant, my body was under the bed and my hands covered my face. When I was down there, he would walk towards me with such heavy footsteps. Then sometimes he would be so quiet, I didn't know where he was coming from then bam!

My body would be on the floor.

"Where the fuck is he?!" Matthew yelled. I didn't want to see him. He was probably one of the worst. He only walked in for a second but he scarred me in ways I don't like to think about.

"Under the bed and he's fine. Leave!" Aristotle yelled. "He's taken enough of a beating!"

"Don't ta-"

"You're my brother! Not my d-" I heard a hand hit against skin, the slap could be heard from all angels.

"Matthew! Was that necessary?" Cameron yelled, I heard his footsteps go towards Ari, I can see his shadow on the floor.

"Get out from under the bed." Matthew demanded. My cries could now be heard.

"Will you leave Ari alone?" I asked, my voice sounded so weak. Matthew scuffed and got a hold of my foot and dragged me out from under the bed. I screamed and tried my best to thrash against him, but I was to weak.

"When I ask for you to do something, you do it. Understand?" He said all possessive and angry. His eyes dig holes into my forehead.

"I-I'm sorry." I cried wanting to go home. "Please, just take me home. I want to go home!"

Matthew looked at me with disgust and stretched out his arms. I knew my face showed complete and utter fear.

"God, you're only a kid. Aristotle, Lucifer isn't going to be happy." Matthew grumbled, his face softened a bit and left us alone. I heard Cameron jump as Matthew slammed the door shut.

"Luci can suck it." Ari said spitting out some blood. I gasped and crawled over to him.

"I-I-I'm so sorry." I whispered cupping his clean cheek. His other was starting to bruise. "Is there anywhere I can get ice?"

"Ice? I'll come with you." Cameron said helping me up. Aristotle laid on the bed with a sigh, using his arm to cover his face. I wanted to see his beautiful eyes but I can imagine him just wanting to cry.

It's never easy getting hurt, physically for the most part, by somebody who you love. For me, it hurts more every time.

"I didn't know Matthew could have such a temper." I whispered looking down at my cut fists, who knew Matthew could actually hit somebody of blood, I'm just an enemy but is own brother.

"Yeah. It's a curse." Cameron said shaking his head. "Usually I'm able to control him but I guess with you in the house, he's a bit worried."

"Why would he be worried?" I asked confused. Sure I have muscles but these guys could easily take me down.

"Because of the other gang. Your gang, they're threatening to hurt us. I didn't know you had such strong ties with the leader." Cameron commented and glanced over at me. My face started to turn red just thinking about Dean. The minute I showed interest in the gang, he let me and I'm happy I didn't get to find out why.

"Yeah. He showed a bit of interest in me when I first got in." I started to rub the arm where he dragged me from the bullies at school.

"Interest?" Cameron said with a laugh. I looked up at his pearly white teeth and nodded.

"The teens in the gang would make fun of me, calling me his sex pet. But nothing happened then, so I guess that's good, that nothing happened! It's not good that I got bullied or anything-." I said with a shrug. I can tell my baby face was starting to come out because Cameron gave me the look.

"Wow. You're really a pervert magnet." Cameron scuffed. I felt my stomach start to hurt as I laughed. This kid knows it.

"I can't help it! It's not my fault." I said laughing but felt my heart sink just thinking about it. But his words were exceptionally true more than what I can explain.

"Sure. I bet you enjoy all that weirdo attention." Cameron said patting my back. I wasn't even paying that much attention because we were already here in the kitchen.

"What were we suppose to be getting?" I asked ignoring his last comment.

"Ice." Cameron said going into the freezer and grabbed two ice creams then an ice pack.

"Ice cream?"

"Who says you have to be left hungry?" Cameron said with a shrug. "I'm so tired. I was suppose to be watching you but I may as well hang out with you while I do it."

"Watch me? To make sure I do what? Eat? Don't die?" I asked sitting down.

"I don't know, escape like you did yesterday. We were going to be easy on you, at least Lucifer was considering it, then you ran." Cam said opening my ice cream for me. In all honestly, I wasn't going to go home if I escaped. Then I would get beat up by my dad then manipulated by my mother. I wouldn't go to the police, then I would have to say I was in a gang and then all that shit.

"I wasn't going to go home or the police." I thought out loud.

"Huh?" Cameron asked looking over at me with confusion. His dark eyebrows basically told how he was feeling.

"I wasn't going to go home or to the police if I was let out." I said finishing up the popsicle.

"Where would you go?" He asked taking the ice pack and led me back upstairs.

"The hospital to see my brother. I think I told Aristotle his. That my brother, Christopher Arai, wa-"

"Your brother is Chrissy Arai? Damn, small world. Everyone loved him, he wasn't in anyone's gang but he was literally friends with everyone. But then-oh."

"Yeah. After the attack happened, I knew I had to join a gang. So I joined the Disciples but now I'm in this situation. So I guess this is better than almost dead."

"Dead?" A new voice said walking into the kitchen. The man was half naked and sweaty. To say the least he was god damn hot.

No homo.

"Jesus would you put a shirt on!" Cameron yelled covering his eyes. I had to do the same so I wasn't caught staring.

"Whatever." He said and walked behind me. "I've never seen you before. Wait! Is this the dude Matthew was talking about? The one who managed to escape twice?  Wow! That was cool I wish I could of been there-"

"Where were you then?" Cameron asked. I looked back up and saw that he also had the same facial features as the brother but his smile had a slight slant, making it look like he was smirking.

"You know, in the city." He said with a shrug. The city, Chicago.

"Did you get the watch I wanted?" Cameron asked with an excited tone. Jesus laughed and threw a watch onto the table. It looked hella expensive.

"Now, I mean would you look at that." He said laughing and actually took the chance to look at me. I noticed his eyes had more of a paleish brown color. It looked almost grey. Whoever the parents of these children must be absolute gods or something.

"Hi." I let out with a smile. Jesus laughed and nodded his head.

"You don't seem like a dog." He said with an interested but concerned look. "Are you sure you guys took the right dude?"

"You mean if Lucifer, Ace, and Matthew took the right kid-"

"Why are you calling me kid if we're like the same age?" I asked Cameron interrupting him.

"How old are you?" Cameron asked me with his eyebrows raised.

"17. You?"

"19. The youngest one of us is Trey at 15, you haven't met him yet. People always think he's envy but I don't really see it. Anyways, then goes Aristotle, he's like 18-" Cameron turned towards Jesus who nodded.

"He's 18, I think."

"Okay so yeah, Aristotle is 18. I'm 19-" Cameron repeated.

"I'm 21." Jesus said flipping his sweat soaked hair.

"Yeah, but you don't act like it."

"Shut up."

"Okay-" Cameron said and looked back at me with the same smile. "Matthew is like 21, yeah his birthday is in a few months."

"Oh yeah! What are we going to do for that?"

"Don't ask me, ask Ari, wait don't do that. Just give it a second or just go talk it out with him. While you're at it, can you give him this ice pack?" Cameron asked giving Jesus he dripping ice pack.

"Why would he need an ice-Matthew?" Jesus asked with an angry expression his face. "And his birthday? Ari!" Cameron just nodded and Jesus took off, stomping up the stairs. A few minutes later I heard fighting, a hit, then a door slam, a door opening, a door slamming, then silence.

"I'm sorry if I caused all of this." I said sincerely.

"It's the norm. Alrighty, then goes Ace who's like 23 and lastly Lucifer who's 26."

"26? Damn. I thought he'd be like 21." I said with a laugh. Cameron nodded and looked over at me.

I heard somebody step into the kitchen. The musky cologne made it seem like Lucifer but I didn't want to check.

"I'm sorry this has to happen to you. You seen like a genuinely nice person."

"Don't worry. I'm use to crappy stuff happening to me."


Hey guys! I hoped you liked this chapter and is having a good day. So there's this girl....and she's really nice and genuine and she goes to my school there's a lot of "fake" people, no joke. Anyways.......I honestly don't know what to do about her, I'm not sure if I like her or not and she's a year older than me.

But she's really nice and I don't know but sometimes it feels like she's the bright star in my dark universe. A lot of shitty stuff has been happening, like death especially and it's never good to deal with that. Ironic thing is, she is in love with space.

So honestly, I think she is the bright star in my dark universe. But who knows?

Well that's it, please vote and all that jazz.

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