RED world

By Majakkie

70.8K 1.8K 114

Akiyama Hiromi was a quiet and shy girl, almost invisible. The only thing that was eye-catching about her was... More

Chapter 1: Lies
Chapter 2: Who?
Chapter 3: Karma time
Chapter 5: Poison and a cold
Chapter 6: The gift
Chapter 7: Backup plan
Chapter 8: English show-and-tell
Chapter 9: Adventure
Chapter 10: The truth
Chapter 11: The punishment?
Chapter 12: Better
Chapter 13: Bloody?
Chapter 14: Why me?
Author note!
Chapter 15: An unfortunate shopping trip
Chapter 16: Ice cream
Chapter 17: Pain train
Chapter 18: Message
Chapter 19: Kyoto
Chapter 20: Strawberry Shortcake
Chapter 21: Just be careful
Chapter 22: The ones left behind
Chapter 23: Dirty
Chapter 24: I'm fine
Chapter 25: Back at the inn
Chapter 26: Lemon Soda
Chapter 27: Girl talk
Chapter 28: The ride home
Chapter 28 ½: Fashion study
Chapter 29: My seat!
Chapter 30: Damn BB bullets
Chapter 31: There there
Chapter 32: Wrapped gift

Chapter 4: Bitch-sensei

3.6K 71 1
By Majakkie

The next day, Akabane tone down the assassination attempts, and his murderous intent seemed to have decreased greatly. It seemed that something had happened yesterday after school that had turned the tables a little. Still, it was important that I had an eye on him, not to talk about Nagisa and Koro-sensei. I reported to mom the necessary information, like about the new student that I should be aware of, and about our teacher. No more was necessary, for she had other things to think about, and it was I that would kill Koro-sensei, not her.

The following days went on like usual, failed assassination attempts, studying and training. Until the day she came into our campus.

"Now, allow me to introduce your brand-new temporary foreign-language teacher." The stern Karasuma said.

At the right of him stood Koro-sensei in a horribly bad disguise, and a nice looking woman hanging around his arm. Her golden curls reached her waist, her sky blue eyes was solely looking at the octopus in disguise and her outfit was hugging her "sexy" curves.

"Jelavic Irina. Nice to meet you all!" She greeted us happily, while clinging to Koro-sensei like a life-boat.

I already hate her.

"This school intends to give you authentic experience in foreign languages. I trust there are no complaints about her taking over half of your English lessons?" Continued Karasuma like he didn't see the disturbing scene.

Koro-sensei only answered with a "If we must.." while the class started to talk with each other. The mint-head and the grass-head seemed to talk about something interesting, so I focused on them. Like I thought, mint-head talked about Koro-sensei's reaction to a beautiful woman clinging to him. And it wasn't long until we got to see it. Pink. That was all the explanation it needed. His face became pink like sakura* and he had a blush that just couldn't be understood another way. That was when the boot-licking got worse.

"The more I look at you, the more I like what I see." The blond complimented the teacher. "Your beady eyes, like two diarrhea pills.. Your undefined joints.. Why, you're positively captivating!"

Really? Diarrhea pills? Even a blind could come up with a better seductive description! I can't believe that you believe this act, you stupid octopus!

During the break, we played a game called "Hup! Pass! Hup! Kill!" which we played with Koro-sensei. But interrupting everything, came the annoying boot-licker running.

"Koro-sensei! Koro-sensei! Karasuma-sensei tells me you're oh so very fast! Is that true?"

"Well, not that fast.." The teacher said blushing as he dropped the balls.

Oh, don't be shy, Koro-sensei! You're only the fastest living organism on Earth, you fool!

"Could you do me a favor? I'd love to try some real Vietnamese coffee. Won't you bring some while I'm teaching English?" The blonde beauty asked as she pressed her breasts a little more against the pink octopus, revealing her big bust even more.

Ah, yes- the classic trick. To bring out your womanly features to seduce your targets, or more exactly, show off your boobs.

"Why, of course. I happen to know a great café in Vietnam." The blushing teacher exclaimed as he flew off at Mach 20 speed. Leaving a strong after-wind at us students.

"Er... Irina-sensei?.. Class is starting. Shouldn't we go back in?" Asked the class rep.

"Class? Oh, right. Just make it a study hall or something." The young woman said as she took out a cigarette. "And..can you not call me by my first name? I won't be playing teacher unless that octopus is around, so you are to call me Jelavic-oneesama."

So she finally showed us her real side eh~? But as usual, I didn't show my real emotions, I only acted like everyone else, shocked.

"So what are you going to do, Bitch-neesan?" Akabane commented, almost making me blow up my facade, once again.

"No nicknames!" She instantly yelled at the laid-back student.

"You're an assassin, right? The entire class working together can't kill this monster, and bitch-neesan is going to kill him all by herself?" The redhead said, looking down at the professional assassin.

"Brat. Grown-ups have their own grown-up way of doing things." She said cold until she turned to mint-head. "You must be Shiota Nagisa."

She walked up to him, grabbed his face and...kissed him?! Grass-head started screaming while blushing hard, the two perverts were looking excitingly on and Akabane seemed fascinated. I quickly gave a horrified face to keep my role, even though it wasn't completely fake. I'm pretty sure that's against the law.. The blond was kissing him deeply, until he was completely weak. She then held him in her bosom, saying sweetly:

"Come to the staff room later. I'd like to see what you have on him." She released him and he fell on the ground, completely shaken. "The same goes for anyone else with key intel! I'll give you something good in return. I can even swap in a man for you girls. It's a pro's job to have both technique and connections. You brats go watch from the outfield. Oh, one more thing: Interfere even slightly in my assassination and I'll kill you."

Robust men with great luggage came from the forest, giving the young woman a stylish gun as she talked in her coldest voice we had heard. And that was when the class realized that she was truly a professional assassin, but at the same time the most of the class felt the same thing, that we hated her.

Under the oncoming study hall, no one had anything to do, and the so-called teacher was only sitting there looking smug. That was when the perverted orange-head said:

"C'mon, bitch-neesan, teach us something already!"

"Yeah, bitch-neesan!" Agreed the blonde classmate of mine.

"I mean, you are a teacher here, right, bitch-neesan?" Said another boy with silver-grey hair.

That seemed to get to "neesan".

"Quit your "bitch"ing! For one thing, they're pronounced differently!-"

And then she started giving us a lecture on how v and b is pronounced. Until we were supposed to bite our lower lip and stay like that for an hour. Aaahh! I hate her!

At the PE we were training shooting, I wasn't that good at it, Yusuki was much better than me. But something interesting happened during that lesson. It was the other orange-head that saw it first.

"Hey, now! You kiddin' me? They're going into that shed together!"

"Kind of a letdown, watching Koro-sensei fall for such an obvious ploy." The metal-head expressed.

And just like they said, the pink octopus was walking together with the bitch to the shed.

"Karasuma-sensei? I don't think that we'll ever warm up to her." The female class rep said.

"Apologies. She's a pro here on the government's orders." Karasuma apologized. "Still..completing all her preparations in a single day proves that she's an assassin of the highest caliber."

It was not long before you heard gunshots, not the guns we had, but real automatic guns. That is where she has gone wrong. The gunshots quieted down, but it wasn't long before we heard another noise. A scream yelling no, and a slithering sound. I do not want to know what that is. I held my hands over my ears, but still sadly heard everything. After the first scream, came a second, more sounding like a moan, and then a third, being a moan. The perverts of our class ran to see what was going on. I did not run there.

Soon it was study hall once again, and Jelavic Irina was angrily scrolling on her smartpad.

"You're trying awfully hard, bitch-neesan. Your pride must be in tatters after that." Akabane teased.

"Sensei?" Asked our male class rep unsure.

"What?" Snarled sensei back.

"If you won't teach us anything, could you swap with Koro-sensei? We've got entrance exams this year." He said on behalf of the class.

"Ha! You want that vicious creature to teach you? You think that your exams compare at all to a planetary crisis? Must be nice being a clueless kid!" The hateful teacher said as she stood up. "Besides, I understand that you E-class students are the school's losers. There can't be any point to studying now. I know! How about this? If my attempt succeeds, I'll give you 5 million yen to share! That's far more that you'd gain from any pointless schoolwork! So shut up and do as I-"

That was when she had gone too far. When she said that, the whole class's feelings was in a throw of an eraser.

"Get out." One voice, one class.

Murderous stares was on her, and an huge killing intent was leaking trough the classroom. Chaos burst out. People threw things at her, screaming at her:

"Get out, you damn bitch!" "Bring in Koro-sensei!"

"Wh-where'd all this come from?! I'll kill you all!" The woman yelled back while dodging the throwing.

"I'd like to see you try!" The metal-head screamed.

Meanwhile Grass-head held up a sign, even though I couldn't see what it was written I can guess by the things she said.

"Yeah, that's right! Down with the big boobs!"

Me? I just sat there, keeping my act.

"Hey, Akiyama-chan?"

I looked up to see Yusuki standing in front of my desk.


"Do you like Bitch-neesan?"

"No." I answered while looking almost ashamed of myself. "She said mean words about the class, so I couldn't possibly like her after that."

"Right! I became so angry! How could she say that after everything we had worked for!? Man! I also threw the paper I had been drawing manga on.." She said as she started to sulk.

"There there.. You're amazing enough to draw a better one, right?" I comforted her.

"Yes! Yes, I am! Thank you, Aki-chan!"

"Aki-chan?" I asked nervously, as she ignored me.

"I will draw things about this story! And change the bad cover too!"

I didn't get half of what she was saying, but I noticed the devilish redhead looking at me, to quickly turn his gaze to another way as he sipped on his strawberry-milk. Why is he looking at me? He has surely not seen through me yet. While I was thinking about that, the door opened, and the blonde teacher came in. She went directly to the black-board, writing something in English. And when I saw what it was, I almost forgot to breathe.

"You are incredible in bed. Repeat." She spoke fluently in English.

No way I'm saying that. But Yusuki went back to her seat, as well as the rest of the class, getting ready for the lesson.

"Come on!"

The class, except me then, repeated shakily after her in their bad English pronunciation.

"You ai incredibble in bed."

"When I assassinated a certain VIP in America, I first turned on the charm to get close to his bodyguard. Those are the words that he said to me. They mean: You're amazing in bed!"

I felt how the rest of the class felt embarrassed by saying something like that.

"It's often said that the fastest way to learn a language is to get yourself a lover who speaks it. You want to know what they're feeling, so you try your hardest to understand what they say." The now teaching bitch continued. "When necessary in the course of my work.. I have used that method to learn more than a few new languages. Therefore, my lessons will teach you how to sweet-talk foreigners. The basics of chummy chats, straight from a pro assassin: Master them and they'll come in handy with a real life foreigner."

She then turned a little humble, but continued talking.

"Let that octopus teach you what you need for your exams. The only thing I can teach you is practical conversation skills. And if you still don't think of me as a teacher, I'll give up on my assassination and leave. Th-that ought to fly with you all. And I'm sorry about all that stuff."

She ended with a blush on her cheeks, and apology in her eyes. The class was silent, looking at each other before they all burst into laughter. Including me. I had never expected something like that from her!

"Why so nervous? You were just threatening to kill us!" The red-haired troublemaker said.

"She's totally a teacher now." The perverted orange-head said.

"We can't call you bitch-neesan anymore." Said another one of my classmates happily.

" understand!" The now teacher said as she got tears in her eyes.

"It was a pretty rude thing to call a teacher."

"Yeah. We need something else."

"How 'bout bitch-sensei?"

That stopped the tears in her eyes.

"Er.. How about we move away from the whole bitch thing? Just call me by my first name. I don't mi-"

"But that bitch thing really isn't going away."

"Yeah. Bitch-sensei fits her much better than Irina-sensei."

"Well, there you have it. Welcome, bitch-sensei!"

"Let's get started, bitch-sensei!"

"I hate you all so much!" Bitch-sensei screamed as she became a part of the End-class.

*Hi again! Thanks for reading this far! Sakura means cherry tree by the way. If you have noticed, the thick means that they are talking English and not Japanese. Cursive means that it's Hiromi's own thoughts, or that it's sarcastic. I thought that maybe you wanted to know where Hiromi sits, and now she sits behind Hara Sumire. I've changed it once again because of obvious reasons that you will understand in upcoming chapters.


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