The Phantom

By OneAnxiousWreck

66.1K 1.7K 409

[DISCLAIMER: i do NOT own KnB or any photos used in this book] Kuroko is a very special boy, hes a legend... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 10

3.1K 98 30
By OneAnxiousWreck

My brother smiles, and looks up at me, I give a sly smile and nod. I can hear all the girls whisper and some giggle, I sigh and lean forward. He takes a deep breath.

"Hello, I'm Sumairu Kuroko" He says, People turn and face me, I sigh and lean back in my chair still looking at my brother, he laughs a little then continues to speak "I've been... out of town for a little while but I can heal people and my ability is stronger than the nurses here" He looks at the teacher, I laugh to myself, he looks like a lost puppy. "Any questions" The teacher says, Kagami puts his hand up

"where did you go?" He asks, I look at my brother also wondering

"I've been studying in England making my ability stronger" He says, then I see another hand shoot up, it was the purple haired giant 

"Why did you leave?" He asks munching on some chips, Me and my brother exchange glaces, he clears his throat and swallows moving his hair out of his face, I hear the girls gasping and giggling again

"I left because of events that happened in my previous school" He says, That's one thing we have in common, we're both amazing liars, I have to be, he just is. The lies we speak come out so smooth, we don't have to think.

"Like?" Aomine pries 

"I had issues to which I left, that's all I really wish to tell" He says wanting to get off topic, only then I realise what my body language is telling him, he really does know me. He looks back at the teacher "Anything else?" The teacher asks, One girl put her hand up "You single?" She asks, I almost fell off my chair in shock, did she really just ask that, wait is he? I look at him, hes blushing Oh my. I let an amused smile play on my face.

"That's not a valid question" The teacher calls, The girls in the room let out annoyed sighs. My brother looks up at me I'm still smiling I raise my eyebrows and he looks away fast. I clear my throat and solidify my expression 

"More fighting then?" Kagami asks standing up

"I guess" I say stuffing my hands in my pockets, "Wonder how different it'll be" I add looking down Standing up too,

"Maybe we'll be fighting in pairs" Kagami says, I shrug, we all walk down I stand near my brother and let give a small playful smile 

  "I'm not gonna live this down am I?" He asks, I shake my head amused 

"Nope" I say "Who's the lucky guy?" I say tauntingly

"well-" He pauses "HEY" I laugh amused, I see Kagami look at me with a shocked expression, I put my hands in my pockets again,

"What?" I ask, he shakes his head

"Never heard you laugh" he says

"Obviously, I've been here what? 3 days?" I ask, then sigh returning to my cold expression.

"You sigh a lot, and you always have THAT look" He says, I sigh again and turn away

"Its a resting face" I say, the door opens and the teacher who taught us about, myself essentially. Walks in, He's carrying a box

"Right class" Our fight teacher calls "Today you will work in pairs, before I tell you any more you can decide, Pick pairs or pull numbers?" Everyone fell silent until the pink haired girl spoke up

"I wanna pick" She squeals , the other girls nod. I sigh as the teacher lets us pick. Kagami walks up to me 

"Wanna pair?" He asks, I shrug, Not really wanting to pair with anyone. He stares

"Sure, why the hell not" I say realising he wanted a vocal answer . My brother smiles and leans down to whisper 

"Looks like YOU'RE the one with 'lucky guy'" He mocks, I jab him with my elbow, I hear him grunt in pain, I give a small laugh. 

"Watch your tongue dear brother" I say walking over to Kagami, He smiles. My brother looks happy, Thats all I want.

"Right class" The fight teacher says calling the other teacher over he then stars to speak

"In this case" He lifts up the case "are level 5 demons, we would go higher but this IS your first time fighting a demon" I smile to myself, not my first time "We know some of you will find this easy but we want to see how well you work with others"

"So what demons are we fighting" Asks Kagami 

"They are known as the Scolore a low level breed of demon. That's all I'll say as their ability changes based on opponents"

"Well, You all have pairs now so come and pick a number. " The fight teacher says, Kagami walks over, as hes gone my brother turns to me 

"Level 5 huh?" He says, I smile

"So hard" I say sarcastically. Kagami walks back up with a piece of paper in his hands, the paper has the number 1 on it. I sigh, just great.

'Are we going to be okay? You've never used this magic on demons, you've always used the magic I granted you' The shadow says

'We'll be fine, We have Kagami' I say back, I then stop walking 'Why am I relying on him?'

'Don't worry about that yet' 

"Kuroko you okay?" Kagami asks staring at me 

"Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine" I say realising I stopped for too long "Just lost in thought" Kagami nods and we start walking. I hate this, why am I relying on him? On anyone. I can trust no one, People betray you. People you care about. You lose. 

"Well then, lets go" Kagami says, The teacher isn't picking numbers hes just going on the order, since we have 1 we go first.  We take our place in the ring with the sphere surrounding us. The teacher grabs a sphere from his case placing one in the centre, opposite us. 

"Ill add another if I feel the need" He says as he leaves. Kagami steps in front of me, Is he trying to protect me? Please. The teacher clicks his finger and the small sphere in the centre glows with a dull red light then a blast of energy, I cover my eyes and when I look at the creature before me, I see a Medium size creature, red skinned and with Pitch black eyes, hunched over with wings. Staring at me, those cold eyes piercing through me. I sigh and look away, this seems to have angered it as it screeches and sends forward a blast of red energy. It hits me and sends me flying back, I gasp as I lose the air in my lungs. It burns like hell. I stand up, Kagami looks at me, It screeches again and turns towards Kagami. I push my hands together and creates a blue sphere round Kagami. The energy the creature produced bounces off and dissipates. The creature turns to me and snarls, I keep my gaze on it, its eyes staring back at mine. I step forward, it stays still. I stand next to Kagami, the room is quiet even the spectators are shocked. This is a level 5 huh? "What are you doing?" He asks, I drop the sphere around Kagami, "Shh" I say back "I'm testing something" I say, He looks at me. 

"Oh" He says getting it, 

"Whatever you do, when I take my eyes off it, keep yours locked on no matter how difficult it may feel" I say to him, I see him nod from the corner of my eye. I start to walk away from Kagami, keeping my eyes locked onto the creature. Once I like the distance I created between Kagami and me. I take a deep breath then, Look back at Kagami, Taking my eyes off the creature, It squeals and sends another bolt of energy towards me, Once again it hit and send me flying, I hit the edge of the ring sliding down, keeping silent. My brother bends down "You're crazy" He says. I look over at Kagami who is now the one having a staring competition with the demon. I Push myself off the floor. I smile "I'm done" My brother looks confused. I step forward, Kagami looks unnerved. I look at my chest were the bolts hit me, The clothes seem fine, the heat though, that hurts. I step forward "Oi Attention whore" I yell, my brother laughs at the insult the creature looks at me. I step forward once again, keeping my eyes onto it reading it, then I get it, I finally understand. I stop when I'm arms length away. "Kuroko" Kagami warns

"That thing you do," I say "Do it" He looks at me confused, then he gets it. He focuses the light in the room onto the creature, It lets out a ear splitting scream I step back covering my ears. 

"Damn it" Kagami says doing the same, As I cover my ears the demon charges forward knocking me over and pinning me.

"Shit" I say as it pins me, staring at me. It leans in, showing its crooked sharp teeth, snapping at me. 

"KUROKO" Kagami yells, I hear my brother gasp. I cough once again showing blood.


'I cant do anything without my weapon, accept.. its possible'

'What?' The shadow asks, I say nothing but smile, The demon had turned its gaze, Kagami was staring at it, he looked frightened,ah, that's what the creature does. I need to get its focus back on me. That's when I decide to punch it in its jaw. It screams and stares at me, Looking down showing its teeth, leaning closer. I take a deep breath and bring my hands up to the sides of it's face it looks at me, With no warning I send a surge of Blue electric into its skull, it screams in pain and closes its eyes, with that I kick it off me sending it into the wall of the ring. It grunts in pain as I stand up. Kagami stands next to me, "This is gonna be tricky" I say

"How?" Kagami asks, the creature still in pain

"You look at it it makes you scared by sending messages through his glare, that's the best way I can explain. HOWEVER you make eye contact then break it , it gets agitated. But you don't look you never know when its gonna attack" I say then look at Kagami's face, he looks amused "What"

"You really do work like a computer" he says with a smile

"I just observe the enemy" 

"So what do we do now" He asks looking back at the creature who's standing staring at me, I stare back

"Just do what I say and you'll walk away unharmed.. Probably" I say

"Probably?!" He shouts, I smile and step forward. I keep eye contact, the creature glares back looking angry and annoyed 

"Doesnt work on me does it?" I ask smiling, it snarls. I don't get afraid, not by a level 5. Kagami and the room stare at me

"I cant be bothered with you" I say as I shift my gaze rather obviously,It screams and charges. I bring my foot up kicking it in the side. It coughs and gets thrown again. It stops. Then swiftly moves forward pinning me once again but hes stronger. I push against him as he tries to bite me.

"Kuro-" Kagami starts before I cut him off 

"Don't say a word" I say as I struggle, I can feel the gaze of the creature trying to shift, No. I'm going to regret this, I bring my head up and slam it against its head. It looks back at me and brings his head down biting my shoulder, I grunt in pain refusing to scream as its what the thing wants. 

"K-kagami! do it"

"But you could"

"I DON'T CARE DO IT" I say cutting him off, and with that he brings a blast of light down onto the creature and me, I close my eyes as the creature screams letting go of my shoulder. I kick him off pinning It down. I stare at it. Kagami runs over

"Y-your shoulder" He says, 

"I know" I say, I know how bad it is, I'll figure it out later

"You are quite the opponents" It says Kagami takes a step back 

"Ah, it speaks" I say it glares

"You" It says "You are hiding something" I notice its breathing heavily and its eyes are turning red, one more push, one more. I glance at Kagami, and mouth 'On three' he looks at me and nods.

"One" I say, The creature looks confused "Two" I add. "THREE" and with that I jump off the creature as Kagami releases a beam of ligh down onto the creature, I lay on my back hearing it scream. I can't move, my shoulders killing me. The shield that encased us is dropped and Sumairu Runs over to me so does Kagami and the others. 

"Wow" Kagami says

"See" I say as I cough "Unharmed" He smiles 

"Can you sit up?"

"I can't move at all" I laugh slightly but end up in a coughing fit

"Ah, your loosing too much blood, Kagami can he just" My brother stops as Kagami kneels behind me letting me rest on his chest

"Yeah THIS isn't degrading" I say sarcastically 

"Shut up and let me help you" Kagami says "After everything you just did" 

"I didn't do much" I say

"Bull" Kagami says softly, I was about to answer when I was cut off by a coughing fit which also ended with me spitting blood out of my mouth, people gasp.

"Ah, my shoulder kills" I say

"Hmm, judging by the purple around the wound I would say you were injected with Aplixa." Sumairu says, people look at him confused, "A poison that paralyses you, you're an idiot" He sighs

"Takes one to know one" I say quietly, he smiles. 

"See" Kagami says "You took all that and THAT'S what allowed me to do all that, wait" he stops "How long does the poison take to have an effect" 

"Its immediate" My brother replies then stops and stares "My god" Everyone stares at me 

"Take a picture, lasts longer" I say "Can you help me out so the others can have their turn? Its not that special, it was level 5"

"But you beat a poison that was meant to paralyse you IMMEDIATELY" Kise says

"what would that demon have done if you did get paralysed?" Momoi asks

"Turned on the one dealing the damage" Riko says, People gasp again

"You really are something" A voice calls from the back of me, I turn but wince in pain to see Akashi smiling "Annoying but something I'm interested" He says 

"Good for you" I say, "Can you hurry up because I want the ability to move again" My brother smiles and lifts his hand to heal the wound he whispers "I can't do anything about the poison can HE help?" I nod 

'D'ya mind?'

'Not at all, I can do it internally but it'll hurt'

'Go ahead' As I say that I feel a internal burning, hotter than the creatures attacks. I bite my tongue

"I'll heal the rest, Kagami did you take any damage" Kagami shakes his head at my brother. My brother starts to heal the other injuries, the burning in my arm settles

'Done' It says

'Thank you' 

"These are gonna scar" Sumairu says

"More to add to the collection" I say quietly with a sly smile, He stares at me

"I hate seeing you like this" He says, I shake my head and stand. 

"I don't understand what you mean"

"I mean I hate seeing you get hurt" He says loudly people stare. I laugh slightly 

"That goes both ways" I say looking towards his chest then looking away "If you don't like it then maybe you shouldn't have taken the job" I walk away with Kagami, I sit next to him.

"Why would you do that?" He asks, I look at him confused "You put yourself in danger and I walked away just fine"

"Did I hurt your pride or something?" I ask, he shakes his head and looks at me, the anger in his eyes hits something within me, I shift in my seat

"You could have died! You put your life on the line, You didn't even scream out in pain! do you have no emotion!?" He yells, once again everyone looks, my brother stands "God damn it I was scared, not for me for you Fuck" he says, that's when something in me snapped, I was hurting people. His eyes were locked onto me, I shift again. I look away and stare forward 

"Whatever" I whisper, I hear him grunt. I turn back and his eyes are still locked onto me. 

'T get out of here, he looks like hes about to snap' The shadow warns 

"Kagami calm down" Midorima says

"You're being rude baka" Aomine says, no stop it, stop trying to protect me.

"Is that all you have to say? I was so worried and you didn't even flinch, you're so fucking emotionless" That's when I snap, I stand up 

"Lets not forget it was YOU who wanted to be 'friends'. What's the point in screaming in pain, Pain is the ONLY thing telling us we're alive. That THING wanted to know he hurt us, why the hell should I give it what it wants. I don't care how badly it hurts because it lets me know I'm human. Maybe I am emotionless because showing emotion is whats gotten me into trouble in the past. You were scared for me? Fear can fuck you over," The anger inside of me is overwhelming, I glance at my brother, he can feel it too. Everyone is silent Kagami stares. 

"Tetsu calm down" My brother says

"I am calm" I say back to him breathing slow, I can feel the room its shaking slightly

'I'm not' The shadow calls 'How ungrateful' 

'Please calm yourself' I plead, I get no response, this scares me the most. I see my brother step forward. 

"Dude" He says, He stops noticing the look I'm giving him. 

"kids lets calm down" The teacher says stepping in between us. 

"May I be excused?" I ask, I need to get out of here, I need to. Otherwise someone will get hurt. The teacher nods and I calmly walk out. The second I close the door I bolt to the bathroom, locking myself into a stall.

"Shit" I whisper 

'Answer me, please' I plead with the shadow, it's still silent. I start shaking, 'MIRAI' I hear a gasp in the back of my mind,

'Sorry, sorry' It says, I only ever use the demons name when I'm angry or in this case, panicking.

'You scared me, you didn't answer and' I sigh 'I-I though' The shadow is the only one I've shown weakness too, other than my brother and parents but Mirai is the only one who's seen through my lies the only one who has seen all of my tears, hes my best and only friend. Its weird right? Being friends with a demon, friends with the shadows its strange but then again, as am I.

'Never would happen, We're bound together, When the accident happened I will admit I didn't think anything of it. But as you gained control and the link was discovered There is nothing that could make me stop regretting it' he says

'Everything I said--' I start 

'All true to your opinions, He was the one in the wrong'

'He was angry, he was. worried' I sigh again. 'I hate it,' After a while of my friend telling me its going to be okay I sit in silence, Mirai then says

'T watch yourself, That redhead is up to something, he said he was interested. Be careful'

'Will be' I say, I sit in there for a few seconds before leaving the stall I'm in. I take a few steps before I get a swift kick to the stomach, I gasp and cough falling to my knees.

"Shit" I cough

"Language Tetsuya" I look up to see Akashi, he's alone and smiling. I look down to stop his gaze from piercing me. "Oi" He shouts kneeling down, placing a hand under my chin making me look at him. His stare paralysing me, The fuck is happening. "You gonna listen to me now? Don't you DARE dismiss me like I am nothing, Do not look down on me" I would have said something but when I opened my mouth I couldn't help but cough, He pushes me letting me lean on the wall. "Well?" He asks, I stare at him

"I-I'm listening" I say weakly

'Damn it' Mirai says 'I didn't even sense him, I'll make sure you don't get hurt if I need to'

'okay, thank you'  I say. Akashi stares at me. Then sighs sitting across from me on the floor.

"You really are something" He says closing his eyes. I stay silent "I don't think I ever met anyone who did what you did out there"

"I don't know what you mean" I say.

"Staring at a creature that can make you scared and paralysed. I'm curious, why didn't it effect you?" He asks  

"How am I supposed to know" I say, He glares at me. I shift. "We done?" I ask, he laughs and shakes his head, moving closer. 

"So far from it" He says with an unnerving tone.

"Don't you have a fight or some shit" I say

"Had it" He says then slams my head against the wall, I close my eyes "I told you,Mind your Language"  I stare at him. 

'Fucker' Mirai says, I laugh internally.

"Well what do you want?" I ask

"Answers" He says, getting closer, we're face to face.

"Mind backing up?" I ask, he smiles and shakes his head. 

"Answers to what" I ask

"Everything I ask, and I want honest answers" As he says that a bell rings. 

"Whatever I need to get my bag, Can you like, back up and let me move?" I say

"I'll get my answers one day, even if it means me kicking you and putting you in THIS position" He says gesturing to me being stranded against the wall. He backs up. "When I want them, You give me them." He stand up"My orders are absolute, be a good boy and obey yeah?" I glare at him.

"I said this before I'll say it again. Go. To. Hell" I say, he laughs Kicking me again 

"Quite troublesome, Lets fight together sometime Tetsuya, You seem like a good ally to have in battle" He walks out, Leaving me clutching my stomach.

'Ah, he kicks hard, Care to help?' I say, 

'God, I'm sorry I couldn't help you in the moment' He says taking the pain away

'I just hated how close he got' I say standing and walking to class, Walking in, Everyone stares, I walk over and get my bag.

"Kuroko" I turn to see Kagami 

"Yeah?" I ask. 

"I-I'm sorry" He says. I sigh pushing my glasses up.

"Don't worry about it" He looks at me shocked "I have no time to waste on petty little shitty arguments, Its in the past" I say, he smiles. My glance shifts to Akashi, he looks angry. 

"Need something" I ask

"Language" He says angryly 

"Huh?" I ask confused, then I Remember. "Oh yeah" I say then smile slightly "You told me to mind my FUCKING language didn't you" He growls "Growling? what are you a dog? Yeah go take a shit outside BITCH" People gasp. I walk towards him and say silently "Oh another thing You want answers? You'll have to beat them out of me and I'm warning you, I'm resilient " He growls again and crosses his arms. I smile and walk away. Kagami stands at the door waiting for me.  I stop and turn, My brother looking worried about me 

"I have no time to waste on a scissor throwing psychopathic Ass hole, who thinks hes better than me" I say, "Oh I'm sorry" I bow over dramatically "Your highness" I add with sarcasm making him growl louder. I walk away, Kagami smiling at me, I give a sly smile back. 

"What" I ask Kagami

"You're so cool" He says

"You're not so bad yourself" I add back, he elbows me slightly, This is nice but I will not get too attached, Not again.

'Keep a sharp watch yeah' I tell Mirai

'Will do' He says back 'God you're bad ass' I smile as we walk away. It's gonna be a long day.


Finally they fight a demon XD, hope you liked the chapter :) 

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