I Should Have Known You

By elissecelina

1.3K 77 47

She used to counting on everyone and answering to everybody. But all of that changes when her first love, Ada... More

PEEK : Who Are You?


82 7 2
By elissecelina


“Why?” I asked.

“You're not answering me. I keep talking here but I'm like invisible to you.”

“I'm so sorry Emily.” I'm thinking the past again.

“What is on your mind? Do you have a problem?”

“No, I don't have, I was just reminiscing back when we're high school students.”

“Oh, I missed that. And our first love.”

“I don't have time for that. Come on, let's go back to work.” I told her.

“You're so kill joy!”

I'm back to reality again. This sucks. For three years all I can see is dying people just to have their minimum wage. I want to break free. I want a break. Lately, I've been wanting to quit this job. Maybe I should talk to Mr. Winterpock. I was aware, during all of this, that with my last work, I hadn't exactly been hardworking with it.

“What? You looked stressed,” He said, signing papers in his desk. “Something wrong?”

“No, not really,” I said, playing with my hands. “But lately I've been wanting to leave.”

“Oh! That.” He stopped, “Why?”

“I guess this place is not for me.”

“You know, all you need is a vacation,” He looked at me and smiled, “I'll give you a one week leave.”

Think Elisse. I thought.

“Ms. Tamara, you are the one of the best employees here, so why leave?”

“Okay. I made up my mind.” I said.

“Are you sure about it?”

“I'm accepting your offer, a week of vacation.” I smiled at him.

“If that's what you want.”

“Thank you Mr. Winterpock.”

Of course, I knew that Mr. Winterpock will allow me to leave. I'm relieved. Now I can go wherever I want but, for only one week. I have to talk first to Emily. I know that she don't want me to leave.

“Is this final?” she said, “When will you come back?”

"Don't worry, it's only for a week. I'm not going to leave you behind, you know that. I will contact you. You know that you're my best friend!” I said.

She nodded. It's hard for but I have to go, I need a break, I need time for myself. I thought. “Don't over-react, I'll be back soon. See you, I guess.” I smiled.

“Why do you have to do this? Why are you so...” she didn't continue what she says.

I shut myself.

Goodbye isn't bad, it’s a new beginning. I thought. I should meet new friends! But first, I have to relax. I need fresh air!

The day after, I booked a plane ticket to a beach. I'm so excited! A&P Beach Resort here I come!

“Excuse me.”

“Yes Miss?” The stewardess said.

“Can I have a drink?”

“Please wait a moment.”

After a few minutes the stewardess came back with a lot of drinks. There's red and white wine, all variety of teas and coffees, even fruit shakes. She's good.

“You may choose from any of this Miss.”

I took the lychee shake. “Thank you.” I said looking to her. Wait... “You looks so familiar to me. Do I know you?” I continued.

“I don't think so Miss.”

“I remember! You're Blaire! Blaire Adelaide! I'm your classmate in high school! I'm Elisse, Elisse Tamara.” I smiled.

“Oh! Hi Elisse! Long time no see! What are you up to?”

“I will just have a vacation.”

“Really! That would be great!”

“By the way, thank you for the drink.”

“You're welcome. I have to go back to work.”


I can feel the fresh air here at A&P Beach Resort! I can't wait to see the sea! I should unpack first my luggage then I could finally touch the saltwater. I headed for the door.

Once outside, the fresh air hit me like a smack, sand crunching beneath my feet as I left the hotel behind me. It was all brand new, the view of the sea.

“Hello girl! I'm Rea.”

“Hi.” I said.

Who’s this girl? Why did she approached me?

“Do you have appointments tonight?”

“No, I haven't. Why?”

“Want to come to party tonight?”

“Me?” Is this the way to make friends?


“Sure. By the way, I'm Elisse.”

“Nice to meet you Elisse,” She said, “See you at 5 o'clock.”

“I promise.”

She walked away. I just sat there for a moment, staring at the panoramic view of the beach. Children building sand castles, burying themselves in sand. I reached for the phone and dialed Emily's number. But when she answered, and I told her I liked leaving but didn't know how to make friends, she wasn't upset. Instead, she said that was the whole point.

“What? That I can be confused?” I asked.

“No,” She said, “that it’s not easy to make friends. You have to gain their trust.”

“Yes, but you know that I'm not really a friendly person,” I said. “Right?”


“But how can I?”

She sighed. “Just go, talk. Make your conversation long,” She said. “For you, it's going to be hard. Look, just find someone. There's no right or wrong friendship. It's all what you take from it.”

I looked at the people around me, which I'd wanted to do.

It was just so bizarre. Here was my best friend, queen of the overshare, holding out on me. Holding back. I was used to having guess with some people, but never Emily, and I wasn't sure I liked it. She, however, sounded happier than I'd heard her in weeks.

Now, I came into the party at the seaside and through the place where I'm standing, there I saw Rea dancing with the beat of music, and a group of people around her. She's so different than I thought she'd be. She was a black-haired and black-eyed, and she's very out-going. I thought she is like me.

I'd been ignored for so long that it was still my tendency to hesitate before addressing Rea. This time, though, she spoke first.

“Hi,” She said, looking at me. “Come with me, I'll introduce you to my friends!” She said, pulling my arm.

“Okay, okay. Don't rush. I'm coming with you.”

At first, I felt nervous and shy. Rea's friends are all loud.

“Gilbert and Princess, I would like you to meet Elisse.”

“Hello Elisse.” Princess told me.

“Hi.” I said. It's kind of awkward because they're drunk.

“Want some?” Rea said.

“No, thanks. I don’t drink.” I said.

From the moment the four of us walked into the party tonight, people danced like crazy. I don't know how to fit in.

“Hello Elisse, you are hot!” Princess told me.

I giggled. “Thank you Princess. You guys are drunk,” I said frankly, “And wild.”

“Yeah we are but...” Rea said.

“Um. I'm listening. Keep going.” I said.

“Do you have a boyfriend?” Princess interrupted her.

“Shut up Princess, I'm trying to talk to her,” She said, “As I had said earlier, we have a friend that is really different from us.”

“Who is she?” I asked.

“Not she, he.” Princess said.

I glanced at her. “Then who is he?” I asked again.

“He's,” She stopped, “wait, do you have a boyfriend?”

Looking at them, so wild. They accepted me for who I am even they just knew me moments ago.

“Elisse! I'm asking you.” Princess said.

“Oh! I'm sorry, what is it? I didn’t hear you, the music was too loud.”

“Do you have a boyfriend?” she shouted.

“No, why?”

Princess and Rea looked at each other and grabbed my arm.

“Hey! Hey! Wait! Where are we going?” I said.

“You'll see.” Rea said.

After a long walk we reached a hotel, it's the hotel I'm staying.

“Hey, wait, this is the hotel I'm staying.”

“Really? What a coincidence!” Princess told me.

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