Summer Train of Love - A Grey...

By ShinaydeTomkins

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Chapter 1 - The meeting.

Chapter 2 - New friends!

99 1 0
By ShinaydeTomkins

We'd arrived at the school, and I'd finally realised how big it was. Kaytee met up with her cousin who goes there, and went off with her, so it was just me and Grey.

"I'll show you around before lesson 1 starts, so you don't get lost!" he smiled, and linked his arm in mine. I felt so warm around him, I don't think I actually had a crush on him or anything, I just think I felt like he was going to be a great friend.

"This is the cafeteria, where we eat lunch, unless you choose to eat in your classroom, or the library, or even outside!" 

right.. I didn't want to tell him that normally I'd just sit in the library and read at lunchtimes, he'd think I'm a bit of a dork.

"But I personally stay in the library, and just read.. but you could do whatever you want" he said.

I felt like he'd read my mind. That was lunchtimes sorted then.

"This is the theatre, shows go on here, infact theres a talent competition on here next month, I might enter, you should enter as well, since you also like singing!" he grinned.

"Haha, I bet you're a better singer than me, so their is no point." I looked down.

"Nonsense, I bet you're great. You'll have to show me your voice soon!" He winked. I couldn't control my emotions, I was getting buterflies, but why?! I don't even like him like that, he's just a really good friend..

"Anyway, I'll carry on showing you around later, it's History now, what do you have?"

"Oh, I have maths." 

"Ah okay, well that's opposite my class, so I'll meet you afterwards?" he said, and leaned in to give me an awkward sideways hug, but because I'm not an awkward person, I changed it into a normal hug." 

I went into my maths lesson, and everyone looked so scary. You had one corner full of the keenos, you know, the ones that had already started the task before the teacher even set it. You had the sporty, chavs.. who were sitting with their feet on the table, sitting on their phones, like rebels, But then you had the full on rebels, the girls sitting in the other corner, powdering makeup all over their faces. I sighed, and sat down on a desk on my own. The teacher seemed to be sleeping.. so there wasn't really a lesson going on.. i'd have to make sure my mum didn't hear about this. So instead, I got out my ipod and played Justin Bieber. He was my favourite singer, and his music calmed me down so much. All of a sudden, I saw a cute looking boy knock at the door, but the teacher didn't wake up, so he just walked in, and hurriedly sat next to me.

"Phew, I got here in time then." he smiled. I just looked at him. 

"Oh sorry for not introducing myself.. my names Jake."

"OH, you friends with Greyson?" He nodded.

"Ah yeah,he's told me about you. My names Shinayde, me and my friend Kaytee moved here new today."

"Great! Nice to meet you. Sorry if I don't talk much, I've been ill for the past few days, wasn't even gonna come in today but my mum accused me of stealing her money when I never touched it.. so I had to get out."

"Fair enough. So what we doing this lesson?" I asked, timidly. He started laughing.

"Nothing, we never do nothing in maths. Mr Pludman always sleeps. We made a deal at the start of the year. We let him sleep, and he'll let us not do any work. Seems fair to me?"

"Yeah, I guess. Are you australian? You have a nice accent!"

"Yepp, moved here a few years ago now." he said, then smiled and looked away. 

I noticed Jake staring,at a girl with dark brown hair, sitting on her own.

"You like her?"

"What?! Emily?! Noooooooo. I did, a long, long time ago. But then she started being horrible to me.  She left me deaththreats, and told me that if I didn't stop liking her, she'd hang me by the throat and flush me down the loo. Luckily, that made me not like her anymore, but I just feel so lonely. I haven't had a girlfriend since primary school."

"Neithers my friend, Kaytee! You should meet her!"

"Okay, who's form is she in?"

"Mrs Shipleys."

Jakes eyes lit up. He grinned.

"That's my form, introduce me to her?"

"Sure thing!"

After lesson, I went across the corridoor to find Greyson.


"HELLO." he said, and gave me a massive hug.

"See you've met Jake."

"Yep, and now Kaytee needs to meet him!"

Greyson walked in front extra fast, so I could up with him.

"Why you walking so fast Grey?" I asked.

"I need to tell you something. be careful with Jake. he's had problems in the past, stuff I can't tell you, just.. be careful with him okay."

I wondered what he meant, but I nodded and walked back to jake.

"Okay, so wheres your form?"

"just there, hopefully she's already in there.."

We entered the room, and Jakes face lit up.

*Jakes POV*

We entered the room, and suddenly, I saw the love of my life. I knew it. It was love at first sight. She had medium length dark chocolate brown hair,  glasses and braces, very attractive.. and her beautiful blue eyes matched with her gorgeous smile. I must say, the way she was just sitting there on her own listening to her music, reminded me a bit of Emily, but Emily was the past. I decided to go straight up to this girl.

"Why hello, do you care if I sit here?"

*Kaytees POV*

Someone started talking to me,but I had my earphones in? Thick twat, can you not see I am listening to music. I didn't actually hear what they said, so I looked up to say "what?" then I saw the most perfect boy standing in front of me. beautiful blondey brown hair, I cannot believe I ignored him. I took out one earphone and spoke

"Sorry, what?"

"Oh yeah, didn't notice you had earphones in, sorry babe. I'm Jake, is it okay if I sit here?;)"

I nearly died. His voice was just as nice as his looks. He had a gorgeous australian accent that made my tummy do somersaults.

"Uhmm, yeah, sure." I said, and pulled the chair out for him."

"Whatcha listening to?" he asked, and picked up my other earphone.

"Ehh, just all time low, they're kinda one of my fav-"

"I'VE BEEN WAITING, FOR SO LONG, SHE'LL NEVER KNOW. I'M LOSING HERRR CAUSE' SHE'S SO LOST IN STEREOOOO." he jammed. Therefore I carried on jamming, just with Jake. The song finished and we both looked at eachover smiling.

"Didn't think you'd like All Time Low?" I asked.

"You kidding?! They're one of my favourite bands, I'm not gay or anything, but my wall is covered with posters!" 

I was amazed at this boy.

"SAME! I mean, not the gay part.. the posters thing.."

"So wait.. you ARE gay?" he asked.

Shit, just realised what I'd said.

"No no no no omg. Not that theres anything wrong with gays, I'm just.. not gay."

"Well that's good." he smiled, and winked.

"Why is it good?" I asked.

"More chance for me." he smirked, and leaned in for a kiss. I closed my eyes, and embraced my moment. It was my first kiss, and I hope it'd mean something. I felt complete butterflies, I was wondering what he'd say.


Wow. That. Felt. Amazing. I think this is love. It's not too soon. I  think I really like her. That was my best kiss. Actually.. it was my first kiss and only kiss so far, oh well. I decided I'd ask her out.

"Kaytee, that was great. I think I really like you."

"Wow, thank god you feel the same."

"I'll treat you right.. like a princess! You're absolutely gorgeous, you have great music taste and fashion sense. People say nobodys perfect.. they obviously haven't met you.. will you be my girlfriend?


I squealed, and blushed, and smiled, and done everything you could imagine a fangirl would do. This was the most perfectest moment ever. I already knew I really liked him.

"Yes, of course I will." I said, and noticed he leant in for another kiss. We kissed again, this was better than the first one! My belly felt so weird, maybe this is what Love feels like? omg. 


Me and Grey had come here to introduce Kaytee and Jake, but it looks like they'd done that themselves. I felt so annoyed. They'd already hit it off, they were practically making out, and they looked so cute together. I just wish it could be me and Greyson.

"I just wish it could be me and Greyson."

"What?" said Greyson. daym, just realised I'd said it out loud.

"oh, umm, I meant, I wish it could be, just us, because um, it's.. loud in here?"

"Well it's loud all around school. How about we hang out after school?"

"uhh, sure! yeah!"

"Great. We better get to our next lessons anyway, meet me at the lockers at the end of the day." he said, and kissed me on the cheek and left.

The day had finally ended, and I waited at the lockers for Greyson, and I saw him run over.


I didn't know why he wanted me to run, but I did. I ran after him. We'd been running for like 3 minutes straight now.

"Where we going Grey?"

"You'll seeee."

All of a sudden he stopped. He looked at me, then looked away and smiled.

"Okay, close your eyes Nay."


I closed my eyes, and he took my arm, and walked me off. 

"Okay, open."

I opened my eyes, and I saw a place that looked close to heaven. There was a bright blue lake, a beach, and an ice cream parlour. But no one was there, so I was confused.

"Where are we Grey?"

"This is my lake. It's been inherited down the family, my dad only recently gave it to me. We're allowed to bring whoever we want here, as long as we know they'll be in our life for a long time."

I smiled. I couldn't help smiling. He was perfect. This place was also perfect.

"Well, I'm getting some Icecream. Want some Nay?"

"Do I heck?! What flavours you got?"

"Neopolitan, Chocolate, Strawberry, Vanilla, Mint.."

"Neopolitan please, my favourite."

"OMG, SAME HERE!" he said,and made two ice creams of neopolitan ice creams.

We spent about 3 hours just talking and getting to know eachover, then I realised it was getting darker. Not like night time, but sun set.

"Nay, sit over here with me?" he said, and mimicked "come here". We sat on a hill near the actual lake, and looked at the sunset. It was so warm and pretty.


I'd sat her on the hill. She looked so pretty. I think I'd fallen for her. Her beautiful blue eyes and brown hair.

"Hey, I still have to hear you sing." she said, smiling. I figured this was the time.

"Okay, I'll sing you a song I've recently wrote, if that's okay? Only after YOU sing!" I smirked. She rolled her eyes, then jumped up and went into Diva mode.


"Hmm, what do you want me to sing?"

"It's totally up to you. I like anything."

"Okay, sit tight."

I started singing A Daydream away, by All Time Low.

"I wish you could see your face right now

'Cause you're grinning like a fool

And we're sitting on your kitchen floor

On a Tuesday afternoon

Doesn't matter when we get back

To doing what we do

'Cause right now could last forever

Just as long as I'm with you

You're just a daydream away

I wouldn't know what to say if I had you

And I'll keep you a daydream away

Just watch from a safe place

So I never have to lose

We would go out on the weekend

To escape our busy lives

And we'd laugh at all the douche-bag guys

Chasing down their desperate wives

I would drink a little too much

You'd offer me a ride

And I would offer you a t-shirt

And you would stay another night

But you're just a daydream away

I wouldn't know what to say if I had you

And I'll keep you a daydream away

Just watch from a safe place

So I never have to lose

We never stood a chance out there

Shooting love in real-time

So we'll take it over ice tonight

With a little salt

And a little lime

You're just a daydream away

I wouldn't know what to say if I had you

And I'll keep you a daydream away

Just watch from a safe place

So I never have to lose

You're just a daydream away

I wouldn't know what to say if I had you 


Wow, I couldn't speak. He was truly amazing. And that song was the cutest.

"Wow." was all I could manage to say.

"Okay, now it's your go." he smiled. I really didn't want to sing myself, I just wanted to listen to his cute voice forever. It was like he read my mind when he said;

"Or would you like me to just sing again?"

I nodded.

"Okay, I'll sing you a song I recently wrote."

Purple skies and violet rainbows

And all the angels passing by

With their words they try to break you

But they can't shake you with all their lies

Another day we will survive

Another day is worth the fight

Today we will rise

We will walk the rainbows and take over the sky

Don't let them change you


'cause you are beautiful just like the purple sky

Black mirrors with no reflection

Broken hearts and rejection

Record times make the sound that call the angels homeward bound

Another day we will survive

Another day is worth the fight

Today we will rise

We will walk the rainbows and take over the sky

Don't let them change you


'cause you are beautiful just like the purple sky

These are the words and these are the choices

We are the children, we are the voices

This is the life and these are the questions

This is the time we're being tested

These are the words and these are the choices

We are the children, we are the voices

This is the life and these are the questions

This is the time we're being tested (being tested)

Don't let them change you

'cause you are beautiful just like the purple sky

You are beautiful

Tyler and Phoebe

Eric and Billy (we remember)

Megan and Raymond

Seth and Justin (we remember)

April and Brandon

Matthew and Jared (you are beautiful)

Meredith and Jeffrey (we remember)

Zach and Shinayde

We remember 'cause you're beautiful

Just like the purple sky


I'd noticed she'd fallen asleep, and she was laying practically on my lap. Aww, she's so cute. I didn't want to wake her up, so I just silently plopped her over my shoulder and carried her to the train station. I waited for the train, while she was still fast asleep, but sitting up. We got a fourseater on the train, and I laid her down on two seats, bless her. Then we reached Milton Keynes. I knew I couldn't just go home and leave her to go home on her own, especially when it's practically still dark. So I tried to remember where she said she was from, Spring Ville I think? I took her to the bus stop, and she started to wake up.

"Omg, how did we get, from that Lake, to here?" she asked, tiredly. She was so cute when she was tired.

"I carried you stupid.." I replied.

"DA HELL? I'm too heavy for you to of carried me"

"No.. you're really not. You're actually quite light, and it was fun. It was like having an extra long hug!"

"Awww. Well, I can get home from here, thanks!"

"Don't be silly, it's bloody dark, you could get murdered or raped or something, I'll take you before they do;)"

"Okay, thanks Grey."

"It's okay beautiful."

woah, I just realised what I said. Did I say that out loud..? 


ASDFGHJKL, he called me beautiful? I can't help but blush. I tried to hide my blushing,but I think he noticed. Then he started blushing. Oh dear, pair of strawberries we are.

"Um, this stop is yours I believe? Let's get off." Greyson awkwardly said, as we walked off. We walked to my house without anything, then we got to my door, and I knew we had to leave eachover.

"Listen, about earlier.. I did mean it. I wasn't just saying it. You really are beautiful. I know we've only just met, but.. I think you're amazing. I hope we can be best friends."

I felt my smile drop. Best friends. He didn't like like me then? Then again, what was I expecting? I'd only known him for a day.

"Yeah, same here. We'll be great friends"

Then, all of a sudden, I could tell he was going in for a kiss. Or was he? yes he was! What do I do? I went to kiss him back. I was breathing the same air as him, but before we could kiss, my brother came out and seperated us.


I sighed.

"Sure thing Jamie, I'll be in any minute." I said, and he ran back into the house. Well this was awkward. Me and Greyson very nearly kissed, and to be honest, I was looking forward to it. But it didn't happen.

"Well, I'll see you at school tomorrow Naynay." He smiled.

"Sure thing, See you Grey Grey!"

"Bye, I love you... you... university :)" Greyson smiled. I thought he was about to say something else then.

"You don't even go? o.O"

"I know.. but.. I already know, I will love it. Anyway, good night Shinayde."

"Oh right, bye!" I said, and walked into my house.

I saw my little brother Jamie and my older brother Max both just sitting there grinning.

"What?" I asked.

"SHINAYDEEEEEE IS IN LUUUUURV" screamed Jamie, with chocolate all around his mouth. Guessing Max fed him.

"-___- What?! No I'm not? He's my best friend."

I couldn't believe I just said that. We weren't even best friends yet, I was getting too ahead of myself.

"Sure, that's why you were about to kiss the guy!" said Max.

"No we weren't.. we were just, looking at eachover.."

"Sure." he said, not believing me.

"Anyway, I'm going bed now, school tomorrow" I said, and went upstairs to my room. I got into my bed, and fell straight asleep, to dreams of Greyson... I mean.. um.. food. Yeah, food. I dreamt of food. 

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