Bounded by the grey thread of...

By Jasmine_The_Fox

132 0 0

Jas was in a coma, Donnie was broken from the news as he doesn't want her to die, Leo and Nova's relationship... More

The fear
New power awakened
The planned call
The plan begins
His return
The search
Resting and Epilogue

A light

11 0 0
By Jasmine_The_Fox

Kat's point of view.

I was getting worried for Jas as her cousin did surprise her with his choice, she didn't even get a choice in the matter as I also wondered what was up with Raph caring for them right now as I was on my bed waiting for Mikey to join me to go to bed for some sleep for the night while wondering if Jas would be screaming once more "Donnie is going to watch over her for the night, if she wakes up screaming he would wake her up and ask her about anything that could help him figure out how to keep her from screaming like that" Mikey said making me nod as he laid down next to me to get some sleep making me smile at him as I then closed my eyes and slowly drifted to sleep.

When I woke up to silence I looked to see it was morning making me realize that I had slept the whole night, but the thought of Jas screaming in the night made me need to know if it had happened without me knowing as I got out of bed slowly so to make sure not to wake Mikey up right now as I got out of the room without him knowing to see Raph in the kitchen "Did Jas?" I started to ask as he smiled to me "Don't worry, nothing went wrong, in the end it was because Donnie had turned during his sleep and was near her so he simply had to hold or be cuddling one another to not happen again" he said to me as I sighed in relief to his words, he then handed me a mug of tea as I hated the taste of coffee and tea tasted better to me at the moment then anything else unlike Jas who preferred hot chocolate to caffeine.

Mikey came down at that moment with relief on his face when he spotted me, I wondered what was wrong and realized that I had left him in bed alone without me at his side so he must have been worried about me when he woke up without me next him at the time and came out to find me in hopes I was alright and not hurt or anything in the subject of something bad happening to me, Leo and Nova came out an hour later to eat with us as Donnie then came out making me wonder where Jas was now "What is up with Raph with you guys?" I asked making Donnie stop to look at me quietly for a moment, he was nervous as he moved to whisper to me something "I'm bisexual, I told Jas about my small crush on Raph and she was alright with it, but i'm scared of telling him anything" he said making me look at him in slight surprise but still nodded to him in understanding.

"It's normal, my big brother is actually gay and moved out of the house so to be who he is" I said making him slightly smile and nod in joy as we then ate breakfast as Jas came out with Riko still sleeping in her arms making Donnie take her as I saw that she was still very tired at the moment, before I could ask her anything she went back to get some rest making me turn to Donnie "With the previous night not being able to sleep she's going to get that sleep back by going to rest for a bit more" he explained making me nod as he received Riko's bottle  from Leo making him say thanks before waiting for her to wake up and then feed her a bit, I still worried for Jas right now but I went with it and simply ate breakfast as Riko slowly started to wake up and slightly fuss as Don got to feeding her as her eyes opened to see the bottle making her squeal as she then started to drink slowly making Nova smile at her as she ate and was held in Donnie's arms.

"She really is cute" we turned to Karai as Casey walked in with her making us smile and greet them, Donnie smiled as Karai went over to his side to look at Riko as she didn't get to see her when she was born as I smiled to her as Casey went to talk to Raph as I wondered how Jas was doing now with the sleeping time she gained just now, but my smile faded when I saw Jim and Mila come in the lair making Leo glare at them as Karai and Casey got ready to protect Riko and keep Jas away from Jim right now "We don't want either of you here" Leo said as Jim glared "I want to speak to Jas" he said plainly as I felt a shiver go up my spine at that moment making me scared as I moved closer to Mikey to be safer a bit as Jim and Leo started to fight about Jas making me feel tears stream down my face at that very moment in fear of what was happening right now.

I never liked fights, they scared me with my parents fighting about me and all of that as I saw one before me over someone who's my friend, I wanted them to stop or to at least be away from it until it was over making Raph move over to me and point to where Jas went "Go in and wait, keep her safe" he whispered making me slightly nod and quickly go inside without anyone else knowing or seeing me at that moment, turning to the bed Jas slept with a peaceful face making me smile as I sat on the chair beside the bed as I waited and tried to listen in on what was happening out there at the moment until I thought to have seen something coming from the corner of my eyes to see it was her precure charm making me wonder why it was glowing like that right now.

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