Hayley Leblancs Diary->a brat...

By collabs_for_brats

11.4K 370 39

Hayley Leblanc tells her life story in her diary while hitting some bumps on the way More

Dear Diary||01
Maybe i should be gone too||02
Am i drowning||03
End it all||04
Notes To Annie||05
Ending it all?||06
Love? nah||07
The worst day of there life....||08
How Dare She||09
Why would she do such a thing?!||10
The impossible became possible||12
Friends For Support||13
Is it her fault?||14
Bright Lights||15
Loving Can||16
But no going back right?||17
Sleep Deprived||18
A Let Down ||20
They will just go back to normal life......||21
Therapy Session||22
Think positive and positive things will happen||23
Curly Hair.||24
I Hate Today
What can you say about therapy...||25
Pro and Cons||26
"Positive thoughts Positive thoughts"||27
Back To Hell||29
Back to the Beginning||31
Its fun they said||32
Goodbye Diary...||33
not fine. but better||Prologue

When will she get out of here?!||19

293 11 0
By collabs_for_brats

Hey guys! It's goofgirlfanfics

Third Person POV

   Today is the day.

  The Leblancs find out when Hayley is

  Coming home.

  This is big.

   Very big.

  If she isn't coming home for awhile

  This could change there life's.

Annie's POV

We are sitting in the waiting room.






As we sit here all the thoughts kick in

What if my mom never bought Hayley that stupid diary

What if Hayley stayed homeschooled

What if Paige never took Caleb's room

What if I never went to LA

And the last one of them all....

What if Caleb never died

All of those

All the thoughts if those things never happened we wouldn't of been sitting here

I then sit there staring at the walls then I look over at my mom and she hugs me and I lay my head on her shoulder

I hate the hospital because every time I walk in it reminds me of Caleb and now I have another thing to add to my list.

Stay tuned


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