The Psychopath's Prisoner

By inkspiller80

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Recently divorced novelist, Cheyenne Harrington is trying to build a new life. But when her best friend is br... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Epilogue-Two Years Later

Chapter 42

205 4 0
By inkspiller80

Cheyenne sat on the floor by the door and fell asleep. She hadn't had very much sleep in the time she had been his captive so it was difficult to stay awake. Upon waking, she rubbed her eyes and searched for the piece of wood. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw it lying next to her. Cheyenne's heart raced. Would she be able to go through with it? Her breathing was labored and she was on the verge of a panic attack when a sound grabbed her attention. Click. The lock was being opened. She slowly stood, grabbed the wooden plank, and raised it. With a deep breath, she put herself in a baseball stance and raised it, preparing for her attack. Her heart was beating so loudly she could scarcely hear her own breathing.

The door opened. Daniel entered. She made her move and hit him as hard as her strength would allow. She watched him collapse to the floor. Cheyenne froze. She couldn't move.

Realizing he would catch her, she dropped the plank and started running. Daniel grabbed her by the ankle causing her to fall. She rolled over on her back and struggled with him. She kicked him twice. He let go and grabbed his nose. She ran out the door.

Outside, she stopped to rub her eyes. The sun was so bright it hurt. She was finally able to look at her surroundings and quickly realized where she was. She had been in an abandoned warehouse, downtown. It was near the high level bridge. She knew train tracks were somewhere around the area, but she wasn't going to risk and open area, anyhow. It was a place where there was little traffic and even fewer people around.

"Get back here now!"

Not knowing where to run for safety, she just started running. She didn't care where she went as long as she got as far away from him as possible. As she ran down the sidewalk, she felt the pain in her unhealed ribs and glass slicing the bottoms of her feet. Tears were pouring down her cheeks. Despite the pain, she kept running. She tripped and fell a couple of times, but quickly got up.

She knew she had to get help or find a place to hide. Cheyenne hoped it wouldn't have to be the latter.

She saw the post office. Cheyenne breathed a sigh of relief. She was breathing hard and holding her side. Quickly looking over her shoulder to make sure he hadn't followed her, she proceeded to walk toward the post office building. There was no way she could run any longer. It was too painful. Once inside, she noticed no one at the front desk. She nervously proceeded to the desk anyway.

"H-h-hello? Anyone here?" No answer. "Hello? Someone? Anyone? I need help." Still no answer. She smacked the counter. A sob bubbled in her chest as she turned to leave.

"Can I help you, ma'am?"

Cheyenne whirled around. "Please help me! Please! Call the police! He's going to kill me! Please!" The woman standing at the desk pulled back and looked at her skeptically. "Look at me!" Cheyenne shouted. "He has beaten me. He has raped me. He forces me to sleep on the floor in a sleeping bag in an old abandoned warehouse. Call the police NOW! Or I'm going to die."

"Hold on one moment, ma'am. I'll be right back." She walked away, leaving Cheyenne alone in the lobby.

Cheyenne stood there with her feet, knees, and elbows aching and bleeding while constantly looking over her shoulder. She hoped he hadn't followed her. She leaned on the counter and prayed to make it out alive.

The postal worker returned, her voice calm as she spoke. "I've called the police for you. They'll be here in a few minutes, Ms. Harrington."

Cheyenne stared at her in disbelief. "How do you know my name?"

The worker slapped a piece of paper on the counter as if irritated for the interruption in her day. "Here's how."

Cheyenne looked at the paper. It had her picture and a five thousand dollar reward. The phone number was her sister's. Raina had been looking for her. Now she had the opportunity to go home. She held the paper close to her heart. Oh Raina. How I miss you. Tears welled up and she weakly smiled at the woman. "Thank you," Cheyenne whispered.

"You're welcome." The postal worker stared at her as if contemplating what to do next before finally asking, "Would you like some water? Or coffee? Or something?"

"Water would be nice. Thank you." After the worker disappeared, Cheyenne began to cry. She missed her family, Gaby, and Michael. All because of a lunatic who was jealous because she had people in her life that cared about her. Suddenly, she wondered if Daniel had done it before.

The door suddenly swung open. She jerked to see who entered. To her horror, Daniel staggered through the door. Cheyenne covered her mouth. She could feel her knees buckle. The look on his face was monstrous and murderous. His face was crimson red, smeared with blood his eyes were dark with rage. He growled.

With arms at his sides, he stared at her. Blood dripped down from his nose and mouth while he angrily clenched and unclenched his fists.

"Get over here! Now!"

Cheyenne shook her head "No! You've done enough to me. The police will be here soon, Daniel." He moved toward her. She took another step back. "Leave me alone."

"We're getting married, Cheyenne. You are going to become my wife, like it or not. You will pay for what you did for the rest of your life. I will make your life miserable. It'll be a living hell."

"You already have made it that way. I don't want to be with you. You have no idea what true love is. If you did, you wouldn't have to kidnap someone to be with you. How pathetic do you have to be to do something like that? You needed to rape me because you knew I wouldn't give it up easily. If you were smart, and you're not, you would know I'm not in love with you."

"Get over here." Daniel narrowed his eyes at her and took a deep breath.

"No." She looked for an escape. Everywhere she tried to run, he could block her, but she had to try. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a door to her right. He suddenly lunged at her. She quickly jumped out of his way and made her escape. As she ran out the door, she bumped into a police officer. "Officer! Help me please!"

"Are you Cheyenne Harrington?"

"He's in there. Please get him before he kills me."

"Ma'am, calm down. Are you Ms. Harrington?"

"Yes. Will you please go in there?" She pointed at the post office. "Get him. Please."

The officer pulled his gun out. "Stay here, ma'am. I'll be right back." He cautiously entered the post office. He was in there for a few minutes before he came back out putting his gun back in its holster.

"Where is he?" Cheyenne asked.

"There was no one in there but the postal workers. They said that he jumped the counter and ran out the back door before I walked in." He stared at her "We'd better get you to the hospital to get checked out and call your sister and Mr. O'Neill."

"Michael? He's alive?"

"He is. Why? Did someone tell you otherwise?"

"My best friend was found murdered and I thought that Michael was dead, too. I was told he was dead. I had no idea."

"Let's get you to the hospital and call your family."



During the ride to the hospital, Cheyenne stared out the window of the police cruiser. Michael was still alive. After believing he was dead and knowing Gaby was, she was angry and relieved at the same time. Michael was alive. But was he okay? Really okay?

"Are you all right ma'am?"

"I don't know. I think so. I'm at least better off now that I'm away from him." She slumped in the car, the tension of her body releasing. She rested her head against the window. "Although, I will admit that my body is aching and ribs are hurting, but once I'm at the hospital, I'll be a whole lot better."

Ten minutes later, he announced, "Well, here we are. I'll help you in. First, I'll go get a wheelchair. You don't need to walk with glass in your feet and make it worse."

Cheyenne agreed. "Okay. Thanks. I appreciate it." He gave a slight nod and walked away. She leaned her head back, threw her hands over her face, and wept into them. Her ribs, knees, and legs all ached. Now that her adrenaline dropped, she really noticed the pain.

The car door opened. Cheyenne jumped. The officer leaned in. "Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you. Let me help you out."

She dropped her arms onto her lap. "Thanks." She took the officers hand. Once she was out of the cruiser, he helped her with one arm around her waist into the wheelchair.

"Ma'am, I'll be right back to take your statement," he said as he wheeled her into the hospital.

All Cheyenne could do was nod and cry. She was terrified that Daniel would get her and finish the job. He was very angry. She knew how truly lucky she was to have escaped. Hopefully he wouldn't find her. Now, in truth, all she wanted was to see Raina and Michael.


After she had been treated, bandaged, and given some pain meds, her room was bombarded. Raina came running through the curtains with Michael in tow. "Oh my goodness! Chey! What happened? Are you okay? Daniel did this, didn't he? I'm so sorry sis. You look like he beat you up. How are you doing? I'm so glad to see you. I thought that I would never see you again. I can't tell you how relieved I was when Detective Lawrence called me." Raina pointed to Michael. "I called Michael right away. He was thrilled to hear that you had been found."

Cheyenne lifted her hands to Raina's lips. "Stop! Rain, please." Her heart skipped a beat upon laying eyes on Michael. "Michael. You're still alive. I thought he had killed you." When the words left her mouth, Cheyenne burst into tears. "Everything that has happened is my fault. Gaby's dead and you could've been killed. I should've never let him in my apartment. How could I have been so stupid as to do that? He's a total stranger. I am so sorry."

Michael moved to the other side of the bed, opposite Raina and took one of her hands, raising it to his lips. "It's not your fault. All he did was knock me out. I'm fine. Now, you, on the other hand," he said as he squeezed her hand, "are the one we need to worry about. Raina and I are going to help get you back on your feet. Detective Lawrence and I are going to pursue Daniel, as you know him."

Cheyenne's eyebrows shot up and she looked over at Raina who looked back and shrugged. She turned her attention back to Michael and asked, "What do you mean by 'as I know him'?"

Michael and Raina exchanged glances before he said anything. "Cheyenne, his name isn't Daniel Schindler. His real name is Eric Sullivan and he's been on the run for the last three years. There is a warrant for his arrest starting in New Jersey and in several other states."

"Oh no! I allowed Eric into my home. What a fool I was!" Cheyenne closed her eyes and felt her throat clamp up. "He's still out there. Who knows where or when he'll show up? I'm quite sure he knows where I'm at. If he doesn't, he will soon."

Raina, who had been quiet, spoke up. "Maybe so, but we will take him on. We've got more going on our side."

"Yeah? Well, you have no idea what he's capable of. You don't know what I went through. I did what I had to do to survive. I was beaten, kicked, raped, drug through my own vomit, forced to cleanup with baby wipes, and fed when he felt like I should eat. I never knew what mood he was going to be in from one moment to the next. With Daniel, Eric, or whatever his name is, you have to play his game or die."

"Well, he's dangerous, but you will be safe. I promise." Michael kissed the top of her head. "This time, I'll do better. It helps that you're a strong woman or else you wouldn't have made it out."

"I guess. I can't tell you how thrilled I am to see both of you- especially you Michael. He told me that you were dead. And I...." Cheyenne broke down and sobbed uncontrollably.

Michael leaned in to kiss her and whispered, "I'm here and very much alive. Don't worry about me. Just focus on healing. Okay?"

"I will, but I can't stop wondering if he'll come back and finish the job. Maybe even harm or kill my sister and her family. After what he's done to Gaby and me, who knows what else he's planning next? He's sick."

"I'm so sorry that you had to endure what you did. I wish that I would've done more to prevent this, Chey. If you were killed, I don't know what I would've done without you. Daniel... I mean Eric deserves to suffer for what he's done to you and to me."

"I'm going to make sure Mr. Sullivan pays and is put in prison for a long time."

Suddenly a familiar voice interrupted. "Ms. Harrington, I'm so glad to see that you made it back."

Cheyenne recognized Detective Lawrence and replied, "Me too, Detective. Me too. Are you here to take my statement?"

"I am. Are you ready to do this?"

"Believe me I've wanted to file a report since he took me. So to answer your question, yes, I am ready to give my statement. More than ready." She paused and glanced at Raina who arched an eyebrow.

"Could you give us a minute, please? I need to tell my sister something."

"Of course." The detective left. Cheyenne turned to her sister.

Raina frowned and stared at Cheyenne curiously. "What is it, Chey?"

"Rain, I have some bad news."

Raina tightened her grasp on Cheyenne's hand. "What is it?"

"I don't know how to say it gently. So, I'm just going to come right out and say it. Aiden is dead. Daniel, er, Eric killed him. I'm so sorry, Rain. I-I didn't want to tell you like this, but I thought you should know before I talked with the detective." She saw Raina's face contort, trying to process what she had just heard. "I didn't want you to find out in that manner."

All of a sudden, Raina pulled back. She shook her head. "He's, well, he's been obsessed with you for quite some time. That son- of-a-bitch. That son-of-a..." She burst into tears and rushed out of the room.

Michael squeezed her hand. "Is there something else?"

"Yes." Her eyes dashed from the walls to the ceiling to the T.V. before turning them back to him. "He was a psycho, too."

"How do you mean?"

"Aiden was stalking me all along and seemed to know Eric was doing it, too."

"There's something else you're not telling me."

She rested her head on the pillow and released a deep sigh. "He made me help him put Aiden's body in a barrel. It's not something I wanted to do, but he forced me to." How can I sound nonchalant about this? I put my brother-in-law in an oil drum. There's nothing to be nonchalant about.

"Wow." Michael scratched his head. "You apparently have many admirers. As far as Aiden goes, you didn't have a choice. Either help Eric or die."

"I guess." Cheyenne held up her hand as an afterthought. "No. Not admirers. Stalkers. I have stalkers and one is still out there. My poor sister's heart is breaking. My body is frail." With a shake of her head, Cheyenne added, "I don't know what to do about it. The most painful thing was to tell Raina about her husband." She burst into a fit tears.

Michael cradled her in his arms.

"Sh. It'll be all right. Raina will be all right as well."

"I hope so. God, I hope so."


Twenty minutes later, after giving her statement, Cheyenne leaned back on her pillow and closed her eyes. All she really wanted was for Eric to get caught. Hopefully, in the meantime, he wouldn't hurt or kill anyone else. He was a scary man.

"We'll get him, Ms. Harrington." Detective Lawrence looked over at Michael. "Have you told her yet?"

He rubbed his temples and bit his lower lip. "Not yet. All I've told her is his real name and that he's wanted for stalking and murder."

Cheyenne cocked a curious eyebrow and looked back and forth between the Detective and Michael. "Tell me what?"

Michael looked over and squeezed her hand. "I'll tell you in a little bit. You just rest. I'm going out to talk with Detective Lawrence. I'll be right back." He squeezed her hand again before walking out with the detective.

After he was out of sight, Cheyenne turned her attention to Raina, who had been quietly standing next to her, returning to the room during the statement. "What's wrong?"


"Rain, I know you better than that. Don't lie. Something's on your mind. What is it?"

Raina scoffed. "I don't know, Chey. It's like my world is falling down around me. You're my sister-the last of my family. Chey, I'm scared for you. For me. For all of us. I'm the older sister. I should be able to protect you, but I feel completely helpless." Raina cried. "I feel so helpless-especially knowing Aiden was involved and doing nothing about it. I mean, I sort of knew he had a thing for you, but not to this extent. I should have stopped it. I should have..." she wiped her face with palms of her hands. "Now he's dead. I just don't know what to do. I'm so sorry, Chey."

"There's nothing you could've done, Rain. Eric is sneaky and conniving. I hope that I never see him again, but I have a gut feeling that it's not over with yet. As far as Aiden goes, how could you have stopped him? People like that... well, they can't be controlled. Besides, he may have killed you for interfering, which I would prefer not to happen."

"What are we going to do?"

Cheyenne squeezed Raina's hand. "Hope and pray."


Michael came back into the hospital room and smiled. "You're coming home with me again."

Cheyenne and Raina exchanged looks. "Are you sure that's a good idea? Your place is where I was taken from."

"This time, we'll have protection and not allow anyone suspicious inside. There is something I would like to ask you."

Out of the corner of her eye, Cheyenne could see Raina's eyes widen and clasp her hands together over her mouth and nose. Butterflies began to flutter in her stomach. What was happening?

"What would you like to ask me?"

"It's a two part question. First of all, I would like, no love, it if you would move in with me on a more permanent basis. Will you?"

Cheyenne and Michael couldn't take their eyes off each other. "Michael, I don't know. I need time to think about it. It's so quick."

In response, as if he had prepared for her to say as much, he added, "I know, but not really, at the same time. Over the last year, we've gotten to know each other. Yes, I know. I was your attorney, but I feel a connection with you that I've never felt with anyone else. I'm in love with you."

That took her breath away. What could she say to that? What else could she say? She loved him too.

"Yes. I'll move in with you." He leaned down and kissed her passionately. Pulling back, Cheyenne asked, "What was the other part of your question?"

He reached into the pocket of his jeans and pulled out a small box. "Cheyenne, life is too short and these last few weeks have been hell for me. When you were missing, it gave me time to think. I realized that I love you and...," He opened the box exposing an engagement ring. "I would be honored if you would spend the rest of your life with me. Please say yes."

Her heart soared. Was this really happening to her? Did he just ask her to move in with him and propose all in one moment? She knew he was the one, but part of her was a little skeptical after her divorce. It wasn't all that long ago. However, her heart told her all she needed. Her heart overrode what her head was telling her.

Cheyenne squealed in delight. "Yes. Of course I'll marry you. I love you, too."

He then kissed her in a long, passionate kiss, which was short lived when Mrs. Warner walked in. "Oh, oh, oh! This is wonderful. Michael and Cheyenne. How are you feeling dearest?"

Sadness suddenly overcame her. Through the happiest time in her life, Gaby wasn't here to share this moment with her. "I'm just glad to be back with family and friends. Though, I wish Gaby was here. There's so much that I wish I would've told her. She didn't deserve to die and I didn't even get to go to her funeral and say goodbye." In one quick motion, she wiped a tear away.

"It was a really beautiful service, Chey." Raina wiped her cheek with the back of her hand. "She looked so beautiful. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry, honey."

Cheyenne shook her head. "It's not your fault. I just have a lot of emotions running through me."

"Hey. It'll be okay. Anyway, I spoke with the doctor and he's going to release you to come home with me. Welcome home, baby." Michael still held the ring in his hand. "Guess I better put this on."

Cheyenne and Michael stared into each other's eyes as he slid the ring on her finger. Once it was on, they kissed again. She gazed at the ring and squealed with Raina. A pain shot through her ribs and she cried out.

"Oh Chey! I'm so sorry."

"I'm good," she replied through gritted teeth. "It's only my cracked ribs. They'll heal."

Mrs. Warner hugged her son. "I'm so happy for you two. Something positive out of everything bad that has happened. This is what I've been dreaming of for the last few months. My future daughter-in-law." She sighed in contentment. "My baby is getting married to a woman that I actually like."

Raina and Mrs. Warner were acting like excitable school girls over the engagement. Michael and Cheyenne stared at them as they interlaced their fingers. She held her ribs with her free hand. Through the excitement, she never forgot that Eric was still out there probably looking for her. The fear began to overcome her. She didn't want her sister, fiancée, or friends to get hurt and Eric wasn't about to let it go-especially when it came to getting back at her.

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