Makarovs New Student

By AngelHall6

5.1K 133 14

One day a little girl was dropped off on the steps of the fairy tail guild, Angelina was only 8 at the time... More

Welcome to Fairy Tail
A New Family
A New Family Pt. 2
Going away
Mount Hakobe
Hargeon Harbor
Jigoku Island
The Festival
Her Powers
Kaze Valley
Only A Short Job, I Promise
Raitoningu Temple
These tears
Their Adventures
The Harvest Festival
Ms. Fairy Tail Contest
Big Meanie Weenie


187 5 1
By AngelHall6

*Angelina's POV*

After another day or so in the hospital, I was finally set free. Due to the lightning repeatedly burning my hair I had to get it cut before we left Margaret Town, now it's up to the bottom part of my neck. Also, the monks returned my cloak to me once they realized they left it behind, I was grateful since I never want to part with this piece of clothing. Currently, most of the guild, Yami, Eve, and I are heading back to Fairy Tail. Master leading everyone discussing something with Mira. Macao and Wakaba are talking like they always do. Romeo, Yami, and Eve are messing with Elfy making him give them piggyback rides, I giggle watching those four.

The crisp forest air is a much better atmosphere than that stuffy hospital, it has a nice smell to it too, like flowers. I never really enjoyed hospitals, they remind me too much of injury and death. I take in a deep inhale of the forest air, trying to rid myself of those thoughts, I have no time to be thinking such morbid things! I should be focusing on the fact I'm finally going home and I'm surrounded by the people I love and loves me! After a few feet or so there's finally a clearing in the trees, my heart spikes in happiness at the thought of seeing my hometown and the guild. I wonder if we have any new members? Or if Laxus is coming home soon? Or Gildarts even! I really hope those two will be returning.

We make it past the trees finally and my heart swells at the sight of Magnolia. "I'm home," I whisper, looking at everything happily, I would cry, but I won't! I promised myself no more tears!

"What was that Ange?," asks Macao.

"IM HOME!," I shriek louder throwing my arms out. I squeal running down the hill that leads into Magnolia, laughter echoes behind me as I enter the town. As I run past the townsfolk I can see their surprisal out of the corner of my eye, I only laugh and continue running down a familiar path. One that leads straight to-! I slow down quickly, the building in front of me is definitely not the same building from before. What happened to the guild hall? I know Master said they had to do some renovations, but I didn't think he meant anything this drastic. There's a cafe right when you enter the gates of the guild and is that a gift shop I see? With Max running it? I wait for the others and smile when I see Yami and Eve look around in wonder. "Master, can you please tell me what happened? I get Natsu wants to tell me everything, but can you at least tell me the general idea of what happened? That way Natsu can tell me the details," I frown looking up at the new guild.

"Hm, alright," Master nods, "Fairy Tail and Phantom Lord had a war, they were going after our new member that you will meet soon, they sent us threats one being their dragon slayer to cause a lot of damage to the hall, then when Phantom brought their ultimate weapon they destroyed the guild hall," Master looks a little somber as he recalls the events of what happened. Phantom Lord's dragon slayer?! Wait, I think I've heard of him, Black Steel Gajeel, yeah that sounds about right. 

"What happened to the dragon slayer that destroyed the guild? Is he in prison?," I question a serious look crossing my face since they rebuilt I know for fact they beat him up, but what happened to him afterword? I can only hope he's in jail for the crimes he's committed against our guild, if not, I'd be happy to give him a stern talking to and another beating. 

"Not quite, he's joined the guild!" announces Master with a small smile. 

"E-excuse me?! Master how could you allow someone who's done something so foul to join Fairy Tail?!," I snap, I get Master is old and wise, BUT ALLOWING HIM TO JOIN IS JUST STUPID! 

Master simply shrugs, "he's a child who simply lost his away, proper guild life might be good for him, he could make allies, go on adventures, change his ways," Master begins walking away as I watch him. How ridiculous! What if he's still working for Phantom and he's just trying to get intel?! I swear if that slayer tries anything I will beat his ass! Grunting I walk in the gates, why do I feel like Master was keeping something from me when he explained what happened to the old Guild Hall? Like something else very important happened. Sighing I just decide to shrug it off, for now, Natsu will tell me. I go over to the gift shop out of curiosity to see what kind of Fairy Tail merch they're selling, well, well, look who's managing it, just as I thought. 

"Max? Is that you?," I chuckle looking at the sand mage, I wonder how master convinced him to run a gift shop. 

"Hey, Angelina! Welcome home!" Max exclaims happily. 

"Thanks, so how did you manage to end up running this thing?," I look at the various products, wow, there's a lot of things with Happy's face on it, that's both adorable and creepy at the same time. Also, is that an action figure of some blonde girl? Maybe that's the member master was talking about earlier? 

"Master made me go back to school to get a business degree, but ever since the shops been open business has been booming!" he beams. 

"I would expect so, considering the Fantasia parade is just around the corner!," I smile remembering the countless times I've participated in the parade, Gray and I would always do a float together since our magic's complement each other's so well.

"Oh yeah! I totally forgot about the parade! The Harvest Festival is coming up in a couple days as well, aw man now I'm totally excited! Between the Ms. Fairy Tail contest and the floats it's going to be great," I nod in agreement, maybe I can get Gray to do another float with me this year as well, that would be nice, and with my powers under control I can make it better than it's ever been in years past! Also, I can enter the Ms. Fairy Tail pageant, I was always beaten by Mira or Erza before, but I know I can beat them this year! 

"Well, I better head in the guild hall to see everyone else, bye Max," I wave bye and he waves back. As I walk into the guild hall I stop to marvel at everything, wow, just wow. The guild really did a good job building the new hall.

Right, when I walk in I notice the large sitting space in the middle of the guild with a big stage towards the back of it. To my left is a reception desk of some sort, and to my right is the request board. Walking further in I notice many different doors leading to various rooms and the bar is sitting against a wall by the large sitting area. I walk father into the guild hall only for something to collide hard into my side and start squeezing the life outta me. Gasping I look over only to see a familiar bluenette smiling brightly at me. "Welcome back Ange-chan!," squeals Levy still hugging me. 

"Thanks, Lev-chan!," I hug her tightly as well now realizing who's hugging me, Levy and I were never really that close, but whenever we did talk or hang out we always had fun and she was always a pleasant person to be around. Being as much as a bookworm as she is you'd expect her to be shy, but she's quite the opposite! 

"Where is the rest of team Shadow Gear?," looking around I don't see Jet or Droy, not that I can really tell which is which, no one can. 

"They're in the new pool! Come see!" Levy takes my hand and drags me out the back doors of the guild, there really is a pool! A good number of our guildmates are splashing around having a good time swimming, including, like Levy said, Jet and Droy. Everyone waves or says welcome back when they see Levy and me, so of course, I wave back. 

"This is all so amazing! Everyone did such a great job making the new guild hall!," I praise turning back towards Levy. 

"It was pretty easy with our magic! Also, since Natsu's team wasn't here for most of it we were able to get it done without him and Gray arguing and destroying most of our work," she giggles, Natsu has a team? 

"Who's on Natsu's team?," I mean I already know him and Happy go on jobs together, but they never really called themselves an official team. 

"Well, team Natsu now consists of Natsu, of course, Happy, Erza, Gray, and Lu-chan," explains Levy. My eyes widen, ERZA, GRAY, AND NATSU ARE ON A TEAM TOGETHER?! 

"Really?! Then, doesn't that make them, THE STRONGEST TEAM IN FAIRY TAIL?!," I can't believe those three are on a team together and haven't killed each other yet. Sure Erza always keeps Natsu and Gray from fighting, but sometimes she joins the brawl as well, maybe it has to do with whoever that Lu-chan girl is? 

"Yep! Now that your home, they'll definitely want you on their team and you all could be the strongest team in Fairy Tail history!" squeals Levy excitedly. Me? On their team, sure I'm their friend, but I don't know if they would want me on their team, plus I have to stick with Yami and Eve, so if I join any team I'll have to ask if those two can join with me.

"Hm, we'll just have to see about that," I say simply, I don't want to just flat out say I don't want to be on a team with them, because actually I really do, but like I said, I have to see if they ask and if the girls can be on the team too. I turn around and walk back in the guild as soon as I enter though someone once again collides into me hugging me tightly. 

"We got in Ange-sama! We're finally apart of Fairy Tail!," squeals Yami squeezing me. Looking down at the small girl I beam at her excitement, when she looks up at me I notice where she put her guild mark, it's on her left cheek, it's mainly black except for an orange and pink outline surrounding it. 

"I knew you would! Also, that's some guild mark you got there Yami, why did you put it on your cheek?" I question curiously as she let's go of me. 

"I put it on my cheek that way when someone meets me they'll know right away that I'm a proud member of Fairy Tail!," Yami grins ear to ear puffing out her chest proudly. 

"That's an awesome idea Yami!," Eve flies over and sits on Yami's shoulder smiling brightly like the girl she's sitting on. 

"Look where I got mine!" Eve turns around showing off her guild mark on her back, it's a very light purple color making it stand out on her back. 

"Awe you guys! It's going to be so great with you both being around the guild now!," I giggle petting Eve's head. The girls nod excitedly as well, also, now that we have four dragon slayers that just makes us really, really powerful! 

"Hey Lina!," suddenly calls a female voice that slightly sounds a little drunk, I look over at the mage who called me, not surprised it's Cana, she's sitting on a table holding a large barrel in her hands, her cheeks not even flushed yet, which I'm surprised by. "Get over here and get drunk with me!" she calls. 

"Sorry Cana can't I have to go find an apartment for rent with Yami and Eve, I will later though when Natsu's team get's back and we can have a party okay?!," I grin. 

"Whatever your loss," shrugs Cana going back to her barrel. I only smile chuckling to myself then look down at the girls. 

"Ready to go apartment hunting?," I ask humming, the girls both nod in agreement and I take Yami's hand as we head out of the guild. 


Hey! I just wanted to say thank you to all my lovely readers for the reads and votes! 

I will try to get a Halloween Special chapter out before the end of October, but we'll see how that goes ^^ 

So anyways I have a quick question for you guys if I do make a Halloween Chapter. 

What costumes should Angelina, Yami, and Eve wear? Let me know by commenting! 

Please don't be a silent reader! I love hearing from you guys! 



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