motive // colby brock

By sunkissdreams

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motive ˈmōdiv noun- a reason for doing something, especially one that is hidden or not obvious. _____________... More

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By sunkissdreams

in this chapter they go inside the abandoned mall so if you wanna picture the mall back in LA that they made videos in you can picture that bc I didn't describe the surroundings that much lmao k have fun reading

"Now, for the fun part." I smirked.

"Follow me." I added as I started running down the staircase.

"Woah! Riley slow down!" Colby laughed as we reached the bottom.

"I'm not going fast, you're just going slow." I flipped my hair as we left the stairwell and started walking around to the front of the building.

It was about a 5 minute walk to the front of the building.

Once we got there we walked to the main entrance.

"Riley, are you sure that there's no security?"

I looked at Colby.

"Colby, do you think that we would just be on the roof if there was security?"

"Fair point."

I rolled my eyes and undid the rusty latch on the door.

"Riley, are you sure that that'll open the door?"

I looked back at him.

"Colby, can you shut the fuck up."

"I know what I'm doing." I added then laughed.

He laughed too,"sorry."

After the latch was undid, I opened the giant, rusty doors.

"Is there anybody in here, like homeless people?" Colby asked. "Anything that could hurt us?"

"Colby, do you really think that I would bring you to a place where people could hurt you?"

"I mean, I guess not." He replied as we walked inside.

The air instantly got cool as the darkness surrounded us.

Colby looked around and saw all the graffiti everywhere.

"Did you and Sam do all this too?" He asked as he motioned over to all the graffiti.

"Nope, we only did the roof, everything down here was done by random people."

We walked around a little more as Colby vlogged.

Then, we heard rustling coming from behind the wall next to us.

Both of our heads jerked into that direction.

"Riley I don't think we're alone." Colby whispered.

"Oh well." I shrugged as I started running around the wall.

Colby caught me before I actually reached the wall.

"Riley! Are you crazy!" He whisper-yelled at me.

"Yes." I said in a normal voice before I ran around the wall.

Colby didn't catch me this time but he ran after me.

I looked around and then Colby grabbed my hand and pulled me to him.

"Riley! You're insane!" He whisper-yelled back.

I just laughed and pulled my hand out of his grasp.

Just then, the sound of glass shattering echoed throughout the building.

Colby instinctively pulled me closer to him.

"Sonia!" I called out,"you can stop now, Sonia." I laughed.

"Riley what the fuck are you doing?" Colby asked.

I looked at him.

"You'll see." I looked back out into the darkness and shined my flashlight around.

"Sonia, come on." I laughed.

All of a sudden, a girl walked into the light of the flashlight.

She had beautiful tan skin and thick, dark, long flowing hair.

She had on ripped jeans (that she didn't buy pre-ripped) and a baggy Fall Out Boy t-shirt. She wore Vans and her hair was tied up in a ponytail.

She's a badass.

"Sonia!" I squealed as I ran towards her.

"Riley!" She exclaimed and ran towards me.

We reached each other and fell over in a hug.

After we hugged, we stood back up and I looked over at Colby. He looked so confused.

"Colby, this is my friend Sonia." I said and motioned for him to walk over to us.

He skeptically walked closer.

"Sonia, this is my friend, Colby."

"Nice to meet you Colby." Sonia said as she stuck out her hand for him to shake.

He shook her hand,"nice to meet you too."

"How do you two know each other?" He asked,"And Riley, why did you not tell me that it was someone you knew, you just let me be scared!"

I laughed.

"Okay so, Sam and I used to come here all the time, as I said, and one day we met Sonia and the others because they scare everyone that comes in, and eventually we all just became friends. Also, I wanted you to be scared because I'm evil." I laughed.

"You are evil!" He relied then chuckled.

I looked at Sonia.

"Where are the others?" I asked.

"Where they always are." She replied and started walking.

I motioned for Colby to follow us.

We turned a few corners before we eventually saw a bonfire in the distance.

"No way." I heard one of the people sitting around the bonfire say as they all watched us walk up to them.

All 3 of them stood up.

"Yes way!" Sonia said,"your brains aren't playing tricks on you guys, that's actually Riley."

They all started excitedly screaming and all ran over to me.

They all tackled me to the ground in a giant group hug.

"I've missed you all so much!" I said as we stood up.

"We've missed you too Riley!"

I looked over at Colby and motioned for him to come over, he did.

"Colby, this is Neha, Naan, and Toby, guys, this is Colby." I introduced them.

Neha whistled at Colby.

I playfully slapped her arm and we both laughed.

"I'm gonna go show Colby around the mall, but tonight wanna have a classic sexy six sleepover?"

All their faces lit up.

"Yes!" They all agreed.

I looked at Colby, he was so confused.

"Sexy six is the name of our group, like ya know how your group's name is fam five, we're sexy six and we have some pretty lit sleepovers." I said to Colby.

"A sleepover?" Colby asked.

"Ya, we all just basically roast marshmallows and hot dogs around this fire and just do random shit around here, it's actually really fun." I replied.

Colby nodded.

"So a sexy six sleepover it is!" I said as I put my hand in the middle of our group.

Everybody else but Colby but their hand on mine and we said "1... 2... 3... SEXY SIX!"

"Okay, so I'm gonna go 'explore' this place with Colby and then we'll be back, try not to die while we're gone."

"No promises!" Sonia shouted as she and Naan grabbed their skateboards and started riding off into the darkness.

Colby and I started walking away when I heard Toby shout,"Hey Riley, where's Sam?"

I turned around so I was walking backwards.

"He's back in California, he's missing out." I replied then turned back around so I was walking normally again next to Colby.

We walked around the corner and went up the stairs to the next floor.

"That was uh, interesting." Colby said to me.

"What was?"

"Them, just in general, like I thought this place was empty, and now I'm having a sleepover with strangers."

I laughed.

"Well, it's not empty, and they're not complete strangers, they're my friends." I replied.

"I better get some good vlog footage from this."

"Oh trust me, you will. What have you been recording so far?"

"I recorded everything from when we got here and just stopped right after you talked about the sleepover." He answered.

"Excuse me, it's not just a sleepover, it's a sexy six sleepover, there's a big difference.

He laughed.

"Well vlog the rest and the sleepover then you'll have a bomb ass video." I said.

He nodded.

"This is gonna sound weird, but I've noticed that you've been cussing more and more." He said.

"I guess LA really does change people." I said in mock sadness.

Colby laughed.

"Wow, you've only been in LA for like a month, it feels like it's been a few days."

"Time flies when you're having fun." I winked at him.

"Who said I was having fun." He said with a straight face.

He could only keep a straight face for a few seconds before we both started laughing.

"You know Riley, you're a really interesting person."

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

"It's good."

"Well, I'll take that as a compliment." I flipped my hair.

Colby laughed.

"I should probably start vlogging now I guess." He said as he held up his camera.

"Not if you don't have a camera." I said as I took the camera from his hands and started bolting across the building.

I pressed the record button so at least he'd have some funny part in his video.

"Riley get back here!" I heard him shout as I heard his footsteps.

"You can't catch me!" I teased as I ran around the stair case.

Colby was right behind me and we were both laughing as we were running.

"I'm gonna get you!" Colby said.

I sped up and then ran back down the stairs.

"Colby, you're seriously trying to run faster than me. Did you forget that I'm athletic?"

"Oh ya." Colby said as he finally reached the bottom of the staircase. He bent over and he was panting.

"Damn Colby, I'm out of breath, but I'm not bent over, panting my lungs out." I joked.

He looked up at me while still bent over. He stood up normally and sprinted to me.

I reacted too slowly so he caught me.

He grabbed my hand that wasn't holding the camera, and pulled me towards him. The sudden jerk made me trip and I fell over into Colby, which made him fall back.

So there we were, in the middle of an abandoned mall, laying on top of each other, laughing about the whole situation.

I stood up and stuck out a hand to help Colby up.

He grabbed my hand and stood up, then we walked back upstairs and explored for his video.

After that, we went back downstairs to the bonfire where Sonia, Neha, Naan, and Toby were.

We told them that we were gonna go get some food from McDonalds and asked if they wanted to come.

They all said ya so we all climbed into Colby's car and drove our asses to MsDonalds.

After we ate, we went back to the abandoned mall and showed Colby the sexy six lifestyle.

We fucked around and then fell asleep.

We woke up at noon, only to realize that our flight back to LA was in only an hour.


hey guys! hope you enjoyed that chapter!

I actually updated and it wasn't a month later!

anyways, I haven't had wifi or service for the past like today and yesterday so writing was the only entertaining thing I could do.

I have to post this after I have wifi so I apologize for the wait!


if you've read down to here, comment 'wOw Colby is daDDy 😘'

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