Sasuke and Boruto Adventures

By Dragon_Stones97

1.5K 33 2

A collection of stories with Sasuke and Boruto. More

Tired Uzumaki
Back Pains
Sensei's sick (ch 1)

Sensei's Sick (ch 2)

215 5 2
By Dragon_Stones97

Boruto tossed and turned. He was trying to get comfortable. But the fact that he sensei had slept all day was hanging on his mind. He had tried to awaken the Uchiha earlier in the day. But, that was fruitless. And he knows that the male has not eaten at all. Boruto, didn't leave the hotel room. He didn't want to leave the adult's side. So, he had watched TV all day. Boruto turned his head to the clock. It's read, 2:30am. The blonde, unable to sleep, threw the covers off. He didn't know what to do.

Boruto sat on the bed crossed legged for about 30 minutes. He had his chin resting in his palm. He was thinking of what he could do that would help his sensei. But, the boy was coming up with a blank. He was ready to scream into the pillow, but the sound of shifting caught his attention. Boruto looked up and saw the other sitting.

"How are you feeling?"

Sasuke looked at the other with blurry tired eyes. His throat hurt, so he gave the other a thumbs down. He felt like shit to be honest. The Uchiha blinked. He felt something being pressed against his forehead. He looked up and found Boruto's hand. He hummed and chuckled. The blonde must be worried about him.

"Well, you don't have a fever."

Boruto mused as his sensei shook his head and lay back down. Boruto knew the other had to eat something, but he knew it was late and that the hotel's kitchen was closed. All he could could do was make sure that the other got plenty of rest for now. Boruto sighed and crawled into his own bed. Sleep didn't come easy.

The blonde's eyes fluttered open with a start. He shot up in bed and was sweating. He looked around and saw he sensei sleeping. He sighed and flopped back onto the bed. He didn't know why he woke with a start, but he'll push that to the back of his mind. Boruto lay in bed for a while, he didn't feel like getting up. The room's silence was shattered by coughing. The blonde looked in the direction of his sensei. Said male was sitting up and having a violent coughing fit.


Boruto jumped out of his bed and rushed over the adult's side. Said adult was now recovering from his fit. Deep ragged breaths can be heard as the Uchiha calmed his breathing. Boruto rubbed Sasuke's back in an attended to sooth him. Once his sensei seemed to have relaxed, Boruto stopped rubbing.

"I'm fine. I didn't wake you up, did I?"

Sasuke chuckled. He sighed in relief as the blonde shook his head. The Uchiha didn't want the guilt of his coughing waking up the boy. He nodded and sighed. This day was going to be a pain and Sasuke could tell. A groan felt the male's lips as he felt his stomach twist. He didn't want to vomit. The only thing that would be coming up is stomach acid.

"We're not going anywhere today. My stomach is in knots."

Boruto blinked as he watch the male lay back down. He could tell that the other's face was more pale than yesterday. The Uzumaki didn't know what to do. And they had to scroll to deliver as well. Boruto bit his bottom lip and drummed his fingers on the bed.

"What about the scroll?"

Sasuke blinked. The scroll? Then the male remembered the mission. Crap! Was the first word the Uchiha thought as he lifted himself into a sitting position again. What were they going to do? Sasuke wasn't in the shape to travel and using the Rinnegan would sap any strength he had. And Boruto couldn't go alone either. The blonde maybe a ninja, but Sasuke wasn't going to let him go on. This mission was his originally.

Drumming his finger on his knee, the Uchiha thought. He is first was to wait until he got better, but they didn't know how strong the sickness was. Sasuke didn't want to run the chance of reporting a late mission. Second, was sending Aoda. But, that would require chakra. The Uchiha had enough, but he was lacking the physical strength to summon the huge reptile. There was only one thing he could think out that could work and wouldn't cost him a lot of strength and chakra.

"Well, use my messenger hawk. The scroll isn't that big. I need you to write a letter to them why my hawk is delivering the scroll."

Boruto nodded. He didn't complain with the male's plan. He couldn't have come up with a better solution himself. So, Boruto pulled out a piece of paper and a pen from his bag. He wrote about the situation with his sensei's health and why the hawk was delivering the scroll. Once the letter was finished, Boruto placed the pen back. He turned his head to the other and watched his master summon a small hawk. Attaching both the scroll and letter, boruto opened the window and allowed the bird to fly off.


Boruto looked back at the other. The sun casting its warm rays against the boy's face. Sasuke had lay down again. Boruto could see the small flushed pink tint on the adult's face. Boruto turned to the open window and closed it. He then pulled the curtains back. He knew that the other hasn't eaten any since yesterday. So, Boruto had to get something into his sensei's stomach. Or at least try.

"Do you want anything to eat?"

Sasuke looked at Boruto with dull fevered eyes. He shook his head. He didn't feel like eating. If he did, he would throw it up. His stomach couldn't handle anything at the moment. All he wanted to do was sleep. Sasuke couldn't even keep his eyes open. A groan escaped his lips as he shifted into a more comfortable position. The movement caused the Uchiha's stomach to curdled.

"Boruto, why don't you go out and explore the village a bit?"

The blonde blinked. He didn't like the question. It unnerved him. He didn't want to leave the other. Especially in the state he was in. Boruto wasn't going to leave. So, a small sigh left the ninja's lips. The Uzumaki lay his head on the bed. Boruto may not know why that other asked him that question, but he wasn't leaving.

"I don't really feel like going out."

Sasuke closed his eyes. Of course, the boy wouldn't leave him. The Uchiha wasn't some alone time. Boruto wasn't a bad kid, but having him cooped up in the room with him did make Sasuke a bit guilty. The raven can talk care of himself. Sasuke felt his stomach twist again. He groaned in annoyance and pain. Then he remembered something. Why didn't he remember this earlier? The Ginger water! He had a small bottle of Ginger water he kept on him for upset stomachs.

"Boruto......check my bag....I should have some Ginger water."

A blink. Boruto Lifted his head and looked at the male then at his bag. The blonde picked up the bag and opened it. He looked around the bag and found a bottle. It was one-third full of a dull yellow color liquid. Boruto was sure this was the Ginger water that he sensei was talking about. The blonde handed the male the bottle.

Sasuke lifted himself up and took the bottle. He twisted the cap off and placed him hand the bottle. He lifted the plastic container to his lips and allowed a small amount of the liquid into his stomach. Sasuke put the cap back on and placed the bottle on the dresser the was between the beds.

"I think I have a protein bar in my bag too. Or is it a granola bar?"

Boruto shrugged. He didn't know the difference between a protein bar and a granola bar, but he looked through the bag and found what the other wanted. He handed the item to the ill adult and the Uchiha took it. Boruto watched as the other opened the bar by using his teeth to hold the wrapper and his hand pulling it open.

"Thank you."

Sasuke muttered the thanks as he took a bite of the bar. The piece he chewed and swallowed seemed to settle well in his stomach. So, he finished the snack item. Once finished, Sasuke put the wrapper into his bag. He sighed and lay down. He was tired and his eyelids dropped.

"I'm going to take a nap. Try to keep yourself busy. And please stay out of trouble."

Boruto nodded and he watched the other slip under the blankets and fall asleep. Well what was he going to do now?

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