Back Pains

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The room's temperature was cool and two figures were resting within the beds. Well, one was. The one sleeping was the young blonde haired Uzumaki, Boruto. The other was dealing with back pain and he was despising every minute of it. The raven haired male was curled in the fetal position. The blankets were thrown to one side of the mattress. His back was killing him and he was unable to rest. He didn't know why his back was hurting, but he was trying to keep quiet. He wished not to awaken his student. So, he'll have to suffer in silence.

"You're hurting, aren't you?"

The voice ripped a gasp out of the raven's throat. He was awake? Did he wake him? How long has his student been up? The Uchiha, Sasuke, turned to his student within the other bed. Said blonde was sitting up. One foot was firmly planted on the floor, the other was crossed. The blonde was drumming the fingers of his right hand on the bed sheets. His left hand was in his lap. Sasuke blinked and raised an eyebrow.

"Just back pain. I'm fine."

Sasuke watched his student shakes his head. It seemed that the Uzumaki didn't believe him. He sighed, closed his eyes, and pinched the bridge of his nose. Oh, great. Now he has to convince the 17-year-old. Sasuke knew it was late in the night and that both would have a long day, once they woke up in the morning. Sasuke opened his eyes and....saw no soon-to-be adult in front of him. Where did he go?

"Lay on your stomach."

The male jolted with a start and looked around. He found the blonde at the edge of the bed he was on. What was this boy up too? But, the Uchiha could tell be the other's body language that he wasn't playing around. Hands on his hips and a slightly stiffen poise of his body was all Sasuke need to see. Boruto wasn't in a mood for arguing. So, with a defeated sigh; Sasuke turned onto his stomach.

"What are you planning Bor- EH?!"

The Uchiha stiffened when he felt his student straddle him and his hands whisper soft on his back. He knew what the other was doing, but he's not used to receiving massages. So, Sasuke was tense. But, the soothing motion of Boruto's hands gliding against his muscles easyed the Uchiha's stiffness. Sasuke crossed his only arm and rested his head against it. His eyelids drooped.

"Feeling better?"

Boruto smiled as he saw the other nod his head as his answer. The tension in the Uchiha's back was loosening. Boruto didn't know what had caused his sensei's back pain, but he was pleased that he was reliving it. Gentle pulls and pushes in a soothing rhythm, soon helped the Uchiha fall asleep. The Uzumaki sighed and he saw the rise and fall of his now resting master. He knew that other was asleep now. He continued to massage, boruto wanted to make sure his sensei was fully asleep. So, he continued to message the sleeping male for about thirty minutes. Once he thought that the other was in full deep sleep, he climbed off.

"Sleep well, sensei."

The small murmur was the only thing Boruto said as he covered the other with the disregarded blankets. He then walked to his bed and crawled in. He's tired and sleep was something he really needed. So, now under the covers and comfortable; Boruto fell asleep listening to the sound of his master sleeping.

Sasuke and Boruto Adventuresحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن