Perverted Bunny Mask: Jeon Ju...

By Trufflerabbit13

193K 7.7K 4.5K

You loved your gun. Lord, it was your baby, ask Yoongi, your twin, older brother. Ask Namjoon, your leader... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Perverted Bunny Mask: Extra 3
Special news

Chapter 6

9.6K 457 477
By Trufflerabbit13

Perverted Bunny Mask: Jeon Jungkook x Killer AU ft. Min Yoongi Part 6

Words: 4.5 K

Genre: Smut/Gore/Assassins/Killer JK/ Drugs/ Gangs

Rating: M

"God bless, what a sight for a sore eye to see," the silver-haired man whistled, his eyes trailing over your body.

Yoongi immediately moved, using his body to shield you from all the males eyes. "Go, Y/N," Yoongi mumbled, pushing you into your room, closing the door after you stepped in.

You released a breath you didn't even know you were holding, going into your closet, slipping on a baggy black shirt you had stolen from Jin.

For a moment, you stood in the middle of the room in a daze, the panic you were feeling moments ago making your body numb.

You believed yourself to be a level headed individual who could stand stressful situations with a calm mind, much like your brother, Yoongi. However, when the door of the bathroom slammed opened, revealing Jungkook who stared at you with his eyes dark with lust and promise, you lost all your cool.

Your mind had become completely blank when he started to corner you and you hated the feeling of helplessness you had felt. It reminded you of your childhood when you were powerless together with Yoongi. It absolutely terrified you. And it's been forever since you felt like that. And you were going to do everything in your power to not feel that way again.

With your eyes hardened, you slammed open the door, walking into the kitchen with your head held high. You could immediately feel the tension, your family sitting at one side while Jimin and Jungkook sat on the opposite side, returning the glares they were receiving from the older males.

As you walked in, they all turned their attention onto you. Yoongi looked exhausted and beat up, which worried you but you pushed that emotion aside, walking up to Jungkook who smirked at you.

"Why, hello, princess. Are you going to take up my offer from earli-"

He couldn't finish his sentence as your fist shot forward, connecting with the man's mouth.

Yoongi, who was watching, grinned, sitting back into his chair with his arms crossed over his chest, his eyes glinting with pride.

Your hand stung, your knuckles bleeding from connecting with Jungkook's teeth. However, the satisfaction pushed the pain aside as you saw Jungkook's lips split at the impact, bleeding and dripping down his chin.

"Well, goddamn! Whatta punch!" Jimin gaped, his eyes widening in surprise.

You ignored the male and took Jungkook's shirt into your hand, fisting it as you brought your face closer to Jungkook, "know your goddamn place, Jeon Jungkook. I'm better than you, don't think you'll get away with the shit you pulled," you hissed, your feet snapping up and landing on his crotch, your shoes giving a painful pressure against it.

When Jungkook sent you a bloody smile, you applied more pressure to your feet, making him groan in pain.

With a sadistic smirk, you pushed him back before turning around, walking to your brother and leader. Namjoon's eyes were widened in shock, not expecting such a sadistic and quite painful action from you. Yoongi, on the other hand, grinned, nodding at you in approval as he moved a bit, creating space for you to sit beside him.

"Looks like you had it rough," you chirped, touching your twin's pale cheeks, eyeing the shallow cut near his cheekbone.

Your brother rolled his dark eyes, "I'm going to need you to stitch me up later. I've got a cut on my side."

You raised an eyebrow in surprise, your eyes sending your brother a questioning look, "Why not ask Jin when he comes back?"

"I'd rather you do it."

As the two of you spoke, Jimin was giving Jungkook an amused smile. The said male ran a hand through his ebony hair, his tongue dragging over his lip, the metallic taste spreading throughout his mouth.

"Jungkookie, she got you goo-"Jungkook smacked his Hyung behind his head which made the man jerk forward, his silver wig slipping off, revealing his bubblegum pink hair.

Jimin's eyes narrowed as he scowled, moving to shove the younger male. But he stopped as he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.

The pink-haired man's eyes hardened before he looked up, eyeing Namjoon, "He's here."

At Jimin's words, you looked at Yoongi and Namjoon in question, not understanding 'who' was here.

Namjoon silently stood up while Yoongi placed a hand on your shoulder. You stayed silent, your eyes narrowed as you watched Namjoon disappear.

However, when he returned, you didn't expect who he came back with.

"Oh, goodie, I guess you two are okay~" Taehyung sang as he bounded into the room, a boxy smile on his face. He grinned as he wrapped his arms around both Jimin and Jungkook's shoulder before his eyes met yours, shining with mischief and a form of mock, "I guess this also means dear Y/N here found out who my little bunny is~"

You held back your tongue, wanting to curse out the man. It was quite obvious that he was trying to get a reaction out of you, but the small squeeze on your leg by your brother stopped you from pouncing. You were starting to realize some things about Taehyung. He may not seem it at first but he's a sadistic bastard. A real sadistic bastard that knows how to press the right buttons to get a certain reaction he wants from a person.

"Taehyung, if you're going to provoke us, get out. We don't have time for your bullshit," Namjoon growled, sending the younger male a harsh glare that could make most adult men shrink back in fear.

Taehyung raised his hand in front of him in defeat before he sat down, his face suddenly becoming serious as he faced the three of you.

"I want them fucking gone," Taehyung hissed, his eyes narrowing with anger that wasn't present earlier.

"I hate to agree with him, but I'm ready to murder all of them," Yoongi agreed, his dark eyes deadly with a murderous gleam that made you smirk. Oh, hell yes. Yoongi was livid and livid Yoongi was fun to work with because that just meant that there was going to be more people you get to kill with him.

Jimin sighed as he ran his hand through his bubblegum pink hair, making you realize he had a thin cut by his eyebrow, "It'll be a suicide mission if we tried to kill the whole group. There's thousands of them while what do we have? Eight of us, adding your two other members that are currently missing."

"Actually, we're here!" Your eyes moved to the door and watched as Jin and Hoseok walked in. The older male of the two looked at you and Yoongi with concern laced in his eyes. However, he seemed to relax as he saw that both of you were perfectly fine, sitting by your leader.

Hoseok walked up to you, gently placing a hand on your shoulder, lightly squeezing it, "We rushed back as soon as we heard what had happened from Namjoon. You guys okay?" The usually bubbly male questioned as he examined your faces, his eyebrows furrowed, his lips pulling down in a frown.

"We're fine Hobi. I need to stitch up Yoongles later but that's about it. Also, I'm in serious need of a shower," you assured the man, sending him a gentle smile that you only gave your boys.

A cough interrupted the two of you and your attention moved to Jungkook, who was staring at you with his eyes narrowed, "Are we going to have this meeting or not?" He spat out, his dark eyes cold.

Yoongi, who was beside you, snorted but didn't comment. The pale male looked irritated in your eyes, however, he held a stoic expression that most people couldn't read.

"If we want to take S.M. down, you need to kill the head and everything else will follow. Their leader has recently changed from Lee Soo-man to Kim Young-min and I've already seen that it's causing a rift in the gang," Taehyung commented, making Namjoon, as well as Yoongi, look at the chestnut color haired male in surprise.

Namjoon leaned on the table, his chin resting on his hand, "And how do you know this?"

The corner of Taehyung's lips tugged up as he eyed your leader, "I'm rather good with hacking you see. I also happen to have the hobby of watching people through security cameras, of course without people knowing."

The hair at the back of your neck stood up as Taehyung's eyes landed on you, "I really liked the black rabbit onesie you own, Y/N. It's cute when you wear it and cuddle in blankets while you watch movies on Sunday nights."

"You-" Your eyes widened in horror, shocked that he knew about your weekly schedule of watching movies in the onesie Jin and Hoseok bought for you last Christmas.

"That's a well-hidden camera by the way, although it was a bit disappointing seeing at how easy I was able to hack into it," Taehyung chirped as he looked at Jin who had a thoughtful expression.

You bit your tongue, your hands clenched in embarrassment, trying to imagine what kind of things Taehyung had seen you do in your home. This fucking bastard... He's as much of a pervert as Jungkook! What the fuck was he doing, watching you through the security camera?

Oh lord, does that mean he's seen you dancing around to BigBang? Oh, fuck no.

As you were in your own thoughts, Namjoon was contemplating on his action. He had to admit, he was quite impressed. Jin was a decent hacker who did a good job in protecting their security. They've never had a problem until now. Which meant, Kim Taehyung was good at what he did.

"Will you be willing to work with us to take them down?"

Your eyes widened as your eyes snapped towards Namjoon in disbelief. Did you hear right? Your eyes shifted to Yoongi who also had a hint of surprise in his orbs. However, he didn't say anything, watching the scene unfold with his expression guarded.

"Why the hell would we want to work with you lot?" Jungkook commented, his eyes burning into Namjoon's face.

Your leader straightened out his back, eyeing the male who was too cocky in his own eyes, "Why would you not? We have the same objective. You want to take them down, we do as well, especially after the stunt they pulled," Namjoon's voice grew deep as a dangerous gleam entered his eyes, "I don't appreciate how they take us as fools just because we're a small group. They made a trap to crush us and I'm not just walking away."

"But who says we need you?" Jimin countered, his eyes narrowing into crescent moons as he smiled, placing one cheek in his hand.

Yoongi scoffed as he finally sat up, "Don't think so highly of yourself brats. We aren't idiots. You three may be good but you can't do a lot with just the three of you. We have five over here, all of us have been in this business since we can remember. It may take a while but we could take S.M. down if we want with just us. Don't think we absolutely need you," your brother glared at Jimin, who stared at Yoongi with his eyes wide and shiny.

Your eyes narrowed in confusion, not understanding the look the male was sending your brother. Was he in awe...? What the actual hell?

"We're quite excellent at what we do, all of us have been trained but Yoongi and Y/N are our main workers who are our stealth and assassins. Jin and Hoseok know what they need to do as well. We all have experience on our side. I don't think it'll be a bad deal temporarily working together to take down S.M," Namjoon suggested one last time, looking at the three males sitting across from you all.


Your eyes shifted to Jungkook, who looked at Taehyung. The chestnut haired male responded with a hum, giving the man his attention.

You watched their interaction with your eyes narrowed. You didn't miss how Jungkook's eyes shifted to you before looking at Taehyung.

Taehyung sighed as he shook his head, the corner of his lips tugging up before he looked at Namjoon with his brown eyes filled with mischief.

"You have a deal."


"I hate that motherfucker!!" You growled as you eyed your twin's injury, carefully disinfecting the area around the shallow cut that needed to get stitched up.

Yoongi grunted as the disinfectant touched his open wound, his nose scrunching up at the uncomfortable pain, "Jesus, be fucking careful, that stung!" You rolled your eyes at his reaction, lightly mimicking his whine, earning a glare from him, "shut up..."

Soon, you stopped conversing as you concentrated on the task, making sure to carefully stitch the injury, making it as less painful and neat so a scar wouldn't be left on his skin.

Yoongi watched you work, his dark eyes examining you. His eyes trailed over your features, from your long eyelashes to your lips that were a natural pretty pink and thin neck. His sister was indeed quite pretty and it was understandable why Jungkook had shown interest towards you. However, that didn't mean Yoongi, as your brother was ever going to let him near you.

Oh hell no. And even if he did somehow get past him, he knew that there were three other males Yoongi trusted from the bottom of his heart that would protect you from the crazy bastard.

"Yah, don't go near that brat."

You scoffed, tying the last suture, "You don't even have to tell me that, Yoongi. I've already disliked that kid before I even knew he was the stupid Bunny Mask. And he's much younger than me so I don't have a single class with him."

You were going to do everything in your power to avoid Jungkook and his little friends at University. It was already bad enough that you'd have to spend time with them to make this mission successful.

"Just be careful, I can't seem to read that kid's eyes. They're insane," Yoongi grumbled as he put a shirt back on as you cleaned your supplies, washing the blood off of the needle you used.

At your twin's words, you lifted your head in surprise, "You can't read him?"

Yoongi sighed as he ran his hand through his hair, ruffling the dark, ebony strands in annoyance, "I couldn't and neither could Hobi and you and I both know Hoseok is good with that shit. His eyes are so crazed, neither of us could figure out what he was thinking."

Well, that totally didn't make you feel better...

"Just be careful, Y/N. I would personally take action so he can't come near you but seeing as we are having a treaty with them, I can't lay my hands on any of them until all this shit is done. You seriously can't let your guard down near him, especially since he's obsessed with you."

"I will..."


Your eyes flickered to the camera at the corner of the living room as you walked to the door. You didn't hesitate on giving it the bird before walking out, climbing into the car where Hoseok and Namjoon already sat in.

"You okay, Noona?" Hoseok questioned as he turned around, eyeing you worriedly with his honey brown eyes dripping with concern. You responded with a grunt, feeling extremely tired.

Last night, although you laid in bed to sleep, you couldn't help but feel extremely paranoid. After learning that Taehyung had been secretly observing you all, it made you restless and you couldn't help but feel like you were being watched even in your room.

That's why, before you left the house, you asked Jin to sweep through your room to see if he could find anything unusual like a camera or any bugs and wire. You knew you'd continue to feel restless until you were certain no bugs were placed in your room.

You felt slightly bad for your brother because you snuck into his room around three o'clock in the morning, slipping under his blankets with him. At first, he growled at you in annoyance but he quickly moved over, creating space for you to sleep beside him. It's been forever since you slept beside your brother but his presence made a big difference, allowing your anxiety to melt away as you were able to catch a couple of hours of sleep before your morning class.

In the beginning, you were tempted to just stay in bed with him, snuggling into his warmth as you listened to his light snores. However, you realized if you didn't show up today, Jungkook would only feel the satisfaction of knowing he was affecting you in some way.

As you arrived at school, you split with Hoseok, walking with Namjoon, who happened to share the class PSY:3015 Psychology of Interpersonal Relations with you.

"I hope you all know there's a difference between love and obsession," the professor's voice droned as she went through the slides. "Obsessive love and jealousy that makes one delusional can be the symptom of mental-health problems and is a symptom that occurs in about 0.1% of adults."

Your hands stopped jotting down notes, slowly looking up to eye the definition on the white screen.

"Obsessive Love Disorders can be quite dangerous. In studies, it can be seen that those who are diagnosed could later become stalkers to the individual they are obsessed over and in some cases, even harming themselves and the person they are stalking. From here, if it is an extreme case, we may start to classify them as psychopaths."

Your hand shook slightly, a certain face and name popping into your mind. Slowly, you raised your hand, making the professor look at you in surprise, not expecting you to ask a question.

"Yes, Ms. Min? A question perhaps?"

You got up to your feet, many of the other students looking at you in awe, most of them had never heard you speak in class.

"Is there a way to cure this Obsessive Love Disorder?" Your voice sounded weak to even your own ears as you asked the question.

"Well, first I would like to point out that obsession is vastly misunderstood in society and is often frowned upon. I've often seen cases where people are disgusted by the act of obsession but not all of them are bad people. They just need the proper help because they are sick in their minds and it's our jobs as psychologists to help these individuals. With sessions of therapy, we can change the way the clients think and act. I would usually suggest the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, it can help the patient start to recognize their obsession and take the necessary steps from there."

At the answer you received, you nodded before sitting down, quickly looking down at your notebook. Namjoon gently nudged your leg underneath the table, catching your attention. Your leader had his eyebrows furrowed in worry, his large glasses slipping down his nose.

"I'm fine..." You whispered, knowing your leader was intelligent enough to connect the dots and know what you were thinking about.

As soon as the bell rang, you stuffed your items into your bag, eager to leave the classroom. However, before you could, the professor called out to you, making you freeze.

Namjoon stood by the door in question, silently watching as the older woman who was your professor approach you.

"Miss Min, are you alright?" The older woman gently questioned, her eyes scrutinizing your reaction, "you've been one of my students since last year but today was the first time you asked a question."

You placed a smile on your face, "oh yes, today's topic was very interesting and I just had to ask my question when I had the chance," your voice was much chirpier than what it sounded when you spoke with your friends. It was how you acted around other people, your disguise.

You were slightly taken back as the woman took your hand into hers, giving it a gentle squeeze, "Miss Min, are you truly okay? Is there a chance that someone is perhaps... Is someone showing signs of obsession towards you?"

This woman... She was observant...

"Oh no, that's not the case. I was truly just interested in the lesson," you sighed, "I wish that I can one day be able to be a psychologist and I'm thinking of specializing in the mental health of problematic individuals such as psychopaths. And this lesson helped me a lot!" You smiled brightly, giving the woman a gentle squeeze.

"Oh! Is that so? I was a bit worried, dear. You just seemed so pale..."

You released a giggle as you let her hand go, "I'm naturally pale Professor. Anyhow, I'm making Namjoon wait so I need to go. Thank you for the class," you gave the woman a polite smile and a bow before you walked to the door where Namjoon patiently waited.

You made sure your strides were at a normal pace before greeting Namjoon with a smile. The male returning the gesture, following your lead as he started a normal conversation, asking you what you wanted for lunch.

Yes, you were interested in psychopaths... But not to help them...

Because you were one yourself...

You were a psychopath and you loved it.


With a satisfied smirk, you mixed your jjajangmyeon with your chopstick, eager to suck up the large plate of black bean noodles. Namjoon and Hoseok sat on either side on you, eating their own food they bought, watching you with amusement as you started to stuff your face.

The three of you may not have been acting like you cared about the whispers around you but you were all definitely listening to all the gossip.

"Have you heard? More than five police officers were killed last night and a couple of them are still in a critical state at the hospital..."

"How scary... I've heard they were trying to capture some criminals but they got away. Rumor says it may be a new gang in the area. Isn't it scary seeing at how close it is to here?"

You snorted with noodles hanging out of your mouth, slurping it up, causing the black sauce to gather at the corner of your mouth. Namjoon and Hoseok snickered, the latter taking a picture of you with his phone, probably to send it to Jin, who was at home with Yoongi.

However, amusement disappeared from their face as a body placed themselves at your table, plopping into the chair directly in front of you.

You froze, noodles hanging out of your mouth as Jungkook watched with an eyebrow raised, the man taking a seat with his tray of a meal set. You quickly swallowed, your tongue licking away the remaining sauce at the corner of your lips as you returned the younger man's intense stare.

"Oh, you found a seat Jungkook?"

Your head snapped to the side as you saw both Jimin and Taehyung coming your way with their own food in hand. You stayed silent as the three boldly took a seat at your table, facing you and your friends.

"Hello friends, mind if we sit with you three?" Jimin questioned, sending you a crescent moon-eyed smile that seemed innocent yet you now knew that that wasn't the case. He was a damn fox and hearing Yoongi's brief explanation about his encounter with this pink haired man, you knew he was a sneaky, sly bastard.

"Go ahead," Hoseok, being the one who was known to be the friendliest out of the three of you nodded, smiling at them brightly. However, you could tell that his smile was fake as he welcomed the three males with open arms.

The cafeteria became unusually quiet, many of the students sending your way a curious, excited look. After the incident where Jungkook had poured blood orange juice down your head, it was obvious that the two groups were NOT friends.

Taehyung sent you a small wink, his brown orbs filled with mischief, "Hello, Y/N-Noona! How are you?"

"I'm fine," you coldly respond, going back to eating, not giving them any of your attention.

"Y/N Noona, ahhh~" your eyes moved to Hoseok who held a Tteok-bokki out to you, his lips pulled out to a blinding smile. He was trying to distract you...

You were used to his action, your mouth subconsciously opening as the man placed the red rice cake into your mouth before opening his own mouth, you placing some of your noodles into it.

Jimin held in a snicker as he saw Jungkook grit his teeth, his dark eyes narrowing as you and Hoseok continued to share food.

"So, Y/N Noona, how's Yoongi Hyung?" Jimin eagerly questioned as he watched you with his brown eyes shining excitedly.

What was his issue with your brother...?

"He was sleeping the last time I checked," you answered, your eyebrows furrowing slightly as you eyed the pink haired male that eagerly listened to your words.

"How does Yoongi Hyung sleep?! Does he wear clothes? Does he actually have his weapon by his pillow when he sleeps? Does he snore?!"

You were taken back at the question Jimin sent you, your eyes widening in horror.

'Does he wear clothes?!' What kind of freaking question is that?!

"I-uh," you stuttered, not knowing how to respond to his intense questions.

"Jimin Hyung, we don't want to hear your obsession," Jungkook grumbled as he ate his lunch, his tone icy and quite unfriendly.

Jimin pouted as he quietly ate, however, you can feel him looking at you while he ate his meal.

You ignored his looks and mixed your noodles, loudly slurping them without a care at how unladylike you were being.

"Hey, Y/N- Noona, how many sexy dresses that can give guys a raging boners do you have?"

You choked, some noodles escaping your mouth as you coughed, your eyes watering as you looked at Taehyung with blurry eyes. The said man was grinning widely, flashing his teeth with his boxy smile.

"Cause we're going clubbing tonight!"

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