Right to the Night

By Snakehipping-Tom

203K 5.9K 3.2K

After the events of the Dark World, Loki has ascended the throne claiming that Thor has abandoned his people... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty

Chapter Thirty-Four

2.4K 90 50
By Snakehipping-Tom

As the months went by, Elisabete's belly kept growing almost to the size of a watermelon. She found it harder to move around and she went to see Eir almost daily to check up on the child. With the birth coming closer, many of the court members as well as the citizens were getting ready to celebrate the birth of the prince. Loki would leave his meetings early or cut them short to spend time with Elisabete and make sure she was doing alright as well as the baby. Towards her last month, Eir instructed she be put on bed rest. Elisabete found it hilarious to watch Loki act as her own personal servant, being at her beck and call day and night for whatever she wanted. As Loki was exiting the chambers to get to one of his meetings, he inhaled sharply as he heard her call out to him.

"What is it, my love?" Loki asked as he turned around to face her.

"Come here. He's kicking again." Elisabete replied.

Loki walked back towards her and sat on the edge of the bed, letting her take his hand and leading it to where the baby was moving. He felt the small heel of his foot move across his hand and he beamed with delight.

"He's so strong in there." Elisabete commented.

"I can't believe he's this far...and healthy." Loki told her.

"That's because we have the gods on our side." Elisabete grinned, taking his chin in her hand to make him look up at her.

"Do you need me to fetch you anything before I go attend my meeting?" He asked.

"You know, I have Iona to fetch me my things. She is my personal maid after all." Elisabete laughed.

"I know she is, but I want to be involved in this pregnancy as much as I can. It's all new to me and I want to indulge in every experience and feeling you have. Now, what can I do?" He explained.

"You can go to your meeting and fetch Iona to help." Elisabete replied, kissing his cheek.

"Alright, if that's what you wish. But if anything happens, tell Iona to find me and bring me here." Loki told her.

"I will, Loki. Don't worry. Eir said the baby isn't due for at least another week." Elisabete beamed.

Loki exited the room and found Iona. He sent her to tend after Elisabete before going to his back to back meetings for the day. She made her way to Elisabete's chambers and smiled brightly seeing her in her bed with her hands on her enormous belly. Elisabete greeted her kindly as she pulled up a seat next to the bed.

"It's been some time since I've seen you." Iona chuckled.

"Yes, I know, and I'm sorry. Loki's insisted he be the one to care for me while I'm bedridden, which is an insane thought given all the meetings he has." Elisabete explained to her.

"I understand. My father was the same way with my mother when she was pregnant with my little sister," Iona stated. "You are radiant, Elisabete. I'm so happy for you."
"Are you really?" Elisabete inquired.

"Of course I am. You're my best friend here in the palace. We've been together for quite some time and I love you. I'll admit, it was hard at first having to adjust to you as the new queen and having to serve you. But, you didn't change at all. You were still the same Elisabete I knew and loved. I am happy for all your successes. If it's any consolation, you deserved to be queen all along." Iona explained to Elisabete.

Elisabete smiled brightly and took Iona's hand in hers, caressing it softly.

"You've been so good to me and you've cared for me like no other here in the palace before all this. What do the other maids think of me?" Elisabete asked.

"Most have changed their minds but there are still the older and the younger ones that despise you for your rising in status." Iona replied.

"Do they still call me a dog as before?" She inquired.

"Very few." Iona sighed.

"Some things just never change, I guess. Nonetheless, I'm having the king's son and he'll have the heir he's always wanted." Elisabete stated.

"You're lucky you haven't had many complications like Eir said you would." Iona added.

"That's true. I was surprised when Eir said everything was going well with the pregnancy. I thought I would have had at least a few troubles, but none. Hmm. I just want him out so I can meet him." Elisabete laughed.

"He'll be out soon enough. You're practically bursting at the seams!" Iona teased, poking her belly.

"I can't stand this waiting. I want him out now.Do you hear me, little boy? I want you out so I can kiss your cheeks and hold you in my arms." Elisabete giggled as she rubbed her belly.

"Is there anything I can fetch you?" Iona asked.

"Some lunch would be nice." Elisabete replied.

Iona bowed her head and left the room. She made her way to the kitchens and retrieved her lunch. She slowly made her way back, making sure nothing fell from the tray. She then strategically opened the doors and smiled.

"Lunch for two!" Iona giggled.

As she looked up, she noticed that Elisabete was not in bed and the sheets were tossed to one side. Iona set the food down on the writing desk and entered the bathroom. When she wasn't in there either, she quickly checked the balcony, not seeing her there either. She quickly began to panic and ran out of the room trying to find her.

Loki was seated at the head of his table, tapping his foot and running his forefinger between his lips. He stared ahead at the wall as the members of his counsel began to give insight as to how the people in the cities and villages were doing. They then talked about his meetings with the people who would come to ask him favors or pardons and how long they would last. Their voices drowned out as all he could think about was Elisabete and how she was doing. He was lost in thought when he heard the doors burst open. Everyone looked over to see a distraught and panting Iona standing in the doorway with the guards behind her, trying to pull her away. Loki told the guards she was fine and he demanded what she was doing here.

"The queen is missing." Iona announced.

All the heads turned to Loki as they waited for his reaction to the news/

"What?" He asked.

"I returned with her lunch and she was gone. She's not in her chambers or the gardens. I've checked almost everywhere and I cannot find her." Iona explained, trying to control her breathing.

"Someone fetch her some water. Cancel all my meetings and appearances." Loki demanded.

He raced out of the room and went searching throughout the palace trying to find her. After several minutes, it dawned on him that she might have experienced some sort of pain and went to get it checked out. On his way to Eir's, he saw Tadeus, her mother, father, and two sisters, all sitting outside the healing rooms. Tadeus stood from his seat and smiled brightly.

"Why are you smiling like that? Iona has alerted me that Elisabete is missing from our bed." Loki inquired.

"My king, Elisabete came to us and spoke of a pain her belly shooting up into her back and through her abdomen." Tadeus told him.

"Well, is she alright? Is she hurt? Is the baby okay?" Loki asked frantically.

"Elisabete and the baby are fine. It was labor pains." Tadeus replied.

At that moment, Iona came rushing down the hall and she was, too, surprised at the sight of Elisabete's family.

"Labor pains?" Loki asked, his eyes wide in shock, not even realizing he spoke those two words.

Iona inhaled sharply and smiled brightly as she clapped her hands together.

"The baby is coming?" She asked happily.

"Eir informed us that she is in the early stages of labor." Her mother replied.

"We're going to be aunts!" Capriana giggled.

"And I'm going to be an uncle." Tadeus beamed.

"That means I'm going to be a father. A father?" Loki spoke softly.

"You can go in there." Her father chuckled.

Loki and Iona quickly rushed towards the door and opened them to find Elisabete sitting up in one of the beds with a few healing maids around her and Eir off to the side monitoring her vitals.

"I told him to come out and he obeyed me." Elisabete laughed.

"But, Eir said not until at least another week?" Loki scoffed.

"Babies can be unpredictable, Loki. Besides, the baby is half Jotun. There's no saying in what can happen with a Jotun pregnancy when the mother is not one of them." Eir explained.

"But you're alright?" Loki asked Elisabete.

"Yes, I'm completely fine. In several hours, you're going to be a father and you're going to have a prince." Elisabete beamed.

Loki sat down on the edge of the bed and kissed her sweetly, running his thumb across her cheek.

"I don't mean to cut this sentimental moment too short, but you cannot stay, my king." Eir told him.

"Why not?" He asked.

"It is not custom for the king to be present when the queen is in labor. You are only allowed in after the baby has been successfully born and cleaned. It is policy and it is what I have stuck with for centuries. Odin obeyed and you will too, no?" Eir explained.

Loki was about to protest when Elisabete took his hand in hers.

"I'll be alright, Loki. I'm not going anywhere. Just know that soon, we'll have our son and that's all that matters right now." Elisabete told him.

"I know you're going to do well birthing our prince. I'll be right outside waiting, okay? I'm right out those doors. So, if you're having any difficulties, know I'm right out there and I'm not leaving your side." Loki whispered just to her.

"I love you, my darling husband." Elisabete whispered back.

"And I love you, my sweet wife. I shall see you soon." Loki spoke, before kissing her for a few moments and then taking his leave.

Eir instructed Iona remain to deliver any news worth sharing to her family outside. She watched as Loki exited the room with his head down. Once he was gone, Elisabete looked up at Eir and sighed as she gave her a pleading smile.

"Are you sure he cannot stay for a few minutes or a few hours before anything happens?" She inquired.

"No," Eir replied. "I have strict rules when it comes to any births that happen and even he, the king, must obey them."

Loki seated himself in a chair in the corner of the small waiting area as her family sat diagonally from them. He watched as her mother did her best to calm down her sisters. Sitting in the waiting room with nothing to do but think about what was happening to Elisabete was driving him mad. He then walked over to the guards and asked them to fetch Fandral and Volstagg to tell them the news and alert the others. Once they arrived, Loki pulled them to the side.

"Now, I want you to go back to the meeting and tell those men that Elisabete has gone into labor." Loki began.

"That's marvelous news!" Volstagg chuckled.

"After you tell them, alert them that all meetings will be put on hold until Elisabete has successfully birthed the child. Once that is finished, send out an announcement to the staff that she is in labor, and after them, alert the court members. Once they all know, schedule an immediate announcement to all the citizens of Asgard on the main steps to tell the public. ." Loki explained.

"Will you be the one to give the final announcement?" Fandral asked.

"No. I will not leave this waiting room until the baby is born. You will do it yourselves." Loki replied.

Fandral and Volstagg were given more information and tasks to do before nodding their heads and quickly going about Loki's business. After a few hours, he heard cannons going off that he specifically ordered to be used when Elisabete was in labor. He smiled to himself and quickly turned to look at the door. No one had come out in the few hours they had all been sitting out there to let them know how she was doing. As the afternoon became the evening, Loki slowly grew worried. He had ordered their dinner be brought to them and he barely ate a thing. He watched as her family ate with no problems and did not seem phased by the events.

"How is it that none of you are worried?" Loki inquired.

"That's because the first born is always the hardest. Tadeus took me about fourteen hours of labor before he decided to come out. Elisabete only took about three and the twins just the same." Her mother replied.

"I wouldn't worry too much. Becoming a father for the first time is nerve wrecking but once you look into your son's eyes, all that worry will dissolve into love." Her father explained.

"That makes me feel a little better." Loki chuckled.

"I think it's a girl." Liana spoke.

"No, silly. It's a boy." Capriana told her.

"Mm-mm." Liana stuck her tongue out.

"Yes, it is. Queens always have a boy first." Capriana huffed.

"No they don't." Liana giggled.

"Yes, they do!" Capriana argued, getting angry.

"Now, settle down you two. You don't want to get all riled up before bedtime and make it harder for mother to put you to bed when she should be here when Elisabete has the baby." Tadeus told them.

The two kept quiet but still stuck their tongues at each other and poked one another incessantly. As the next few hours went by, her mother left to put the two girls to bed, but no one had come out yet. Once she had left, Loki could faintly make out the moans and whimpers of pain from Elisabete and a few soothing voices trying to calm her. It hurt him that he wasn't able to go in and be with her to hold her hand as they welcomed their child into the world. Finally, some hope came back to Loki as Eir opened the door just enough to allow her body to move through before closing it behind her so no one outside could look in. Loki quickly stood to his feet as Tadeus and her father gave Eir their direct attention.

"She is moving slowly along, which is not something I normally would like to see when a woman is birthing a child for the first time. Usually, they are dilated several centimeters by now." Eir pointed out.

"How far along is she then?" Tadeus inquired.

"Two." Eir replied.

"Two?" Loki scoffed.

"I believe it has to do with your heritage. The child is bigger than most and Elisabete needs more time to prep her body to be able to birth it naturally." Eir explained to him.

"Well, is she alright at least?" Loki asked.

"She is doing very well. Her vitals are all strong, and so are the child's." Eir replied.

Loki let out a sigh of relief and sat back down as Eir quickly returned back into the healing rooms.

"What did she mean 'your heritage'?" Her father asked, squinting at Loki with his dark eyes.

"She means that I am Aesir and she is not., that's all." Loki quickly responded.

Her father nodded his head and when he glanced over at Tadeus, he could see that Tadeus was having a little bit of trouble trying to believe him. But before he could say anything about it, her mother returned and the father relayed the news. As the next few hours went by, the three had left to get some rest.

"My king, are you not retiring to bed?" Tadeus asked.

"No. I told Elisabete I would not leave this room." Loki replied.

"Well, we hope you sleep soundly on these seats." Her mother smiled.

After a few minutes of their departure, Loki looked up to see Ugo enter. He sat himself right next to Loki and put his hand on his shoulder as he leaned back in the seat, crossing his right leg over his left.

"You're about to become a father now, Loki. Aren't you excited?" Ugo inquired.

"I am, but I am more worried than everything. Eir has told me that Elisabete is taking a little longer than usual." Loki replied.

"Elisabete is a strong girl. She can handle it." Ugo said.

"And what if she can't? What if the baby is too much for her to birth?" Loki asked frantically.

"You're worrying too much over nothing. She will give you a healthy son and she will survive." Ugo told him.

"I love her too much to see her die. She has sacrificed so much for me and I cannot lose her, Ugo. She's the only good thing in my life, you know. She is all I have left in the world. She's the reason I wake up every day. I love her too much to see anything bad happen to her. If she left me, I'd be lost." Loki explained, running his hands through his hair as he bent forward.

Ugo leaned forward to be on his level and patted his back.

"Listen to me, Loki. Elisabete will not die. She is probably the best thing to have ever happened to you. The gods are aware of this and they will spare her a difficult labor. Now, I suggest you close your eyes and try to sleep as much as you can." Ugo told him.

Just as Loki was about to speak, he heard Elisabete cry out in pain and he stood from his seat. As he took a step forward, Ugo pulled on the back of his tunic, forcing him to sit back down. Loki looked into Ugo's eyes and found himself growing tired.

"She is absolutely fine in there. Sleep." Ugo whispered.

And just like that, Loki fell back into his seat and fell asleep. Ugo smiled to himself and sighed as he too sat back in his seat and stared at the door, waiting, and listening, for anyone to come outside with news. It wasn't until a few hours later, into the early morning, that Iona stepped outside. She looked over at Loki and Ugo and furrowed her brow seeing Loki fast asleep.

"What news do you have? I shall tell him in the morning when he wakes." Ugo asked.

"She is now only three centimeters. But her vitals are still strong and so are the babe's." Iona replied.

Ugo thanked her for the news and watched as he entered the room. After a few minutes, he heard Elisabete crying and moaning in such pain, he felt his heart ache. He quickly looked both right and left to make sure no one was watching before he swiftly muttered a spell.

Elisabete moaned in discomfort as she felt another contraction.

"You're doing so great." Iona grinned, holding her hand through the pain.

"How much longer will this last?" Elisabete panted.

"It depends on how much faster your body will dilate in the coming hours." Eir replied.

Suddenly, as the contraction ended, she felt a wave of pleasure through her body as the cramping and back aches subsided as if they were never there. She laid her head against her pillow and softly closed her eyes as she hummed in content.

In the morning, Loki awoke and upon seeing the sun shining brightly through the windows, he leaped from his seat and looked down at Ugo, seeing him wide awake with a smile on his face.

"Tell me what has happened! How could I have left myself fall asleep? Tell me, Ugo!" Loki exclaimed.

"She is still dilating and both her vitals and the child's are strong. Not much has changed." Ugo replied.

"Oh, god!" Loki sighed as he sat back down in his seat. "I cannot bear this waiting anymore. Each minute that passes by is like a dagger being thrust into my chest."
"Maybe some breakfast will help." Ugo said.

He ordered a guard to fetch them breakfast. Once it had arrived, so did Tadeus and the rest of Elisabete's family to wait with the two of them. Ugo informed them of her progress and they all sat in the waiting area together. Neither spoke a word to each other as they all had other thoughts on their minds. Iona would keep coming out every few hours to alert them of her progress and it was always the same. Little dilating, strong vitals. As the afternoon came around, it had now been officially one day since Elisabete had been in labor. And she was only at five centimeters. Her mother happily commented that she was halfway there and the baby would be born tomorrow. As evening came by, her family left and the only two that remained were Loki and Ugo once again. This time, Loki refused to sleep and Ugo accepted his wish.

"I will not sleep a wink until I am sure that Elisabete and the baby are fine." Loki vowed.

"Elisabete will not be pleased by that. She wouldn't want you to worry over her." Ugo told him.

"I cannot help it." Loki sighed breathlessly.

When Eir exited the room, Loki suddenly had a sense that something was wrong.

"What's happened?" Loki asked.

"She has not dilated at all in these last hours. The baby's vitals are still strong, but..." Eir trailed off.

"But what?" Loki urged her to keep speaking.

"She is weaker than before. She has not slept in twenty-four hours and has not eaten anything in that same amount of time. All she drinks is water. I've put her on nutrients to try and get her strength back." Eir explained.

Loki nodded his head and gasped softly as Eir took him by the arm and pulled him aside. She leaned close to his ear and whispered to him.

"The baby is much bigger than we anticipated. Her body is not made to birth a child that size. Even if she gets to ten centimeters, I fear the child will still struggle and so will she. Decisions might have to be made soon."

Eir gave him a look and he nodded his head slowly, realizing what she meant. She quickly entered the healing rooms and Loki solemnly sat back in his seat. Ugo did not pry and let him be, not wanting to disturb him. The following day, the court members through a party to celebrate the upcoming birth of the new prince and Loki could hear them. He wanted to be happy but knowing that Elisabete was getting weaker filled him with dread. If she continued to weaken, she might possibly die. Or, the child might slowly suffocate in her womb after not being birthed for so long since the labor started. He did not want to think about these possibilities but he could not help himself to do so. Her family had not stopped by, and soon enough, two days had gone by and the baby was still not here. Her mother lied.

Loki began eating less and less of the meals that were presented to him. Eir stepped out of the room again and Loki gave her his direct attention.

"She is now seven centimeters. However, the baby's vitals have begun to weaken as well." Eir announced.

"What?" Loki gasped.

"Elisabete is trying her best to fight her fatigue but the contractions and aches in her back and belly are beginning to take a toll on her.." Eir replied.

Loki nodded his head and Eir sighed and stood there for a moment before entering the room once again. Loki felt his eyes water hearing Elisabete cry out from the pain. It wasn't until Iona rushed out a few hours later that Loki feared the worst had happened.

"She's done it! Ten centimeters! She's pushing right now." Iona exclaimed happily.

Loki jumped to his feet and laughed as he wrapped his arms around Iona and spun her around her. She gasped in surprise and laughed along with him as he set her down. He kissed her cheek and bid her to go back in the room and help assist Elisabete before anything else happened.

"You see. I told you she would be alright." Ugo said.

"Thank you for staying here with me." Loki spoke as he sat back down in his seat.

"It is no problem, Loki." Ugo smiled.

Loki had the guards send word to Fandral and Volstagg to alert all the civilians that Elisabete was now pushing and the prince would soon be here. As Loki sat in his seat, he soon grew frantic as he heard Elisabete wailing in misery. Her screams pierced his ears and he flinched each time she cried out in pain.

"Do not worry. All women who birth a child sound the same way. They cry and cry and then the baby comes out." Ugo told him.

"But what if she does not-"

"Trust me when I say she will be fine." Ugo interjected.

Loki stared down at the ground and gasped as Ugo took his jaw in his hand and turned him to face him. As he looked over Loki's face, he could see the dark circles had already formed and his eyes were bloodshot from the lack of sleep.

"Look into my eyes." Ugo instructed.

Loki did as he was told and Ugo smiled.

"She will be fine. You have my word." He whispered.

However, as the second day turned to the third, many of the court members themselves grew worried. She was long past the time frame to have successfully given birth and they all feared the worst for her and the baby. Loki had to sit in misery listening to Elisabete scream in pain. At this point, her family had returned to show Loki their support. When Eir emerged this time, both Loki and the others were met with the sight of her bloody hands and apron. Loki felt his heart sink and slowly covered his mouth to keep from crying out as his eyes watered.

"Loki, I will speak frankly to you and fast. Both she and the baby have weakened drastically. The baby has not yet crowned and she is too weak to push anymore. It is time to make the decision. Soon, you will have to choose between her life or the baby's." Eir panted.

"What are the choices?" Loki inquired.

"We either make an incision into her belly and then into her womb to retrieve the baby and risk her bleeding out. Or, we let the labor take its course and allow the baby to slowly die and then retrieve it once it has passed on. For now, Elisabete can continue pushing but the next time I return, a decision must be made." Eir announced.

She then entered the room once more and Loki broke down into tears. Her family sat there in shock, not knowing what to think.

"What do I do?" Loki asked softly.

He looked around the group and panted heavily.

"I asked a question. Answer me, goddamn it!" Loki shouted.

Liana and Capriana both whimpered in fear of his outburst and they huddled close to their mother as she soothed them.

"We cannot lose Elisabete. She is much too young to die." Her father spoke.

"But, the baby would be your heir that you have longed after." Ugo brought up.

"I knew I should have had the baby killed when they first told us she was pregnant. I knew something terrible would happen. I can't lose either of them. I'm cursed. I've done this to them. It's all my fault she has to suffer through this pain." Loki cried.

Elisabete was pale and sickly, her eyes sunken in with sweat dripping down her face. Her hair was matted to her face and her white gown wet and stained with her blood. She pushed with all her might but knew it was not enough. She would die giving Loki the heir he wanted. She would do anything for him and was willing to sacrifice herself for this. It would secure his reign and she would have given him the one thing he thought he could never have. Her heart raced in her chest and she did her best to keep her breathing even between each push. She let out another gut-wrenching scream as she pushed and exhaled sharply as she threw her head back into the pillow. She closed her eyes softly and licked her lips to try and salivate her lips, but they still remained cracked. Her mouth was dry and she longed for nothing more than some water. The nutrients Eir put her on were no longer helping and she knew it was a matter of time before she would die.

"Elisabete, you have to push harder than before." Eir told her.

"I'm trying." Elisabete whimpered as she hunched forward to push again.

"Come on, Elisabete!" Eir exclaimed.

"You can do it, Elisabete. Do not leave Loki a widow. Think of him." Iona cried.

Elisabete wailed and Iona felt her ears ring from the volume of it. Outside the door, Loki was still trying to decide on which decision was best.

"Loki, any minute she could walk back out and you'd have to give her an answer." Ugo told him.

"Then I shall tell her when she enters." Loki said.

"What?" Tadeus inquired.

"If I can't think of it now, it will surely come to me when she asks." Loki replied.

"I'm sorry but that is the most idiotic idea I've ever heard!" Her father exclaimed.

"You cannot leave the life of our daughter hanging in the balance like that. We must all come to an agreement since we are her parents." Her mother explained.

"I'm sorry but I cannot make the decision. It is too difficult. I love your daughter just as much as you and I would not let her die." Loki told them.

"Then sacrifice the child." Tadeus said.

"But I cannot lose my child. I must procure a son to ensure my reign will not end with me. I've always been told that having children are not a possibility for me." Loki explained.

"My king, you must make a decision!" Tadeus exclaimed.

As Loki went to speak, Iona rushed out and everyone stood, awaiting the news. Loki was about to tell her his decision when she smiled brightly and clapped her hands together.

"What? What's happened?" Loki asked frantically, grabbing Iona by her shoulders.

"The baby's crowned! Everything is going to be alright. The baby is moving and Elisabete has grown a little stronger than before. Even the baby's vitals have increased! It's a miracle! They'll both be alright." Iona announced.

Everyone cheered as Loki stumbled back into seat, crying tears of happiness as he shook his head, not being able to believe what he heard. He was prepared to bury one of them one minute, and now he was told they would be fine. Iona went back into the healing rooms and at that point Loki had enough. He rushed after before the door closed and Iona turned to face him, ushering him back outside.

"My king, you cannot be in here!" Iona exclaimed.

"I must see her!" Loki shouted.

As he pushed past her, his eyes widened as he saw Eir lift their child into the air, wrapped in a blanket, as it wailed. Loki felt his heart stop as he chuckled, looking at his child. In that moment, he regretted making the decision to end its life.

The baby showed no signs of being a Jotun and Loki was thankful for it. They had a small tuft of light brown hair on its head and it was significantly larger than most babies. However, as he looked down at Elisabete, he saw how frail and battered she looked and he was grateful she had survived. Eir handed the baby off to the healing maids to clean and turned to see Loki in the room. She told Iona to let him in and Loki rushed towards Elisabete side. He sat down on the edge of the bed and Elisabete looked up at him with her pale, wet face, and smiled brightly, not caring if her lips cracked open and bled. Neither did he care for the cracked lips as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her several times. The two never said a word to one another; they just held each other in their arms and kissed as if the world were ending tomorrow. As he pulled back, Eir slowly handed the child to Elisabete and she greedily to the child into her arms. She cradled its head and Loki cried silently as he looked down at his child. He felt happier than he had ever felt in years now that he finally had a child. Elisabete had done the impossible and he was grateful to her and the gods for allowing him to have a child.

As he stared at the baby's face, he saw that it had not inherited a single trait from him. It looked just like Elisabete, and he was somewhat thankful for that too. However, he was fine knowing the baby had his seidr and he couldn't wait to show them his magic and teach them as well. The baby squirmed in her arms and softly whimpered. Elisabete hushed the baby and rocked it carefully as not to disturb the sleeping child.

"I cannot believe it. I finally have my prince." Loki whispered.

"No." Elisabete stated.

"What?" Loki asked.

"Not prince." Elisabete replied dejectedly.

"Princess?" Loki sighed.

Elisabete nodded her head and casted her eyes down at the girl, fearing what Loki had to say.

"I'm sorry." She whimpered.

"Why are you sorry?" He inquired.

"Because I did not give you the son I had promised." Elisabete replied, looking back up at him.

"Oh, my love, I am not upset that we have a girl." Loki told her, smiling happily as he casted his attention down to the girl, running his finger along her cheek.

The smoothness of the baby's skin made him fall in love with the child even more.

"You aren't?" She asked.

"No! Elisabete, you have given me a child. A child which I had believed I could never have up until now. I would be pleased with whatever came out of you." Loki explained.

Elisabete smiled brightly and sighed as Loki laid a kiss to her temple.

"Loki?" She asked.

"Yes, my love?" Loki retorted, staring down at the girl and admiring his child.

"What would have been your decision had everything not gone well?" She inquired.

Loki stared down at her and sighed.

"Let's not think of that now. Everyone is healthy and doing well. That does not matter. What matters is giving this little one a name." Loki told her.

"I've always wanted to name my daughter Adelina." Elisabete spoke.

Loki looked up at Elisabete and the two then turned their attention down towards the girl. She began to squirm and slowly opened her eyes, revealing their piercing hazel color that she inherited from Elisabete. Her eyes then moved to look up at Loki and his breath hitched in his throat as he made eye contact with her. She then quickly closed her eyes and fell back asleep.

"Adelina. I quite like it." Loki spoke.

"Really?" She inquired.

"I do. Adelina Lokidottir. It sounds nice. She'll make a strong queen one day." Loki whispered as he laid a kiss to Elisabete's cheek. 

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