What I never knew I always wa...

By MarinaShipper19

63.5K 1.1K 392

ON HOLD- I'm back with another Robsten pregnancy story (shocker I know right?) because let's face it! I wish... More

Were going to Rio!
Edward and Bella
Gender reveal :)
Hormones are fun!....Not
Sex on the beach
Family time
Cats out of the bag
32-week appointment
Stay at home
Baby Time
1 Day post partum
Please dont go....
Baby's first checkup!
Authors note!
Your back!
Beach baby
Date Night
Food poisoning
Authors note- sick
How I met your mother
Blood tests
authors note! I needed to do this
Condoms and birth control
it's time
Mackenzie Foy
authors note -Family emergency
By Your Side
Elle Magazine
I'll be there for you
Lunch Disaster
Where is the baby?
Every parent's nightmare
72 hours
Hospital Blues
First word, First steps and Getting Drunk...Oh My!
1st Birthday
First Day of Preschool
Mom, I think I'm dying
authors note
Unexpected Consequences
Officially Grandparents
Please tell me.....I'm dreaming
The Funeral
Why Eliana?
The Hauntings Of Our Past
Coming Home
Very Unexpected!
24-week birth
When Nothing Else Matters!
Welcome home
2 months later
First Cuddle
Christmas Eve
A new day
End of the road
Never easy
I don't know what to do with her!


447 12 3
By MarinaShipper19

Im back you guys! Thank you all for being patient as I got moved and settled :)


Elaina didn't feel good when she woke up. Her head was pounding and her stomach was doing somersaults. Slowly she got out of bed and headed downstairs to the kitchen where her mother was cooking breakfast, she parked herself on a stool at the island waiting for the wrath that was bound to happen.

"How did it go last night?" Kristen asked.

"Good, we left early and got something to eat," Eliana responded trying to avoid the elephant in the room.

"And drink I suppose?" Kristen said raising her eyebrows


"We need to talk Eliana, let me finish these pancakes first."

Elaina was scared as to what her mother would say. When Kristen got done, she sent Alora into the living room before taking a seat next to Eliana

"Eliana, what happened last night?"

"Josh took me down to the valley and we watched the stars. He went and got a bottle of vodka and we shared it and there is something else"

"What honey?"

"I don't know for sure but I think I may have lost my Virginity."

"How do you know hun?"

"I don't remember anything after the vodka but I'm bleeding this morning and sore down there. I'm not due for my period anytime soon."

Kristen signed. "You probably did."

"Are you mad at me mom?"

"I'm not going to lie, I am disappointed in you sweetheart but there is not much I can do."

"Can we not tell dad?"

"It would be best not too, Josh would be dead no hesitation at all."

"Thanks, did the dress survive?"

"The dress was fine, speaking of I wanted to show you some pictures." She went into a photo album

"I know you were probably wondering where the dress came from" 

"Wow, mom, you looked amazing"

"Thank you, you were I think almost 3 months old when your dad and I went to this event in London, that wasn't easy for either one of us. You stayed with grandma and your dad and I left as late as we could get to London right before the event and right after we flew right back out immediately, we both couldn't stand to be away from you for so long."

Eliana smiled, not sure what to say to that. "how did dad react to you in that dress?"

Kristen smiled and giggled, "he loved it, he couldn't keep his hands off of me."

"I can see why mom, sorry this is coming from your daughter. but you were fucking hot in that dress."

Kristen laughed. "Thanks love." she headed over to the cupboard, grabbing a bottle of aspirin out of it and a glass of water. "Here take these, they will help trust me."

"I can't believe I was so stupid last night"

"I'm going, to be honest Eliana, I knew something was going to happen. you are 16 and don't get much outside interaction, you were bound to slip up."

"I'm glad you're not going to kill me" Eliana shyly smiled.

"I love you too much to do that, finish up your breakfast and go lay down for a couple more hours." Alora is going with Rob today so I was thinking you and I could go and do something together?

"That sounds great mom." Eliana headed upstairs to dive back under the covers as Kristen went back to the living room to go find Alora


A few hours later Kristen was making lunch as Alora bounced around the kitchen, she was the complete opposite of her or Eliana

Definitely Roberts child she thought. at almost 13 years old Alora was very energetic for her age, Kristen had seriously considered and had talked to Robert about possibly having her tested for ADHD. Kristen herself had ADD and even though she and Alora shared some of the same symptoms, Alora had a few "extra" ones that she didn't. in the end she decided not to have her tested, there really wasn't any reason too, both her girls were homeschooled and if she was honest with herself. she was scared of the results because she didn't want to face it. she already knew what the results would be, she didn't need a test done.

she finished making lunch and managed to get Alora to calm down. After lunch the girls headed out to the pool for an afternoon swim, the water surprisingly warm. Cole joined them doggy paddling around the pool. they spent a couple hours swimming before deciding to run some errands, they went to different shops and went grocery shopping. The paparazzi were their main threat, even as the years have gone by they were still obsessed with Kristen and her family. the whole family had come accustomed to the chaos and never being able to be alone, Kristen taught her girls the ways she handled them and to never let them get to them.

As the evening rolled around, they were all sitting around the table like they tried to whenever they could. it was hard with everyone's schedules just to sit down and have dinner as a family, but they tried to as much as they could.

Topics of the discussion revolved mainly around prom with Kristen and Eliana glancing at each other once in a while wondering if either one of them was going to bring it up.

Heading to bed that night, Eliana felt ashamed of what she had done and even more that she was hiding from her dad.

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