Dog-tags and Lockets

By MAgentM

1.7K 14 3

A soulmate Au. More

Part 1
Part 3

Part 2

325 5 2
By MAgentM

James was up in a matter of seconds and in a defensive position ready to fight if need to be. the guy rolled over without waking up that's when James noticed a gleam come from his left arm.

"Shit!" She mutters "James? Nope. Just nope, this is not happening."

Dropping her stance she walks out of her room and gathers all of her comic books that have Captain America and or Bucky Barnes, then walked back up to her room and dropped the box on the bed.

"Huh? what? Where the hell am I." Bucky says

"My house. Though how I don't know since you don't exist, but hey if you want to know how I know so much about you here are yours and Steve's comic books look through them, just be careful with them. I'm going to take a quick shower then we can talk." James says pushing the box at him and then grabbing some clothes and a towel before heading to the bathroom.

"Well that was quick and to the point" Bucky mutters sitting up and sifting through the box noticing she put them in order of how to read them.

He picked up the first one and started to read it, as he got through the third one he started to remember a lot of these thing happening by the time he got to the sixth one James came back in the room drying her hair with a towel.

"You know my whole life basically." Bucky says to her

"Yup thats correct Barnes." James responds

"Ok so you know who I am, but who are you."

"The name is Bianca, but that is all you are getting."

"Ok then Bianca, where am I?"

"You are in a parallel universe where you and all of your friends are just comic book characters and people obsess over."

"So you didn't think I was real?"

"I was told recently that you might be but technically no I didn't think you were real." James sighs "So you hungry I was going to get up and make breakfast when i found you next to me."

"I'm fine really I would like to find a way home though."

"Ok James listen, you switched places with my best friend Stevie you are in a completely different universe than you are use to. I don't know how you got here or why you are here but I'm not gonna let you starve, you have no idea how long you are going to be here and neither of us have any knowledge of how to get you back so you are just going to have to deal with living here for now."

"Relax doll didn't mean to upset you and your best friend is named Stevie?"

"Yes she is literally my Captain America."

"The girl version on my Steve?"

"Yes, and his soul mate." James states.

"Wait really? is her name Stevie Grace?"


"Oh Steve is going to be so happy." Bucky smiles.

"Yeah I bet, So food?"

"Yeah sure doll why not."

"The 40's slang is going to take some getting use too." James mutters leaving to the kitchen

James makes whatever she can think of knowing that Bucky will eat so much. Neither of them said anything to each other but that was because James was lost in her thoughts and Bucky was enjoying the food too much. Once Bucky was done James cleared their things and washed them without so much of a sound.

"Not one for much talking are you?" Bucky points out.

"Depends on who you ask."

"Ok If I ask Stevie?"

"She's a sassy sarcastic girl who has a comment for everything, but is caring and puts everyone before herself." James answers "That would be her answer."

"What about family and co workers?"

"Family about the same, co-workers I'm a quiet polite sweet girl, unless you bother me when I'm in the zone on my project."

"So you are shy at first," He states more than asks.

"I guess" She says as she finishes the dishes moving on to clean something else.

Bucky watches her bustle around the kitchen cleaning everything, becoming very intrigued by the girl, while he tries to figure out why he was sent to her. That's when an idea pops in his head her best friend got sent to Steve because she was his soulmate, what if this girl is his.

"Can I ask you something?" He asks as she moves to cleaning the living room.

"You just did, but shoot."

"Is Bianca you first or middle name?"

This stops James in her tracks on the way to the end table she slowly turns and looks at him a little confused and shocked.

"That's a strange question, why do you ask."

"Answer first then I will tell you."

"Its my first, now why." She says easily lying

"My soulmates middle name is Bianca."

"Oh well sorry to disappoint."

"No need to say sorry doll, nothing you can do I'll find her eventually."

"What's her name?"

"Jamesina Bianca Sargent."

"It's a nice name, interesting but nice, she like the girl version of you."

"Her name yes, I couldn't tell you her personality or looks though." He sighs "Why are you cleaning so much? Do you always clean on saturdays?"

"Why would you, you haven't met her." James says ignoring his questions.

"Bianca! would you stay still for just a minute."

James looks at him stopping for a second and shaking her head she could sit still when she was feeling like this, her anxiety was getting to her. She shouldn't be lying to him but something was holding her back telling her not to say anything to him.

"Hey, what's wrong doll what are you fussing so much." Bucky says coming up to her and putting his hands on her shoulders making her stop and look at him.

"Nothing I'm fine just need to clean we haven't cleaned in a while." James says quickly trying to pull away.

"It is clearly not nothing, what is wrong?" He asks again tightening his grip.

"I'm perfectly fine, now would you find something to do out of my way."

Bucky hold his hands up in defence before backing up and heading to sit down in the kitchen since she already cleaned in there. As she ran around she started humming to nothing, until she paused turned on the tv then went to her phone, after a minute of being on her phone music started blaring from the TV, how Bucky had no idea but he just went with it. Not to much later she moved to the hallway then into the rooms. Bucky followed, wondering why she was like this. When she leaned down to pick something up he noticed her dog tags fall from her shirt.

"He's a solider?" Bucky asks

"Who is?"

"Your soulmate."

"What makes you say that?" she asks her hand immediately going to the dog tags.

"Three things, one the dog-tags, two you hand immediately goes to them each time I've said soulmate, and three unlike every other girl I've met you don't ramble about your soulmate."

"What does three have anything to do with it?"

"You think because your guy is a soldier you'll never meet him, so there's no talking about someone you'll never meet."

"That's not the reason, I know I won't meet him."

"He's your soulmate you'll meet him soon. Why don't you think you'll meet him?"

"I have my reasons, just drop it James."

"Bianca com-"

"I said drop it Barnes." James sneers before stalking off down the hall and shutting herself in her room.

Once in there she slid down against the door, pulling her knees to her chest and crying. He was so concerned for her and he didn't even know her, he didn't even know what she was to him. This thought made her cry more but she managed to pull herself from her spot on the floor and put herself on the bed. A little while later Bucky knocks on the door to make sure she is ok, when he opens the door a little -from no answer- he sees her fast asleep. He walks in and pulls the blanket over her.

"I'm sorry." He says to her as he pushes her hair out of her face.

He stays on the edge of her bed for another minute before getting up and leaving her be, But with the wanting to do something for her. James woke up a while later noticing she now had a blanket on her, the next thing she noticed is that it was now dark out. She sighed and got up to go make dinner. When she got to the kitchen she noticed a plate on the counter with pasta on it and a small bowl with salad in it next to the plate. She smiled there is note but she knows exactly who made dinner for her. She looked around and didn't see him. She ate the food he made for her washed the dishes then looked around again thinking it's weird that he's not in the living room at least not that she can see. She walks into the living room to see maybe if he is asleep on the couch, but he wasn't this made her really concerned. She kept herself calm and headed down to check Stevie's bedroom and the extra room. That's when she got really worried he was not in either place and they didn't have an upstairs or a basement.

"Damit boy where are you, Great even you leave me too" James mutters walking back towards the the front of the house. "Maybe just maybe you will come back."

James curles up on the couch , with the hope that he will hopefully come back maybe he just went to walk around to see the area. So many scenarios were going through her head making her depression and anxiety act up again, and they haven't been bad in a while. But with the fear that he won't come back and the depression coming from her past James cries herself to sleep on the couch.

Bucky came back in the house about an hour later with groceries and a few other things that he thought she would like to have, since she has to deal with him for god's knows how long he is stuck here, he was lucky that he had Tony's credit card. He put the groceries away and then goes to check on James, but as he heads for the hallway he notices her on the couch curled up. As he gets over there he notices the tear stains on her cheeks.

"Oh doll, Did I worry you?" He asks as he wipes the tears from her face.

"James....don'" She mutters in her sleep.

Even though it was in fragments Bucky understood, what she was trying to say. He picks her up and carries her back to her room. He places her on the bed smooths her hair out of her face then pulls the blanket up over her. Then choosing to sleep in the lounge chair in her room just in case she woke up freaking out. James did wake up crying from her dream- instead of just not finding him when she woke up, he just walked out on her saying he would never ever love her,- she sat there on her bed crying not realizing where she was.

"Hey, Hey, what's wrong why are you crying again?" Bucky asks waking up himself and coming to her side.

"Y-yo-ou c-came back" James says through tears

"I just left to get you more groceries, I didn't think you would wake up before I got back. I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault, I just got really worried. Plus everyone leaves me."

"I don't think that is true, and I'm not going anywhere anytime soon."

"You don't know my past, and see you will leave though."

"But I will have no control over that, and I apologize for that right now."

"You can't apologize for something like that."

'I just did" He smirks at her "Now why don't you go back to sleep it's late."

"I don't want to, been sleeping most of the day."

"Then what do you want to do?"


"Anything you want doll."

She gives him a sad smile as she gets up to put her favorite movie Anastasia in then sits back on the bed next to Bucky. Even though she was sleeping all day about half way through the movie James fell asleep with her head on Bucky's shoulder. Bucky wouldn't have noticed but another song came on and she didn't start singing along. He chuckled at her moving her to lay on the bed. When he did so her dog-tags fell into sight, he looked down and saw the abbreviation for Sergeant then a J, He wanted to see more, so his hand went to grab them but Bucky stopped himself saying she would tell him when she thought was right. Sighing he got up pulled the blankets over her turned off the tv and took his spot in the chair.

When James wakes in the morning she almost freaked out before she sat up and saw him sleeping in her lounge chair, a smile graces her lips after that. With that smile she got up grabbing her things the heads to the bathroom. After a quick shower, she comes back into her room to see Bucky still sleeping.

"Come on sleepy head get up, we got things to do" James says jumping on Bucky's lap.

"Well good morning to you too doll" He says putting his hands on her waist to steady her from falling.

"Thanks." she says

"No problem, now did you say something about things to do."

"Yup but you need to shower first." She says making a face at him, and getting up.

"Oh aren't you nice,"

"Just telling you what you need to hear." She say walking out of the room to the spare.

"I got nothing to wear afterwards." He calls to her.

"I know that Barnes, that's why we are going shopping after." She says walking back down the hall stopping in front of him. "For now I have these, they should fit you he always wore things too big for him, he was a lot skinnier but same height."

"Thanks?" He asks more than says taking the clothes.

"You're welcome, not like the guy misses them, if he did he wouldn't of forgotten them." She shrugs and holds out two more things "Here is a towel and 3 in 1 shampoo and conditioner I keep for when my brother's visit. Now go shower, I'll be in the kitchen when you are done."

He takes the things from her, then heads into the bathroom realizing how much simpler the shower was compared to the ones Stark had. James in the kitchen turned on some music and started making food so they could eat before heading to the store to get him more clothes. Today was going to be a fun day in her mind. As she danced around finishing up Bucky came in from his shower. James didn't notice him at first, so when she started twirling around she ran to him.

"Whoa, slow down there cookie, we are in a kitchen." he says steading her.

"Oh! I'm sorry James did hear you come in." she blushes.

"That's obvious, I don't think you should cooking and dancing at the same time."

"I guess, but cooking is done."

"Let's remember for next time then."

"You do that soldier. Now lets eat so we can get going." James says pulling away from him.

"Yes, ma'am" He smirks making her roll her eyes.

They eat, clean up then head out to the mall getting different things for Bucky from t shirts and shorts to dress shirts and shiny shoes. Bucky insisted that he didn't need some of the things they got multiple times while James fussed over him, ignoring his objections.

"Doll? are we done yet." Bucky asks

"One more stop."

"I don't need any more clothes." he pleads

"Its not clothes, but you do need it" she says searching through her phone.

"I don't need anything."

"Yeah you d-ah found it" she smiles up at him

"I don't like that look,what are you up to?"

"You'll see later."

They walk a bit farther, when she pulls him into a hair salon hearing a groan from him as she does so.

"What can I do for you guys?" the girl asks

"He needs a haircut? James answers

"Well that's obvious what will it be?"

"Can you do this?" She asks whispering holding her phone showing Bucky when his hair was short.

"Oh darling if it makes him look like that again sure."


"Come on honey let's get that haircut." The hairdresser says waving for Bucky to follow.

"Go you'll be fine, I got to take this call" James says as her phone goes off.

He gives her a mock glare but follows the hairdresser, letting James take her call. He wasn't to mad at her for bringing him here he was getting tired of this long hair.

"Come on honey sit down, we going to get rid of that mop." The hairdresser says.

"Uh yeah I am getting tired of this." he says motioning to his hair.

"We'll I got the perfect idea, so get to sitting."

Bucky watches James pace back and forth on the phone making facial expressions that were making him a little concerned but he put it back of the mind, if she wanted to tell him she would. After a few minutes the chair is being turned around and he just stares at himself in the mirror.

"Now isn't that better, soldier" James says putting her hands on his shoulders and sliding them down so she was hugging him.

"I look like..I never thought I would see my self like this again"

"So you like it?"

"Yes Thank you." he says smiling and covering her hands with one of his.

"Anything for you," She smiles "Now let's go home."

"Yeah let's go home."

The two of them pay for his haircut and head back to the house. While James started dinner for the two of them. When Bucky was done putting his clothes away in the extra room that was now his he headed into the kitchen. In the kitchen he found music playing and James dancing again.

"What did I say about dancing in the kitchen, while cooking?" Bucky smirks watching her.

"I do what I want." She sasses back sticking her tongue out at him.

"Oh is that so?" he says walking over to them.

"Yups, Whatcha going to do about it?"

"If you're going to dance, you're going to do it right."

He grabs her and pulls her into her arms starting to dance with her the way he would dance with a gal back in the 40's. After a few minutes James put her head on his shoulder as the continued to dance, even though the music did not match the style of dance they didn't care.

"I thought we weren't supposed to dance while cooking." James whispers

"It's ok when you are actually dancing, you are just jumping around."

"You just don't like me having fun." she smiles.

"Not true doll"

"I don't believe you, but I have to check on dinner so it's going to have to wait."

James pulled away and goes to check on their dinner, her brain spinning from being so close to him, in such a loving caring way.

"What do you have to do tomorrow?" Bucky asks starting to help her.

"Nothing that phone call was my boss telling me that he got a email from his boss, who I talked to recently is giving me two months off for a project I did for him. Its basicly a paid vacation."

"You get a whole two months to deal with me"

"I get a whole two to hang out with you I wouldn't call it dealing with."

"So you like me?" he smirks

"Enough." she shrugs

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