Part 3

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Over the next two weeks the two of them fell into a routine of sorts, Bucky started to cook more, and do other things to help around the house. As well James started to relax and open up around Bucky though, she still wouldn't tell him who she was. The one thing that was the same for both of them, was the fact that they were falling in love. For James it was hard since she knew he would eventually have to go back. And for Bucky it scared him that he was falling for someone that he didn't know was his soulmate.

One night they were watching a movie out in the living room, James was curled into Bucky's side and he had an arm around her. Bucky noticed James was playing with her dog-tags more often lately. James noticed that Bucky would stare at her more often as well he kept bringing up soulmates more. Bucky decided that he couldn't take it anymore he had to tell her, even if it meant nothing to her.

"Bianca doll, can I ask you something?" Bucky asks during a commercial break.

"Uh? Oh yeah sure. What is it darling?" James says coming out of her own thoughts and sitting up.

"What is the name on those tags of yours?"


"Bianca please?" he sighs

"I will tell you I promise, but please tell me why you want to know so badly."

"You really want to know why I'm so keen on knowing?"


"Ok fine." He sighs "Because I want to know who is going to take you away from me, if I'm not taken back to my universe."

As James hears this a smile slowly spreads over her face, confusing Bucky.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Because, no one is taking me anywhere and they can't force you to go if you don't want too." She says as she shifts so she's straddling him and he has to look up at her.

"I have to go back, and you will meet him sooner or later." he sighs wrapping his arms around her.

"You don't have to go back, they have and can live without you."

"Bianca-" he starts.

"You know what is funny about guys getting lockets?" she asks pulling his locket from underneath his shirt.

"What?" he asks wondering where she's going with this.

"You never to think to open the locket." She says taking it off him.


"Have you ever opened the locket?"


"Well inside the locket is a picture of them, and the date of when you will meet."

"How do you know this?"

"I knew a few girls with lockets. and lookie here your date has passed"

"I've met her!?"

James just starts laughing at him about how clueless he can be. She would of fell off his lap if it wasn't for him holding her.

"Yes, sweetie on June 1st of this year."

"That was a little more than two and a half weeks ago." He says thinking.

"Yes, and where were you that day?" She asks leaning towards him.

"I-I-No not possible it can't be....."

"Oh one more thing, why are you concerned about me leaving?"

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