A N O T H E R • P A U L // J.A

By _SimplyMegan

6.9K 173 24

Lucy Paul finally finds love after meeting the right people .... Will anything get in her way or will she li... More

chapter 1
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
So sorry :(
im back!
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
New characters!
im so sorry...

Chapter 6

261 6 0
By _SimplyMegan

(Skip to 5 months later)

Lucys p.o.v

Today is  mine and jacks 5 month anaversiry and im so exited i new he wanted the lambo so i've been saving up to get it for him and i hoped he would like it so i texted him to come over

Me: hey noodles come over to logans place i got a suprise for you💕 

He doesnt read the text so i decided to call him he answerd the phome but i can hear a girl moan? I heard jacks voice and i strait away new it was him making out with some girl! I was so mad so i went out on a walk to calm my self when i saw...HIM MAKING OUT WITH A GIRL IM A YELLOW LAMBO i stood infrot of the car crying then ran back to the apartment today was the worst day ever that when i got a message from the gc

Corbyn: lucy you and lily should come round

Daniel: ye it would be so much fun!

Lily: im coming! Lucy should i  come pick you up?

Lucy: no...i dont feel like going anywere...

Jonah: whats wrong lucy come on you can trust us...

Zach: guys were's jack?

Lucy: i dont want to talk right now ok!

I left the gc and cryed on my bed all day when i heard a knock on the door...

Lilys p.o.v 

I new something was wrong with lucy so me and the guys went over to her apartment i knocked and she answerd her eyes were all red and puffy and 

her hair was a mess i pulled her into a hug and so did the guys "whats wrong lulu" i said "j-jack" lucys said turning her head away

Lucys p.o.v 

When lily asked what was wrong all i said was "j-jack" "WHAT DID HE DO!" Shouted jonah, he was like another big brother to me he always has " i dont want to talk about it... but were is he?" I said "we dont know but you need to tell us what he did" corbyn said i explaind what happend with the call and the text and i was so sad and angry i whole stream of tears came down my face

"Am i not good enough?" I said still crying "no your my best friend and your so amzing your beatiful and funny dont let him take you down" zach said pulling me into a hug 

I smiled at them and said "what am i going to do? I still love him..." "we need to confrot him" daniel said

Jacks p.o.v

I just got this new yellow lamobo for lucy i hoped that she would like it so i drove it near her house i took the roof down when a girl i reconized came up to me that when i new it was "RUBY!" i shouted i got out the car and ran to give her a massive hug she hugged back but then said "JACK! I missed you and i thought about what you said when we brock up 6 months ago and i still love you!" "Ruby i..uh..i have a girlfriend" i said as she pushed me in the back seat of the car and got on top of me " WHAT THE HELL RUBY!" "Nobody gotta know baby" she said as she started to kiss me thats when i saw lucy standing infrot of the car crying then running of " WHAT THE HELL RUBY WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!" I said pushing her of me " i know you still love me" she said looking me in the eye i pushed her out the car and drove to my house to get advise from the boys but when i got there they wernt there i called daniel and he said "met us at starbucks" and before i said anything he put the phone down

Lucys p.o.v

Daniel said we were going to confront jack at starbucks so i went to my room and got ready and when i came out we all walked to starbucks and when we got there i saw jack and he ran over to me and said "please let me explain lucy please" "fine.." i said lily and the guys went out as jack told me what happend "so you didnt cheat on me..." i said looking at the floor "of corse not i love you and only you princess" he said lifting up my chin and kissing me amd let me tell you i felt fireworks it was amazing...


Did ya like it? What will happen to ruby?and what will jack suprise lucy with in the next chapter?!


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