Rewrite: A One Direction AU L...

By MissFictionFairy

230 6 4

Its been said that each person has one guardian angel watching over them while they are here on Earth. This i... More

Rewrite: A One Direction AU Love Story
Chapter 1: Exposition
Chapter 2: Transitions
Chapter 3: Hook

Chapter 4: Ambuguity

24 1 0
By MissFictionFairy

“You’re saying the gods don’t have free will.”

“The power to make mistakes,” Penny said. “Only we have that. Mortals.”

(Lev Grossman, The Magician King)

“Steeped in witchlore!” Holly chuckled to Edie as they sat in her sister’s car. “Get it? Steeped instead of stepped. Cause he stepped in the puddle."

“I get it. I get it,” Edie groaned as she searched her purse for her apartment key. “You are hilarious.”

“You really suck at pretending to find me funny.”

“Yeah. Well, your jokes suck.” Holly looked over at her younger sister who was rummaging in her purse.

“Where the hell are my damn keys?!?” Holly could tell that Edie was on edge lately. She snapped at people more and was much quieter than normal. One thing Holly knew for sure was that a quiet Edie was a bad thing.

“Edie, what’s wrong? And don’t you dare say my sense of humor because it is awesome, and you know it.” Edie flashed a soft smile at her sister. She was always able to tell when something was wrong. Holly was more in tune with people’s emotions. It had helped when they were kids. Edie would spout her mouth off about something and Holly would pull her back in before she offended someone. “Is it work again?”

“It’s just not the same,” Edie sighed. “I know most people hate routine, but you know how I feel about change. Plus the atmosphere has completely changed. Everyone is just so depressed since—“ Holly knew Edie was still dwelling on the unexpected firing of her director. It had shaken up their workplace unsettling everyone. No one had seen it coming.

“I’m sure it will get better eventually.”

“You don’t even know how badly I want to quit right now. I hate going back into that office each day.”

“Maybe you need an extended vacation.”

“Because that will pay my bills so well,” Edie sarcastically replied.  

“Weren’t you the one who told me you had all that vacation time saved up? Maybe you should take some of it. Get a change of scenery and come back refreshed. The office can survive without you for a little while.”

“I’ll think about it okay?” Edie said climbing out of the car. Her keys jingled from where they hung on her index finger. “I love you Holly.”

“Love you too!” her sister called out as she closed the passenger side door. Edie smiled as she made her way to the front door of her apartment. Despite the fact that they were little more than a year apart in age Holly was fiercely overprotective of Edie. Edie made it into her apartment building smiling wider as she heard her sister finally drive off. Holly always made sure that she made it inside before driving off. Edie marched forward sliding into the elevator and pressing the button for her floor.

She called out to her cat as she opened the front door. She was pretty close to being a crazy cat lady, but it was nice having a companion to come home to. Don’t get her wrong, she would love to come home to a human’s arms, but for now her cat would have to do. She let her purse slip to the floor as she walked inside going straight to the pantry to feed the little furball. She had raised him from the time he was a kitten. After feeding him she snuggled into the couch turning on her computer. She smiled when her Skype indicated a new call. Liam. She clicked on answer.

“Hey Lili!” she called out happily waving at the screen. “I haven’t talked to you in ages!”

“Lili?” an unfamiliar voice snickered. Edie couldn’t place the accent. Irish maybe?

“It’s a nickname. Shut up Niall,” Liam pouted. Edie looked at the screen quickly realizing that Liam was not alone. No, there was a smiling man about their age with blonde tipped hair looking into the computer camera.

“Um—hi?” Edie tried. “I’m Edie. You are?”

“Niall!” the blonde happily replied. “I’m Lili’s flat mate!” Liam glared at him for using the nickname. Niall had been so insistent about him making this call, but he was hogging all of Edie’s attention.

“Ignore him,” Liam said shoving Niall out of the picture. “How have you been?”

“I could be better,” Edie shrugged. “Work kind of sucks.”

“Doesn’t it always?” Liam replied with a slight smile.

“Oh! Have you won over Sophia yet?” Edie asked eager to move to a new topic. Liam’s face fell giving her the answer she was looking for. “Li, don’t give up. I’m sure once she’s not so focused on her career she will be totally engrossed in you. She’s just scared.”

“Why are you lying to him?” Niall asked pulling the computer screen back into his view. “He needs to move on to greener pastures. There are plenty of fish in the sea.”

“Any other pathetic clichés left there Niall?” she groaned. Niall just laughed and Edie smiled. His laugh was…cute. He had a great smile too.


“She likes him,” Melibea said watching carefully. “That can’t be good.”

“You’re reading too much into it Mel,” Hilarion said rubbing her shoulder. “They’re just sharing a joke. Friends do that.” Mel nodded not sure if she could trust Hilarion’s interpretation.

“Do you think we’re making a mistake?” Hil looked down at her watching as her shoulders slumped in defeat. This wasn’t like Mel. She kept trying no matter what happened.

“Guardians don’t make mistakes. We’re putting them on the right path. We just need Liam to invite her to London.” Mel nodded wondering if it would be safe for Harry and Edie’s future to have Edie come to London. Maybe she should have had Harry come to Edie. She could hear Edie’s thoughts, and she didn’t like what was swimming through her mind.


“So Niall, from my talks with Liam I understand you’re Irish?” Niall smiled that breathtaking smile again and nodded yes happily. Liam sulked on the couch as Niall had commandeered his laptop taking over his conversation with one of his best friends. “I like your accent.” Liam rolled his eyes as Edie giggled like some bimbo blonde. Could she be any more obvious?

“I like your accent,” Niall flirted right back. “American girls are so fit.” Liam glanced and saw Edie give a perplexing look at the screen.

“Fit?” Edie asked not understanding the British slang. Liam laughed hard at his friend’s confusion. He had picked up American slang fairly quickly, but Edie never understood British slang. They once had a long argument about whether or not “bloody” made any sense in British slang. Edie didn’t know why they refused to just say “damn” like the rest of the world. It had led into an epic discussion about how Americans are too cocky and think they rule the world even in language.

“It means hot,” Liam said wrenching the computer away from Niall. “But ignore him. Go eat some crisps or something Niall.” Niall’s vibrant smile fell as he stomped out of the room. Liam ignored the guilty feeling in his stomach. Edie was his friend dang it all!

“Well that was mean,” Edie scolded him. “You just pushed him out of the room.”

“I did not! My hands never touched him,” Liam countered holding up his hands for emphasis.

“You know what I meant. He and I were just talking. I don’t need a second protective big brother.” Liam smiled recalling Edie’s brother Davis. It had taken ages for him to warm up to Liam even though Liam had only ever wanted friendship from Edie.

“How is Davis? And the girls?” Edie smiled as she thought of her nieces who she had left only hours before.

“They are awesome. Holly taught them how to high five today. And then I flew them around their playroom.” Her nieces were her world. “Davis and Cate asked me to be their Godmother last week.” Edie blushed. She had been more than flattered that her brother and his wife had asked her out of the many relatives they could choose from. She had asked for time to answer and told them just today that she would take on the role.

“That’s wonderful Edie,” Liam chuckled. “Could you imagine yourself with two youngsters?”

“No, that’s why it took me so long to say yes.” Edie sighed. “I sometimes wish I wasn’t alone, you know?”

“I know the feeling exactly.” Liam watched as Edie merely nodded with a heavy sigh. “But there’s something else. What’s wrong Edie? You can tell me.”

“Just not really feeling work right now. That’s all.”

“Maybe you need a vacation,” Liam joked. “You could visit me and get a change of scenery.” Edie knew he was just joking, but she couldn’t help but recall her sister’s words earlier. Maybe she could use a vacation. A long vacation in London. She had never been.

“Li, could I really stay with you?” she eagerly asked.

“Uh—sure,” Liam replied startled. “You actually want to come visit me?”

“Of course! Besides I have A LOT of vacation saved up,” Edie grinned already planning what to pack in her mind.


“She’s coming!” Mel cheered. “They will finally meet!” Hilarion silently nodded his usual cheer no longer in place. Melibea was too excited to notice. Hil was happy for her to finally see some progress, but something felt off. He was starting to wonder if Kalonice was right. Just because they hadn’t yet experienced any consequences didn’t mean there weren’t any. Was this just the calm before the storm?


“LIAM!” Edie shouted out as she ran across the baggage claim area towards her old friend. She had landed just minutes ago and already felt better getting away from everything.

“EDIE!” Liam cried out goofily running to her and hugging her tight. Edie’s eyes closed happily as she hugged him inhaling the familiar scent of one of her closest friends. The random phone calls and Skype sessions just hadn’t been enough. She was as close to Liam as she was to her own family. This vacation was just what she needed.

“I’m so excited to spend a month here!” Edie giggled as she pulled away. “I have never been abroad before.”

“Finally, you get to see my neck of the woods.” Edie playfully punched his shoulder as she finally noticed the blonde standing behind him.

“Liam, why is your flat mate standing behind us watching me so creepily?” Edie asked. Liam followed her gaze chuckling.

“Niall insisted on coming along to pick you up.” Niall stood back nervously. “He even cleaned the flat for your visit. Come and say hi for real this time Niall!”

“Um—hello,” Niall said shifting from foot to foot unable to control his nerves. “Nice to meet you in person.”

“I agree,” Edie said hugging the nervous boy. “Sorry. I’m a big hugger.”

“No,” Niall blushed beet red which Edie thought was adorable. “It’s fine really. I like hugs.” Especially hugs from a cute girl. He took several deep breaths to calm himself down.

“Holy crap Edie!” Liam teased. “You made Nialler blush. That’s the most emotion I have seen from him in like ever!” Edie slapped Liam’s shoulder in reprimand.

“Stop embarrassing him,” Edie said. She smacked Liam upside the head as well for emphasis. Niall laughed as Edie scolded his flat mate. “Oh Niall you still have that cute laugh!”

“You—you really think so?” Niall stuttered. Could he really have a chance with this girl?

“It’s an adorable laugh. I’m making it my new mission to get you to laugh as much as possible while I’m here.” Edie walked over sliding her arm around Niall’s as she dragged him to the exit. She smiled as she felt a small hiss of attraction slide over her skin. “Get my bags for me Leeyum?”

“I am not here to serve you,” Liam called back.

“Yes you are,” she called back her attention on Niall. Liam grumbled good naturedly as he pulled her heavy suitcases along behind him.


“I don’t get it,” Kalista said leaning over Denny’s shoulder to look. “She’s not very pretty.”

“Yes she is!” Denny practically roared. “The important thing is that Niall thinks she’s pretty.” Kalista looked at him skeptically as she studied her nails. She kept changing the nail color for fun. Kalista loved change and excitement. The Guardian with the deep auburn hair thrived on energy. Denny had never seen a Guardian get as happy as Kalista did when her charges fought.

“So you really think you can get her for Niall?” Kalista asked finally pulling her attention away from her nails. Denny silently wondered if Kalista realized how similar she was to those whose fate she kept an eye on. Zayn and Perrie were just as image conscious and had a sometimes volatile relationship. He didn’t want that for Niall. If it hadn’t been for his stupid mistake Niall would have already had his happy ending with Emily. Emily was the perfect balance of calm and cheer to balance out Niall, but Edie would do in a pinch.

“I’m going to try,” Denny replied. “But you can’t tell Kalonice.” Kalista rolled her eyes but nodded. Denny could already hear Kalonice berating him for doing something so stupid. For breaking the rules. He just couldn’t sit here and watch Niall waste away. He couldn’t be the failure. Melibea might fail due to this meddling, but it was better that way. Everyone expected her to fail. But not him. They had all been shocked when he lost Emily. No one had expected it least of all him. He had just been so sure that he was doing just fine he didn’t see the signs. He hadn’t even bothered to look for them.

“So why exactly am I here?” Kalista asked immediately bored.

“You’re going to help me,” he said softly watching as Niall happily gazed at Edie where he sat next to her in the car. “You’ll be my guarantee that this time I won’t fail.”

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