Chapter 4: Ambuguity

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“You’re saying the gods don’t have free will.”

“The power to make mistakes,” Penny said. “Only we have that. Mortals.”

(Lev Grossman, The Magician King)

“Steeped in witchlore!” Holly chuckled to Edie as they sat in her sister’s car. “Get it? Steeped instead of stepped. Cause he stepped in the puddle."

“I get it. I get it,” Edie groaned as she searched her purse for her apartment key. “You are hilarious.”

“You really suck at pretending to find me funny.”

“Yeah. Well, your jokes suck.” Holly looked over at her younger sister who was rummaging in her purse.

“Where the hell are my damn keys?!?” Holly could tell that Edie was on edge lately. She snapped at people more and was much quieter than normal. One thing Holly knew for sure was that a quiet Edie was a bad thing.

“Edie, what’s wrong? And don’t you dare say my sense of humor because it is awesome, and you know it.” Edie flashed a soft smile at her sister. She was always able to tell when something was wrong. Holly was more in tune with people’s emotions. It had helped when they were kids. Edie would spout her mouth off about something and Holly would pull her back in before she offended someone. “Is it work again?”

“It’s just not the same,” Edie sighed. “I know most people hate routine, but you know how I feel about change. Plus the atmosphere has completely changed. Everyone is just so depressed since—“ Holly knew Edie was still dwelling on the unexpected firing of her director. It had shaken up their workplace unsettling everyone. No one had seen it coming.

“I’m sure it will get better eventually.”

“You don’t even know how badly I want to quit right now. I hate going back into that office each day.”

“Maybe you need an extended vacation.”

“Because that will pay my bills so well,” Edie sarcastically replied.  

“Weren’t you the one who told me you had all that vacation time saved up? Maybe you should take some of it. Get a change of scenery and come back refreshed. The office can survive without you for a little while.”

“I’ll think about it okay?” Edie said climbing out of the car. Her keys jingled from where they hung on her index finger. “I love you Holly.”

“Love you too!” her sister called out as she closed the passenger side door. Edie smiled as she made her way to the front door of her apartment. Despite the fact that they were little more than a year apart in age Holly was fiercely overprotective of Edie. Edie made it into her apartment building smiling wider as she heard her sister finally drive off. Holly always made sure that she made it inside before driving off. Edie marched forward sliding into the elevator and pressing the button for her floor.

She called out to her cat as she opened the front door. She was pretty close to being a crazy cat lady, but it was nice having a companion to come home to. Don’t get her wrong, she would love to come home to a human’s arms, but for now her cat would have to do. She let her purse slip to the floor as she walked inside going straight to the pantry to feed the little furball. She had raised him from the time he was a kitten. After feeding him she snuggled into the couch turning on her computer. She smiled when her Skype indicated a new call. Liam. She clicked on answer.

“Hey Lili!” she called out happily waving at the screen. “I haven’t talked to you in ages!”

“Lili?” an unfamiliar voice snickered. Edie couldn’t place the accent. Irish maybe?

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⏰ Última atualização: May 06, 2014 ⏰

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Rewrite: A One Direction AU Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora