external 2

By tylerperrybxtch

155K 5.4K 511

- improved , but short version of 'cravingz' More

1 | drumstick
2 | nerdy 1
3 | I spy 1
4 | hide & seek
5 | the baby's awake
7 | Nerdy 2
8 | Old Ones
9 | Virgin Mari
AU // stepping upppp
Beard Gang
10 |No, baby 1
11 |No , baby 2
Keith EffEct
12 |2 for 1
13 |2 for 1
This is Late BTW !
14 |Pandora's Box 1
15 |Extension Cord 1
16 |Extension Cord 2
17 |D.A 1
18 |D.A 2
19 |D.A 3
20 |Mussette
21 |Bubbly
23 |Moving
24 |Baby Duties
25 |Jeep Layin
26 |Jeep Layin 2
27 |Back to Reality
28 |Goofing Around
29 |Anymore
30 |Anymore 2
32 | study date
33 | Sugar Plum
34 | Sugar Plum 2
35 | Sickening
36 | Koco
37 | Bed&Breakfast
38 | Bed&Breakfast 2

31 | Anymore 3

2.6K 119 10
By tylerperrybxtch

Throwing her set on for the day, Y/n eyed her burgundy leg romper, throwing her blazer over It. Getting her phone off the charger, she rang her boss's phone. She heard him pick up on the 3rd ring.


"Hey, Larry, can you open up just a little early for me? I have some things to catch up and Angela didn't print my sheets on my days off."

"I guess, Y/n, but hurry your ass up. You lucky you're sexy and a good worker." She chuckled, the two hanging up. Grabbing her keys, Y/n paced to her car, going to work.

She got there seeing Larry's car. Opening the door, she got onto the elevator. Appearing in her office complex, she got her key, unlocking her door.

"Goodmorning." She heard the voice of Larry, turning around. She smiled, giving a friendly hug.

"Goodmorning, but if you'll excuse me, I gotta get some work done." He nodded in understanding, leaving the girl alone.

Keith woke up from bed, Seeing Chelsea wasn't there. Passing his hand over his low fade, he got out of bed, rubbing the tiredness from his eyes. Looking at himself in the mirror, he noticed he was starting to catch eye bags.

"Ugh!" His large fingers passed over his face, grabbing his tooth brush and wash cloth. After grooming himself, he went downstairs to check the mail. Sliding on his house slippers, the young man proceeded to cross the street where his mailbox stood.

Seeing Keith come out his house, Chelsea sat in her car, gripping the steering wheel, pressing her foot on the gas. She sped up to 80 mph, wheels pointing for Keith. Hearing an engine, Keith ran out the way before she could even touch him. He sat on the sidewalk, holding his chest.

"Who the fuck would do th-" His thoughts punched him in the brain with the name of Chelsea. Getting up from the ground, he looked carefully across both sides, going back into his home.

It was now the end of the day, and Y/n was ready to go home. Packing her briefcase, Y/n locked her office, saying goodbye to her workers. Passing to the elevator, a voice called her name.

"Yes, Larry?"

"I've been thinking. I might take you on the trip to Essex with me. You deserve the commission." She nodded, smiling.

"Thanks, Larry, but goodnight." He said the same, her going to the elevators. Pressing the buttons, or led her to the end of the complex. Stepping off the gilr trotted to her car.

Pulling into the subdivision, Y/n's eyebrows furrowed seeing a car in her driveway. Parking her car into the next slot, she got out, tapping on the window. The person was Keith, the person she didn't even want to be bothered with.

"Why are you here, Keith? Get out my yard." He got out, following her to the door.

"Keith, I'm serious. Leave before I call the police, I've had a long ass day an-"

"You don't think I've been through hell myself? Chelsea's crazy ass tried to kill me this morning!" He yelled in her face, letting his anger out.

"First off, calm the fuck down. You wanna really come back to me and discuss your problems and just the other day, you were turned against me. Do you know how I felt?! Huh, Keith?!" She pushed his shoulders, making him stumble back.

Opening her door, she stepped in, closing it. Feeling a foot block it, Keith stepping in also, closing the door.

"Keith, go back home." She pinched the bridges of her nose, shaking her leg.

"I can't go back home! You're my best friend and I can't even talk to you now because you wanted to be a dirty ho with niggas out here! I can't even go back home because a stupid bitch is behind me!" Her head held high, waiting to figure out who she slept with. Letting him finish her sentence, she slapped him, leaving a stinging sensation in his face.

"Oh, so now you wanna slap me? Is that what we doing?" She got out his grip, pushing him back.

"Keith, who have I slept with, huh? Tell me that. Tell me who the fuck I slept with! I've been nothing but loyal to our friendship and I told you every fucking thing about me! You let that Bitch Chelsea come between us, Keith! You betrayed me! After 11 fucking years, you turned against me!" Tears were forming in her eyes as she wiped them.

"Don't cry now, you were the one who sent nudes and slept with different dudes. You even slept with Chelsea's brother." Her eyes widened, taking her heels off. Taking a deep breath in, she calmed herself down, mentally counting to 10.

"I never slept with anyone, ok, Keith? Is that why you're so fucking mad with me? Because that Bitch told you a lie? How long was it gonna be before you saw through her bullshit? She's using you for money!"

"Just say you slept with other men, Y/n."

"Tyree, I never slept with anyone!" She began making her way upstairs. Her eyes began forming tears again. Never in a million years would she expect herself to be in this predicament.

"Don't walk away from me, Y/n!" He grabbed her arm, making her turn around.

"I NEVER SLEPT WITH ANYONE! THE ONLY PERSON I HAD SEX WITH WAS YOU! The only person I sent my body to was....you. I promised you I wouldn't let another man use my body but you, you're supposed to know me better than that, Keith." Looking at her wet eyes, Keith loosened the grip on her wrists, knowing she was telling the truth.

"I'm sorry, Y/n." He envolped her into a tight hug, tears running down her face, his too. Pulling away, Y/n looked into his eyes. The two leaned in, connecting lips. She held onto his strong arms.

"I love you, Y/n. And I'm so sorry."

"I love you too, Tyree, you can stay here as long as you want. Just don't eat my ice cream." He chuckled, Y/n grabbing his arm towards the couch.

Laying down on her back, Keith laid between her thighs, rubbing his scalp. He placed mini kisses on her lower stomach, her falling into a daze. Looking back at TV, Y/n and Keith caught up on reruns of Full House.

I never watched a full episode of Full House since '15😕. Still my shit though

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