There's a Werewolf in the Sch...

By grayson_kayde_r

11.4K 577 140

Harper was a normal girl. That was until her mother decided that they should move to Beacon Hills, Californi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Cast pt. 2
Chapter 9
Chapter 8 1/2

Chapter 8

368 24 3
By grayson_kayde_r

Harper's P.O.V

"A-Aster? What are you doing all the way out here?" I ask, my face tinted pink. "Um, I was about to ask you the same thing." He says, his face turning color as well. Oh crap. What if he finds out about me. Or everyone else for that matter. "Well this is how I get home everyday." I lie...well half lie. I do go home this way sometimes when I want to avoid attention. 

Especially from Clair Schott. Ever since I got here, I've been her "target". She hates my guts and I have no clue why. I never did anything to her. She was assigned to show me around and we became really good friends but one day she just stopped talking to me and has been mean to me ever since. 

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Aster  shuffling his feet. "Well since you're already here, do you wanna come to my house to work on the project? It's not very far from here." He asks, a hopeful look on his face. "Um, sure. I just gotta tell my mom first." I say, taking out my phone. He nods and smiles. 



me: hey mom can i go over to Aster's house for a bit. we have to work on a project.

mom: Aster who? and only for a bit.

me: Aster Fox. thx mom ur the best. luv u

mom: Okay, love you too honey. no later then 530 got it?

me: ok bye mom. see u then


I turn back to Aster and smile. "She said I could but no later then 5:30." I say and he smiles. "Ok. Let's go." I start walking with him but stop. 

"Wait, what about the fox?" I ask, looking back as if the fox was still there. He sighs and says, "Girls and their animals." He laughs and I playfully hit his arm. "Well it's not our fault that we care about nature more than boys." I smile and he laughs. I hope I wasn't making a mistake.

---le time skip to his house---

We finally arrive at his house after a while of walking. A little girl opens the door, smiling and attaches herself to his leg. "Well hello to you too, Adeline." He says, making her smile even wider. "Is this your girlfriend?" She asks, pointing at me. Before anyone could speak we heard a voice yell from inside. "Adeline, let Aster in!" 

She frowns and lets go of his leg. We walk in and my mouth almost drops. This place was almost empty...from what I could see.  There are two other girls sitting  on the floor and a baby in one of their arms. 

"Harper, this is Paige and Sage. They're twins and older than me by 8 years.(Aster is 16) Adeline is 5 and Hunter is 6 months. They're Paige's kids." He explains. I hope I can remember all that. 

I look around confused. "Where are your parents?" I ask, making Aster cringe. I immediately regret asking. The girl holding the baby, Paige, answers for him. "They left a long time ago. Sage and I have been taking care of Aster since  we were 16. They left because I didn't tell them about Adeline and another reason we don't need to get into." 

Aster looks like he's holding back tears. I feel really bad now. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you guys." I say, frowning. 

Sage looks up. "Aster, go wash your face. You have a guest." She says and Aster disappears into the hallway. Paige gets up and follows him, setting Hunter in Sage's arms. 

"I really didn't mean to make him feel bad. Honestly I didn't." I apologize again. "You're alright. He just thinks it was his fault they left." She replies. "Was it?" I ask, still standing. She hesitates before answering. "No. He was 12 at the time. He was going through a rough time. He still is." 

Adeline, who I didn't know was still in here, comes up to me and puts her arms up. I knew what she wanted but before I could pick her up, Sage scolded her. "You know better than that." She says and Adeline frowns. "It's ok." I say, pulling her up and resting her on my hip. Parents or not, I'd say Aster  had a pretty good family. 

Aster's P.O.V

When I got out of sight of Harper, I sprinted down the hall into the bathroom. I fell against the door and started crying. Quickly after I hear a knock. "Aster...?" I hear from outside the door. 

It was Paige. She was always the softer and kinder of the both of them. Sage was very serious and wanted to make me into a smart, respectable man. Which who doesn't but sometimes I just need my sister, not a mom.

I wipe my tears away with the hand towel and open the door. "Oh, Aster. I'm so sorry. It's not your fault, it's theirs." She says, giving me a hug. She lets her arms drop after a few seconds then resumes talking. "They couldn't accept you, any of us, but you have friends just like you. You have us... and you have Harper. She's one of us, Jax. Don't mention it yet but trust me. She's a supernatural. Just...come out when you are ready." She says, leaving me alone. 

I love it when she does that. Most kids hate when someone uses their middle name but I think mine is cute. Jax. I have no clue why that's my middle name. My parents had no reason for it other than they liked it. Paige refused to call me that in public or when someone was around but whenever I was really excited or sad she would always call me Jax.

I look up into the mirror, watching my eyes slowly turn a bright green and my ears change color and form as well. "Damn it!" I yell, hitting the mirror causing it to shatter. I look at my hand, blood starting to appear in the cuts. "Aster?" I hear from outside the door. It was probably Paige again. "I'm sorry, Paige. I lost it. Please, don't come in. You might get hurt." I say, carefully cleaning up the glass scattered across the room. The door opens and I hear a gasp. "Paige, I'll clean it up in..." I look up before I finish my sentence. It wasn't Paige. It was Harper.


srry abt not updating sooner. ive been busy with my life and school so yea. hope ya liked it


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