Live by the sword (A look at...

By JoelPhillip

932 56 14

A look at the social and political landscape of Trinidad & Tobago through the eyes of a young citizen grow... More

The alpha of 27th july 1990
Changing of the Guardians
A Divided Family
The Saviour walks among us
Know Thy Worth
Tough Times Ahead
When Will It End
Oppression Is Worst Than Slaughter
Wise Eyes
Fight till Opression is No More
In the Heat of the Battle
What Next
Negotiations Afoot
The Mission is Over
Rebuilding A Naion
Trial of the Century
The Aftermath
Moving Forward
The Journeny Now Start
The Direction of theWind has Changed
Scratch My Back I'll Scratch Yours
Let Your Light Shine
They Will Never Stop
The Road To Success
Bonus Chapter

Blue Skies Ahead

27 2 0
By JoelPhillip

By Monday 30th July 1990, the two remaining Members of Cabinet, who was on vacation overseas Mr Bhoe Tewarie the Minister of Industry, Enterprise and Tourism and Mr Brinsley Samaroo Minister of Food Production came back and joined their colleagues at Camp Ogden.

While the Cabinet was convened at the infantry battalion in Long Circular.

The battalion members was at the t.t.t fighting the insurgents.

The Imam once said, that while in the annex of the building with some of the brothers, a voice as he described his premonition, told him to take his men out of the room immediately.

He did not hesitate, just acted as he was told, and as the last man left the room and closed the door.

A rocket launched by the army came through the window and exploded causing injury to the last brother who closed the door behind him.

Automatically starting a fire inside the annex that gutted it.

Eventually an agreement was reached by all the parties involved.

The first part was an amnesty which stated that all Jamaat members involved in the insurrection would not be prosecuted and would be freed of treason. Also that they would be able to return to their Headquarter with out harassment.

The second part was that the sitting Prime Minister, Mr A.N.R Robinson would resign with immediate effect.

The immediate installation of Mr Winston Dookeran, as Prime Minister was also added to the second part. Mr Dookeran seemed to be a favourite.

Then the third part of agreement that was forged, was that General Elections was to be held in no more than 90 days.

It was only when this agreement was reached, that the Prime Minister was allowed to speak with local and international media, appealing to them to honour the agreement that was worked out. So that the hostages could be freed.

After all this, Mr Selwyn Richardson the Minister of Justice and others who drafted the amnesty/agreement, decided that they would make a falsified copy that the insurgents would be given to sign.

How stupid they were, for even thinking that they would get away with there plan. Even after the appeal from Mr Robinson.

There is a long standing joke in the Jamaat, that when the amnesty was brought to be signed, Housing Minister John Humprey shouted to the brothers " allyuh make sure is not a fake eh", "they go try to trick allyuh".

So finally the original document was signed, and on Tuesday 31st July at 12 noon Mr Robinson was brought out of the Red House, where he met by soldiers who hurriedly took him away to St Clair Medical Centre where he was warded in a stable condition.

Yes people, the Prime Minister was finally freed, blue skies ahead.

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