Unexpected (Tokyo Ghoul Touke...

By random_guy_22

100K 1.5K 564

A white-haired man come to Anteiku late at night. He has no family, no friends, no memories, no nothing. Kiri... More

Author's Note
Chapter 2 : Training
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 [Lemon Special]
Chapter 18

Chapter 1 : Who Is He?

9.5K 138 33
By random_guy_22


Touka's POV

As the last customer leave, I picked up the cups and put it in the sink.

"It's getting late, let's end for the day.", Yoshimura said as he looked at the clock.

"Okay.", I said as I went out to bring in the sign.

"So Touka-chan, which university you wish to enter?", he asked.

"I have my eyes on Kamii University. I hope.", I replied.

"Oh that prestige university huh? Well you have to study hard to enter it."

"I know....", I sighed.

I continued to wipe the table and put away all the chair onto the table.

Suddenly the yellow bell on the door rang, the door opened and I can see a silhouette of a person standing outside.

"Oh I'm sorry we are......"

He then came into the cafe, he has white hair and his face is facing down. Later he put up his head and I'm surprised that he only have his left eyes with kakugan while the other remains normal.

He cracked his finger. Later that four tentacle like kagune come out from his back. I immediately spring into action by turn on my kakugan and bring out my kagune.

"Wait....", Yoshimura said.

"WHAT! HE'S DANGEROUS!", I yelled.

We have a kind of Mexican standoff in the cafe. We kept staring at each other. No one is going to make a move.

He immediately charged at me but before he can do it, he dropped to the ground, unconscious. His eyes turned back to normal and his kagune vanished.

"Well...that's easy.", I smirked and bring in my kagune.

"Bring him to the guest room.", Yoshimura said.

"WHY!", I declined.

"It's our responsibility to take care of fellow ghoul right, Touka-chan?", he replied.

"But he's not a.....Fine!", I brought that guy up and took him to the guest room inside the cafe.

"Damn you're heavy...", I mumbled.

I threw him to the couch, grabbed the blanket that Yoshimura gave to me and covered him.

"God damnit! You smell terrible.", I said in my mind.

"How's him?", Yoshimura asked.

"Still unconscious, by the way he smells terrible!"

"*laugh* Remember to tell him to bath when he wakes up. Bye Touka-chan.", he said as he leave Anteiku.

I locked the door and turned off the lights before I went to my room upstairs.

"Why I care about him?", I sighed when I walked past the guest room.

I entered my room, filled the tub with warm water. I undressed myself and slipped my feet into the water.

"Ahh~it's so relaxing...", I mumbled. I dried my hair with a towel after the shower. I found some casual clothes to wear and went to my desk.

I took my homework out, put my headphone on and started doing it.

"Errghh...It's gonna be a long night."

--An hour later--

"Finally! God I hate homeworks.", I mumbled.

I turned my body and jumped towards the bed.

"Today is a weird day. That guy, something's not right about him.", I mumbled before I went into my dreams.

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