
By fearlessly13

218 4 1

FEARLESS is having the courage to fall even though you know you can ger hurt More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8

chapter 9

22 1 0
By fearlessly13


unafortunately i did woke up. and it was still monday.

great...things got better....no.

i arrived earlier as usual and  sat on the same exact place. i didnt know how should i react when Drew arrived. should i pretend anything had happened? should i ask him about it?

anyway i didnt have to because drew didnt arrived early. and i was pretty sure it wasnt a coincidence...

after some minutes i saw him walking through the gates of the school. i looked at him but he didnt even looked back, although we both knew he knew i was there.

i felt embarassed and decided i had had enough. i oppened the doors of the building and entered before the bell had rang. tears started rolling down my face.

a man, probably a teacher, said something rudely to me but i wasnt even able to listen to him. i walked as fast as i could and got into the girls bathroom.

i looked at my reflect on the mirror

i had my face completely red and my eyes were still wet. but the worst thing wasnt that.

the worst thing was the rest of myself.

i remember i used to feel pretty.

i used to feel loved.

i used to feel i was worth it.

but somehow i end up realizing i was lying to myself.

i havent ever told anyone about this because i didnt want anyone to feel guilty or the need to help me. i had never done anything to myself and i had promised me i would never do it.

only looking at the mirror felt like burning inside. i tuned arround and oppened one of the baths, the biggest one for wheelchairs, although i hadnt seen anyone using a wheelchair over here.

"hey could you please wait?" when i opened i saw a girl, sitting oh the bathtub with his feet on the metal bar there was on the right side of her. " its occupied cant you see?"

she was smoking some kind of...well i didnt know much about that so i decided no to guess. she had a beautiful dark blue hair and was dressed in a completely back palet colors.

even though her strange look, she actually dressed up preetty well.

"oh im so sorry, i didnt know there was anyone here" i said as i closed the door.

" bah never mind, i was tired of beign alone! no one ever comes to this bathroom didnt you know?" she stood up and threw whatever she was smoking to the bathtub. " its too far from the rest of the classes and its too small for the cute popular girls to use it"

she looked at my face.

" em...are you allright?" she asked as we both got in front of the mirrors.

" yeah yeah, perfectly find, never mind" i got some water and refreshed my face. i smiled at the blue-haired girl.

" im Kenna" she said as she smiled back

" im charlotte. so...you've got a reallly cool color hair!"

" oh thanks! its the first time i have blue hair! ive allteady tried brown, reddish and orange which was awful!"

i was astonished wow.

"so...do you really feal okay..?" she asked me with care.

"actually not...but does doesnt mind."

" well im sure it does and im 90% sure its about a boy you will have to face in the next class, am i wrong?"

she wasnt. my whole classes from today were with drew, but for the two lasts ones. i had really good luck.

"so i have your solution" she said as she got her dark purse on her harm."lets not go to class today. you dont have any exams no?"

"i do not but..."

" so this is arranged, you cant say no!"

"well but homework...and class notes?"

" you can ask for them later to someone of your class"

"em... i actually talk to nobody from my class..."

" oh dont worry then, i will get you your homework and classnotes! im sure i know half of your class!"

well....i didnt have anything to loose and i wasnt in the mood to have any classes.

i agreed and before the bell rang and someone noticed of our absesenced we got out. as i walked past the entrance gate i saw drew.

" listen" kenna wishpered to me "dont look at that boy. keep your head high and smile, better if you fake a big laugh"

i started laughing and it actually sounded real. i noticed him looking at me and i did as kenna said. kept my head high and kept walking


im sorry for the late update guys! thak you so much for reading! please comment what you thing it would mean the world to me! im really thankful to you for reading omg!

i love you!!xoxoxo- @5sweetswift13

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