Sebastian Michaelis x reader

By vgracie

59.8K 1.8K 439

A sebastian love story............maybe....... What happens when the suave, handsome, coldheart... More

Sebastian Michaelis x reader
Authors note.
Who am I?
Will you stay?
The Past pt. 1
The Past pt. 2
The Past pt. 3
The Past pt. 4
Where have i been?
The Past pt. 5
The Start (T.P. pt 6)
As she falls
As she falls pt2

Im not

471 13 4
By vgracie

Author note:  sorry that I haven't updated in a while. I've been having health issues. And school, family and my laptop have not been helping at all. I'm sorry again for the absence of uploads.


It had been eight months since ___ or Sebastian had been outside the mysterious manor although now both demons had gotten into a routine. In spite of the bleak outlook of being like birds in a gilded cage their bond grew ever closer still. Sebastian still had the set goal of returning to his master but did not mind a little leisure time he had as of late. There was no imbecile servants, prideful master to fuss over or guest to tend at every waking minute only to do it all again the next day.  Instead he was required to do the minimum here and at his own pace to boot along with some other perks that he didn't mind being added to the mix. The same held true for ____ who now was in the presence of company who did not sneer at her every move. Sebastian even helped her control her powers by sparring with her well into the afternoon. She would then show her appreciation well into the 'night'. This happy way of coexisting would soon change as a number of figures began to move about under the cover of night.

"Are you sure you wish to proceed?" a hooded figure in the group ask " Would it not be better to confine them there forever?- it would be less trouble for everyone"

" Do not mock my wishes" a person answered back " It is time that ___ and that demon butler pay for their crimes"

"As you wish Lady Lucy"

The group of vampires began to crowd around a pre drawn chalk circle a few feet from the manor and began to chant.

" Oh great dark spirit, may you grant us your power to undo the seal that has been set upon the nest! Please allow this so that we may teach those who have transgressed and strayed from enlightened path you have set for all demons!

The circle with ancient inscribing soon began to lift from the ground and slowly began to hover over the manor in a clockwise motion. The once unsettling gray sky were now covered in black inky clouds and high powered winds began to tear apart threw the land. Demon plant life ripped from the ground and flung else where while those in the crowd became worried. In all of their demon hood no one had dared to call on the powers of the great spirit and lived to tell of it. Those who had tried were met with a fate worse than death, something that they all wished not to experience. A loud bang filled the air as the enchantment became undone and the atmosphere settled. While relieved that their lives had been spared a new fear spread across the clan as they eyed one another. The spell on the manor was now forever broken due to the lust for revenge, so just how far would this feeling go on in the clan leader's wishes.

" Now, let the games begin ___" Lucy muttered as the vampire clan vanished to their own territory, failing to notice that one had stayed behind

" If there's a time to do anything, it's now" the figure muttered before scaling down the rocky cliff that was beside the manor.

    Sebastian had been cleaning yet another one of the rooms when he felt a strong presence outside the manor that even made him cower for a brief moment. Despite this strong opposition to defend himself he had instead  chosen to ignore it until it subsided in order to not rouse suspicion and investigate. He would wait till the nightfall in case if trouble should happen he could fight in the cover of darkness. Although it was sunset now, he did not want to risk his own life as well was _____ who was currently curled up in a nearby bed. He had become quite fond of the young demon during their time here but  knew that at some point they needed to separate due to his own obligations. ______had been, quite useful to him and in many ways. But this pawn's novelty had run its course and there was no more track for her left.
    Night soon fell and Sebastian started his nightly routine with _____ and waited for her to fall into a deep sleep. Once deemed safe, Sebastian went deeper into into the manor hoping to find some sort of clue. He found his way back into the room where he and ___ had first fallen through although there was something different about it. Instead of the hole being covered by a magical seal that he had grown accustomed to, now the distorted night sky of the demon world took its place. Sebastian looked at it in bewilderment at first, thinking it was the trick of the eyes or the lighting of the room. To test this hypothesis he threw a knife at the opening, expecting it to fly back down to him and crash onto the floor as he had tested with ____ many times before. Instead, it flew with ease and landed with a dull clunk into the outside world.

" How in the world?" Sebastian thought " Of all the times, why did it decide to undone itself now? Could it have something to do with today's phenomenon?"

Well it matter not how it happened; Sebastian knew it meant only one thing, He and ___ were finally free of this place and could leave. He briskly walked down to the room to where to she was staying to tell her the news but stopped halfway through. Once delivering the news, where would they go from here? Would he take her back with him? No he couldn't, the master would be most upset and would think he left all this time to have a fling with a women. Sebastian could already imagine the show Ciel would put on, accusation after accusation before reminding him of the promises that bound him to the contract. He was not about to jeopardize all the time he invested thus far  into getting Ceils soul for himself. ___ would be fine on her own, her powers had increased immensely during their time here, she could fend off herself.  It was now time to cut off this leechy pawn and begin to follow the trail back to his mission.  It would be better for him this way, he could go back to his master as if nothing happened while ___ could explore the world at her own uninhibited pace. He felt a small in his body at the thought of leaving her, but paid no mind to it as he robotically wrote a note to her.

Taking one last look at her, Sebastian gathered his belongings " A contract is a contract. You will understand someday, little kitten." he thought as he vanished into the night sky.

     What Sebastian had failed to realize in his hasty exit  was that ____ was still awake, eagerly waiting for him to come and crawl back to bed with her.

" Perhaps today we can do something romantic like in those human novel. I hope he will agree to it i've been good today." ____ thought as she wrung her hands through the blankets.

     Sensing his presence ____ waited but was puzzled as she felt Sebastian's energy fade deeper into the manor. ____ had tried to stay up and wait for the demon butler but her efforts were fruitless as she dozed off, drained from the sparring session earlier.
Time passed yet Sebastian never came back into the room that night much to the dismay of ____.  Wanting to search for him ____ slowly got up from the pool of sheets that encased her body. With cautious eyes she scanned the room and found a scarlet colored letter on the vanity adjacent from her. Thinking it was a new form of 'punishment'  _____ opened it quickly but was shocked from what was in it.

Dearest ______,

By the time you have read this I will have returned to where I belong and away from this blasted manor. I can't say that I enjoyed my time here. You were a dear, yes but my talents have better use else where rather than here. The only good that came out of this was my 'nights' with you. It was rather refreshing to no longer being 'lonely' on the nights when lust arises heavily. Or to have a partner that was as submissive as a doll, but I digress. Do have a pleasant existence in this bleak isolated manor, from my understanding you're quite use to this. Do not follow me or I will be forced to take drastic measures.


Shaking ___ dropped the letter. Left. left. Sebastian had left. The words rung in her head over and over like a chant.

You'll be all alone again

With no one to care

Just like in the clan

Frighten by the prospect of being alone once more, _____ stood up rather quickly in hopes to catch up with Sebastian. But just as quickly as she stood up she sat back down on to the bed.  A powerful wave of nausea coupled with dizziness overcame her body. The young demons vision filling with bright spots and she tried to gain her bearings.  It had been a while since ___  had an episode but quickly brushed it off as the prospect of finding and apologizing to her fellow demon filled her body with determination. Using the bedpost as a support the female demon  steadily rose again to search the mansion in order to  find some answers. She walked cautiously around the mansion but the more she looked the more desperate she became as she found no trace of Mr. Sebastian. Soon _____ had ended up in the room that she had fallen in with Sebastian, the daylight of the demon world in plain view.

" Does that mean!?" ___ thought as she threw a piece of rubble at the hole, landing on the outside and not at her feet. This was bittersweet for the demoness as she was finally free of this place but left it alone. She had hoped that, just maybe, Sebastian and her would leave this place hand in hand and continue their life together as it was in the manor. But rather than fall into a pit of despair ____ used this as yet another excuse to track the older demon down.

Remembering the skills that the demon butler had taught her over the months ____ used a piece of the rubble to jump off of and into the demon world. As ___ landed gently on the turf below her she sensed a presence and quickly jumped into fighting position.  With a dagger in one hand and fire in another ___ quietly awaited for the figure that was slowly approaching from the East. Although it had a comforting aura to her, the feeling of danger was still imminent given the situation. The figure made no movements to protect themselves just merely walking side to side nonchalantly despite ____ being armed. Not wanting to be attacked first ____ threw the dagger, declaring battle on the other person. The weapon sliced their covered face and revealed Riley, Ex leader of the clan that ___ despised to the core.

" Riley! What in the world are you- "

" It's been far too long my daughter" Riley exclaimed pulling her into a hug " I was afraid that I would never see you again.

___ pushed him away " ...Oh so you wish to see me now. Greetings 'Father' how have you been i've been well. Let us brush aside and invalidate you, ignoring me for practically my whole life and allowing the "clan" to treat me they way they did. As you my "father" did nothing but grovel and submit to the novelty of the time."

Riley sighed before slumping down his arms in defeat " ....I will admit I wasn't a great father for most of your life, but I hope to be by the time you deliver, for you and my grandchildren."

" grandchildren?' ___ scoffed 'let's not get to ahead of ourselves here" ___ screamed " I'm not- what do you mean!"

" Do you not sense it? Granted you're not that far along but I would think that you would have sensed a change in your powers"

"Like I've told you I have no idea what you're talking about! I'm not- I'm not pregnant!" ___ retorted and began to walk away

"Don't be that way ____ I know-"

"You know what? My name? How very smart of you father to actually remember the name of your child!"

"No! I've always known your name, it's just-"

"It's just what? Hard for you? Has it been hard for you father? From what I see it has been rather easy for you. Abandoning your child treating her like trash, belittling her and behaving horribly. Then going off and mating with the women who caused me so much pain over the years!  What could be so hard for you to say now after all this time? Huh, what is it!"

"Will you listen to me!, Riley harshly grabbed onto  _____ upper arms 'It hasn't been easy for me since your mother died that night. Yes i've blamed you for being born, i've blamed your mother for choosing you over us! But, that's no excuse for what I did, your mother wanted you to live and be happy I-I should have remembered what she wanted... and done as she wished she would have done. P-please listen you must calm down for the sake of that child in your womb!"

"Let me go. I have no idea what it is that you're talking about."

Riley sighed releasing his hold just a bit. "You've mated-

"And how exactly would you know that? You've never paid so much as a glance at me."

"I know- I know because I can smell that lilac scent wafting from your body. J-just just like your mother... when I close my eyes I can see a small speck of light from your abdomen. It's so hard to see and sense unless you know what to look for in the early stages. And  that man's scent still lingers on you." at that moment Riley's eyes shot open in panic "I can still smell his scent so clearly on you! Why? You shouldn't be mating with anyone! No one! There is life and...and..."

"Mated? You mean.... Wait h-how do you know that? I'm not I'm not."

"You're not, how can you not know that.... Riley took a look at ______ and paled remembering the past hundreds years, realizing the one thing he should have consulted with his daughter the very least. And the vast numerous topic that she should have known.

'L-let me explain, when a male demon mates with a partner they leave a form of a mark or marks on their partner. This wards other demons off as well as acts as a reminder that, that demon is a candidate to be the other's potential mate. If the dominate demon chooses so they will mark their partner as their mate wherever they choose. It similar to when a strong demon forms a contract with a human for their soul.' Riley paused before continuing ignoring ___'s face clouded with disgust.

'Normally it is quite hard for a demon to conceive especially demons like ourselves not to mention dangerous... But fertility is tremendously high when a demon is in heat. Not only that but it is often said and observed that high quality demons can accelerate a lower tier demons heat cycle. In any case it is dangerous for our kind to be walking around in the very early to the full term pregnancy. As you know... well will now know demons of our clan will experience a phenomena where we turn into humans. Many if not all demons know this and a such females fall prey to other demons and their offspring are killed as they start to exhibit a sweet alluring aroma that can cause excitement on other demons. Thus causing the fetus to perish. But what is not known is that a female demon will exhibit a great change of strength from the moment of fertilization then as soon as as the the first month ends the mother will begin the rather painful transformation into a human."

" But if that happens then how will I-

____ words were cut off as another presence approached them, one that she knew all too well growing up.

" Oh gods, it's Lucy"

As ___ was frozen in sudden fear Riley quickly sprung into action in an effort to keep his daughter hidden. Using his speed ability the father quickly pushed his abilities  transported his daughter to an outer part of the area that seemed to be discolored.

" What is this place?"

" This is where the demon and human world meet" Riley explained " This is how demons and other creatures are able to move freely about the realms with no problem"

"Where will this lead to?"

"Someplace far away from her- here, away from here. Go now do not look back do you hear me do not look back. And never come back here, under any reason."

Puzzled by Riley's words ____ glanced at her father.

"I can't leave there is someone that I must go look for."

Pausing Riley thought about how to word his next words without sounding cruel. " _____.... It's no use looking for him. He's left, he left you behind. You, you didn't mean a thing to him. The only thing that you meant to him was as toy. A toy to use as he pleased until he was satisfied."

"You don't know that!" ____ yelled accusingly

"I do know, it the same way that Lucy treats her partners... ____ other demons... outsiders who are not... who were not born as Zeltzin clan members... who weren't born like us, can never be like us. They they are manipulators, their strong, they crush the weak and use them as  they wish, but above all they don't feel, they can't feel. Demons like us can bond and care for our own as if we were proxy humans, we can feel. That is why we are weak, we cannot let go of it and why others look down on us and wish to play with us. Surely you must know deep down that i'm right on this. Go child go know and stop those dark tears..... Do not waste them on the likes of him or even me, you must be strong for that child you carry. Trust no one only the weak like you."

'Tears?' ____ question and touched her face. Surprisingly there were indeed tears. Her 'father's'  voice rung in her head loudly and she knew exactly what he was talking about. There were time when, looking back Mr. Sebastian would treat her like that, and it hurt? It hurt to realize what he could have thought of her as. It burned a bitter hole in her stomach and sparked a small strong spark of anger and hatred. Turning away from her father she steadied her feet and began to run as her body caught up with her new found realization and whirlwind of emotions. ____'s father was right about all these "emotions" she felt were because of him. She ended in this state because of him. It was all his doing... his fault. Bitter angry clear tears fell out of her eyes. "IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF HIM! BECAUSE I SAW HIM, TALKED TO HIM, LIVED WITH HIM.......... LOVED HIM!" ____ screamed at nothing and no one in particular.


Riley watched his daughter leave through the barrier safely then turned around to face the oncoming threat.  While his own speed ability is poor compared to that of the clan leader he could still stall her at any cost.  Although he knew the battle would be fruitless as Lucy could control air and Riley had nothing of that sort of power.

" Honestly, I had almost forgotten about you" Lucy said strolling up to him " Since you've been quite dolice over the past hundred years"

" Oh clan leader! What a lovely surprise to be basked in your presence ever since you left our bed all those years ago!" Riley replied sarcastically

" Yes it has been a while you old fool" Lucy retorted as she gracefully sat on a nearby rock " I'm surprised you can remember anything at all"

"  The only thing I can remember about it is how disappointing it was" Riley replied cooly

His response was met with a high powered gust of air that sent him flying into a nearby meadow. As Riley's sense came back to him Lucy made her way down into the valley, laughing uncontrollably. 

" Look how pathetic you are! Knocked over by a mere street rat of Boston! Lucy chuckled " Meekly trying to compose an old and forgotten song into the light of day! No wonder your wife-

Lucy never got to finish as a full blown kick to the mouth sent her flying into a tree. Blood poured out of her mouth as Lucy struggled to regain her composure from the deadly kick. Using the broken tree stump as support the clan leader concluded Riley had broken her jaw, bruising had already begun to form along her right side of her face as well.

" Damn looks like I'll have to get more offensive" Lucy thought as she could feel Riley's deadly aura through the line of trees. Red glowing eyes and a snarl echoing among the tree line as Riley circled around the female who found it difficult to pinpoint the males location.

Lifting up her left hand, Lucy began to move it in a clockwise position in front of her.  The surrounding air soon came under the vampires command, creating a vortex of air in the meadow. Soon everything was sucked up in the makeshift hurricane, Riley's wails of agony echoing among the wind. Now with Lucy growing bored she proceeded to move her hand in the downward position in front of her. The vortex disappeared and all the items contained within it fell forty feet. 

Despite being heavily injured Riley tried to cushion his fall by jumping from object to object as they fell. Seeing this as an opportunity to end the Ex-clan leader Lucy began to form another air creation until she felt something cold invade her. While being preoccupied with her feeling of vengeance Lucy had failed to notice that another had joined into the fray.

" Honestly Riley, I can't always be here to save your ass"

" Nice to see you too popsicle!" Riley called from above

" I knew that there were some troublesome characters in our clan, but I never expected it to be you Gray" Lucy said in disgust " Where's your loyalty?"

" I should be asking you" Gray retorted taking his battle stance " Now Riley and I are going to end your reign."

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