The Wolf

By 0takuHime

261K 11.9K 2.9K

Nico is a broken kid in all aspects. His parents have left him when he was still young, now he is abused by h... More

Ch. 1: The Transfer Student
Ch. 2: The Real Monster
Ch. 3: Nico: Lost and Found
Ch. 4: Breaking Rules and Making Names
Ch. 5: Alex's Determination
Ch. 6: Broken Ribs and a Full Heart
Ch. 7: Nico's return
Ch. 8: Making Plans
Ch. 9: What are Inhibitions Anyway?
Ch. 11: Excitement and Promises
Ch. 12: Full Moon
Ch. 13: Leaving
Ch. 14: A mission
Ch. 15: Kidnapped
Ch. 16: Nico gone AWOL
Ch. 17: A Useless Meeting
Ch. 18: My Circumstances
Ch. 19: So It Begins
Ch. 20: Home Sweet Home
Ch. 21: The Battle
Ch. 22: Nico Wakes Up
Ch. 23: Measures to Change
Ch. 24: Alex's POV
Ch. 25: Fateful Encounters
Ch. 26: The Truth and The Struggle
Ch. 27: Help
Ch. 28: Nico?
Ch. 29: Welcome Home
Ch. 30: Festive Troubles
Ch. 31: Introductions
Ch. 32: Making Plans
Ch. 33: Wolf Meets Druid
Ch. 34: Coming Together
Ch. 35: Peace Between Clans
Ch. 36: It's Always Been You
Ch. 37: Alex's Memories
Ch. 38: The Lowest Place On Earth
Ch. 39: The Forest for Sinner's Souls
Ch. 40: The Monochrome Forest and Its Ghosts
Ch. 41: Let's Go to War
Ch. 42: Nyx's Plan
Ch. 43: Sorry, Nico
Ch. 44: The Fall
Ch. 45: Exile
Part Two
Ch. 46: The Traitor
Ch. 47: Numb
Ch. 48: Lost
Ch. 49: Goodnight, Nico
Ch. 50: Wake up, Nico!
Ch. 51: A Deal With the Devil
Ch. 52: No Rest For The Wicked
Ch. 53: A Sealed Deal
Ch. 54: Nyx's Story
Ch. 55: Taking the Plunge
Ch. 56: Become a Monster
Ch. 57: Killing Innocence
Ch. 58: Martyr
Ch. 59: Another Time
Ch. 60: I Want to Live
Ch. 61: Taking The Plunge, Again
Ch. 62: The Most Deserving
Ch. 63: I Love You Most
Ch 64: Weight Lifted

Ch. 10: Alex's Confusion

6.2K 265 43
By 0takuHime


Driving in the darkness of night, the hum of the heater and Nico's soft breathing are all that I can hear.

I think about what Nico and I just did. I think I was still in shock about it. I just made out with my best friend. My lower half aches with longing and I have to mentally scold myself.

What the hell did I just do? Nico came onto me, and I even told him no.  But when Nico kissed me a spark ignited something deep within me, and I wanted  to kiss him, like I have never wanted to kiss anyone before.

I feel my crotch harden and start to think of something else before it becomes unbearable.

Nico was drunk, really drunk. I mean, look at how he is passed out right now. He said he wanted to drink away his problems, and that I was one of them. When Nico said I was reason enough to drink about, my heart fell; I didn't want to put Nico in such a state, ever. I could only wonder what his other problems were.

I think back on my arrival to the party...


I decide to park my car behind Jake's house; just in case the police came, so I could escape quickly without getting stuck in all the traffic, it happens often at parties this size. I climb the high, brickwall and jump down the other side; it was a piece of cake.

I walk in through the back door and integrate myself to the party. It was already crowded and people were drinking and smoking weed. I wade through the sea of people to get a drink. I get a beer and drink it slowly. I look around at the familiar faces strewn around the room. I join a game of darts, then pool, then someone pulls me onto the dance floor and I dance with a few people. It was pretty enjoyable, except when people kept trying to make a pass at me.

I'm dancing with yet another person when I look over and see familiar black hair. Is that Nico? No way, why would he be at a party? Well, I guess I don't know Nico that well anymore to be surprised about his choices, I think bitterly.

I see the person with black hair, that I can only assume is Nico, dancing with a girl. They are all over each other and it makes me grimace, then they stop dancing and I see the girl kiss Nico. He doesn't reject the kiss, he just accepts it and even kisses back. I look on with surprise.

For some reason my wolf seems restless and whines at the sight. I just convince myself it's because my best friend, or ex-best-friend was making out with a girl he probably doesn't even know.

The girl I was dancing with tugs at my shirt, she tries to pull me in for a kiss, but I pull away. I wasn't about to kiss someone I didn't like. I walk away from her and exit the dance floor.

I look back at where I last saw Nico and see he's disappeared. I run my hands through my hair, I shouldn't approach him, right? He seemed really mad at me yesterday, and at school, all day, he was avoiding me like the plague; even in the class we had together. I just wanted to talk to him and apologize for not noticing it was him earlier.

How could I be stupid enough to not notice? The way he called my name so familiarly, those blue eyes, that raven black hair, and that smirk that tugged on his lips. He had grown a little, not as much as me, but he also looked different. So much more different than the Nico I knew. He looked haggard at moments, his eyes seemed haunted, his clothes hung off of him. His tan was gone, his smile was a rarity, and he was so quiet and jumpy.

I need to help Nico. I have to figure out what happened to him, and I have to make up for lost time.

I'm interrupted from my Nico-infested thoughts when I see Kyle talking to some of the other jocks. "Hey!" I say loudly so that he would be able to hear me over the booming music.

Kyle looks over and a smile grows on his face, "Hey, you made it, man." He pats me on the back, he has a drink in his other hand.

"Hey, is Nico here?" I inquire nonchalantly.

"Yeah, have you seen him?" Kyle's brow scrunches at the mention of Nico.

"Yeah, he was dancing and kissing a girl." I say bitterly with a forced chuckle.

Kyle sputters on his beer, "Nico? With a girl?" I nod my head. "Are you sure we have the right guy?" Alex inquires, looking shocked.

"Yeah, why are you so surprised, he doesn't do this often?" I know I was beating around the bush with this, I just wanted to know what kind of person my friend turned into.

"Like hell that guy gets any action, and especially with a girl; he's gay." Kyle says as if the idea was preposterous, he takes another shaky sip of beer.

"He's gay?" I ask in surprise, I didn't know that.

Kyle's eyes grow wide as if he had just let that slip without meaning to, "Forget that, you didn't hear that from me. Anyway, yeah, he's gay, or at least I thought. Maybe he's bi? Either that or he's hella drunk." At this Kyle finishes his beer.

I wonder just how much Nico has drunk at this point in time, "When did you guys get here?"

Alex looks at his phone screen, "About an hour ago."

I wonder how much he could have drunk since that time. I bite my lip, worried. Nico's a werewolf so he can drink a lot before he gets drunk.

I walk away from Alex after saying I would see him later. He just waves half-assed as a girl comes up to him.

I walk through the party, trying to enjoy myself, but my mind is too preoccupied. I wander through the house looking for him, but I can't find him anywhere. I sigh an annoyed sigh, why was this boy always so damn hard to find? Then and now. I cluck my tongue as I walk through the kitchen towards the back yard. I needed a breather.

It had been at least 20 minutes since I last saw Nico. I thought this as I step out into the refreshing night air. I look around through the dark with my heightened eyes to find a spot to sit. I see someone wave at me.

My heart jumps, Nico. I make my way over to him. On a small table in front of him, beer bottles and red cups litter the surface until you couldn't even see the surface of the table. It was more than 20 glass bottles and more than 10 cups. Dear lord, I hope that all of these containers didn't belong to Nico.

Nico sets down a red cup down on the table, adding to the collection. "Nico?" I ask, uncertain if he would want to see me.

He slurs my name and I could tell that all of those containers were emptied by him. I take a hesitant seat beside him.

We talk for a few minutes. Nico has to keep stopping and rack his brain for the answers to my questions. He seems more friendly and care-free, I think he forgot our little spat after drinking so much. Seeing him in this state was funny, annoying, and worrisome.

After a few topics Nico starts saying weird stuff, I make him troubled and I made him hot. I definitely did not know how to feel. I couldn't place it, I was just uncomfortable with what he was saying. I didn't want to trouble him and I didn't understand what he meant by hot.

What happened next surprised me, Nico crawls the length of the couch and straddles me. I stiffen as his legs wrap around me. I warn Nico, I tell him to stop, let's not do this. He shushes me and says in a small, desperate voice, how much he needs me. I try and pry him off again, but he leans in and kisses me softly on the lips.

Something happened when Nico kissed me. I have no idea what. It was so violent and desperate. A wave of lust, satisfaction, and desperation consumed me. The only thing I knew was that I needed Nico, I needed to kiss him. I have to feel his lips again. I could feel the wolf inside howl and scratch with an excitement I have never felt it do before.

I put my hands in his soft hair and pull his lips against mine. The more we kissed the more I wanted Nico. After a few minutes of being engrossed in making out and when we were about to move on to different things, police sirens wail from a few blocks away. I snapped out of my Nico-induced trance and pulled us together as quick as I could. I still had a hard on as I supported Nico on my back, and it was hard work getting to the car with out kneeling over and stopping. I just know I had to get us away from danger; my wolf howled at me to do so.


Now in the car...

I was driving back home with Nico. I have no idea where he lives and I don't want to text Kyle for the location while I'm driving. A small part of me also didn't want to leave Nico's side for some reason. Half of me was scared that Nico would be mad when he awoke and remembered, if he remembered, what we did. The other half wanted Nico to remember, but even still I was scared of what would happen between us next.

I pull into the parking lot full of cars. I park my car in the Alpha reserved parking, which was close to the house- It wasn't really reserved, it was just known that it was the closest section of the parking lot to the main house. I sit in the quiet of the night for a few seconds longer before I sigh and get out of the car. I go over to Nico's side, picking his unconscious body up bridal style, and close the car door with my foot. I carry Nico's body into the house and I bring him up to my room. I lay Nico down on my bed while I change out of my clothes that smell like alcohol, cigarettes, and weed. I see Nico in his clothes and think he must smell the exact same way.

With shaky fingers, I pull off his clothes until he is in his underwear and I toss them aside. I thank God that it was dark or else I might have attacked him there and now. I wouldn't take advantage of an unconscious person; OK, maybe steal a kiss or two, but that's it. I pull one of my shirts over Nico's small frame and watch it engulf him in its folds. A thought crosses my mind that makes me stop; I just thought that he looked cute. Oh, God, why was I reacting like this to Nico, my best friend who is a guy?

I just shake my head and climb in under the cover. Under the embrace of the warm blankets, was starting to feel the events of the night weigh heavy on my eyelids. I was exhausted. I messed around at some party, made out with Nico, and finally kidnapped Nico and brought him to my home. I hope he isn't going to freak out when he wakes up.

I lay on my side, facing away from Nico, but an urge to wrap my arms around his delicate, small frame consumed me. I put my arms around his waist and pull him closer to me. I already feel more relaxed. I smell his hair that, surprisingly, smells like coconuts and sweet flowers. I snuggle up against him and fall asleep quicker than I have in years.


I wake up at the same time every morning, and this morning was no different. The only thing that was  different this morning was that there was something soft and warm in my arms; more like, someone. At first my heart started pounding, who did I bring home from the party? Was the first thought to dash across my brain. I look down and realize it is Nico sleeping softly in my arms. My face heats up at the idea of what we did last night, embarrassed, I snuggle closer to him.

He turns in my arms until he is hugging me and curls into my arms. My body shudders at the sight of him, he's so adorable. No, stop, pull yourself together. I mentally scold. I reluctantly extract myself from Nico's clutches. I sit on the edge of the bed and look over at the alarm clock situated on my nightstand, 6:00 a.m. I groan at the time, there are about two hours until school starts, and there was no way I could skip it.

I decided I mine-as-well take a shower to wash away the events of last night off my skin. I turn on the hot water and a little cold so it is warm. I don't want to get too comfortable from the warm water. I strip off my boxers, the only thing I was wearing, and hop into the water.

I'm met with a stream of lukewarm water, and decide it wouldn't be so bad to make it hotter. I let the water course over my head and cascade down my body. I think of all the events last night, the event with Nico pops into my mind making my lower half twitch in answer. Did I regret kissing Nico? It was too soon to tell. All I know is I felt guilty kissing him while he was drunk, and I was, sort of, uncomfortable that it was with a guy. My whole life I believed I was straight and now here I am desiring  to get into Nico's pants. It was just hard to handle at the moment.

My wolf, however, seemed quite content with it. It didn't phase him at all, if anything, he seemed in a better mood than he has been in ages. Could this mean Nico was my mate? Or something like that... I shook my head, there was no way, right? I mean, two guys? I've never heard of it before. I would have to ask mom if that was possible. Speaking of mom, I roll my eyes, I have to let her know Nico is here and etc. She's probably going to be pissed that I didn't call.

I turn off the tap water and step out to dry myself off. I realize I forgot to bring clothes into the bathroom with me, so I wrap a towel around my waist and walk back into my room. I open my bathroom door and step into my huge bedroom. Nico sleeps peacefully in the covers. I go to my closet and pick out an outfit for school. I quickly get dressed and brush my hair before heading downstairs to meet my mother's wrath.

I step into the kitchen to see my mom cooking breakfast. I stop at the entrance to the kitchen. She looks over at me from her place by the stove.

"Oh, I see you made it home safely." She says in a way-too-calm voice.

"Ah, yeah, look, mom, I'm sorry I didn't call." I start to approach her warily.

"Dammit, Alex! You had one job, I know you are an Alpha, but that doesn't mean that you can get away with not doing what you're told by your superiors." Mom scolds.

"I know, I know. Just... a lot happened last night." I say lamely. I look up to see my mom's eyes flash golden and I could tell she was pissed at me making excuses.

"I, ah, found Nico last night." I whisper, looking down. It was a half-truth. Technically I had found Nico quite a while ago, but I also found him last night as well.

Mom's eyes lit up with joy, "No way! You found Nico?!" She was ecstatic.

"Yeah, and, I, sort of, brought him home with me. He's in my bedroom." I lick my lips, waiting for my mother's reaction.

"No way!" Mom turns around and take whatever she was cooking off of the stove before running out of the room gracefully. I run after her, oh, God, this can not  be good.

Mom burst into my room and approaches my bed slowly. She bends down beside Nico and pulls the cover away from his sleeping face. "No way, it really is him." I could tell she was emotional by her voice thick with tears. She pulls him into a hug.

Nico starts to stir in his arms, "Mm, what's going on?" He mumbles sleepily. His eyes open all the way to reveal my mom hugging him. He looks surprised and uncomfortable.

"Nico! I missed you so much!" She exclaims.

"Ah, eh, Mirabella?" Nico ask in astonishment. His eyes flick up to where I stand a yard away.

"Ah, you remember me, thank, God." She hugs him tighter.

"Ouch, you're squeezing me too hard, and of course I remember you; how could I forget you?" Nico closes an eye from pain as my mother squeezes him.

Mirabella releases him from her clutches and holds him at arms length, "Wow, you look so grown up. Are you getting enough to eat? You're flesh and bones. Also, your tan is gone. You look so different, but still cute." My mom just said everything I have been thinking over the last couple days.

"And you look as young and beautiful as ever." Nico says smoothly.

Mirabella giggles and gets up, "Well, I have to finish breakfast, come down when you are dressed." Mom skips out of the room humming; she was in a great mood. Catastrophe avoided.

"Jeez, what a way to way up." Nico jokes, turning so he is sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Sure is," I saw awkwardly, "Well, do you want to take a shower?"

"Yeah, that'd be great actually. I feel like a minibar." Nico gets up and stumbles forward, I catch him before he falls. "Sorry, just a little light headed." He blushes and pushes away towards the bathroom. I look at his body as he walks away. It is covered in faded bruises. How did I not notice that before?

"OK, I'll try and find some clothes that fit." I wait for Nico to disappear into the bathroom before I run down the stairs and out of the house. I run to the Omega cabin where Omega recruits stay. I quietly open the door knowing that people are still sleeping.

"Dominic." I whisper, shaking him in his small bed. The rooms in the omega cabin were small and more like closets than anything.

"Mm, what's going on." He opens his eyes groggily, he sees who is waking him up and he sits up quickly, "Ah, sorry Alpha, what do you need?"

"Can I borrow a pair of your clothes for my friend?" I ask Dominic because he is about the same size as Nico.

"Ah, okay... Sure, Alpha, let me get something." Dominic stumbles out of his bed and to his small dresser. He pulls out a stripped shirt and a pair of black sweatpants. "Here." He says, handing them to me before he collapses back into his bed.

"Thanks, Dom, appreciate it." He just mumbles back and I leave his small quarters. I run back to my room and gather my breath while I wait for Nico to get out of the shower.

When Nico gets out of the shower he has a towel wrapped around his chest and it is long enough to hide his lower half as well. He peaks out from the bathroom door so I can't even see him well. "Hey, can I have some clothes?" He ask.

"Here you go." I hand the clothes through the small opening in the door. He grabs them, mutters a thanks, then closes the door.

I sat impatiently on my bed while Nico put himself together in the bathroom. I wonder what he is thinking.

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